Chapter 210
  After the battle, Beimiao no longer maintained the continuous drizzle, and the sky soon cleared up again.

But Nakashima's mood did not improve as the sky cleared.

He had been pretending to be cool before, but now the button Bei Miao had taken off was hitting him hard in the face.

Nakajima was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

The deck chair and the banana leaves that Nakasaki had just used to protect him from the rain spontaneously ignited without any wind. Nakasaki needed to get serious.

Originally, according to Nakashima's idea, there were three games to be played, one without summoning the armor, one with basically no armor evolved, and the final battle after the armor evolved.
  But now Nakajima is obviously not interested in gradually feeding Beimiao.

A tiger roar sounded, and after a burst of dazzling yellow light dissipated, it was the Emperor Tiger Man who appeared in front of everyone.

Facing Zhong Yan's Emperor Tiger Armor, Beimiao naturally didn't care about it and directly summoned Xuansi Armor.

But usually Nakajima exists as a teammate. Although he knew that Nakajima was very strong, it was only when he stood opposite Nakajima today that Beimiao really felt this sense of oppression.

The gap between the evolved armor is larger than the gap between the armor that has not evolved and the newly evolved armor.

Just standing opposite Nakajima, facing the pressure of Nakajima head-on, Beimiao couldn't hold on any longer.

Beimiao couldn't withstand this huge pressure and was about to lose without a fight.

But at this time, there was a crisp sound, and King Kong Zhuo appeared on the battlefield on his own without being summoned.

The work of Jingangzhuo on this weapon is extremely magical. After emerging from Beimiao's arm, it floats above Beimiao's head, spinning in a circle, and then a burst of clear light shines down. Under the clear light, Beimiao feels I feel a lot better.

Zhongji's power, like a tiger descending from a mountain, could no longer have any influence on Beimiao.

Nakajima was also slightly surprised to see the mental pressure that King Kong Taku could resolve so easily. Nakajima's move seemed to be just an ordinary pressure of momentum, but in fact, it was Nakajima who had just recently reached a critical point in his mental ability. A new ability to comprehend.

At this stage, Nakashima is no longer satisfied with influencing the material world, and has even begun to have a certain impact on the spiritual world.

Just now, it seemed that Zhongji was simply suppressing Beimiao's momentum, but in fact, Zhongji was tentatively conducting a soul attack on Beimiao.

Otherwise, how could someone as determined as Beimiao become fearful because of the opponent's strength?

Nakayama's methods of influencing the spiritual world are still very immature, and the methods of attacking the soul with his intention are even more like a baby hitting someone.

But it also depends on whom this method is used against. To deal with someone like Beimiao who is determined and protected by armor, Zhongjie can make Beimiao lose his will to fight, which is the limit.

But if it is like those supernatural beasts that have not yet developed their spiritual intelligence, are only physically powerful, and rely mostly on instinct for their actions, then it can have a great impact.

When Nakajiro first came into contact with this level, he couldn't help but sigh that Ares Star Technology had definitely reached an extremely high level.

The technology of the Nether Demon that has been revived for thousands of years has definitely reached an extremely deep level in exploring the realm of the soul.

Especially when Lufa was sealed before his resurrection, he could observe most of what happened on the earth, and ordinary Nether Demons were aware of the passage of time while they were sealed.

This shows that Ares's sealing technology is not simply a backup and then cloning, but a real preservation of the souls of the Nether Demons. I can only say that the more you know, the more unfathomable this world becomes.

Now that the soul attack has been exempted by Beimiao, who is shrouded by King Kong Takuxia, Nakajiro will no longer waste his efforts in vain.

Almost instantly, Nakajima went from being completely outgoing to being extremely restrained.

Golden light flashed, and when everyone saw Zhongjie again, Zhongjie, who had turned his palm into a sword, had already reached the top of Beimiao's head.

Beimiao's eyes were about to burst, and a frightened expression condensed on his face. He saw that Nakajima was about to slap him on the top of his head, but he was helpless. It was too late to dodge or parry.

At the critical moment, the King Kong Zhuo was suspended in the air again, spinning in a circle, and then flashed, appearing between Bei Miao's head and Nakajima's sword.

But this time, the situation was too urgent. Kongozhuo had just started to release Qinghui, but before he had time to unfold it, Nakajima had already cut him off with his sword.

First, it struck at the Qinghui scattered by the King Kong Zhuo, but because the Qinghui had just been released, it had not yet fully unfolded, and it was also the automatic guardian of the divine weapon, without Beimiao's will power as support.

Therefore, Nakajiro's palm strike was like a hot knife cutting through butter, as if there was no hindrance at all, it directly attacked the body of King Kong Taku.

Jingang Zhuo let out a mournful cry and was immediately knocked away.

But after Jingang Zhuo blocked him, Beimiao, who heard Jingang Zhuo's screams, finally came to his senses, formed a cross with his arms, and caught the blow.

In order to achieve accurate speed, Nakajima's attack did not instill too much power. First, it was blocked by Kongozhuo, and then Beimiao blocked it. Zhongjiang did not continue to attack, but walked away with one touch, using Beimiao. Miao parried with the force of a backflip and returned to the original position.

But then, Nakaji stepped lightly on the ground, and then flew towards Beimiao again.

Nakajiro changed from his usual overpowering fighting style. He looked like a ghost and enveloped Beimiao with continuous attacks.

At this moment, in Meizhen's eyes, there is no longer two groups of light and shadow, one black and one yellow, but a large yellow light group, covering a small black light group, and then occasionally in this large yellow light group, A hint of black showed through.

Meizhen turned her head and glanced at the other people watching the battle, and found that they were all staring intently.

Although Nakajima lost a game and seemed very angry, it did not make him lose his mind. If Nakajima usually shows the importance of improving mental ability, then in this battle, Nakajima showed that, It is the pinnacle of fighting skills.

Zhong Yan attacked Bei Miao with fists, palms, fingers, etc. He did not use any strength or speed beyond Bei Miao, but he suppressed Bei Miao so much that he could not even lift his head.

In other words, even if Zhongjie and Beimiao have the same mental ability level now, Beimiao will not be Zhongjie's opponent at all.

The gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and pigs. Beimiao and Xinnan summoned armor at about the same time as Zhongjie, but now they not only have the power of will, but also fight. The skills are much different.

Not to mention Xizhao and Dongshan. Xizhao has received brutal training since childhood, and Dongshan has practiced hard for many years in the name of family martial arts. However, the hot summer and cold winter for more than ten years all seemed worthless in front of Nakashima. Mention it.

We all come from the same school and are taught by the same teacher, but the master leads us in. Practice depends on oneself, and the results of practice are clear at a glance.

 Long time no see, brothers.

  (End of this chapter)

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