Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 21 Tucun Inheritance

Chapter 21 Tucun Inheritance
  In the Shadow Realm base, Shadow Ba was still sitting in his seat, and Chou General was standing there with his head bowed as usual.

After a while of silence, it was Yingba who spoke first: "How is the work in the coal yard going?"

The ugly general quickly replied: "Overlord, we have accumulated a lot of black miasma. When the time comes, even if we are defeated by the armored warriors, as long as we spray out the black miasma, we will have no problem retreating."

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can take the rock beast to try it out." Shadow Ba was overjoyed.

It was another sunny day. Xinnan had a game today and did not come to the ERP laboratory for training. As soon as Dongshan entered the virtual battle room to start training, the alarm rang.

Dongshan had just gone in for training and was not easy to interrupt. In addition, only one of the rock beasts that had appeared before appeared this time, so he simply asked Nakajima to go out on his own.

Nakajima was transported to the scene by satellite and found that it was at a construction site. Just when the rock beast was about to take action, a group of bold workers picked up shovels and rushed forward to protect a co-worker who had a sprained ankle. Humans are one of the few ordinary people who did not run away when faced with supernatural beasts, but had the courage to fight back.

By the time Nakaji arrived, most of them had fallen down, leaving only Atu. However, Atu still did not choose to escape. He picked up the shovel and rushed forward, but unfortunately he was knocked away by the supernatural beast.

Nakajima had a very deep impression of Atu. He was honest and honest, bold and careful, willing to help others, and had the courage to sacrifice. It was a pity that he did not have a fighting physique. Otherwise, he might be more suitable for summoning armor than Kunzhong.

Seeing that the supernatural beast planned to continue hurting Atu, Nakajima directly merged with the armor, and then moved the earth thunder, quickly dodged in front of Atu, and helped Atu block the fatal blow of the supernatural beast.

"Going to the street, bullying ordinary people is nothing. Let me fight you a few times."

Nakajima didn't fight with him, and directly summoned the Earth Splitting Claw, a quick attack, and the rock beast was hit with sparks and was unable to fight back.

The rock beast was beaten back and forth, feeling very annoyed in his heart, so he activated his talent again, shooting a few rays of light from his eyes onto the nearby rocks, and controlled a few rocks to hit Nakashima.

Last time, he was anxious to protect Qidong and did not study the ability of this rock beast. This time it was different. Nakajima looked at the controlled stones attentively and found that it was just a superficial use of the earth element.

Nakajiro dispersed his earth-splitting claws, raised his hand, took over the stones, controlled them, and instead threw them at the rock beast.

The rock beast was so bulky that it could not avoid the incoming rocks and was hit hard several times.

Nakajiro twisted the wheel on the left side and summoned the earth-shattering knife, intending to wait for an opportunity to seal the supernatural beast. The rock beast also sensed the danger and knew that nothing could be done, so he wanted to escape.

The difference this time was that before spewing out the black smoke that blocked his sight, he first sprayed out a stream of black smoke towards Dihu Xia. Nakajima knew it was bad at the first sight. He still had memories of the plot and knew that this was Carbon monoxide, I hurriedly tried to hold my breath, but I still inhaled some. I felt my eyes go dark, and I just used my feeling to slash a few rays of sword light towards the rock beast's position with earth energy.

He is no longer Wu Xia Amon, and he is no longer the Earth Tiger Man who can only use one move "Diyan Sword Technique". However, there are still several people lying here, and he does not dare to use the sword light in a wide range. , it seemed that a sword struck him, but the rock beast had rough skin and thick flesh, so it resisted for a while and managed to escape.

He slashed the ground with a knife in hatred. He clearly remembered the plot, but he was busy improving his mental ability recently, so he forgot to learn the meditation and breath-holding method. As a result, the supernatural beast escaped again this time.

At this time, Xiao Song also received the news and arrived. He asked Xiao Song to take a few photos, then unfitted the armor, and asked Xiao Song to help send them all to the hospital. Not long after he and Xiao Song sent the injured people to the hospital, Kun Zhong came panting. Zhong Jie was a little embarrassed when he saw Kun Zhong. After all, from a certain point of view, he was the one who robbed him. After taking away Kunzhong's opportunity, although his identity as the Armor Summoner brought more obligations, he still felt guilty.

Of course Kunzhong didn't know these things. He saw that those people were unconscious, and the least injured was Lao Ma, who sprained his foot at the beginning.

Kunzhong first expressed his gratitude to Xiaosong and Zhongshan, and then went to care about Lao Ma and their injuries. After seeing that Lao Ma and their lives were not in danger, he wanted to help them pay the medical expenses first. Lao Ma I saw what Kunzhong was thinking and didn't want Kunzhong to help him pay for his medical expenses. After all, Kunzhong was still just a student.

The two were arguing, and Nakajima couldn't stand it anymore. He stopped Kunzhong and said that since Lao Ma and the others were injured in a special incident, the medical expenses would be reduced, so that he would not have to pay the medical expenses in a hurry.

Nakajiro plans to talk to Mizhen when he goes back, and then promote the idea that people injured in attacks by supernatural beasts can receive free treatment.

After all, the descendants of Light and Shadow Village are all the descendants of heroes. Their ancestors summoned armor to protect the earth. If the descendants were harmed because of this, it is only right to give them the treatment they deserve.

Although he does not have the right to make the decision, he feels that as long as he puts it forward as the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor, the possibility of this proposal being passed is relatively high.

At this time, the examination reports of this group of injured people came out. Nakajiro took it over and took a look and discovered the problem. These injured people were all descendants of Tucun. Although some of them had very meager blood, they It's still obvious.

He thought for a moment and asked Kunzhong, "Kunzhong, do you know all these injured people?"

Kunzhong's store manager replied: "I know all of them. They all work together in our village. Our village has organized a construction team."

That's right, Nakajiro thought thoughtfully. It seems that the village in Kunzhong is not that simple. The people who come out of the village all have the blood of Tucun. You can ask Meizhen later if she knows, or you may have to go there in person. Take a look.

Nakajiro thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you know what makes your village different from other villages?"

Kunzhong lowered his head and pondered, then raised his head and replied: "There's nothing different. If you have to say there is something different, it's probably because our village has a longer history. There is an ancestral hall in our village, and there are probably some memorial tablets enshrined in it. Thousands of years ago, I sneaked in to play when I was a kid and got scolded.”

"Also, outsiders are not very welcome in our village. In the past two years, a few uncles who left the village came back and said they wanted to engage in tourism and farm entertainment in our village. As a result, they were scolded by the old man who was watching the ancestral hall. , he was driven out of the village directly, and no one would be able to plead for mercy."

"Oh, can I go to your village and have a look?" Nakajiro asked.

Kunzhong said boldly: "That's definitely no problem. You have saved so many people in our village, so we will certainly welcome you. Come to our village when you have time, and we will definitely entertain you warmly."

 What can I get from Tucun?
    Do you have any suggestions?

  (End of this chapter)

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