Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 184 Light of Evolution

Chapter 184 Light of Evolution
  Xizhao kept looking for various opportunities. While shuttled in the rain of energy bullets, he slowly approached the shuttle fleet of the Shadow Universe.

As Xizhao continued to approach, the energy bombs became more dense, making it increasingly difficult to dodge, and Xizhao's approach became slower and slower.

There was a leak in the house and it rained all night. The Snow Mastiff, which had been flying at super high speed, sounded an alarm of insufficient energy.

And Xizhao had just transferred the Snow Mastiff Armor and most of his own supernatural energy to the Snow Mastiff Colt. Now that the Snow Mastiff Colt is running out of energy, Xizhao is also a clever woman who can't make a fool of herself.

But Xizhao's temperament is a bit stubborn, and he is quite willing to bend rather than bend. This was actually very obvious when he was under the King of Kai.

The King of Kai actually values ​​Xizhao very much, but because Xizhao can't understand some of the actions of the King of Kai, sometimes things that can be solved by just saying soft words and admitting his mistake, Xizhao doesn't He would rather accept the punishment from the King of the Realm than make a fuss about it.

It’s not that Xizhao doesn’t know that it’s just a virtual training now, and it doesn’t matter if he loses, but Xizhao is just unwilling to admit defeat, and forcefully squeezes his own willpower and instills it into the Snow Mastiff Colt.

Gradually, blood and tears flowed from Xizhao's eyes, which was a sign of serious consumption of mental energy.

But this was far from the end. Soon, blood began to ooze from Xizhao's ears, nose, and mouth, but Xizhao was still delivering mental energy to the snow mastiff foal, maintaining high-speed movement, and was still approaching the fleet of Shadow Universe.

Finally, the Snow Mastiff approached the fleet of Shadow Universe. The shuttle boats of Shadow Universe could no longer maintain their energy bullet rain due to accidental injuries among their teammates. Xizhao could finally launch a counterattack.

But now the Snow Mastiff is deeply surrounded by the Shadow Universe. Although there is no energy bullet rain, high-speed movements and flexible avoidance are still indispensable. If the shuttle boat of the Shadow Universe completes the encirclement, then The result would be more despairing than being covered in a hail of energy bullets.

You can dodge and attack at the same time, which undoubtedly means greater energy consumption.

The light on the chest of the Snow Mastiff Armor has been flashing for a long time, and the red warning that the Snow Mastiff Colt is low on energy has also been on. Now the Snow Mastiff Colt and the Snow Mastiff Armor have not disappeared, and they are completely relying on Xizhao to squeeze himself to hold on.

Now Xizhao was not only bleeding from his seven orifices, but blood began to ooze from the pores all over his body. Xizhao became a bloody man.

Finally, Xizhao controlled the Snow Mastiff Colt and destroyed the first Shadow Universe shuttle boat. Then the second and third Snow Mastiff Colt was like an elegant dancer, dancing beautifully while being pursued and intercepted by the Shadow Universe Fleet. Dance, and accompanying this dance are the shadow spaceships that were destroyed one after another.

Xizhao's consciousness was now a little blurry, and he was only supported by the breath from his heart, and he was fighting based on instinct.

Although this was just a fleet of shuttle boats, it was not all miscellaneous soldiers. As his men continued to be consumed, the captain of the fleet could no longer bear it and rushed forward in the shuttle boat.

What this captain is driving is no ordinary cannon fodder shuttle boat. If there is an ancient beast enthusiast here, he will find that the head of this shuttle boat resembles Zhu Huai in ancient legends.

The shuttle boat with black as the main color and the snow mastiff colt with white as the main color collided and entangled in the cosmic space. In the faint, the shadow of a huge white snow mastiff was also interacting with a giant white snow mastiff. There are only black shadows fighting.

As the battle continued, Xizhao's blood seeped out of the Snow Mastiff's armor. The snow-white Snow Mastiff armor was gradually stained with red traces of blood from Xizhao's blood.

