Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 220 The second half, Shura vs. Black Monster

Chapter 220 The second half, Shura vs. Black Monster

After Nakajiro fell into the water, the five shadow guardians once again caused controversy.

Akiki felt that Nakajima was more of a threat to them than the other four armored warriors, and believed that the first priority at the moment was to eradicate Nakajima. He should go into the water now, kill Nakajima, and destroy the Emperor Tiger Armor.

But Evil Gold has a different view. Evil Gold also believes that Nakajima poses a great threat to them. However, not only the four Summoners of the Five Elements Armor escaped, but also the Summoner of the Emperor Armor, Xiang Yang. Inside.

Although the Emperor Tiger Armor is only a hair away from the Emperor Armor, it is so far away. Evil Gold does not believe that Nakahan can evolve the Emperor Tiger Armor into the Emperor Armor again in a short period of time.

But among those who escaped, there was definitely a summoner of the Emperor's Armor. Blocking the star's energy transmission consumed their accumulated experience over thousands of years. This was only temporary, not permanently blocked.

Once the sun's energy reaches Earth again, Xiang Yang can summon the Emperor's Armor again.

Although this time is their strongest in thousands of years, the five of them are still a bit weak to say they can defeat the Emperor's Armor.

Evil Wood and Evil Gold were arguing endlessly, and Evil Land felt like his head was about to explode.

But soon, Nakajiro put an end to their quarrel.

Nakajiro, wearing Shura armor, stood in front of them again.

Looking at Nakajiro who was wearing Shura armor, the five Shadow Guardians all looked solemn. Over the long years, they had seen this set of armor. As an imitation of the Emperor's armor, this set of armor was undoubtedly successful.

This set of armor introduces the concept of the trinity of heaven, earth and man, and introduces the power of humanity into the armor, which can even exert a power that is not weaker than the emperor's armor.

Of course, there are gains and losses. It is still very difficult for acquired products to compete with innate ones. This is reflected in the Shura armor, which means that the requirements for the armor to summon people are very high.

Not only does it have extremely high requirements for mental energy, but it also has the mysterious and elusive requirement of the strongest energy. Unlike the Emperor's armor, which has been circulating on the earth, the Shura armor has entered the infinite universe and has been floating in the universe. Looking for his summoner.

The most amazing thing is that they in the Shadow Realm can also use this armor, and even the pure evil in their Shadow Realm quite meets the requirements of Shura Armor for the strongest energy.

In thousands of years of fighting, when Shura Armor was transferred to the earth, they also won the favor of Shura Armor several times. But unfortunately, Shura Armor was a product of the Ming Realm after all. After they summoned Shura Armor several times, In battle, you will always lose the battle due to various inexplicable problems.

So a long time ago, they sent the Shura Armor away from the earth. Unexpectedly, after several reincarnations, the Shura Armor came back again.

And also choose their enemies as summoners.

Nakajiro knew a lot about Shura Armor. After all, his former summoner, Emperor Yan, was considered a great hero.

But judging from the performance in the play, Emperor Yan still has not really exerted the true power of Shura Armor. Maybe Shura Armor did shine on Emperor Yan thousands of years ago, but the thousands of years of imprisonment in the gravity-free high magnetic prison have worn it away. Emperor Yan’s heart.

For example, Emperor Yan sometimes used a challenge when he said he wanted to fight Lufa. Thousands of years ago, Lufa did use some means to defeat Emperor Yan once. In that battle, Emperor Yan not only lost his freedom, At the same time, I also lost my morale. Emperor Yan no longer believed that he could defeat everything by relying on himself and his Shura armor.

Shura Armor is an omnipotent armor. Emperor Yan once told Xiaotian that as long as the faith and willpower are enough, even heaven and earth cannot stop what the Shura Armor summons people to do.

But when things come to a head, although the poison Lufa gave is not ordinary, but with the Shura armor's ability to travel through time and space, can't he still be able to cure this poison? In other words, Emperor Yan's thoughts were affected by his Being imprisoned by knowledge, feeling that one has been poisoned, one feels that one is no longer good. When one thinks of one's failure a thousand years ago, one already thinks that one has failed.

When giving guidance to Xiaotian, he was able to tell Xiaotian that without the Gengdan Vajra, as long as his willpower and belief were strong enough, he could still save Yuzu, but when it came to him, it was difficult for Emperor Yan to detect it.

Just like when Lufa saw the God of War Fiery Sword for the last time, the battle had not yet begun, and half of his energy had been lost first. How could he exert the power of Shura Armor in this way? The final failure was naturally doomed.

The Lufa mechanism is exhausted and superstitious about the so-called defeating things, but they don't know that as long as they have the belief to win, Shura Armor can win.

There is a saying in LPL, don't let Knight think you are inferior. As long as the golden left-handed player feels that the opponent is better than him, he will really start to abuse the inferiority mode.

The same is true for Shura Armor. As long as you feel that the opponent is not your opponent, then he really will not be your opponent.

Unfortunately, Nakajiro also failed to overcome the barrier of knowledge and vision. Although he still had the courage to fight, he felt in his heart that the Emperor's Armor was necessary to defeat the Black Monster. Wearing Shura Armor, he was no match for the Black Monster.

Nakajiro was very cautious and skipped the previous testing stage. When he appeared in front of the black monster, he was already holding the Shura Purgatory Halberd.

Although the Shura Purgatory Halberd is called a halberd, it is more like a long-handled machete. It cannot be said to be exactly the same as the Emperor's Tiger Phoenix Mouth Knife, but it is also eighty similar. Nakajiro held it in his hand surprisingly smoothly.

Speaking of which, I don’t know why, Emperor Yan has never used the Shura Purgatory Halberd, he has always used the Shura Purgatory Knife.

Nakashima has also practiced hard on the "Mountain Training Sword". The Shura Purgatory Halberd also feels similar to the Emperor's Tiger Phoenix Mouth Sword, which allows Nakashima to fully display his own sword skills.

Lu Xun once said that a brave man is angry and draws his sword at the stronger one. Now Nakajima, with the mentality of a challenger, swung his Shura Purgatory Halberd at the black monster.

The Shadow Realm had also obtained the Shura Armor before. How could he not understand the power of the Shura Armor? Naturally, the five shadow guardians would not care much about it. They raised their horny right claws and blocked the Shura Purgatory Halberd.

But as soon as they made contact, the five shadow guardians felt something was wrong. The power was too small, and it was not even comparable to the power of any of the five shadow guardians when they summoned Shura Armor.

Although the five Shadow Guardians all think highly of themselves, Nakajima is one of the few people in the history of the Earth Tiger Armor who can upgrade the armor. Naturally, the Shadow Guardians will not underestimate Nakajima.

The Shadow Protector only knew that Nakajima was preparing some backup plan, so he was even more cautious when he fought with Nakajima.

The two sides actually started fighting.

 There are still people watching, so let’s do another chapter.
  (End of this chapter)

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