Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 159 Tell Croton

Chapter 159 Tell Croton
  Nakashima was not injured at all, just excessive physical exertion.

Therefore, after resting for a night in the hospital, Nakashima had already recovered.

But he will have to face Croton after he is discharged from the hospital. He did not hide the news that the Earth Tiger Armor was repaired. Now that he has the Earth Tiger Armor with him, the Shura Armor must be returned to Croton.

But just escaping is not an option.

Zhongji still asked Wen Ying to help him go through the discharge procedures, and planned to go to Croton to explain it to him.

After completing the discharge procedures, Wen Xing drove Nakashima back to the Teppanyaki shop.

It's just that he hasn't been to this store for a few days, but Nakashima feels like he's in a different world.

Nakajiro shook his head to get rid of this emotion from his mind, took a deep breath, and walked into the store, planning to face Croton.

Zhongjie pushed the door open and went in. Croton was not in the front store. Zhongjie walked to the back. Croton, Xiaofei and Xiaogang were exercising in the back. Xiaofei and Xiaogang were practicing the battle between Feiying Armor and King Kong. technique.

Since Badou didn't have the fighting skills inheritance of Shura Armor, he could only sit there and silently practice "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones".

Although the improvement of mental energy in "Yi Jin Tong Gu" is very small, you won't even feel it without a long period of practice.

But even so, Badou never let go of any free time and practiced tirelessly.

Looking at Croton who was practicing hard and working hard to improve himself, C really didn’t know how to tell Croton the news.

But now he can't even deal with Lufa's men. Although Lufa still doesn't understand the meaning of the strongest Qi, he is not afraid of Lufa wearing Shura armor wearing Emperor Tiger armor, but if Lufa's men swarm up , even if he called Xiao Fei and Xiao Gang, plus Xin Nan and others who stayed behind in S City, it might be difficult to get Shura Armor's summoner back.

If you want to get back the Summoner of Shura Armor, you have to call Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang summoned the emperor's armor, and neither Lufa nor Lufa's men who were fused with the magic spirit stone were fearful.

But now that Xiang Yang is still young, the burden of summoning the Emperor's Armor is too heavy for Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang is still unable to control the summoning of the emperor's armor independently. If he wants to summon the emperor's armor to Xiang Yang, he will inevitably put Xiang Yang in a dangerous environment.

No matter what Xiangyang's identity is, Xiangyang is still a child after all. Placing his treasure on a child who is still in elementary school and expecting a child to protect himself in critical situations to make up for his own mistakes is not an armored warrior. What needs to be done. ,

Xiang Yang can be used as a weapon to deter Lu Fa, but he must not borrow Xiang Yang's power wantonly without considering Xiang Yang's actual situation.

As long as Xiang Yang is there, their armored warriors are already invincible. The worst outcome is to wait for Xiang Yang to grow up and protect Xiang Yang while he grows up. Of course, in fact, Xiang Yang They don't really need their protection.

Especially after Xiang Yang summoned the Emperor's Armor to seal away the Evil Gold Guardian last time, the remaining four Shadow Guardians were so frightened that they no longer dared to take any more actions against Xiang Yang, even attacking other The descendants of Guangying Village all moved far away from Xiang Yang.

Originally, Xiangyang should have another disaster, and the Black Emperor might plan another action against Xiangyang.

But now, in order to win over Lufa, the Shadow Protector has given the Black Emperor's body to Lufa. Although Lufa is much stronger and wiser than the Black Emperor, he may not be at the lowest level of society in terms of some conspiracies. Black Emperor, who has been struggling for many years, is good at it.

At least, Nakajiro didn't think Lufa could think of using hypnosis to control Xiangyang, and then indirectly control the emperor's armor for his own use. The Shadow Protector probably only had two options in mind: destroying the Emperor's Armor and stealing the power of the Emperor's Armor.

In this way, Xiangyang should not encounter any big troubles in his future growth.

Nakajiro thought for a long time and finally walked to Croton's side.

Nakajiro patted Croton on the shoulder and said to Croton: "Baton, come here and I'll tell you something."

Croton didn't think too much. After taking a breath, he opened his eyes, stood up, and followed Nakajiro to his room.

Nakajiro entered the room, first poured a cup of hot water for Croton, and then made some tea. When he saw Croton come in, he quickly handed Croton the tea.

Looking at Nakajima with a smile on his face, Croton couldn't help but take two steps back. Croton glanced at Zhongjima and said to him: "Captain, just tell him if you have something to say. Whatever I can do, I will accept it. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Nakajiro also knew that what he was doing now was of no use, so he immediately said to Badou: "Baton, your Shura Armor Summoner was taken away by Lufa."


Even though Croton saw Nakajima's performance and knew that Nakaraki would probably not say anything good to him, the news that the Shura Armor Summoner was lost still made Croton a little unbearable.

Badou rushed forward, grabbed Nakajima's collar with both hands, and said to Nakajima: "How could the summoner of the Shura Armor be taken away? Didn't you repair and upgrade the Earth Tiger Armor and give away all Lufa's men? Is it sealed?”

In response to Croton's fierce reaction, Nakajiro did not resist, and said to Croton with a wry smile: "That day, I successfully repaired the earth tiger armor, and also upgraded the armor, but after I sealed the attacking Nether Demon Afterwards, Lufa came to the scene again.”

"At that time, I had sealed the Nether Demon. Both my physical strength and mental energy had been completely exhausted. The Earth Tiger Armor had also been lifted. At this time, I was already powerless. Then Lufa arrived at the scene. , snatched away the summoner of Shura Armor."

Badou asked eagerly: "Lufa was originally about the same strength as you. Now that your armor has been upgraded, you should be able to snatch back the summoner of Shura Armor, right?"

Nakajiro shook his head bitterly and explained to Batou: "Although the Earth Tiger Armor has been upgraded and my strength has improved a lot, Lufa has also obtained the Shura Armor. In Lufa's hands, the Shura Armor can exert far greater power. Fei you and I can compete. After my armor is upgraded, I can tie with Lufa who is wearing Shura armor. I have overestimated myself as much as possible. But Lufa still has so many subordinates. Those subordinates, but It’s not something Xiao Fei and Xiao Gang can handle.”

After hearing this, Badou let go of Nakashima dejectedly and sat down on the chair.

Badou is an orphan. He has never seen his parents since he was a child. No one has really cared about him. By some strange combination of circumstances, he finally became the summoner of Shura Armor. Some time ago, he turned from evil to good and joined A team of armored warriors.

Gradually, he also has his own fans, and the atmosphere in the Armor Warrior team is also very warm. Everyone cares about him. But now that the Summoner of Shura Armor has been taken away, he may never be able to summon Shura Armor again. , the summoner who cannot summon Shura Armor is still qualified to stay in the team of Armored Warriors?

Badou sat on the chair and closed his eyes to think for a few minutes. Then he opened his eyes, stood up, and said to Nakajima: "I understand."

Then he turned around and left Nakajima's room, returned to his own room, and closed the door.

Nakajiro didn't know how to comfort Croton, so he could only let Croton calm down, hoping that Croton could look away.

(End of this chapter)

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