Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 36 It’s a man’s chapter. Let’s talk after we go out.

Chapter 36 If you are a man, let’s talk after you go out

The Demon Bull Beast and the Earth Tiger Man continued to fight, but Nakajiro stepped on the earth and continuously obtained energy supplies from the earth, and the "Yi Jin Bone Forging Chapter" that had become instinctive was also constantly absorbing the air. The free earth element helped Nakashima recover his physical strength.

As for the Demonic Cow Beast, after hitting the opponent with dozens of axes, it only felt weak in its hands and feet, and could only hold on with all its strength, just mechanically swinging its axe.

But his ax, which was just made of ordinary iron soaked in dark energy, could no longer withstand the continuous blows of the earth-shattering knife, and was finally chopped into pieces.

With the ax gone, the Demon Bull Beast only felt that the spirit of the dead was rising. All his abilities were in that big axe. Without the big axe, his strength had been reduced by more than half. How could he compete with Nakashima.

On the other hand, Nakajima was cutting one sword after another, but it seemed that he had entered a state where he forgot both things and me. For a moment, he only had the sword in his hand in his mind, and he just kept slashing out.

Finally, Nakajiro unleashed a move he had been unable to use before, the second move of the "Earth-Evolving Sword Technique", which shook the earth and the mountains.

In this "Diyan Sword Technique", the first move is an auxiliary move, used to move quickly, and the third move is to use the sword energy from a distance to make up for the shortcomings of the Earth Tiger Armor's lack of long-range attack methods, but its real essence is actually It is the second move that shakes the earth and the mountains, and it is also the most difficult move to release.

Nakajiro shouted loudly, gathered all his energy and energy into the sword, and struck out with a stunning sword. The Demon Bull Beast was under the sword, and he felt that the sword was very slow, but in his eyes he seemed to see Buzhou falling. The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, as if the heaven and earth were shooting at him with knives, and there was no way to avoid it.

The knife struck the top of the Demon Bull Beast. The Demon Cow Beast felt a huge force coming from it and could not resist at all. It was directly driven into the ground, leaving only a bull's head exposed, which seemed to have come from the ground. It grew out like a bull's head.

Nakajiro twisted the wheel on the right and activated the Earth Splitting Blade, the Earth Splitting Blade, the Earth Splitting Blade, the Hell Exorcist, and the Dark Destruction in the Wrathful Land, which restored the earth.

A blade of light struck out and passed through the Demonic Cow Beast's head, and the Earth Tai Chi Formation imprisoned the Demonic Cow Beast.

In the other two battlefields, Lilymon and Apricotmon saw that Demonoxmon was in trouble, so they wanted to run away, but saw Nakahiro without turning around, making two false slashes backwards, and did not launch the ground splitting attack again, and just slashed. Two sword beams splitting the ground were released, and two more earth Tai Chi formations were released, respectively imprisoning Apricot Wood Beast and Lily Beast in place.

Nakaji's strength has improved so fast that Xinnan and Dongshan were stunned.

Xinnan still remembers that when Zhongjie summoned the armor for the first time, he couldn't even summon the Earth Splitter, let alone activate the Earth Splitter. But now he subdued the Demonic Cow directly and neatly, and then used the Earth Splitter three times in a row. He slashed, one at a time, and imprisoned three supernatural beasts.

Nakajiro dispelled the earth-shattering knife in his hand, jumped up high, and moved the earth-shattering palm directly through the three supernatural beasts. After the explosion, only three magic stickers were left.

Nakajiro gently took the magic stickers, placed them in front of his belt, and sent them back to the ERP energy room, returning them to their original magic stone state.

The three of them disarmed their armors, and after going through this battle, Nakajima finally suppressed his anger for seeing the body of the deliveryman Xiao Li, and regained his sanity. However, this time with the addition of Antmon, he won a total of four golds. The roulette lottery opportunity was a surprise.

The ugly general on the side took advantage of Kunzhong and Xiaoxi to watch the battle intently, put a tracker on Xiaoxi, and then ran away.

