Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 163 Nakashima arrives

Chapter 163 Nakashima arrives
  It was Zhongshan who came. In fact, before Xinan could seal the centipede beast, Zhongshan had already arrived.

But now, whether it is Centipede Beast or Longhorn Beast, they are no match for Nakajima. After the Earth Tiger Armor is upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor, ordinary supernatural beasts can be destroyed with just the palm of a hand. .

Although it can also be used to increase lottery opportunities, Zhongjie thought about it again and again and decided to leave it to Xinnan.

During this period of time, Nakashima has been staying in Hope City, but the battle between the armored warriors and the supernatural beasts in S City has not stopped, but has intensified.

Zhongji wanted to see how much progress Xinnan's strength had improved during the time he was away.

Now it seems that Xinnan's strength has improved a lot and he has mastered some fighting arts.

If he hadn't underestimated the enemy at the beginning and wanted to quickly resolve the battle, the two supernatural beasts would have been no threat to Xinnan.

Now that Kulesk has jumped out and wants to take advantage of others' danger, Nakashima naturally can't just sit back and watch.

Seeing that his good deeds were being ruined again, Kulesk couldn't bear it any longer. He held the Ding Ji Ku Knife in both hands and slashed at Nakashima with the force of splitting the Huashan Mountain.

Nakajiro looked at Kulesk who rushed forward aggressively and smiled disdainfully.

Nakajima didn't make any move, and he saw that the Jiku Knife was about to hit Nakajima.

Kulesk was overjoyed, thinking that he was going to help Lufa solve a serious problem. After all, earthlings without armor were no different from a piece of paper in Kulesk's eyes.

But the situation changed in the blink of an eye, just when the Jiku Knife was about to cut Nakayama in half.

Nakajiro's whole body flashed with light, and he heard a loud clang. The Jiku Knife struck the breastplate of the Emperor Tiger Armor. The defenses of the Emperor Tiger Armor were simply not something Kulesk and the Jiku Knife could shake. Leske slashed his sword in anger, but Nakajiro didn't even shake it afterward.

Kulesk still didn't believe in the evil, so he used all his strength to strike Nakajima twice more, but Nakajima still refused to dodge or block, so he just took it hard.

Lu Fa, who had been watching the battle remotely, knew that something was wrong. The upgraded Emperor Tiger Armor was no match for the Nether Demon under his command.

Lufa began to give orders and said remotely: "Kulesk, come back immediately, you are no match for him."

But now Kulesk was already on top, and he could still hear Lufa's orders, so he slashed at Nakashima again with his sword.

Kulesk even exerted all his strength to suck the breast. This sword was faster than lightning, but Nakajima just raised his hand slightly, and caught Kulesk's quick cave knife first.

"There is an old saying in my hometown, again and again and again and again and again and again and again. If I give you two blows, you will take one of my moves."

After saying that, he grabbed Kulesk's cave knife, directly lifted Kulesk up, and then threw him out.

Originally, Kulesk could have taken advantage of this opportunity to escape, and Lufa had already issued an order to retreat, so he was not considered a deserter.

But at this critical moment of life and death, Kulesk was confused by the poison of hatred. Instead of taking the opportunity to escape, he felt that Nakajima was insulting him, so he raised his sword and rushed towards Nakajima again.

Nakajiro gently shook his hand forward, and what appeared in his hand was the evolved version of the Earth Splitting Knife, the Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Knife.

Nakajiro picked up the Imperial Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber and waved it gently towards Kulesk.

Nakajiro just waved the Imperial Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber lightly, but Kulesk was directly hit and flew away. The pain finally awakened Kulesk's mind. At this time of life and death, Kulesk finally got rid of the influence of the poison of anger, no longer blinded by anger, and began to know how to be afraid.

But it's too late to escape now.

The sword attack by Nakajima just now had already caused Kulesk to lose the ability to move. Kulesk could only wait for his fate of being sealed.

Nakajima also knows that if he attacks again now, it will be nothing more than beating Kulesk into genetic fragments. Although Kulesk will not be able to be resurrected for a long time, one day, Kulesk's genetic fragments will be reborn. Come together and bring Kulesk back to life.

Therefore, Nakajima did not continue to attack, but disarmed the Emperor Tiger Armor.

A glimmer of hope arose in Kulesk's mind again. Could it be that Nakajiro was going to let him go?

Soon, Nakajima discovered that he was overthinking it. Nakajima took out a Walkman and said to Kulesk, who was half lying on the ground and unable to get up: "Listen to your Requiem."

After saying that, he pressed the play button on the player: "Feiying Armor, combined."

After Nakajima summoned the Hieiage Armor several times, his Hieiage Armor Summoner had completely transformed into reality. This was the first time Nakajima used his Hieiage Armor Summoner to summon armor.

After summoning the Flying Shadow Armor, Nakajima directly activated the Flying Shadow Armor's special killing technique, Feng Lin Shan's Flying Shadow Special Killing Technique.

Nakajima and Kulesk were imprisoned in the killing space.

Kulesk can't even get up now. After experiencing the ravages of "Tornado Devil Legs", "Phantom Knife Technique", and "Flying Shadow Arrow", Kulesk finally turned into a genetic code.

Then the killing space disappeared, leaving only Nakajima and the genetic code in Hiei armor.

Seeing that the battle was completely over, Xinnan relaxed completely and removed the Yanlong armor.

After removing the Flame Dragon Armor, Xinnan walked up curiously, pointed at the Kulesk genetic code and asked, "Is this something similar to a magic tape after the Nether Demon was sealed?"

Looking at Xinnan who was very curious and seemed to want to touch it with his hands, Nakahiro couldn't help but have three black lines on his forehead.

He really didn't know that Xinnan, who had always been mature and steady in his eyes, would behave like this.

But the genetic code of the Nether Demon cannot be touched randomly. Nakajima quickly used the flying shadow armor to collect Kulesk's genetic code, and then he removed the flying shadow armor and said angrily to Xinnan: "Why are you doing this? They are all curious, can this thing be touched randomly?"

Lufa, who watched Kulesk being sealed at the base, sighed deeply.

His guards were originally the most elite elements he selected from the countless Ares legions under his command. Each of them can be said to be wise and brave, but now they have been affected by the three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance. A huge flaw in his character. Just like before, Kulesk actually had no chance of escaping.

But when he chose to escape and fight bloody battles, Kulesk was affected by the poison of anger and ultimately made an unwise decision.

After the attack on Croton, Lufa may not have any chance to win over Croton in a short period of time. Of course, this incident also made Lufa want to fight back to Ares and snatch King Peel's treasure. The heart of the throne is even more determined.

(End of this chapter)

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