Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 35 Steel Xinnan

Chapter 35 Steel Xinnan
  In the Shadow Realm base, although he saw the sacrifice of Ant Beast, Shadow Ba seemed very happy.

The dark energy he summoned for the next batch of supernatural beasts was finally gathered during the several attacks of the Ant Beasts.

Shadow Ba once again gathered the city's electricity and summoned his remaining Magic Tie.

Shadow Ba carefully selected three magic stickers and put them into the incubator. With the flash of electric light, Apricot Wood Beast and Lily Beast walked out of the incubator one after another. There was also a Pus Beast, but it was kept warm in the incubator. Keep it.

After Shadow Ba saw the pus beast being warmed in the incubator, he couldn't help but laugh. Then he turned to Chou General and said, "Chou General, you take Apricot Wood Beast and Lily Beast to get that little girl back for me."

Then he paused and said, "Bring the Demonic Cow Beast with you, and see if you can wait for an opportunity to destroy a pair of armor."

Because the little girl had just been attacked by a supernatural beast, Meizhen also focused on monitoring the area where the little girl's home was located.

As soon as Choujiang and his supernatural beasts arrived near the little girl's home, Meizhen detected abnormal fluctuations in the supernatural energy. Because Zhongjie's mood was a bit wrong, Meizhen sent a message to Xinnan and informed him to go to the scene.

On the side of Xinnan, Xinnan rode a motorcycle and just arrived at the place where Minci was picked up. Unexpectedly, he received a notice from Meizhen that he needed to be dispatched urgently. Xinnan looked at Minci, who had been waiting outside for a long time. , or he could only say sorry to Minci and let Minci go back by himself.

Minci suddenly felt that she was not well, but what could she do? She could only smile and said to Xinan: "If you have anything to do, go ahead and do your work first. I can go back by myself."

Xinnan simply turned the accelerator and rode his motorcycle towards the little girl's home, leaving only a motorcycle helmet for Minci.

Xinnan rushed to the scene, but only saw Choujiang alone with the little girl, and he was immediately relieved.

"Let her go, a grown man, why are you bullying a kid?" Xinnan stopped his motorcycle and shouted to Chou Jiang.

"Hey, who am I talking about? It turns out to be you. You are meddling too much in other people's business. Stop meddling in other people's business. Do you know how to write these four words?" Choujiang walked down the stairs and walked Go to Xin Nan, point at Xin Nan and say.

Xinnan also took a step forward and said: "Bullying the weak is a bad person, and I am born to repair bad people."

The ugly general became angry and cursed: "You damn brat." He punched him.

But although Choujiang has good physical fitness and has practiced some Sanda and other moves, how can he defeat Xinnan, who is proficient in Nanquan.

And Xiaoxi lived up to his reputation as a ghost. When he saw someone fighting, not only was he not afraid, he even ran down the stairs and cheered for Xinnan loudly.

At this time, Kunzhong passed by on a bicycle. When he saw it, he quickly took Xiaoxi aside and warned Xiaoxi that there was danger. Xiaoxi turned a deaf ear and just watched the fight between Xinnan and Choujiang.

After a few more moves, Chou Jiang quickly fell into a disadvantage and was caught by Xin Nan using a police grapple.

But what Xinnan didn't notice was that two green vine-like tentacles had tied his legs.

As soon as the tentacles exerted force, Xinnan was pulled to the ground, and then dragged towards the supernatural beast.

Meizhen, who was in the ERP laboratory, naturally saw this scene. Seeing that Xinnan was controlled by the supernatural beast without summoning the armor, Meizhen was also very anxious and quickly notified Dongshan and Nakajima to send them away by satellite. Arrived at the scene.

Seeing that Xinnan was controlled by the supernatural beast, Kunzhong quickly called Zhongjie and asked him to come and help, but Zhongjie just answered that he knew it and hung up the phone.

Xinnan was tied up by the Xingmu Beast and couldn't move, but General Chou walked up to Xinnan and challenged him: "What a beautiful scene. Wasn't he very flexible just now?" The Chou General looked at Xinnan up and down: "How are you tied up now? Like a meat dumpling, summon your armor, and you'll crush him anyway." The ugly general clenched his fist and said viciously.

"Damn it, please keep this account in mind." Xinnan was very unhappy with the ugly general's appearance of being a villain.

"If you keep talking tough even when you are about to die, I will make you look good." After saying that, he ordered Xingmu Beast to shrink the tentacles that tied up Xinnan, causing the veins on Xinnan's body to stand out and cause him great pain.

Kunzhong was still puzzled that Nakajima hung up the phone without even asking for the location. Nakajima and Dongshan had already been teleported to the scene.

Nakajima patted Kunzhong on the shoulder: "Are you talking about me?" Without waiting for Kunzhong to answer, he and Dongshan summoned the armor.

The two stones of wood and earth released energy and transmitted the energy to the satellite. The icons of Wind Eagle and Earth Tiger flashed, and two energy beams emitted by the satellite were shot in the sky. The energy beams accurately hit Nakajima and Dongshan. After a strong light flashed across their bodies and the beam of light dissipated, Nakajima and Tosugi had successfully summoned the armor and turned into Earth Tiger Man and Wind Eagle Man.

Dongshan took off the wind eagle ring from his shoulder and threw it towards the Xingmu beast, cutting off the Xingmu beast's tentacles and rescuing Xinnan.

Xinnan seized the opportunity and directly summoned the Flame Dragon Armor and merged with the armor.

Then the three of them stood in a row and walked towards Apricotmon together.

Xinnan obviously hated this apricot tree beast.

He opened his arms to stop Dongshan and Nakajima, and wanted to take care of the apricot beast himself.

At this time, the Demon Bull Beast slowly walked out with an axe, and another supernatural beast, Lilymon, also appeared on the roof.

Lilymon directly used the energy cannon in its palm to first rain down a wave of energy bullets on the three of them. Although it was not very powerful and did not cause any damage to the three of them, it still made them embarrassed.

So they handed Xingmumon to Shinan, Lilymon to Dongshan, and Nakajima to deal with the most powerful Demon Bullmon.

Dongshan and Xinnan both rushed towards their targets. Nakajiro looked at the Demonic Cow Beast, but did not act rashly. Although he had improved a lot in the past few days, he still did not dare to underestimate this power. A demonic bull beast with great power and exquisite ax skills.

Nakajiro directly twisted the wheel on the left and summoned the earth-shattering knife, intending to take a few moves with the Demonic Bull Beast.

As soon as the contact came into contact, Nakajiro felt relieved. His power was no longer inferior to that of the Demon Bullmon. The two of them clashed with swords and axes. Sparks flew everywhere, but no one took a step back.

Nakajiro was still suffocating in his heart because of the tragic death of the delivery boy Xiao Li. Now when he saw Demonoxmon, he was even more angry. He didn't play any fancy tricks with Demonoxmon, but just took a stab at Demonoxmon's blows. The top of the head was chopped off.

And the Demonic Bull Beast is worthy of being a savage bull. It is not afraid at all. It fights with the Earth Tiger Man one ax after another. One person and one beast keep fighting like this. Every time the knife and ax collide, the It is a power showdown between the Earth Tiger Man and the Demonic Cow Beast.

 This is the first time I have written a book. In fact, at the beginning, it was because I stayed at home for too long and was destitute of books that I wanted to write one myself. I didn’t expect that so many people would read it. Many people have given recommendation votes. Thank you all for your support. The book will soon reach 10 words. As long as this book can be successfully signed, I will try my best to write it.


(End of this chapter)

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