Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 212 I don’t want to be your enemy, I want to be the enemy of the world

Chapter 212 I don’t want to be your enemy, I want to be the enemy of the world

Just as Zhongji was thinking about how to complete the "last mile", Beimiao fought back.

One issue that Nakaji overlooked was that Beimiao did not use the method of gathering external water elements to increase air humidity this time.

Beimiao once again sacrificed the Diamond Diamond. The Diamond Diamond hung above his head, spinning continuously and spreading the clear light. The clear light enveloped Beimiao and protected Beimiao inside.

Then, Beimiao's black rhinoceros armor, which had become thin, completely turned into black mist, and instantly merged into the air.

In just an instant, the control of the water element in the yard that Nakajiro had snatched disappeared in an instant.

The water elements that increased in the air this time were all transformed by Beimiao's Xuan Si armor. Beimiao even expelled the originally ownerless water elements in the yard.

Now, all the water elements in the yard have become the incarnations of Xuansi's armor.

If it is the water element generated by heaven and earth, then Beimiao is indeed not Zhongjie's opponent in snatching control. But now, the water elements in the yard are all the incarnations of Xuansi's armor.

When Beimiao had already summoned the armor to fuse together, and competed with Beimiao for control of Xuansi's armor, Zhongjie was not so confident yet.

At this time, Nakajima was really in a quagmire, and every move required more effort.

On Beimiao's side, Xuan Si's armor has turned into water elements and filled every corner of the courtyard. However, Beimiao also lacks the protection of the armor, and only King Kong Zhuo is protecting itself.

In fact, it is not difficult for Nakaji to break the situation. Their current battlefield is only as big as the courtyard, but it does not mean that it can only be limited to the courtyard.

Zhong Jian can mobilize the five elements outside the courtyard. Xuan Si's armor is only so big and all of them turn into water elements. Zhong Jian is confident that if he uses the power of the five elements from the outside, Beimiao will not be able to stop him. .

But Nakajima didn't want to do this. It was too troublesome for no reason.

Nakajie spread his hands slightly, and golden light gathered in Nakajima's hands. As the light flashed, the Emperor's Tiger-Phoenix Beak Sword appeared in Nakajima's hands.

Nakajima is about to end this battle. Although in this area controlled by Beimiao, every move by Nakajima consumes several times the energy, but a short burst is still no problem.

Zhongji dragged the Emperor Hu Feng Zui Dao and approached Beimiao step by step.

Beimiao also knew that the final decisive moment was coming. Although Beimiao also knew that the possibility of his victory was almost zero, Beimiao still wanted to give it a try.

This move, which directly integrates Xuansi's armor into the environment, was something Bei Miao just realized one night.

Beimiao not only trains very hard, but studies as well.

In the ERP laboratory, Bei Miao also looked through all the relevant information about the armored warriors, and even the historian's journals that were suspected to be related.

The emperor paid off, and Beimiao found records about the emperor's domain in an unofficial history.

The Emperor's Domain is the exclusive skill of the Emperor's Armor, and Beimiao was naturally unable to develop it. However, after the Black Rhinoceros Armor evolved into the Xuansi Armor, he found a way to imitate the Emperor's Domain.

The Emperor's Armor is the incarnation of the Way of Heaven, and everything in the Ming Realm is coordinated by the Emperor's Armor. Therefore, if you are an enemy of the Emperor's Armor in the Ming Realm, you will be rejected by the world.

Of course, Xuansi Armor cannot control everything in the bright world, but Beimiao came up with a trick.

I can't control all things, so can I replace all things?

The Xuansi Armor spreads out and replaces all the water elements in a certain area. In essence, Beimiao is still controlling his own Xuansi Armor, but he has the huge advantage of geographical location.

The five elements are interdependent. Although Bei Miao only replaced the water element, the five elements are originally one and the five elements depend on each other. In this small courtyard, Bei Miao really controls everything. When times come and go, heaven and earth all work together to transport heroes without freedom.

Now, Zhongjie is no longer fighting Beimiao. What he is fighting now is a world as big as a courtyard.

Because of Beimiao's fighting spirit against Zhongshan, Zhongji felt that everything around him was vaguely rejecting him.

The earth element, which used to be like an arm or a finger, is no longer close to him.

In fact, what Zhongjie didn't know was that Beimiao's move was far more powerful than what he showed now. It used all things, including the Emperor Tiger armor on Zhongjie's body.

Although this small world cannot control the Earth Tiger Armor, one of the five elements of armor in the Ming Realm, it is easy to cut off the armor energy transmission of the satellite.

If Nakashima hadn't obtained the secondary dimension energy transmission through the lottery, and at the same time lost the ability to control elements and the armor summoner, he would have become a fish on the chopping block.

Unfortunately, because the supernatural beast itself is a creature from the shadow world fighting in the bright world, it has been targeted by the bright world. Therefore, this move has almost no effect on dealing with the supernatural beast. It can be said that this The move is a pure civil war magic skill.

As expected of you, Black Rhinoceros.

Now Nakajiro will use his Emperor Tiger Armor to become the enemy of this world.

But this is just right, just think of it as simulating a counterattack against the shadow world in advance.

Nakajiro twisted the knob on the right side of his belt and summoned his weapon, the Emperor's Tiger Phoenix Mouth Sword.

And Beimiao has turned into the water element because of Xuan Si Armor. Although he still has various attribute bonuses from Xuan Si Armor, he can no longer summon weapons.

But Beimiao no longer needs to summon weapons. This world is now his weapon.

Bei Miao stretched out his left hand and then squeezed it gently.

Nakajima immediately felt that the Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber in his hand and the Emperor Tiger Armor on his body suddenly became extremely heavy, making it difficult to even swing the sword.

Zhongji knew that it was Beimiao who had taken action and changed the gravity he received.

But this was just a small trick. Nakajiro used his luck and circulated it all over his body, and then injected it into the Emperor Tiger Armor and Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber. The Emperor Tiger Armor and Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber became handy again.

But this is just the beginning. The air around Nakashima seems to have become solid, but it still retains some of the characteristics of gas. Not being able to breathe is a trivial matter for Nakashima. The armor has the ability to fight in space.

Although Nakashima didn't know that the Emperor Tiger Armor made him temporarily not need to breathe or provided him with oxygen, this did not affect Nakashima's immunity to the small condensation of the surrounding air.

But being unable to breathe was not the main effect of this move. Soon, the air around Nakajima condensed into a solid and began to squeeze inwards.

Nakajiro's Yitei Tiger-Phoenix Mouth Sword can kill any enemy with one blow, no matter how difficult it is. But for the air that seems to have condensed into a solid, but still retains some of the characteristics of a gas, he has nowhere to start. .

The Emperor's Tiger-Feng Mouth Saber slashed down several times, but the slashes into the air were of no use at all.

Although Nakashima is still down to earth, he cannot get any help from the earth.

Even the ground under Nakajima's feet began to become soft, and Nakajima began to sink. Soon, Nakajima's feet had already sunk into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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