Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 22 Cars are a man’s romance

Chapter 22 Cars are a man’s romance

After some pleasantries, when they saw Kun Zhong watching from the hospital, Zhong Yan and Xiao Song left.

After going out, Xiao Song also wanted to say goodbye. He took photos again this time and had to go back to write a manuscript.

Zhongji thought for a while and called Xiao Song: "Xiao Song, you have also seen what happened this time. After I go back, I will promote free treatment for those injured in the supernatural beast attack. You You also played a supporting role for me in the manuscript. You are a professional. You must be more familiar with how to do it than me."

Xiao Song gritted his teeth and agreed. Their magazine was originally a third-rate celebrity gossip magazine and had always been half-dead. After he could often take photos of armored warriors, it gradually improved and became a top-ranked magazine in the industry. Society, he is not an ungrateful person.

What's more, he is now the backbone of the magazine. Even if the magazine doesn't want his manuscript, if he insists on publishing it, the magazine will give him face.

After Zhongji finished explaining, he saw Xiaosong gritting his teeth and agreed, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't worry, even if this matter fails, it won't involve your magazine. I'll let you take two more photos next time."

After Zhongji comforted Xiao Song, he went back to the ERP laboratory. When he returned to the ERP laboratory, he pulled Meizhen over from the computer and asked: "Meizhen, I just went on a mission and found the building that was attacked. Team, the whole team is descendants of Tucun, I asked, they all come from an ancient village, I suspect that the people in their village are descendants of Tucun, do you know anything about that village?"

Meizhen returned to the computer to search for information and answered Nakashima, "There is no record of this village in our information. If you are interested, you can go and take a look."

Nakajima told Mizhen about free treatment for those attacked by supernatural beasts, and the plight of the injured construction workers.

Meizhen immediately agreed after hearing this, which surprised Nakajima.

Nakaji couldn't help but ask: "This matter is quite important, isn't it? You should hurry up and do it quickly. Don't mess around with me. You can decide this matter yourself?"

Meizhen replied calmly: "Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the cold wind. They are all descendants of heroes. Now they have been attacked by hostile forces. It is right for us to give them due help. We should also give them due help." Yes, you underestimate my authority too much. Of course I can make the decision on this small matter."

Meizhen paused, then laughed and teased Nakashima: "What's more, if you don't agree with this matter, I'm afraid it will give you chills."

Nakajiro solved a problem and felt physically and mentally comfortable. He decided to visit the village in Kunzhong.

He went home and packed a few clothes. When he set out, he thought that although he had won the driving skills in the lottery, he still didn't have a car, so he thought about the system that would always give him what he lacked the most.

He has now figured out some lottery rules. The bronze roulette lottery will probably give him some help in life. The silver roulette lottery will help him unlock some abilities that he has not unlocked yet but will soon. And The golden roulette lottery will help him with some problems that he urgently needs to solve in battle, and will often help him improve his strength a lot.

He muttered silently in his mind and called out the system, "Ding, the Emperor System is at your service wholeheartedly." A familiar voice sounded, as if someone was speaking to Yu Nakajima, but only Nakajima could hear the voice.

Nakajiro asked silently in his mind: "System, how many chances do I have to win the lottery now?"

"Ding, Master, you have accumulated five bronze roulette draws and one gold roulette draw. Do you want to draw all of them?" the system's mechanical voice said without any emotion.

"Let's draw them all." Nakajima didn't have much expectations for the Golden Roulette draw. After all, he didn't encounter any big difficulties in the current battle. Instead, he was more interested in the results of the Bronze draw. He wanted to have a vehicle. If you drive a car and have five lottery chances, you have a high probability of winning a car. "Ding, congratulations to the owner, I drew the "Meditative Breath Holding Technique", I drew three times one hundred thousand yuan in cash, a total of three hundred thousand, I drew a Maserati Gran Turismo, and I drew my driver's license."

After hearing this, Nakajiro's face turned dark. He knew that he had not encountered any big trouble in the recent battle, but he did not expect to get the "Calm and Breath Holding Technique". Couldn't he just go to the old man of Shenshan to learn this thing? If you know him, go to the Holy Mountain Heart Master to learn it first and then draw the lottery.

But he finally got the car, an extra 300,000 yuan in savings, and the driver's license issue was solved for him. Overall, he was satisfied with the results of this lottery.

After the prize draw, a bunch of car keys, a bank card, and a driver's license appeared quietly on the table.

He picked it up and saw that it was his name and photo on the driver's license, and the bank card's password was written on the reverse side of the bank card.

Nakajiro picked up his things and set off. When he reached the door, he saw his car.

It was different from any Maserati model he had known before. The bright red color scheme was bold and domineering, the streamlined body shone with metallic luster, and most importantly, it retained the convertible design that Maserati no longer offers. .

In Nakajima's previous life, the conditions were much worse than those of ordinary families. Although he liked cars very much and dreamed about owning a car of his own, it only existed in a dream. After coming to this world, he didn't even have to live or eat by himself. Worry about it, but he was too embarrassed to bring up such a luxury item. Although he had acquired advanced driving skills long ago, this was the first time he owned a car of his own.

Nakajiro opened the door and got in. On the passenger seat were various materials about the car, and the license plates were hung up. The system was very considerate.

The advanced driving skills Nakajima had drawn made his driving skills no less than those of most professional drivers. He started the car, and it was great. The system also gave him a full tank of fuel.

Nakajiro started the car, and after a roar, a flash of red lightning sped away.

Nakajiro drove all the way out, only to realize that he had forgotten to ask Kunzhong about the specific location of their village. He drove to the hospital again, found Kunzhong who was accompanying him, and expressed that he wanted to visit their village and ask about their village. specific location.

Kunzhong told the location of their village in detail. It was not far away. It was a village under the jurisdiction of S City. The name was also very rustic, called Xiaotu Village.

If other people heard the name of this village, they might laugh at the name of their village, but Nakajima is very sensitive to the name Tucun. He is even more interested in Kunzhong and their village. He has a premonition that he will definitely do it this time. Something can be gained.

He drove to Xingfu Dumpling Restaurant again, had lunch, and told Xinnan that he would be away for a while, so that Xinnan could be more positive about the task.

After Xinnan agreed, he set off with peace of mind.

Well, actually he just got the car and wanted to show it off everywhere, but he didn't expect that Xinnan was only interested in his piano and didn't seem to see his car, which made him very disappointed.

 Isn’t the number of collections seen in the work management a bit false? I don’t feel that my books are read by many people.

  (End of this chapter)

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