Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 160 Leaving without saying goodbye

Chapter 160 Leaving without saying goodbye
  That night, Croton didn't even come out to eat.

When having breakfast the next morning, Croton still hadn't come out. At this time, Nakajiro felt something was wrong and wanted to comfort Croton.

Nakajiro knocked on the door of Croton's room, but no one answered.

Nakajiro was a little panicked. Croton must have fainted from hunger.

Nakajiro called for the welcome, and asked him to use the spare key to open the door of Croton's room. When he entered Croton's room, he saw that Croton's room had long been empty. The room was neatly arranged, and all personal belongings had been taken away. .

Except for a letter on the table.

Nakajiro walked over and picked up the letter and read it. As expected, the general meaning was that he no longer had the ability to summon armor. Even if he stayed in the team of armored warriors, it would be a waste. It was better to leave now and stay together instead of forgetting each other. Yu Jianghu.

Croton's leaving without saying goodbye was something Nakashima didn't expect.

Although Nakajima felt that he had lost the Shura Armor Summoner this time, it was because his Earth Tiger Armor and Beimiao's Black Rhinoceros Armor were both damaged and later repaired.

Because this is not the first time that someone has temporarily lost the ability to summon armor, Nakajima is somewhat used to it, so although Nakajima feels very sorry for Croton, he does not pay too much attention to it, and just wants to find an opportunity after a while. Just snatch it back and give it back to Croton.

It is not difficult to find Croton. Under the Sky Eye system, without the assistance of Shura armor and Lufa, how could Croton have the ability to avoid the ubiquitous surveillance.

But Nakajiro thought again and again, but still did not use these methods to get Croton back. It is not sweet to force Croton back. Now even if Croton is brought back, Croton cannot summon armor, and watching them summon armor here is useless. Increase worries.

It is better to let Croton calm down first and give Croton some space. After getting back the summoner of the Shura Armor, he can go to Croton with the summoner. By then, all the problems now will no longer be problems and will become In the blink of an eye, the clouds disappear.

Nakajiro returned to the hall, told the welcome and others the news of Croton's departure, and heard the news of Croton's departure. , everyone was surprised. During this period of time, Croton had been getting along well with everyone, so how could he suddenly leave without saying goodbye.

Regarding this question, Nakajima could still answer it. At that moment, Nakajima described in detail the causes and consequences of the Shura Armor's summoner being snatched away by Lufa.

At this time, Dongshan and others didn't know what to do. The others were okay. Dongshan had personally experienced the strength of the Nether Demon, but he couldn't solve just a Shakura. Dongshan I don’t think I have the ability to compete with Lufa.

But in the blink of an eye, Dongshan thought of a way to break the situation: "Xiang Yang..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nakajima: "No, this is the last resort. Besides, we have not fully controlled this power. Using this power will not be good for Xiangyang." .”

Since Nakashima said so, and what he said was reasonable, Dongshan would naturally not insist on using the power of the Emperor's Armor.

Although Yingying and the others didn't know what Xiangyang was that Nakajima and Tosugi were talking about, they could also know from Nakajima's words that Xiangyang was a trump card that Nakajima and the others couldn't use easily. Although they were very curious about the trump card of the Light and Shadow Armor, they also They all had a tacit understanding and didn't ask any questions.

On the other side, not long after Croton left Huanhuan Teppanyaki, he was discovered by Lu Fa and the Shadow Guardian, who had been paying attention to the movements of the armored warriors.

Croton's special system is like a little light in the dark night. Whether it is for Lufa or the Shadow Guardian, Croton's existence is of great significance to them. For Lufa, he possesses Croton, which can warm his soul and allow his soul to recover slowly.

For the Shadow Guardian, Croton is of even greater significance. If Croton can be made to dedicate himself willingly, he can even directly resurrect the Shadow Emperor. Although it is not as powerful as the Shadow Emperor resurrected on the day when the dark power is strongest, but They can also compete with the Emperor's Armor.

If the Emperor's Armor hadn't appeared now, the Shadow Protector would have definitely wanted to get Croton at all costs and resurrect the Shadow Emperor before the Emperor's Armor appeared.

Unfortunately, now that the Emperor's Armor has appeared, the Shadow Emperor resurrected with Croton is far from powerful enough to compete with the Emperor's Armor. Therefore, the Shadow Protector is not that eager to get Croton.

However, now that they have the opportunity to get Croton, neither Lufa nor Shadow Guardian want to give up this opportunity.

But to get Croton, you have to pay attention to methods.

If the Shadow Protector wants to use Croton, Croton himself needs to be willing to dedicate himself.

As for Lufa, although he can forcibly control Croton's body, just like last time, if Croton and him are at odds, Lufa will always have to be on guard against Croton backstabbing him during the battle. In this case, Lufa would rather Use the Black Emperor's body.

Soon, the two sides began to make arrangements. The two sides had a tacit understanding and did not inform the other party of what they had discovered, but they dispatched their men in unison.

Lufa gently held his right hand in the air in front of him, and the Ares rally order appeared in his hand. The Ares rally order looked like a pen and also had the function of a pen. Whoever masters Ares With the assembly order, whoever can control the Nether Demon can control it.

Lufa and Ares gathered together to draw a strange symbol in the air. It was not attached to anything. The symbol floated in mid-air. As this mysterious symbol emitted a faint red light, in front of Lufa, there was also A red irregular circle of light appeared, and a Nether Demon jumped out of it.

Lufa didn't know that the Shadow Guardian had also begun to make plans to win over Croton. Lufa was afraid of being discovered by the Shadow Guardian, so he didn't even send out the Nether Demon that was fused with the Demon Spirit Stone, but instead summoned a new Nether Demon.

However, looking at Kulesk kneeling on the ground, Lufa frowned slightly.

I want to compare it to the twelve Nether Demons fused with the Demon Spirit Stone. Kulesk's strength is too weak, let alone compete with the Light and Shadow Armor. Even Feiying and King Kong, who have just learned to summon the armor, may be defeated if they are careless.

Seeing that his subordinates who had accompanied him in the galaxy for countless years were now so weakened, Lufa sighed inconspicuously.

Lufa opened his mouth and warned Kulesk: "Kulesk, your current strength has not been restored. When fighting, you must not underestimate the enemy. Once things cannot be done, come back quickly."

But Kulesk is a netherworld demon of anger, and his mind has been affected by the evil poison of anger. Although he ostensibly agreed to the words of his respected General Lufa, he did not take it to heart. He felt that the small earth could not threaten him at all. to his stuff.

Lufa was too familiar with his men. One look at Kulesk's performance and he knew that Kulesk didn't take his words to heart at all.

But there was nothing Lufa could do about the three original sins of greed, anger and ignorance. He could only secretly make up his mind to fight back to Ares to help himself and his subordinates avoid the three original sins of greed, anger and ignorance.

(End of this chapter)

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