Finally, Xizhao's blood completely dyed the originally white Snow Mastiff armor red, and a drop of Xizhao's blood fell on the Snow Mastiff colt.

In the chaos, Xizhao seemed to hear a voice whispering in his ear: "There is no vision, or even the unconscious world. There is no ignorance, and there is no end to ignorance."

As this drop of blood dripped on the Snow Mastiff colt, the phantom of the Snow Mastiff fighting Zhu Huai in the air suddenly showed a look of pain. A blood-red light emerged from the depths of the white light, instantly turning the original snow-white color away. The shadow of the snow mastiff is dyed red.

After being dyed red, the Snow Mastiff directly swallowed Zhu Huai, who was evenly matched with itself, and even had a slight advantage, and then its face became even more painful.

Just after Zhuhuai Xuying was swallowed up, the leader of the Shadow Space Fleet who was fighting Xizhao's Snow Mastiff Colt also lost his momentum and wanted to escape immediately.

At this time, the Snow Mastiff Ju and Xizhao could no longer care about the pursuit. After the Snow Mastiff's shadow swallowed up Zhu Huai, after taking a final look at the endless starry sky, the originally black and white eyes were also soaked in blood.

After the pupils of the Snow Mastiff turned red, their eyes were no longer alert, as if they had lost their minds, leaving only ferocity and violence. At this time, the golden shadow stone in the ERP energy observation room suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

The originally pure white golden shadow stone also had bloodshot streaks.

The four armor summoners, including Nakasaki who was far away in Hope City, suddenly felt a palpitation in their hearts, as if something was about to be lost forever.

Xiang Yang, who was in class at school, seemed to sense something. Xiang Yang, who had never raised his head before, suddenly looked up at the sun in the sky.

But unfortunately, or as if by chance, a white cloud floated over, blocking Xiangyang's view of the sun.

Xiang Yang seemed to be asking someone a question, and seemed to mutter to himself: "Does it have to be like this?"

The Snow Mastiff phantom's eyes turned red, with a ferocious light in its eyes. After looking around, it actually swallowed Xizhao and Snow Mastiff Ju in one gulp.

However, after the Snow Mastiff phantom swallowed Xizhao and the Snow Mastiff foal, the Snow Mastiff phantom turned red and became painful, and then the Snow Mastiff phantom expanded extremely.

At this time, the old man from the sacred mountain finally appeared.

This is also the first time after the five light and shadow stones have been gathered that the old man from the sacred mountain appears without the emperor's armor.

The old man sighed: "Why bother? A trial ended up like this."

The old man threw something towards the giant snow mastiff shadow.

The object swelled up in the wind. The old man just threw it gently, but the object looked light and slow, but somehow it flew to the head of the snow mastiff's shadow in the blink of an eye.

As it grew larger, the object became more real, and what the old man threw was actually a transformation belt of the Emperor's Armor.

The Emperor's Transformation Belt fell right on the Snow Mastiff Shadow's head, as if it was putting a golden hoop on the Snow Mastiff Shadow.

The phantom of the Snow Mastiff, which was wearing the golden hoop, finally stopped growing in size. Instead, it shrank rapidly. When it finally shrunk to the size of a person, under the golden light emitted by the Emperor's Transformation Belt, the phantom of the Snow Mastiff turned into Xizhao.

Please subscribe and reward.

In addition, we are selling the naming rights for the evolved Snow Mastiff Armor (just kidding, I’ll be satisfied if you don’t charge me)

 Sorry, I haven’t updated for several days.

  Thanks to Xingwei, Nan Nian, I am Shihuang Yingzheng, Nan Changnan and several big bosses for the reward.

  There is still time. What will be the name of the evolved snow mastiff armor? The names of the evolved weapons and skills have yet to be determined. Everyone is welcome to make suggestions.

  By the way, everyone doesn’t comment on the book when reading it. I wanted to copy some comments, but there were no comments at all.

  Netizens don’t seem very smart this time.

  (End of this chapter)

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