Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 158 Hospitalization

Chapter 158 Hospitalization
  But after summoning the Wind Eagle Sword, Dongshan didn't understand the principle of giving up when things are good.

The Wind Eagle Sword transformed into the Wind Eagle Crossbow, and then Dongshan closed his eyes and shot an arrow with his sense of the ubiquitous wind.

The energy arrow fired by the Wind Eagle Crossbow hit the ground, but did not cause an explosion. A burst of blue water-like ripples appeared on the ground, and then Shagula emerged from the ground in a rather embarrassed manner.

The disgraced Shagula looked at Dong Shan who was holding the Wind Eagle Crossbow, and said angrily: "I'm kind enough to let you go, but I still don't appreciate it. I have to teach you a lesson today."

After saying that, the Killing Toad Saber appeared in his hand and he rushed towards Dongshan.

Dongshan looked at Shagula who was rushing forward, and was not afraid. He transformed the Wind Eagle Crossbow into the Wind Eagle Sword again and faced Shagula.

In an instant, the swords collided, and Dongshan was sent flying by Shakura's sword.

Dongshan struggled on the ground for a few times, but in the end he was still unable to stand up again, and the Wind Eagle Armor was also unfitted.

Shakula walked over and took a look at Dongshan lying on the ground, and said, "If the general hadn't said that you armored warriors are still valuable, today next year will be your memorial day."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Dongshan lay on the ground, staring at the sky, speechless, and two lines of tears fell from both sides of his face.

At this time, Nakajima woke up. Nakajima struggled to sit up, looked at Dongshan who was lying beside him, and comforted Dongshan: "What's wrong, Dongshan, a manly man who bleeds but doesn't shed tears, how can he suffer a defeat?" , and even flowed horse urine."

Dongshan wiped his tears randomly, sat up, and said to Nakajima, I didn't shed tears, it was the dust that narrowed my eyes just now.

Soon, the ambulance arrived, and Nakajima, Tosugi, and the injured present were all carried into the ambulance.

The two people were not carried into the same car, and Nakajima couldn't help Dongshan. However, Dongshan just lost his temper temporarily. Based on Nakajima's understanding of Dongshan, Dongshan himself should be able to figure it out.

Because this place was already outside the scope of S City, the two of them were sent to the hospital in Hope City.

Meizhen had just returned to S City not long ago. The production of the Light and Shadow Horse was at a critical juncture, and the threat of the supernatural beasts had not yet been resolved, so even though Meizhen was worried about the situation of Dongshan and Nakajima.

But for a while, I couldn't get away and couldn't come to the hospital to see their condition.

Welcoming everyone, they all came to the hospital to visit Nakashima and Dongshan.

At this time, Nakajima thought of a very embarrassing problem. He had lost the summoner of Shura Armor.

This is different from when Nakajiro damaged the Earth Tiger Armor. The Summoner of the Shura Armor was nominally Croton's item.

Now his Earth Tiger Armor was not only repaired, but also upgraded, but Croton's Shura Armor Summoner was lost by him. Nakajiro didn't know how to tell Croton about this for a while.

Croton didn't know yet that the Shura Armor Summoner was taken away by Lu Fa. Now both Nakajima and Dongshan were still lying on the hospital bed, and Croton didn't ask Nakajima about the Shura Armor Summoner.

But Nakajima was not actually injured. He just summoned the upgraded Earth Tiger Armor again after his mental energy was exhausted. It was excessively consumed. In addition to the cultivation of the five elements in "Yi Jin Forging Bone Chapter", he soon became exhausted. Can recover.

Badou doesn't ask now. When Nakajima leaves the hospital, Badou will ask sooner or later.

But now Lufa's few Nether Demons fused with Demon Spirit Stones are not easy to mess with.

Now the Earth Tiger Armor has been upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor. If it is a one-on-one duel, then Nakajima is not afraid of any one, not even Lufa, but Lufa is not like the Dark Guardian who sends out one by one. Super beast. Lufa has not eliminated them yet, not because they have the ability to protect themselves. First, he is afraid of the existence of the emperor's armor. Second, it is because he still wants to keep them to contain the shadow world.

Shadow Guardian and Lufa are both thousand-year-old foxes.

Although the two sides are now in a cooperative relationship, they are both calculating and wary of each other. The armored warrior is the only way to restrain the supernatural beasts, and Lufa will certainly not kill them all.

Last time, the Earth Tiger Armor was upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor, and took advantage of the situation to seal Lufa's Bayoubi.

But this is already the limit. Although Lufa will not be cruel to them, the loss of a supernatural beast has already approached the limit of Lufa's psychological endurance.

Lufa will definitely be on guard next time and will not send out supernatural beasts to face him alone.

However, Nakajima is not that afraid of Lufa. If Lufa really wants to break the current tacit understanding and get rid of them completely, then Nakajima also has the final countermeasures.

The worst option is to escape back to S City and find Xiang Yang. If Lufa wants to deal with them, he will have to attack with the whole army, and even unite some people from the shadow world. When the time comes, let Xiang Yang summon the emperor's armor, just in time to catch them all.

Speaking of which, since the evil gold was sealed, the forces of the shadow world in S City have become much more stable. Not to mention attacking Xiangyang again, even when they attack the ordinary descendants of the Light and Shadow Village, they have restrained themselves a lot.

However, their frequent and sneaky actions now have caused a little trouble for S City.

After visiting Nakajima and Dongshan, Croton and others left, leaving only Welcome and accompanying them here.

The treatment for this hospitalization was better. Nakashima was given a single ward. After everyone left, only Nakashima and Yingying were left in the room.

Nakasuki was lying on the hospital bed, while Wen Wen was concentrating on peeling an apple. Wen Wen's skills were very good. While peeling off the skin of the apple, the pulp was not damaged at all.

Nakajiro looked at the welcome who was focused on peeling the apple and was entranced for a moment.

After a while, the welcoming face turned red...

One of them didn't control it well, and the half-peeled apple in his hand broke.

Yingying couldn't help but yelled at Nakago: "What are you looking at?"

Well, Nakajiro also realized that he was looking too intently, how could he stare at other girls like this.

Nakajiro rolled his eyes and said to the welcome: "I'm looking at a beautiful young lady."

Hearing Nakaji say she was beautiful, she was very happy, but she still lowered her head and said in a low voice: "There is no such thing as a beautiful young lady."

Unexpectedly, Zhongzhi answered: "Why not? A young lady just walked past the window. She is so beautiful."

"Ah. Were you looking at the beautiful woman outside the window just now?" Zheng Zheng was furious and raised the fruit knife in his right hand, but he still didn't want to throw it away and threw the peeled apple towards Nakajima.

Nakaji caught it, took a bite, and said to Wen Wen: "The apple peeled by the beautiful lady for me is so delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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