Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 219: Failure means disaster, but great achievements are difficult to achieve

Chapter 219: Failure is a disaster, great achievements are hard to achieve (special update for birthdays)

Nakajiro looked at the black monster and suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

The black monster, which represents the shadow world, is interacting with the five elements, consuming him endlessly.

But he was wearing the Emperor Tiger Armor of the Ming Realm, but he was reversing the five elements in his body, and he wanted to fight for his life with others.

Light burst out from Nakajiro's eyes, and the veins on his body exploded like ghost lines. His face turned black and red, and his expression became extremely ferocious. There was actually a feeling of decay in his body. These should have been hidden in the body. Under the armor, no one can see him.

But after the Earth Tiger Armor evolved into the Emperor Tiger Armor in Nakajima's hands, it had long been closely connected with Nakajima.

The deterioration of Nakasuki's physical condition was reflected in the Emperor Tiger Armor. The luster of the Emperor Tiger Armor also began to become dull and even rusty.

Nakajima's dangerous instinct was warning him wildly, but Nakajima could only fight to the death, intending to live towards death.

Wearing a battle-damaged version of the Emperor Tiger armor, and holding the Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber in his hand, Nakajiro rushed towards the Black Demonic Beast again.

But after suffering losses several times, the black monster no longer underestimated the enemy, and the five shadow guardians were tired of playing.

The black monster's right claw flashed with black and purple light, and it struck Nakajima hard.

After all, the Black Demonic Beast is a Black Demonic Beast. Even if Nakajima has brought the power of the Emperor Tiger Armor to its limit, there is still a gap of half a level between the Imperial Tiger Armor and the Black Demonic Beast. It doesn’t sound like much, but in fact But it is a world of difference. This is a gap in life levels that cannot be made up by hard work.

The knife and claws intersect, although Nakajima has exerted one hundred and two percent of his strength, draining every ounce of his strength.

But after the collision was completed, Nakajima was sent flying directly.

Even Nakashima couldn't stabilize his body and was directly knocked into the sea water.

The fall of Nakajima caused thousands of waves on the sea surface, but the seawater did not cause any trouble to Nakajima. The Five Elements Armor was a crop of heaven and the darling of this world.

The seemingly turbulent sea water gently enveloped Nakashima, helping him recover from his injuries and strength.

But Nakashima was slowly sinking while lying in the sea water, and did not want to stand up again.

After fighting for so long, Nakajiro was a little tired.

A smile appeared on Nakajiro's tired face. I had fought to the last moment, and this should be enough.

Nakajima gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

As Nakajima sank, the light slowly began to disappear, and everything around it began to slowly return to silence.

Just when the last ray of light in front of Nakashima's eyes was about to disappear, some pictures began to flash in front of Nakashima's eyes like a revolving lantern, like a dream.

It started with a battle scene between Nakajima and the supernatural beasts. When he first summoned the Earth Tiger Armor, he couldn't defeat any of the supernatural beasts in a single fight. Later, he was able to suppress an ordinary supernatural beast and even sealed an ordinary beast. A beast with supernatural powers is like searching a bag to retrieve something. These things are all achieved by oneself step by step.

In the middle, he also summoned the armor of Ares, and later upgraded the Earth Tiger Armor to the Emperor Tiger Armor. I dare not say that it is unprecedented and unprecedented, but among the previous summoners of the Earth Tiger Armor, he is also considered the best.

After upgrading the Emperor Tiger Armor, everything has been smooth sailing. Ordinary supernatural beasts pose no threat to Nakajima wearing the Emperor Tiger Armor. Whether it is the four ancient ferocious beasts or the Lufa who summoned the Shura Armor, they are no threat to Nakajima. None pose much of a threat.

After the Earth Tiger Armor evolved into the Emperor Tiger Armor, the strongest opponent he encountered turned out to be the Xuan Si Armor summoned by Beimiao, who was also the armor summoner.