Although Zhongzhi knew what Choujiang had done, he still decided to use the trick and said nothing, just letting Xinnan take Xiaoxi back to Xingfu Dumpling House.

In the Shadow Realm base, Shadow Ba was extremely angry. If General Chou hadn't been given to him by the King of Shadows, he would probably have to clean up the family.

"Ugly general, how do you explain this action? I sent three supernatural beasts to you, but you actually let them all be sealed. The supernatural beasts are gone. If you don't die somewhere, why are you coming back? ?”

The ugly general was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground. "Lord Shadow Ba, please calm down and give me another chance. Although this operation failed, I installed a tracker on the little girl. You can see how I perform tonight." Bar."

After sealing the supernatural beast, Xinnan took Xiaoxi back to the Happy Dumpling Restaurant, while Nakajima and Dongshan asked Meizhen to teleport them back to the ERP laboratory.

Back in the laboratory, Meizhen comforted Nakajima and said: "I know you felt very sad after seeing the body of the delivery man, but you should not be immersed in anger all the time. This may increase your strength in the short term. , but it is not good for long-term improvement.” Nakajima said: “Sister Meizhen, don’t worry, after going through two battles, the anger in my heart has almost been vented, and it will not affect me anymore.”

"That's good. Just keep a good attitude. You have to know that in the war between light and shadow, sacrifices are inevitable. Things like supernatural beasts are inhumane. It's possible for them to do anything. of."

It wasn't until Meizhen saw that Zhongshi started to fish in the laboratory again as before that she felt completely relieved.

Nakajima was passing the time in the laboratory. Seeing that it was getting dark, he knew it was almost time, so he said to Meizhen, "I won't be eating here tonight. I'm going to Xingfu Dumpling House to eat dumplings."

After leaving a few words, Nakajiro stood up and walked to Xingfu Dumpling House.

Nakajiro did go to Xingfu Dumpling House, but he didn't go to eat dumplings, but to see if he could catch the ugly general.

The ugly general was really running too fast. Every time the supernatural beast showed its weakness, he would just slip away. Every time they sealed the supernatural beast, the ugly general would have already run away.

And tonight, Nakajiro planned to see if he could take the ugly general away.

When Nakajiro arrived at the dumpling restaurant, he did not go in. Instead, he entered a nearby cafe, ordered a cup of coffee, found a seat by the window, and stared at the situation inside the Xingfu Dumpling Restaurant.

Soon it got dark, and everyone in the dumpling house was gone. After all, no matter how delicious the dumplings at Xingfu Dumpling House were, they would just leave after eating. Xingfu Dumpling House has no entertainment facilities, so have you finished your meal? After a while, after everyone had finished their dinner, there were no more customers in the dumpling restaurant.

At this time, under the cover of night, it was time for some demons and monsters to take action.

When Choujiang, this evil guest, came to the door, Xinnan hurriedly said to Minci, "Minci, take them up quickly. No matter what happens, don't come down."

The Chou General carelessly pulled out a chair and sat in front of a table: "Why, aren't you going to greet guests with their faces covered?"

At this time, Aunt Hui stepped forward and said, "I am the boss here. We have closed today and are no longer doing business."

The ugly general looked at Aunt Hui and asked, "It's closed. The door is not closed and the lights are not turned off. Why do we call it closed? Are you still looking for business?"

The ugly general grabbed a handful of chopsticks from the table and threw them to the ground: "If you don't do my business, you are looking down on me."

Xiaoxi and Xiaolan exclaimed in fright.

Aunt Hui was very angry: "If you are like this, I will call the police."

"How dare you?" Chou Jiang stood up suddenly.

Minci picked up the phone, but she was worried that the arrival of the police would have a bad impact on the dumpling restaurant, so she still hesitated and did not call the police.

Xinnan stopped Aunt Hui: "I know what he wants."

Then he turned to the ugly general and said, "If you are a man, we'll talk about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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