Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 44 Beimiao returns to the team

Chapter 44 Beimiao returns to the team
  "Be eager to seek good, hate evil as much as hatred, these are the eight words, not bad."

The old man from Shenshan looked like he had everything under control: "As your guardian, what I want to tell you is that everything has at least two sides, and each side reflects the origin of the matter. Therefore, you cannot Always only see one side, focus on one side, and think about the other side. Perhaps, this is what you should learn now."

Beimiao asked back: "You mean, I don't need to practice stronger martial arts now?"

"It's not necessary. A successful battle is often won thousands of miles away. If you conquer your heart first and face every aspect honestly, you will have greater strength by then."

In the original time and space, when Beimiao was fighting the Wolf Beast, the Wolf Beast had already fought against Dongshan and Xinan, and its physical strength had been almost exhausted, so it retreated after a few moves with Beimiao. Beimiao did not suffer a loss. Afterwards, he felt that Dongshan and Xinnan were not very strong.

But this time, Beimiao faced the Wolf Beast alone. Although the Wolf Beast retreated in the end, Beimiao still realized the shortcomings of his own strength. In addition, in the original time and space, Dongshan had no intention of being the captain. Although Xinnan was He is the captain in name only, but he doesn't take care of things very much, and he is not stronger than him.

But Zhongji's strength is definitely better than his own, and he is also very interested in the position of captain, so now Beimiao's desire for power is even stronger than in the original time and space.

So Beimiao was not satisfied with the words of the old man from Shenshan, but spoke again: "I understand what you said, but now that the battle is imminent, I still want something more tangible."

Understand, the old man was noncommittal: "I hope you can really understand. You have to know that wise people seek strength from within, and unwise people pursue it from outside. You have the black rhinoceros armor on you, and your strength is already enough, so why try to get it from me?" There’s strength.”

The old man hesitated for a moment, but still spoke: "The supreme good is like water, water benefits all things without dispute, but the Black Rhinoceros Armor was born for fighting after all, so it inherits more of the power of water's violent waves, and along with it your character He also suffered some influence and became arrogant and domineering."

"But the armor is only a concrete manifestation of the power to fight against the shadow world. Don't let the Black Rhino Armor control your heart."

"Water helps all things without fighting. What do you mean by asking me not to compete with Zhongshan for the position of team leader?" Beimiao had no intention of hiding his thoughts in front of the old man from Shenshan.

The old man smiled and said nothing. Bei Miao felt his eyes darken. It turned out that his body had reached the limit of the virtual battle room training time and had automatically exited the virtual battle room system.

Beimiao walked out of the virtual battle room, and Nakajima thrust a thin booklet into Beimiao's hands.

"What is this?" Bei Miao looked at the booklet in his hand, a little confused: "Martial arts secrets?"

"Almost, this one is called "Yi Jin Jin Teng Gu Pian", but it's not the one in "Nine Yin Manual", but a breathing method." Nakajima told Bei Miao with a smile on his face.

"Breathing method?" Bei Miao was still confused: "Do I need to pay attention to any breathing methods?"

"That's right, it's the breathing method. This is a breathing method that can be used universally by all five sets of armor. Although it won't be very effective in a short period of time, if you persist for a long time, it will still greatly improve yourself."

Zhongji also thought a lot after Beimiao entered the virtual battle room. He was familiar with the plot and knew that the core of the armored warriors was unity. However, it was not sweet to force Beimiao to join the team. Even if Beimiao was forced to join the team this time, Beimiao might not be able to do so. Will be convinced. If you are dissatisfied, you will hide the contradiction in the dark. By then, the cracks will become wider and wider, and it will be difficult to fill them. Instead, you can simply put the contradiction on the table, cut through the mess quickly, and solve the problem directly.

So Zhongji decided to play hard to get with Bei Miao, and played a trick on Bei Miao: "I think you haven't decided whether to join my team yet, and I won't force you. You can practice this breathing method first. After all, we are all Armor Summoner, whether you join my team or not, your improvement in strength is always a good thing.”

"Wait a minute, who said I don't want to join your team? Besides, who is our armored warrior's team?"

Beimiao felt inexplicably unhappy when he saw Zhongjie acting like he was in control of everything. He hated the feeling of being seen through every move he made. In addition, as the old man said that water can help all things, he simply decided to start with it. Joining Nakashima's team, besides, he actually doesn't have any big objections to Nakashima being the captain.

In the original time and space, he was dissatisfied with Xinnan being the captain. The main reason was not that he wanted to be the captain. The main reason was that Xinnan was not stronger than him, and he often delayed training and even delayed combat missions because of piano practice.

Beimiao was eager to ask for kindness, and Xinnan himself was not very keen on being an armor summoner, so he thought of changing a summoner for Yanlong Armor.

But needless to say, Nakajima's strength. Among the four, Nakajima's strength has an absolute advantage, and he has no side job. All his energy is devoted to the light and shadow battle. Dongshan and Xinnan also obey Nakajima. Beimiao asked herself that even if she became the captain, she might not be able to do better than Nakashima.

Although he wants to be the captain, he is even more eager to win the war of light and shadow.

In the deepest part of his heart, there is still a memory hidden, that is, the king of Kai brought the supernatural beast to attack his orphanage. He had a chance to escape with his life, but the friends in the orphanage and those who loved him Dean, but they were all slaughtered by supernatural beasts. This was his eternal nightmare.

If Nakashima becomes the captain, he should be able to take revenge.

When Zhongji heard Bei Miao's answer, he was stunned. He thought that Bei Miao would not join a team that made Bei Miao lose hope of becoming captain for the time being, although he was already thinking about Bei Miao not joining the team this time. I have made preparations, but it would be better if Beimiao could join.

Zhongjie called Meizhen over and told Beimiao that she agreed to join. Meizhen was also very happy after hearing this. Seeing that the team was getting stronger and stronger, she felt that she was one step closer to victory. In this case, All that's missing is the golden armor, and five sets of armors are complete.

Beimiao handed the water shadow stone to Meizhen, and asked Meizhen to put the water shadow stone into the light and shadow energy room of ERP.

Seeing that there was nothing much he could do here, Beimiao planned to go home first, but Zhongjie stopped him.
  "You have placed the Water Shadow Stone here now, and your armor summoner has not been completed yet. Why don't you stay here for a day? Otherwise, if you are attacked by a supernatural beast and cannot summon the armor, that will happen. That’s troublesome.”


PS: I'm sorry for updating so late today. Today, a junior high school classmate I haven't seen for a long time came to see me, so I went out for a party. I will update one chapter first, and I will see if I can code the next chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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