Chapter 162

Kulesk knew that it was almost impossible to complete the task of winning over Croton today.

Under the protection of the Flame Dragon Armor and a supernatural beast, it would be difficult to destroy it if you can't get it. Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Kulesk rolled his eyes, put away the Cave Blade, and summoned a red vortex on the ground. , and left.

Of course, Kulesk didn't run far away, he hid not far away and watched.

Kulesk has his own considerations. If he stays here now, it will be a melee between the three families. According to the current situation, it is almost certain that the Flame Dragon Armor and the supernatural beast will join forces to send him out first.

But if he leaves directly, without a common enemy, the conflict between the Flame Dragon Armor and the supernatural beast will intensify. When the supernatural beast and the armor warrior meet, the worst result will be that one of them escapes, and the other consumes too much. In this way , when the time comes, it’s hard to say who will have the last laugh.

It can only be said that the Nether Demon is after all a warrior who has followed Lufa in the galaxy for thousands of years. Even if he becomes irritable and irritable due to the poison of hatred, he can still use such insidious tactics in the blink of an eye.

Xinnan also knew that the Nether Demon might not have gone far. If the power beast was not weak, after he sealed the supernatural beast, it was very likely that the Nether Demon would take advantage of him.

But Kulesk's plan this time is close to a conspiracy. The supernatural beast is right in front of him. Xinnan must take action to seal it. The summoner of Shura Armor is still here. He can't give up Croton to the ugly general.

Xinnan turned the wheel on the right side, and a weapon card was shot out from the Tai Chi array in the center of Qiankun's belt, and the flaming knife turned virtual from the weapon card into reality.

Xinnan swung his flaming knife and pointed the tip of the knife at the supernatural beast.

Chou Jiang originally thought that based on the two people's actions of saving Badou just now, they could talk about it. After a few words, maybe Badou could choose who to go with. If Badou chooses to go with him, Yan Dragon Man is not easy to stop either.

Unexpectedly, Xinnan didn't give him a chance to draw the lottery, and was ready to take action. In this case, Choujiang didn't think much about it, so he just saw the real seal under his hand. Choujiang waved his right hand lightly, and the supernatural beast faced Xinnan. Rushed up.

Compared with the original plot, Xinnan also practices the piano in Meizhen's shop, so the time to practice armor combat skills is much longer than in the original plot. In addition, they all practice "Yi Jin" provided by Nakajima. "Bone Forging Chapter", his current strength is far from what it was in the original drama.

Between three moves and two moves, Xinnan had the upper hand. However, Xinnan did not rush forward, but slowly consumed the physical strength of the supernatural beast. The trapped beast continued to fight, in case the supernatural beast jumped over the wall and hurt Croton again. That would be bad.

When the ugly general saw that the Flame Dragon Armor suppressed the supernatural beast so easily, his face became ugly. Fortunately, the bad land that transformed into a shadow bully also knew that if he encountered the armored warrior, a supernatural beast would be completely No match for the armored warrior.

So this time, Chou Jiang was assigned two supernatural beasts at once.

A ball of black energy emerged from the palm of Chou's hand, and then quickly expanded, turning into a supernatural beast.

The two supernatural beasts quickly stabilized the situation and began to fight with Xin Nan. In the clang, the collision of the flaming knife and the weapons and claws of the supernatural beasts continued to sound.

But after all, Xinnan was the second most powerful among the five armored warriors of the Five Elements Armor. Soon, Xinnan thought of a way to defeat the enemy.

Although the supernatural beasts have low intelligence, they have great fighting instincts. In the thousands of years of light and shadow wars, the coordination of the supernatural beasts in battle is also quite exquisite. However, because of this, there are also A place to take advantage of.

The supernatural beasts dispatched this time were the Longhorn Beast and the Centipede Beast. Xinnan noticed that sometimes, his attack on one of the supernatural beasts would not necessarily be blocked by the supernatural beast itself. This attack would be blocked by another supernatural beast. Occasionally, it would not block at all, but another supernatural beast would attack him, forcing him to give up the attack.

