Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 183 Snow Mastiff Colt

Chapter 183 Snow Mastiff Colt

Meizhen had already spoken, so Dongshan naturally had nothing to say. He could only let Xizhao experience the feeling of flying a light and shadow horse in an air combat first.

Along with the virtual electronic female voice, the virtual battle room system was activated. After Xizhao spun for a while, he did not reach the top of the mountain where he usually learned from the old man of Shenshan.

Xizhao took a look and saw that he was now in the boundless starry sky. The snow mastiff armor was already worn on his body, and next to him was a light and shadow horse with white as the main tone.

Although it was the first time he saw it, Xizhao knew secretly that this should be the Snow Mastiff Armor's exclusive vehicle, the Snow Mastiff Colt.

Xizhao jumped up and rode on the snow mastiff colt.

Although the Snow Mastiff Colt looks like a speedboat from the outside, it is clearly a collision of metal and metal, but it unexpectedly takes care of the armor summoner's riding experience. It is not uncomfortable to sit on it, but it feels very good. of comfort.

Although there is a manual operating system on the Snow Mastiff Colt, as long as Xizhao moves his mind, the Snow Mastiff Colt will move without manual control at all. It can be said that in battle, the control of the Snow Mastiff Colt does not occupy much of his energy.

While Xizhao was trying out the various functions of the Snow Mastiff Colt, the originally vast starry sky began to change, but Xizhao, who was immersed in the various novel functions of the Snow Mastiff Colt, did not notice it.

Just as Xizhao was debugging the snow mastiff colt with great interest, the snow mastiff colt carrying Xizhao suddenly performed a tactical evasive maneuver of accelerating diagonally.

And an energy bomb flew close to the snow mastiff colt's butt.

This is the enemy in the consciousness space. Where did it come from? Xizhao looked up and realized that the originally empty starry sky was now filled with shadow space shuttles with black as the main color.

At this time, the voice of the old man from Shenshan came to Xizhao's ears.

The training of the Snow Mastiff cannot be mastered by just driving around. Come and engage in an exciting interstellar skirmish.

A book is a long story, but a book is short story. After Snow Mastiff Ju took Xizhao to dodge the first energy bomb, the overwhelming energy bombs hit Xizhao like raindrops.

When Xizhao was experiencing the Snow Mastiff Colony, the shuttle boat of the Shadow Universe had already organized a wave of saturation coverage strikes.

Although these Shadow Universe shuttle boats should be standard mass-produced cannon fodder models in terms of quantity, Xizhao still doesn't want to use the Snow Mastiff armor and Snow Mastiff Judi's defense to test these raindrop-like energy bombs. Is the power really like raindrops hitting your body?

Fortunately, the Snow Mastiff foal can be controlled directly through thoughts, without the need to operate those complicated buttons.

Xizhao controlled the Snow Mastiff Colt with his mind, and cooperated with the Snow Mastiff Colt's auxiliary driving system to swim in a sea of ​​energy bombs.

The Snow Mastiff is constantly challenging the limits of the field. It is very thrilling to shuttle through the rain of energy bullets, trying to pass through thousands of flowers without any leaves touching the body.

But if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Although the performance of the Snow Mastiff Colt is not comparable to the shuttle boats of the Shadow Universe in front of you, it can't withstand too many shots from the opposite side.

Soon, Xizhao, who had been dodging, was hit by an energy projectile at a tricky angle.

At the moment when the energy bomb was about to hit Xizhao, an energy shield appeared on the surface of the snow mastiff colt, which caught the energy bomb. This energy bomb did not hit Xizhao's snow mastiff armor, but Let the snow mastiff colt block it.

But then the situation became even more critical. Although an energy bomb was far from breaking through the Snow Mastiff Colt's defense, it successfully caused the Snow Mastiff Colt to pause, revealing a flaw.

The shuttle boat of the Shadow Universe did not need to deliberately seize this flaw. The overwhelming energy bombs hit the Snow Mastiff Colt's energy light screen like raindrops at the moment the Snow Mastiff Colt paused. One energy bomb was a small problem. Even the Snow Mastiff couldn't hold on to the continuous energy bombs. Almost instantly, after enduring so many energy bombs, the energy light curtain became shaky.

To make matters worse, the impact of the energy bomb made the Snow Mastiff colt feel like it was stuck in a swamp, unable to maintain its original high-speed movement.

Xizhao began to fall into a vicious cycle. Because of the impact of the energy bombs, the Snow Mastiff Colt could not move quickly, and then he received more energy bombs. The more energy bombs, the Snow Mastiff Colt's movement became worse. It's even more difficult.

Xizhao, who was protected by the Snow Mastiff Ju in the energy shield, saw the Snow Mastiff Ju in this situation and was anxious in his heart.

At the critical moment, Xizhao suddenly felt blessed and poured his own willpower and most of the energy of the Snow Mastiff Armor into the Snow Mastiff Colt.

The Snow Mastiff Colt received an increase in mental energy from Xizhao and an energy supplement from the Snow Mastiff Armor. It accelerated instantly and finally broke out of the rain of energy bullets.

Fortunately, when Xizhao was first trapped, many Shadow Universe shuttle boats adjusted their trajectory and concentrated their firepower to attack the place where Snow Mastiff was trapped just now.

As a result, the energy bullet rain in other places became much thinner, which also allowed Snow Mastiff Ju and Xizhao to breathe for a while.

However, after the Snow Mastiff got out of the predicament, Shadow Universe's shuttle boat also began to readjust its trajectory, trying to rearrange a denser energy bomb net.

Soon, the snow mastiff's escape became difficult and dangerous again.

Xizhao knew that he couldn't keep dodging. He was dancing on a wire rope. If he was not careful, he would be shattered to pieces. If he fell into the same danger again, the remaining energy of his mind and the remaining energy of the snow mastiff armor might not be enough. It was enough for the Snow Mastiff to break out of the siege again.

In fact, this battle is not difficult. As long as one appears and destroys another when the shuttle boats of the Shadow Universe first appear, even if the speed of destruction cannot keep up with the speed of the shuttle boats of the Shadow Universe, it will definitely not let the Shadow Universe The shuttle boats formed a formation and formed a rain of energy bullets.

But when the shuttle boat from the Shadow Universe first appeared, Xizhao's attention was all on the Snow Mastiff Colt, and he didn't even notice the shuttle boat that looked as dark as the background of the universe.

It wasn't until the shuttle boats of Shadow Universe were in formation and the first energy bombs were about to hit Xizhao that Xizhao discovered the enemy's situation. What was about to come was a trial of hellish difficulty.

However, Xizhao was not one to sit still and wait for death. When he discovered that blindly dodging was just a slow death, he immediately changed his direction and rushed towards the shuttle boat of the Shadow Universe.

But just dodging is not easy, charging is even harder.

Xizhao first accelerated and sprinted, quickly closing a large distance. However, this straight-line sprint was too dangerous. The Snow Mastiff's next course of action was immediately calculated and blocked.

Xizhao tried to find a flaw, but to no avail. The closer he got to the Shadow Universe shuttle boat, the denser the energy bombs became. Xizhao was forced to retreat a small amount.

In this way, rushing to the shuttle boat of the Shadow Universe will be an extremely difficult task.
  There was no update yesterday, and it was delayed until past 12 o'clock today, but I still have the audacity to beg for subscriptions and rewards.

 It cracked, and after reading a few chapters, it started to get a bit stuck. It was really uncomfortable to hold back each word.

  Thanks to Lin Meng Space, Ergou Buchuan, Clown 8866, Book Friends 20200807063309157, and Yun Qiaogui for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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