Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 164: After running away for a few days, he came back still a young man

Chapter 164: After running away for a few days, he came back still a young man

After getting rid of the supernatural beast, Zhongjie and Xinnan exchanged a few words, and Zhongjie looked at Croton.

For Croton, Nakaji felt a little sorry for him. No matter what Croton had done in the original time and space, in this world, Croton had not done any bad things.

Croton even joined the team of their armored warriors and contributed his own strength to fight against the supernatural beasts and ghost demons.

When Croton came into contact with Lufa for the first time, it was because he underestimated the enemy and went to the Demon Sealing Tower to provoke Lufa without sufficient preparation, causing Lufa to escape from the Demon Sealing Tower and find Croton.

Later, after Badou became the Summoner of Shura Armor, he quickly abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and became a member of their armor warriors from Lufa's subordinates.

Then, because the Earth Tiger Armor was destroyed, he borrowed the Shura Armor from Croton, which eventually led to the loss of the Shura Armor.

After the Shura Armor was lost, Croton did not blame him, but left silently. In fact, Croton did not leave their surveillance range, but Croton chose to leave on his own, and Nakajiro didn't have much to say, so he just allowed Croton to leave. Forcibly block.

But now the situation is different. Regardless of the way the leader of the Nether Demon said, or the shadow guardian who leads the supernatural beast, they are obviously eyeing Croton. It is impossible for them to send an armored warrior to protect Croton all the time, even for Croton's safety. , also want to take Croton back.

But how to tell Croton this matter is a problem. You must know that originally, whether it was a supernatural beast or a ghost demon, it was just a piece of cake in front of Croton's Shura armor, but now because of his mistake, Croton is now Facing a Nether Demon, one can only run away. People who have gained power will suffer more after losing it than those who have never had it. This is really hard to accept for Croton.

But although it may make Croton feel a little uncomfortable, it is still imperative to take Croton back.
  Nakajiro organized his speech and stepped forward, intending to persuade Croton to go back with him.

But before Nakajima could hesitate to speak, Croton took the initiative and said to Nakajima: "Nakajima, can our armored warriors provide me with protection?"

Obviously, Croton also saw what Nakashima was thinking. Although it was Nakashima who caused his Shura Armor Summoner to be lost, Nakashima did not do it intentionally. Although Croton felt a little uncomfortable, he did not anger Nakashima. .

Croton knew what Nakashima wanted to say, and also knew the necessity for him to return to the Armored Warriors. Therefore, Croton did not put Nakashima in a difficult position. He simply took the initiative to speak directly and asked for Nakashima's blessing. In this way, Nakashima was saved. Being embarrassed can also make everyone get along more harmoniously after it returns.

Seeing that Badou was about to go back with them, Nakajiro turned to look at Xinan again: "Xinnan, you're already here, why don't you come and sit with me?"

Xinnan smiled and said: "Of course I'm going. I also want to see what a beautiful girl she is. She has fascinated the captain of our armored warriors so much that he can't find anything to do with it. I'm so happy here that I don't miss Shu anymore. Bar."

Hearing what Xinnan said, Zhongjie was not annoyed and scolded with a smile: "What are you talking about? That's your sister-in-law. Be respectful. I'll ask him to give you a big red envelope later."

Speaking of this topic, Nakashima suddenly felt a little sad.

Unknowingly, he suddenly felt a little lucky that he was an orphan in the original world and had no deep ties with the original world. Even so, sometimes he would feel sad. Nakashima couldn't imagine what it would be like if he were in the original world. If there were any relatives left in the world, he would be in so much pain.

Xinnan and Badou looked at each other, wondering what happened to Zhongshuo. As they were talking, their mood suddenly became low.

Zhongshan lost interest in chatting. Seeing that Zhongshan was in a low mood, Xinnan and Badou did not talk nonsense.

The three of them walked with their heads down and soon arrived at Huanhuan Teppanyaki. Nakashima didn’t want his negative emotions to affect others, so he sorted out his emotions, smiled again, and walked through the door with Croton and Xinnan.

Nakajima entered the door first. He heard the sound before anyone arrived. As soon as he entered the door, Nakajima shouted: "Come out quickly and see who I bring here."

Hearing Nakajima's familiar shouting, they knew what Nakajima was going out for. Now hearing Nakajima shouting like this, everyone knew that they probably brought Croton back.

No matter what they were doing at hand, everyone still gave some respect and temporarily put down what they were doing and planned to come out to welcome Croton back.

Nakajima was the first to enter the door. Following Nakajima was Croton, as everyone expected. But what everyone didn't expect was that behind Croton, another person came in. This person was a bit unfamiliar to most people. It wasn't until Beimiao came out that Xinnan's identity was revealed.

"Xinnan, why are you here?"

Different from the conflict between Beimiao and Xinnan in the original plot, because the captain's position is under Nakajima's buttocks, and Xinnan's delay in training due to piano practice has basically disappeared, so Xinnan and Beimiao There was no conflict between the two.

Beimiao, who has been in Hope City, was very happy to see the people fighting side by side in S City after such a long time.

Beimiao called out the name of Xinnan, and then everyone knew who the person who came in behind Croton was. It was the first time for everyone in Hope City to see the real person of Xinnan. Everyone is an armored warrior, and they will naturally understand each other. Ask each other about the situation.

The Armor Summoner whose identity needs to be kept secret from the outside world does not need to be kept secret between them. Among the Five Elements Armor, apart from Nakajima, who is the captain, the most topical one is naturally the mysterious and powerful Flame Dragon Armor Summoner. .

Everyone has heard the name Xinnan many times, whether from Zhongyi or Beimiao. This time, they can be regarded as seeing the real person.

However, compared to Beimiao, who met his old friend in a foreign country, Xinnan didn't have much reaction when he met Beimiao.

Xinnan looked around, and finally when the welcome came out, his eyes lit up, he walked up to the welcome, smiled and said to the welcome: "This prime minister must be my sister-in-law, she is indeed beautiful and fragrant."

Unexpectedly, the first thing Xinnan said when he came in was to praise her, and he even praised her so exaggeratedly.

Wen Ying was quite confident in his appearance, but the term "beautiful and fragrant" still felt a bit exaggerated. Zhongjie was also worried about the world being in chaos, so he said to Wen Wen: "Don't be in a daze, why don't you give Xin Nan a red envelope?" But my dear brother."

The five armor summoners of the Light and Shadow Armor are all orphans. The five people who have established a deep fighting friendship can be said to be the closest people to each other. For Nakajima, the people in Xinnan are actually close to him. My brother is almost there too.

Welcoming heard the words, he was completely confused. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should give Xinnan a red envelope as Zhongji said.

 It’s so difficult for me to stay up all night coding

  (End of this chapter)

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