Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 43 First Experience

Chapter 43 First Experience

This battle not only made Bei Miao understand his own strength and polished some of his arrogance, but also made Xiao Song, who was watching the battle, dumbfounded.

Originally, Xiao Song only asked Meizhen regularly to get some photos of armored warriors fighting, but the biggest secret he knew was probably the true identity of each armor summoner.

But this time, he not only witnessed satellite transmission, a method of moving thousands of miles in an instant, but also followed Meizhen into the ERP laboratory at the back when they were fighting, and watched the entire battle process through satellite in the laboratory.

This was in an era when smartphones were not yet commonplace, and the ERP laboratory had already mastered such advanced technology.

Xiao Song suddenly became a little scared. He originally thought that the Armor Warriors were a loose organization, but everything he saw today showed that there was an unknown amount of powerful power hidden behind the Armor Warriors. He remembered that he had once taken the The idea of ​​the Armored Warrior's true identity threatening the Armored Warrior made me feel that I was too naive at the beginning.

When Xiao Song saw Zhong Yan back, he felt as if he had seen a savior. He stuttered and said, "Well, what, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Zhongji looked at the flustered Xiao Song and was very puzzled. What was wrong with Xiao Song? It was weird, but he didn't go into details. He waved his hand and said, "Since you have something to do, you can leave first. Come back often in the future." Play."

Xiao Song pushed open the door of the burger shop and stumbled away. Zhongji looked at his back and felt inexplicable. Did something happen to Xiao Song?

I don’t know if I need help. I’ll ask him next time we meet.

Now it’s time to get down to business. Zhongji looked at Beimiao and asked, “Beimiao, although you are quite strong, through this battle, you should have felt that fighting alone can ultimately achieve something. If you are not enough, how about joining our team and fighting together?"

Zhongji originally thought that Beimiao would realize his lack of strength after this battle, and since he had given him enough face this time, Beimiao would happily agree to join.

But Beimiao sat there and pondered. He wanted to be the captain, but his performance in this battle was not very good. In addition, although he had never seen Nakajima take action, he could vaguely feel that Nakajima had taken action. The level of consciousness is above one's own.

In other words, if I join now, I will probably have to accept Nakashima as the captain, and it will even be difficult to change in the future.

Although he was amazed by the satellite transmission technology of ERP Laboratory, he still made a difficult decision.

Just when Beimiao was about to refuse, Zhongjie spoke first. He could see that Beimiao was hesitant to join his team. Although he didn't know what Beimiao was thinking, once he refused, he would invite him again next time. But it’s hard to say.

He simply spoke first: "I was negligent. There is no reason to say nothing and make people sacrifice their lives. Don't make a decision in a hurry. Let's experience the benefits first."

Zhongji took Bei Miao into the laboratory at the back, and then introduced the laboratory facilities one by one.

"This is the light and shadow energy room. Our light and shadow stone is placed here. The light and shadow stone does not need to be carried on the body at all times. When it is combined with the armor, an exclusive transformer is used to receive the energy of the light and shadow stone through the satellite to complete the combination. The sealed Demon Spirit Stones are also placed here and suppressed through the Light and Shadow Stones."

Beimiao looked at it and made no comment. The transformer was indeed easier to carry than the light and shadow stone, but it also had its drawbacks, that is, if someone controlled his hands like Xinnan did last time, he would not be able to transform.

If you carry the light and shadow stone with you, you can directly integrate it with the armor with a thought, so you don't have to worry about falling into the same situation as Xinnan last time.

However, suppressing the Demonic Spirit Stone here is more appropriate than suppressing it in the armor belt. Generally speaking, this energy room is indeed stronger than carrying the light and shadow stone with you, but it is also limited.

Naturally, Nakajima also knew the pros and cons of using the summoner to combine, and naturally he did not expect to use this energy room to attract Beimiao. He turned around and pointed at the virtual battle room and said: "This should probably be our most useful facility."       "This is called The virtual battle room can greatly help us improve our combat effectiveness. The most important thing is that it can also allow us to enter our deep subconscious space and obtain guidance from the genetic memory in our blood. It will often teach us what we need most at the moment. new stuff.”

Beimiao was a little moved when he heard this. He originally thought that his strength was not bad, but after this battle, he realized the shortcomings of his strength, so now he is still very enthusiastic about improving his strength.

In addition, Nakajima is talking about a substantial improvement in strength, so the improvement must be relatively large.

Seeing that Beimiao seemed to be a little moved, Zhongjie simply refused to do anything and said directly to Beimiao: "It's better for you to experience this facility yourself. Go in and experience the effect."

Beimiao was already very interested, so naturally he would not refuse Nakajima's suggestion to experience it.

Under Nakajima's guidance, Beimiao entered the virtual battle room. Just as he stood firm, he heard an electronic female voice: "The virtual battle room system has started."

Then the virtual battle room began to rotate, and Beimiao was shocked. If it weren't for the fact that the rotation was very stable, he could only feel that he was rotating when he looked at the external scene, and knew that Nakajima and the others would not harm him, so he had to summon Black rhinoceros armor.

Nakajima, who was watching from outside, remembered what he had forgotten. He forgot to tell Beimiao that it was best to close his eyes when the virtual battle room system was turned on.

I hope it won't leave any bad impression on Beimiao.

Although Beimiao did not close his eyes, because the virtual battle room was very stable when rotating, Beimiao entered the subconscious space without feeling dizzy and came to where the old man of Shenshan was.

Zhongji looked at Beimiao who was in training mode and thought to himself, that old man from Shenshan should be able to say a few words to him. That old man kept talking about his ability to feed people chicken soup, but he was much better than himself. .

And Beimiao, looking at the vast white surroundings, was a little confused. Can I improve my strength in this place?

At this time, the old man from Shenshan came out: "Hello, Summoner of Water Armor."

Bei Miao turned around suddenly and saw Old Man Shenshan, but he was also very puzzled that Old Man Shenshan knew his identity: "How do you know me?"

The old man from Shenshan smiled and stroked his long beard: "Everything you do is known by heaven, earth, you, and I."

"You have been wandering outside for so long. You should have a state of mind that many other summoners do not have. You must face these feelings honestly and do not reject them."

After hearing this, Beimiao felt that this old man was strange and said angrily: "You said these strange things as soon as we met. I came here to become stronger, not to listen to your preaching."

After hearing this, the old man from Shenshan was not angry. Over the years, he had never seen any kind of summoner, and he had even seen one who threatened to summon armor to beat him. In comparison, Beimiao's attitude was considered good.

The old man from Shenshan spoke again: "I can understand your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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