Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 67: 1 knife per piece

Chapter 67: One knife at a time (Thanks to Zhuge Qianshang for the reward)
  The King of Kai who checked over and over again but still couldn't find the problem gradually became ferocious, but at this time he was already riding a tiger and couldn't get off. The Earth Tiger Man suppressed four supernatural beasts alone, and there was also a Flame Dragon Man who didn't summon the armor. , if you stop now, I am afraid that none of the four supernatural beasts will be able to come back.

"Xizhao, Bing'er, summon the armor and leave the Earth Tiger Man behind."

The King of Kai was already a bit hysterical. Things that he was originally confident about were now completely out of his control.

At this time, Xizhao and Bing'er, who had received the order from the king of the realm, no longer hid and watched the battle, but summoned their armor and walked out together.

Bei Miao, who was watching the battle in the ERP laboratory, looked at the Black Rhinoceros armor and felt really mixed emotions in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about the current scene.

When Xinnan saw the black rhinoceros armor and the snow mastiff armor, he naturally would not think that the two armors were teammates. Although Dihu Xia still had an advantage with one against four, with the addition of two pairs of armors, I am afraid that Zhongqian would be more powerful. Not caught.

Xinnan took out the summoner, and with a dragon roar, the Flame Dragon Man also appeared.

Xinnan stopped in front of Black Rhinoceros and Snow Mastiff, shook his hands, and said: "There must be a limit to group fighting. How about I come and play with you two?"

Xizhao and Bing'er looked at each other, and Xizhao said, "Since you want to die first, I'll let you die." Before he finished speaking, he punched him.

Xinnan naturally blocked the punch, but Xinnan was shocked. Last time, Zhongjie easily captured the summoner of the snow mastiff armor. Although he didn't show it, it still made Xinnan feel like this. The snow mastiff armor summoner's strength was mediocre, but the power contained in this casual punch told Xinnan that he was wrong.

Xizhao's strength was not as bad as he thought. Between the rabbits and the falcons, the three of them exchanged several moves. Fortunately, this was Bing'er's first time fighting in armor, and she was still unable to exert the power of the black rhinoceros armor. , even if this is the case, Xinnan can only parry, but has no power to fight back.

Zhongjie, who was fighting the supernatural beasts on the side, saw that Xinnan was besieged by the Snow Mastiff Man and the Black Rhino Man. He also became serious and used both fists to repel the Toad Beast and the Jellyfish Beast. Then, while the Lizard Beast and the Black Rhinoceros Man were fighting, he The mantis beast retreated quickly before it could attack.

After establishing a certain distance, Nakajiro first dispersed the Earth-Shattering Claw, then twisted the knob on the right to summon the Earth-Shattering Knife.

One move was full of energy, and dozens of swords were fired out. The four supernatural beasts were immediately beaten back. Nakajiro planned to resolve the battle as soon as possible. If the four supernatural beasts could be subdued as soon as possible, he would fight again at that time. Xizhao and Bing'er took it back and used the two summoners to exchange the water shadow stone from the king of the realm. I wonder if the king of the realm would agree.

Nakajima was planning to retrieve the Water Shadow Stone, but something suddenly happened. The Flame Dragon Armor on Xinnan's body changed a few times before disappearing.

Xinnan finally found an opportunity and planned to punch the Snow Mastiff Armor. Unexpectedly, the Yanlong Armor suddenly disappeared. After one punch, Xizhao, who was wearing the Snow Mastiff Armor, was fine. Instead, Xizhao's fist was shocked and hurt. .

Xinnan looked at himself and didn't know what happened.

Meizhen, who was in the laboratory, also began to panic. The ERP laboratory satellite had been hacked and the energy transmission of the satellite was forcibly interrupted.

Meizhen tried several times, but was unable to regain control of the satellite. Without the control of the satellite, she could not know what was going on at the scene. In desperation, Meizhen had no choice but to turn to Dongshan and said: "Take Mukageshi and Naruto with you." Shi, let’s go and see the scene.”

Dong Shan entered the light and shadow energy room, took away the Wood Shadow Stone, and directly summoned the Wood Wind Eagle Armor. The Wind Eagle Armor is the fastest armor. Satellites cannot be used. The fastest way to rush to the scene is to use the Wind Eagle Armor. .

In the Shadow Realm base, the King of Kai was very satisfied. At first, he thought that his guess was wrong. The armor warriors did not use satellites to transmit armor energy. Unexpectedly, there was no satellite transmission signal on the Earth Tiger Armor. , he detected the signal the moment the Flame Dragon Armor appeared. He had already prepared everything. As soon as he detected the satellite signal, he immediately reverse-positioned the satellite's position, and not long after, he successfully invaded the ERP satellite system.

Although I don’t know why the Earth Tiger Armor was not defused, the Flame Dragon Armor was already defused. Kaio looked at the scene and said fiercely: "One against four, I want to see if you can defeat one against six. ."

Then he gave an order to Bing'er and Xizhao: "Ignore the summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor for the time being. Let's work together to deal with the Earth Tiger Man."

Bing'er and Xizhao naturally had no objection. One summoned the water armor shield and the other summoned the thunder stick, and then walked towards the Earth Tiger Man.

With one against six, even though Nakajiro was extremely powerful, he was still stretched thin, and it didn't take long before he fell into a disadvantage.

But Nakajima had no way out. He secretly regretted that he knew clearly that Kaio would invade their satellite, but because he didn't know how to say that he knew the satellite would be invaded, and because he got the secondary dimensional energy transmission in the last lottery, he was right I am confident in my own strength, so I am not in a hurry to solve this problem.

He didn't expect that the King of Kai would send six combat units at once to besiege him.

Nakajima worked hard to support him, and it’s no wonder that Nakajima’s strength improved so quickly. He often understood the true meaning of earth and carried out arduous defenses. Naturally, his understanding of the true meaning of earth improved rapidly.

Nakajiro gritted his teeth and used the Mountain Forming Knife that he had drawn in the last lottery. A huge blade struck down, and the jellyfish beast was directly knocked to the ground, unable to move. If it was normal, this time it would be a sure kill. The Jellyfishmon has been sealed, but in this situation, if Nakashima stood still and launched his ultimate kill, he would probably be beaten to death.

There was one less enemy, and one against six became one against five. It should have been a happy thing, but Nakajima couldn't be happy. He was happy just now, but the knife just now also consumed a lot of Nakajima's energy. physical strength.

Fortunately, the power of the sword just now temporarily deterred the remaining three supernatural beasts as well as Bing'er and Xizhao.

The two sides were in a tense confrontation. At this time, Nakajima finally received good news. The Wind Eagle Man arrived and brought the Hokage Stone with him.

Shinan summoned the Flame Dragon Armor again, and this time, the wind direction reversed. Although with six against three, the Shadow Realm side still had a numerical advantage, the actual strength was that Nakashima's side had the upper hand.

The three of them, Xinnan, Dongshan, and Zhongjie, faced back to back, while four supernatural beasts, black rhinoceros and snow mastiff armor surrounded the three of them.

Nakajima couldn't help but take action first. He didn't need to save his energy anymore, and there was another shocking sword light. This time, Toadmon also lost its combat effectiveness. In addition to Jellyfishmon who could barely stand now, there were already two aliens. The energy beast lost its fighting ability.

The King of Kai who was watching the battle at the Shadow Realm base also began to panic. He did not expect that the four supernatural beasts, plus two pairs of armors, could not defeat the Earth Tiger Man before the arrival of the Wind Eagle Armor.

At this time, it was obvious that nothing could be done, so the King of Kai had no choice but to order a retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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