The two supernatural beasts dispatched this time are the Longhorn Beast and the Centipede Beast. These two supernatural beasts have no weapons. They use their own hardened pincers and sickle-shaped forelimbs as weapons respectively. The Longhorn Beast's sickle is very powerful. Sharp, but the edge of Centipede Beast's pincers points inward. The dragon-slaying art taught by the great man said that it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them. Xinnan made up his mind. When the Centipede Beast tried to hit him with pliers and helped the Longhorn Beast to rescue him, Xinnan did not He dodges or withdraws the flaming knife to block, but fights against Centipede Beast's claws, and plans to give Longhorn Beast a sharp blow, at least to make Longhorn Beast incapable of combat in a short time.

Xinnan was very confident in this sword. This sword was powerful and heavy, and Xinnan poured a lot of energy into it. Even if the beetle beast reacted to block it, it might not be able to block it in a hurry.

But what Xinnan didn't expect was that the longhorned beast actually had a back-up move. Just when the sword was about to hit the longhorned beast, the longhorned beast came with a supernatural beast version of the extermination cross sword. He crossed his arms and waved violently, drawing out two crossed sickle-shaped blades. This was the special skill of Longhorn Beast to press the bottom of the box, the double-sword laser.
  After the cross sword light hit the flaming sword of the Yanlong Armor, although Xinnan still swung the sword, his strength was exhausted. The blade of the flaming sword lightly touched the body of the Longhorn Beast, but there was no trace of it at all. Causes a little damage to the longhorned beast.

At the same time, the centipede beast's pincer also hit the Yanlong armor hard, knocking Xinnan to the ground and rolling several meters on the ground.

Xinnan managed to stand up with the support of the flaming knife in his hand.

The situation is a bit bad now. Xinnan knows that he has been careless. Fortunately, he has not lost his fighting ability yet. As long as he fights steadily, Xinnan believes that he should be the one who wins the final victory.

Xinnan held the flaming knife in both hands and began to cautiously fight with the Longhorn and Centipede beasts.

After half an hour of back-and-forth fighting between the two sides, Xinnan finally seized the opportunity. After dodging the Longhorn Beast's double-sword laser, Xinnan took the opportunity to retreat, and then used Lieyan to The knife transformed into a flaming bow, and an enhanced version of the energy ray was shot out.

Xinnan was even afraid that the Longhorn Beast would block it with its sword light again, so he deliberately attacked the Centipede Beast.

Centipede Beast couldn't dodge and ate the energy ray. It was knocked into a weak state and couldn't move for a while.

Seeing this, Xinnan immediately twisted the wheel on the left side of his belt and launched his special move, Flame Slash.

The fiery red sword light struck out. Although the Longhorn Beast once again released a double-sword laser in an attempt to block the Lie Flame Strike, it was of no use at all. The energy sword light of the Lie Flame Strike was like a hot knife inserted into butter, without any stagnation. It hit the centipede beast.

The Fire Taichi Formation appeared on Centipedemon's body.

Seeing that Centipede Beast was about to be sealed, Longhorn Beast blew out a stream of black smoke and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Xinnan did not pursue anymore, but dismissed the flaming knife in his hand, twisted the wheel on the left side of the armor belt, and launched the flaming fist, completely sealing the centipede beast.

After using the Tai Chi array in the middle of the armor belt to teleport the Magic Tie transformed into Centipede Beast back to the light and shadow energy room, just as he was about to remove the armor, he saw Kulesk emerging from the ground.

Looking at Xinan who had just finished the battle, Kulesk laughed loudly: "Yanlongxia, after the battle just now, your mental energy is almost exhausted now. I don't know how much mental energy you still have. Come and fight me."

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

"First bully the few with more, and then the wheel battle. Could it be that you can bully my armored warriors? Kulesk, I think this place has good feng shui, and it is suitable for sealing you."

 It’s really uncomfortable to work the night shift during the day and code at night.

  (End of this chapter)

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