Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 211 The battle continues

Chapter 211 The battle continues
  This battle was not only watched by the people present, but also in the experimental base buried in the mountains, the scientific researchers headed by Dr. Garu were also watching this unusual battle remotely.

Different from the usual battles with supernatural beasts purely for victory, whether it is Zhongjie who has the upper hand or Beimiao who is struggling to support, they all hope that the other summoners watching the battle can learn from this battle. something.

Therefore, during the battle, they are trying their best to show off their fighting skills.

Zhongji suppressed his mental energy to the same level as Beimiao, but with his exquisite moves, he still suppressed Beimiao so much that he couldn't raise his head. He could only defend passively, and with each move, he was as cool as the reincarnation of an immortal.

It wasn't that he couldn't defeat Bei Miao, but that every time he attacked, he was away immediately, holding back his strength but not releasing it, showing off his skills like crazy.

Beimiao, who has been passively beaten, although on the surface seems to have no power to fight back, every time he is attacked, the surface of Xuan Si's armor will appear with a wave of ripples, and then a wisp of black water vapor will quietly blend in. around.

Beimiao was able to support him all the time because Nakajima never struck hard, but Beimiao also countered every attack by Nakajima.

If Nakajima really wants to win with a heavy hand, although he can't die together, he will at least make Nakajima suffer a big fall and lose his current unrestrained happiness.

This is to learn from each other. If there is a real life-and-death fight and the two people's mental abilities are indeed the same, Beimiao will not be able to win the final victory, but Nakajima will probably have to lie in bed for a few days.

What's more, the black water vapor that keeps blending into the environment silently is not for the purpose of adding special effects.

Yes, Beimiao plans to start controlling the field again.

Water has no permanent form, and soldiers have no permanent power. Although it has been less than 24 hours since he learned to summon Xuansi Armor, Beimiao has already figured out a hint of the mystery of Xuansi Armor.

As the battle continued, Xuan Si's originally thick armor gradually became more powerful.

The entire armor seemed to be one size smaller, but although the armor seemed to have shrunk, its defensive power was not reduced, but its flexibility was greatly enhanced.

Zhongjie has all the five elements under his control and can use all things. How can Beimiao's little moves be hidden from him? However, this is a competition after all, and Zhongjie also wants to see what tricks Beimiao can do.

Being influenced by emotions is a taboo in battle. After being immersed in the battle, Nakajima's anger has been controlled. Otherwise, Beimiao would have been beaten by him with all his firepower. How could he be like this? As it is now, there is still an opportunity to slowly lay out the plan.

Unlike Meizhen, who was watching with the naked eye and couldn't see anything clearly, the camera in Dr. Garu's laboratory was enough to slow down the battle scene thousands of times for careful observation, so Beimiao's small movements were naturally discovered.

From the moment it was determined that the battle was going to be fought in this yard, the layout of the laboratory began. It was far more than just installing a high-precision camera. The yard was affected by various environmental changes such as temperature, humidity, and even air composition. The testing equipment was installed overnight last night.

According to laboratory observations, the humidity in the yard had greatly increased during the previous hand-to-hand fight between the two, but after Nakajiro burned his own deck chair, the air humidity returned to normal.

But now, the humidity of the air has increased greatly.

Xuansi's armor is originally of water type, and as the moisture in the air increases, Beimiao is naturally at ease with it.

But unfortunately, the same is true for Nakashima.

Emperor Tiger Armor and Xuansi Armor have different directions of evolution. Xuansi Armor takes the path of extremely strengthening the water attribute. Xuansi Armor greatly enhances Zhongyi's ability to control the water element. Wearing Xuansi Armor The armored Beimiao is the king of water, and all water in the world will be used by him.

The Emperor Tiger Armor is different. Zhongjie's Earth Tiger Armor follows the path of integrating the five elements. In fact, the early Emperor Tiger Armor is not as powerful as the Xuansi Armor. After all, being proficient in everything means being incompetent in everything.

This is why Nakasaki clearly uses all things, but still basically uses earth elements to defend against enemies in every battle.

If the Emperor Tiger Armor can be transformed into the Emperor Armor, then Nakajima can naturally use it to run rampant across the universe. Even the invasion of the Shadow Universe, with the blessing of heaven, is nothing more than a scabies disease.

However, even so, the increase in humidity in the air will not be an obstacle to Zhongshan. Zhongshan will also benefit from the site advantage established by Beimiao.

But that was just water vapor that no one controlled. It would be different if someone controlled it. Soon, the humidity of the air reached Beimiao's needs.

As soon as Beimiao thought, Zhongji felt like he was falling into a quagmire, and his every move was hindered. If he didn't use more mental energy, it would be difficult to maintain the current speed.

Beimiao's little trick is not enough to force him to use more strength.

Since the speed suppression cannot be maintained, then simply change the gameplay.

Zhongjie flew up and kicked Beimiao in front of him.

Beimiao had no time to dodge, so he had to cross his arms and receive the kick, but the power of this kick was beyond Beimiao's expectation.

Beimiao originally thought that Nakajiro's kick would be powerful and heavy, and might even force Beimiao to decide the winner, but Nakajiro's kick was gone at the first touch, and then he used the power of parry to widen the distance.

But then Beimiao understood that after Nakajiro stood still, he actually began to compete with him for control of the water element in this area.

And because Beimiao had just used a large part of his strength to resist Nakajima's kick, half of the yard was taken away by Nakajima almost instantly due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

Moreover, Nakajima was not satisfied with the control of half of the courtyard, and continued to conquer the city.

When Beimiao first joined the Armor Warriors team, Nakajima was already able to control elements. In this matter, Beimiao was Nakajima's opponent.

Soon, Beimiao was losing ground and control over the water element in the yard was greatly lost.

While the two were fighting, there were constant strange phenomena in the yard. Small tornadoes gathered and dispersed, and small rain clouds continued to appear but quickly dissipated.

There was even lightning that flashed quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The gap between the two people was really too big. It didn't take long for Nakajima to gain control of the water element in most areas of the hospital, while Beimiao could only retain control of the water element within a range of less than one meter around him.

However, the remaining distance of less than 1 meter was a bit difficult for Nakajima.

Beimiao's mental energy is now highly concentrated, all gathered within a radius of less than one meter. On the other hand, he controls such a large yard, so it is difficult to capture Beimiao in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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