Fortunately, when the world brought him here, it did not ignore it, but told him his mission from the beginning, so that he was never confused.

Old Man Shenshan emerged in Nakajima's heart. This kind old man really gave Nakajima a lot of help.

But as Old Man Shenshan spoke, Nakajima realized that Old Man Shenshan was really here.

Looking at Nakajima sinking to the bottom of the sea, the old man from Shenshan sighed. “Did you know that during the Battle of Zhuolu, neither the Yan Emperor nor the Yellow Emperor was a match for Chi You? The Yan Emperor even lost all his land, and the Yellow Emperor lost nine out of nine battles against Chi You.

Old Man Kamiyama tried to enlighten Nakashima.

"But, I have no choice now."

There is really no way. In modern society, Nakashima drinks too much chicken soup and eats too many flatbreads. This makes it more difficult to enlighten Nakashima than imagined.

"No, you still have one ability that you haven't used yet." The old man from Shenshan said.

Another ability?
  Nakajiro was a little confused.

"Yes, you should remove the Emperor Tiger Armor first."

Although Nakajima didn't know what the old man of Shenshan was talking about, Nakajima still took off the Emperor Tiger Armor in an obedient manner.

After removing the Emperor Tiger Armor, Nakajima immediately felt the water pressure from all directions, but this was nothing to Nakajima. Thanks to the discussion with Beimiao, Nakajima's control over the water element was only Second to the earth element, for Nakajima, lying in the water is not much different from lying on the ground.

But after taking off the armor, Nakajiro sensed something that he had put in his pocket and hadn't used for a long time.

A flip phone that also serves as a summoner for Shura Armor.

At first, the Earth Tiger Armor had just been broken, and the Emperor Tiger Armor had not yet evolved successfully. Nakajima was running around everywhere, relying entirely on the protection of the Shura Armor. However, after Nakajima successfully summoned the Emperor Tiger Armor, he never used the Shura Armor again.

Although the Emperor Tiger Armor is still one step away from the ultimate armor, the Emperor Tiger Armor is more suitable for Nakajima than the Shura Armor. What's more, Nakajima's ultimate goal is the Emperor Armor. If he is addicted to the Shura Armor, wouldn't he be abandoning the foundation to pursue the inferior.

The Shura armor is not professionally suitable for fighting supernatural beasts.

Nakajiro took out the Shura Armor Summoner and looked up at Old Man Kamiyama. Old Man Kamiyama nodded slowly towards Nakajima.

"Asura armor, combined."

Nakajima summoned the Shura Armor, then flew into the sky, and appeared again in front of the black monster who was hesitating whether to go to the sea to find Nakajima and eliminate the roots or to pursue other armor summoners.

Even though he had changed his armor, Black Monster still recognized Nakajima at a glance, so he didn't have to worry about it now.

And Nakajima was still thinking about the teachings of the old man from the mountain.

The Five Elements Armor, headed by the Emperor's Armor, represents the Heavenly Way of the Ming Realm. It is the means by which Heavenly Way personally responds to the invasion of the Shadow Realm. It represents the supreme power of Heavenly Way.

But the Emperor's Armor is not without its existence that can compete with it. The Shura Armor represents the power of humanity. Heaven is ruthless, but humans can defeat Heaven.

"Can man conquer heaven?" Nakajiro murmured.

No matter, since you can still fight, then continue to fight.

Nakajiro regained his fighting spirit and planned to fight the Black Monster again to see if he could live or die.

This kind of fighting thought of knowing that something cannot be done, and I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood, barely meets the requirements of Shura Armor for the strongest energy.

The sea has healed Nakajima's pain. With the help of the old man from the mountain and the sea, Nakajima's consciousness has also recovered to some extent.

What emerges from the sea is a new and vibrant Zhongshan.

Halftime is over, get ready for the second half.

 Think of it as a birthday gift to yourself
    ps: Today is not my birthday, but this chapter was written on my birthday
  (End of this chapter)

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