Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 23: Changing Muscles and Forging Bones Chapter

Chapter 23: Changing tendons and forging bones

After a fast and furious journey, Nakajima arrived at Xiaotu Village before evening.

Just as he was about to enter the village, he was stopped by a rickety old man. Nakajiro remembered that Kunzhong said that outsiders were not welcome in their village, so he got out of the car and prepared to explain, but he did not expect to hear what the old man said as soon as he got out of the car.

"Welcome, the current summoner of Earth Armor."

Nakajiro was shocked: "Who are you and how do you know my identity?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, my old bones can't stand up to you young people."

The old man introduced himself: "I am an old man who guards the ancestral hall in this village. I received a divine revelation this morning, saying that this earth armor summoner will visit today. There has been no outsider in the small village for a long time, and my husband is the only one today. The identity of the visitor, sir, will naturally be revealed."

Nakajima was very confused: "Shenqi, are there still gods in this world?"

The old man explained with a smile: "I don't know whether gods exist, but after you merge with the armor, for ordinary people, it is not too much to say that a god has descended to earth. Sir, come with me and come to our ancestral hall. Of course, I understand everything.”

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the village regardless of Nakajima's reaction.

Nakajiro was a little hesitant, but thinking that the old man had no reason to harm him, he followed the old man in.

The old man has a high prestige in the village. When he meets many people returning from farming on the road, they will greet him respectfully. There are also many children who will say hello to the old man when they see him, and then look at Nakayama from a distance. He looked curious but afraid to approach him, and many adults came out of their homes to see him.

Under the gaze of so many people, Nakashima didn't know where to put his hands. He felt that his current walking posture was probably similar to that of Shenchao walking on the red carpet.

He wanted to walk over quickly, but the old man was walking tremblingly in front of him, and he couldn't be urged. It wasn't until he entered the ancestral hall that those sights disappeared, and Nakajiro also let out a sigh of relief, feeling Bihe supernatural beast. It's even more tiring after a big battle.

Nakajima raised his head and looked at the design inside the ancestral hall. It was densely packed with tablets, and there were more and more memorial tablets as you went down. When Nakajima saw the top one, he felt his head pounding and his vision went dark.

When Nakajiro could see clearly what was in front of him again, he found that he had arrived in the space where he usually communicated with the old man of Kamiyama.

The difference is that this time there is no old man from the sacred mountain inside, but a man wearing earth tiger armor.

"Hello, the new Earth Tiger Armor Summoner." The man took the initiative to greet Nakashima.

Then he began to introduce himself: "I am the summoner of the previous Earth Tiger Armor. Our class was probably the worst summoner. Our class understood the true meaning of unity early and mastered it. After discovering the method of summoning the Emperor's Armor, we felt that we were invincible and did not hide our true identity. As a result, we were lured away by the Black Monster. In the end, although we also successfully sealed the Black Monster, it led to the destruction of all five light and shadow villages. It was destroyed, all the inheritance was destroyed, and in the end even the Earth Shadow Stone was lost."

"I see from your aura that you have already retrieved the Earth Shadow Stone and summoned the armor. You did a good job."

Nakajiro patiently listened to his self-narration, and the doubts in his heart only increased: "You have lived from thousands of years ago to now."

"Of course not. This is just a phantom that I condensed with all my will power. And only those who have summoned the Earth Tiger Armor can meet me. However, after these thousands of years, my The energy is about to be exhausted. After meeting you this time, all the traces I left on the entire world should be completely dissipated." The previous summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor, regarding his complete disappearance, It's quite open-minded. "I know you have a lot of doubts, but my memory has almost been lost, and I can't help you answer many things. I have an article called "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones", which I will teach you now."

After saying that, the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor condensed a point of light and shot it towards Nakajima's eyebrows. Nakajima closed his eyes subconsciously. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the ancestral hall. , nothing has changed.

If he hadn't felt like there was something extra in his mind, he might have thought it was just an illusion.

The old man looked back at Nakajima and said, "It seems that you have got what you want. You can rest in the village for one night and go back tomorrow."

The old man took him to his own home, and the old man's family prepared a meal for Nakashima: "I'm from the countryside. I don't have much good food. I just have a simple meal. I hope you don't mind."

Nakajima said that this was already costing the old man's family a lot of money, so how could he dare to ask for more.

After sitting down, we started to eat. The old man's family was very strict in his upbringing, and he followed the habit of silently eating and sleeping, so no one spoke during the meal.

After finishing the meal, the old man's family members went back.

Nakajima finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked the old man: "What is the situation in your village? Are all the people in the village descendants of Tucun?"

The old man then spoke eloquently: "Our village was established by some of the remaining people after Tuxing Village was destroyed, and by gathering some people with relatively pure blood from the branches. We are afraid of repeating the same fate. The same thing happened to the village, which was once again destroyed by supernatural beasts. Only one insider was left in each session, and the secret was passed on by word of mouth. People in the village were not allowed to have too much contact with people outside the village. Modern society has changed drastically. , people in the village are allowed to go out, but outsiders are generally not allowed to enter."

That’s it, Nakajima understands.

The old man didn't have much to talk about. Seeing that Nakashima didn't ask any more questions, he helped Nakashima find a room and arranged for Nakashima to sleep.

After turning off the lights, Nakajima couldn't fall asleep, so he simply started studying the "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones" he had newly acquired today.

Influenced by his previous life, he originally thought it was the "Yi Jin Bone Forging Chapter" that could cultivate internal strength and make him a martial arts master. He also thought that there were martial arts secrets in this world. However, after research, he found that it was actually a martial arts secret book. This breathing method can strengthen the internal organs through breathing, and then feed back the body to improve one's mental energy level.

However, Nakajima is worthy of being a time traveler. He remembered that in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the descendant of the Tomb Sect sleeps on the cold jade bed at night. Because of the cold, the internal energy is running all the time, thus forming a habit, which is equivalent to practicing all the time. As a result, the level of internal strength improves rapidly.

He wondered if he could make this breathing method his own instinct, then wouldn't he be able to improve his mental abilities all the time?

He did what he said. He lay down on the bed and slowly adjusted his breathing rate, gradually meeting the requirements of the breathing method. He tried to maintain that breathing rate, but he found that it was not easy. As long as he If your mind wanders, your breathing rhythm will become disordered after a while, let alone when you are excited.

Nakajima kept trying, and he didn't know how late he kept trying, but he finally fell into a deep sleep. After he fell asleep, the summoner chip hanging around his neck started to flash, and the flashing frequency slowly matched his breathing. The method conforms to it, and then drives Nakajima's breathing, and it also becomes consistent with the frequency of the breathing method.

(End of this chapter)

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