Chapter 66 One against Four
  Since Aunt Hui said so, Meizhen naturally went to go through the formalities.

Meizhen went to deal with this matter. With the energy of the ERP laboratory, the efficiency was naturally incomparable. In the afternoon of the next day, several people gathered at Xingfu Dumpling Restaurant again.

Meizhen has brought Xiang Yang back, and everyone has gathered except Bei Miao, who is obsessed with training.

After meeting Xiangyang, Meizhen and Dongshan also liked Xiangyang, a well-behaved and sensible child.

Although Zhongshan is now Xiangyang's legal guardian, Zhongshan does not need to worry about anything about Xiangyang. Even Zhongshan's proposal to let Xiangyang live in the dormitory of the ERP laboratory was rejected. Aunt Hui said: "A If you can't take care of a big boy yourself, how can you take care of another child?" Aunt Hui and Minci had already packed up a room and came out.

Meizhen and Dongshan also said that Xiangyang can go to the coffee shop to play at any time, and they will definitely welcome him with both hands.

Even Xiaolan said that she could give her favorite doll to Xiangyang to play with. Aunt Hui smiled and said, "Xiaolan, how do you know that your brother Xiangyang likes your doll?"

Xiaolan said seriously: "Everyone else will like what I like."

At this time, Xiang Yang, who had been silent and obeyed everyone's arrangements, quickly shook his head and said that he didn't like Xiaolan's doll.

Suddenly everyone in the circle couldn't help laughing. Xiaolan was ashamed and annoyed: "I won't play with you anymore, you are all bad people." Then Xiaolan got up and ran away.

At this time, Meizhen spoke: "I have completed all the procedures for adopting Xiangyang. I have even arranged the school enrollment and other issues. I have arranged for Xiangyang to go to the school where Xiaolan currently attends. In addition, I have arranged for Xiangyang to go to the school where Xiaolan currently attends. The family that adopted Xiang Yang has been warned, and the orphanage has also stated that it will increase supervision in the future and will never let people like that have the opportunity to adopt a child again."

Hearing this, Nakajiro said: "Warning, is this kind of child abuse just a warning?"

Meizhen's face also showed a look of embarrassment: "I also think this punishment is a bit light, but there is nothing we can do about it. After all, Xiangyang has not been adopted yet. In addition, the family said that it is necessary for the child to do some work. Normally, taking into account some public opinion matters, we cannot let some normal families who want to adopt children have too many concerns, so..."

Nakajima expressed his understanding. In fact, when he thought about it, he did some work within his ability in the orphanage when he was a child, and he did not feel that the orphanage abused them. Although the work tasks taught to the children by that family were relatively heavy, this kind of thing was also It's hard to define.

Although Nakajima has adopted Xiang Yang, he does not intend to let Xiang Yang intervene in the battle for the time being. Xiang Yang is too young now. If he summons the Emperor's Armor, it will be difficult to control the armor, and it may also give Xiang Yang his incomplete development. Causes irreversible damage to the body.

They were discussing some future arrangements in the Happy Dumpling Restaurant. Meizhen's cell phone rang. She picked up the phone and as soon as she said a word, Meizhen's expression changed: "Zhongshan, Dongshan, Xinnan, Something happened over there, let’s go back quickly.”

Naturally, Zhongji, Dongshan and Xinnan did not dare to neglect. They stood up and left with Meizhen. As soon as they left the Happy Dumpling House, Meizhen explained: "The supernatural beasts have been sent out in large numbers again. Beimiao is experimenting." The room detected four sources of strange energy pollution near the beach."

Hearing this, both Dongshan and Xinnan changed their expressions. They now only have three combat powers and four supernatural beasts, which is undoubtedly a problem.

However, Nakajima didn't care. The "Mountain Training Sword" he drew in the last lottery had not been used in the last battle. Nakajima should be able to deal with the four supernatural beasts by himself.

Back in the laboratory, Beimiao was already waiting impatiently, but he couldn't summon the armor now. This feeling made Beimiao feel really frustrated. Seeing that Mizhen and the others were facing a formidable enemy, Nakajima asked Ying again to reassure them: "Let me go this time. With these four supernatural beasts together, I should be able to do it by myself." Seal them all.”

Although she had seen Nakashima's strength last time, Meizhen still said, "Can you handle it alone? I'll ask Shinan and Dongshan to go with you."

Nakajiro waved his hand: "No, there is always someone to guard the laboratory. Let's do this. If you are still worried, Dongshan accompanied me last time. This time, let Xinnan go with me." How about that time when the super beasts attacked the laboratory, I was able to fight one against three. During this time, my strength has improved a lot, and I can definitely take down four of them."

Meizhen thought about it. The last time she saw it with her own eyes, Nakajima was fighting three supernatural beasts by himself. If his strength has improved during this period, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with four supernatural beasts at once.

However, Meizhen still teleported Xinnan and Zhongji together.

The King of Kai and others who had been watching the battle in the Shadow Realm base finally became excited when they saw the armor warriors finally appearing. He couldn't wait to test the loopholes he discovered in the armor warriors.

Nakajima and Xinnan knew nothing about this. The moment Nakajima and Xinnan were teleported to the scene, Kaioh smiled, because when Zhongjiang and Xinnan were transmitting through the satellite, although the signal flashed passed away, but he had already captured a trace of the satellite's signal, but the signal existed for too short a time and he could not invade.

But Kaio is not worried, because it has been determined that the armor warriors rely on satellites to transmit energy. When they summon the armor to fight later, the armor will need to continuously use satellites to transmit energy, and then they can naturally invade.

At the beach, Zhongjie said to Xinnan: "You don't need to interfere. Take a good look at how I can deal with four supernatural beasts by myself."

Xinnan also wanted to see how strong Nakajima was now, so he nodded in agreement, took two steps back, and prepared to watch the battle.

With one against four, naturally it was impossible to rely solely on the ability to control the elements. However, Nakajima rushed forward without summoning the armor, and a fight was about to begin. Starting from Nakajima's shoulder, which was about to come into contact with the supernatural beast, the ground The tiger armor covered Nakajima's body.

Bad Earth, who transformed into a shadow tyrant, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor had completely lost his dependence on the armor. Now it seems that when encountering a strong enemy, the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor You still have to summon the armor.

Watching the battle with the King of Kai, he was confused. He did not detect the existence of the satellite transmission signal at all, which made him doubt his life. The previous few times when someone summoned the armor, he had clearly detected the satellite signal.

The Border King is still checking his equipment, but Nakajima has already started fighting with four supernatural beasts. The four supernatural beasts dispatched this time are all old friends, except for the Silkworm Beast, which was sealed last time. The four supernatural beasts that attacked the ERP laboratory last time were all good.


PS: Thanks to Mo Qianmo and Book Friends 20190623092953473 for their rewards.

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  (End of this chapter)

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