Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 78 Binger’s defection

Chapter 78 Binger’s defection

Bing'er felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and then she passed out.

Choujiang looked at Bing'er who fell on the ground, and felt frightened for a while. Fortunately, Bing'er was so distracted by the news about the light and shadow stone that she didn't realize his actions.

If Bing'er reacted to this, he would be no match for Bing'er's flying needle skills.

Choujiang found the rope, tied Bing'er up, and placed it on the platform where Bing'er was sitting.

While Bing'er fainted, Chou Jiang implanted the chip under the skin on the back of Bing'er's head.

Because Choujiang didn't strike too hard, Bing'er woke up not long after the chip was implanted. When she woke up, Bing'er only felt a dull pain in the back of her head. When she opened her eyes, she felt that everything in front of her was blurry. Yes, it took a while before I could see everything around me clearly.

The first thing he saw was the ugly general standing in front of him. Bing'er thought for a moment and figured out what happened just now. She was stunned by the news about the light and shadow stone. Otherwise, it would be absolutely difficult for the ugly general to deal with him. She poses a threat.

Bing'er struggled for a while and found that she could not break free from the rope at all, so she stopped struggling and asked coldly to General Chou: "How dare you attack me sneakily? Do you want to betray the King of Kai? Are you not afraid of the Kai?" Master Wang punishes you?"

Choujiang saw that Bing'er still wanted to deceive him at this moment, so he couldn't help but sigh and said: "You are the one who wants to betray the realm king. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing."

Bing'er was furious when she heard this: "You eavesdropped on my phone call just now. Originally, my impression of you has changed in the past few days. Now it seems that you are just a dog who can't change your mind. Why are you taking me to the world?" Does the king take credit?"

Chou Jiang didn't expect Bing'er to think of him like this. In fact, Chou Jiang was hesitant about whether to tell Bing'er secretly about the chip implanted in the back of Bing'er's head, but now that Bing'er felt that he couldn't change. If he eats shit, then he won’t change it.

The ugly general showed a troubled look and said: "Last time you saved me regardless of the king's order, I thought your view of me would be different from others. In fact, the conversation between you and Xizhao, I just accidentally heard a few words."

"The light and shadow stone you want is actually hidden in the pile of rocks under the stone platform you are sitting on. You can take the light and shadow stone with you. Next time we meet, we will be enemies."

After saying that, General Chou took out a knife, cut the rope that tied Bing'er, and then left the base without looking back.

Bing'er stood up, straightened her clothes, and threw the ropes that were tangled around her body on the ground. Looking at Chou Jiang's leaving figure, she couldn't help but feel a trace of apology in her heart. Jiang asked: "I left with the light and shadow stone, what should you do?"

The ugly general didn't look back, he just waved his hand back, and then said as he walked: "Don't worry, I am stronger than you and Xizhao combined in dealing with the King of Kai, and the King of Kai will not do anything to me. , you don’t have to worry about me.”

After saying this, the ugly general also left the base.

Bing'er was the only one left in the base. Bing'er stood there for a while, wondering whether he should trick the ugly general and leave with the light and shadow stone.

The two villains were constantly debating in Bing'er's head.

Black Devil Villain: "You don't care what the Chou General does. You have already decided to join the Armored Warrior. Didn't he also say that the next time we meet, you will be enemies." White Angel Villain: "But, Chou General This period of time has been good to you. I just let you go and you took the light and shadow stone away. He, the person who knows where the light and shadow stone is hidden, will be miserable."

The black devil villain: "So, you don't plan to take the light and shadow stone with you. If you don't take the light and shadow stone with you, why should your brother Xiaobei accept you? Just because you stole his water shadow stone. Next time If you don't kill him when you meet him, it will be regarded as a pity for her."

Well, Brother Xiaobei is the most important. Bing'er finally convinced herself, squatted down and rummaged through the pile of rocks. First she found the Golden Shadow Stone, and after rummaging for a while, she found the golden shadow stone that exuded a faint light. The two fluorescent water shadow stones were wrapped in tinfoil. No wonder she couldn't sense the water shadow stones at such a close distance.

Bing'er tore off the tinfoil on the water shadow stone and put the water shadow stone in her hands. Sensing the water shadow stone's call to her, Bing'er didn't forget the golden shadow stone. Holding two light shadow stones, Bing'er left in a hurry.

It was already late at night, and Bing'er didn't know where to go for a while. Bing'er took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Beimiao, but considering that it was already so late, she didn't have the heart to disturb her brother Xiao Bei's sleep.

Walking aimlessly on the street, unknowingly, she came to the street where she last touched Beimiao. Bing'er thought about the last time Beimiao hugged her princess, and recalled the feeling of being hugged by Beimiao. Bing'er couldn't help but be obsessed with the feeling of concern in her arms.

A piercing whistle woke up Bing'er. It turned out that Bing'er had walked to the middle of the road unknowingly. Bing'er quickly walked to the side of the road. The driver of the car stuck his head out and cursed: "I'm not sleeping at home at night. Why are you wandering around on the road? Don't trick others even if you want to die."

Binger originally planned to teach the driver a lesson, but the driver had already driven away.

After what happened just now, Bing'er regained some of her rationality. Bing'er walked to Meizhen Cafe and called Xizhao and asked him to come out and get the Golden Shadow Stone.

Xizhao didn't expect Bing'er's action efficiency to be so high. Just after the action was discussed tonight, Bing'er ran out with two light and shadow stones.

Xizhao was also very excited after getting the Golden Shadow Stone. Originally he didn't have the Light Shadow Stone. When Beimiao questioned him, he had nothing to say. Now that not only the Golden Shadow Stone but also the Water Shadow Stone have been brought, they probably just don't have it. I will doubt myself again.

Xizhao immediately planned to take Bing'er in and introduce Bing'er to everyone in the ERP laboratory.

But to Xizhao's expectation, Bing'er rejected Xizhao's proposal to introduce her to everyone in the ERP laboratory. Bing'er had her own ideas. If she went in now, Beimiao would see her and recognize her as the boss. The girl who was hit by him for the first time knew that she was originally from the shadow world, so she knew that she hit him on purpose last time. Although Bei Miao would find out sooner or later, she still wanted to find a better time.

But at this time, Bei Miao came out and said, "Okay, I knew you had an impure purpose in joining us. Sure enough, I caught you having a private meeting with someone from the Shadow Realm."

It turned out that after eavesdropping on the conversation between Xizhao and Bing'er, Meizhen and Dongshan felt relieved and went to rest. They planned to find an opportunity to tell Beimiao and Zhongji privately tomorrow.

But when Bing'er approached the cafe, because Bing'er carried the Water Shadow Stone with her, Beimiao felt a call from the dark. Although Beimiao didn't know that this feeling was the bloodline response of the descendants of Guangying Village. The induction of the light and shadow stone, but still an illusion caused by not being asleep.

Hearing the sound of Xizhao opening the door, he was immediately awakened. He had already extremely distrusted Xizhao. When he saw Xizhao secretly going out in the middle of the night, he simply followed him to see what Xizhao wanted to do.

PS1: Thanks to Mr. Organic Milk for the tip
  PS2: No, no, no one really believes that the book club of an Armored Warrior fanfic is full of young ladies. First of all, I want to say sorry. I shouldn’t use young ladies to trick people into joining the group. If you don’t want to join the book club group, I won’t force you to join it, but if you just want to join the group because of the ladies, you don’t have to, because there really aren’t many ladies in my group. If you don’t want to join the group, I won’t force it, but can you please not join it? Join and then cancel. My management review also takes time. If you join the group and then cancel, don’t you disgust me?
  (End of this chapter)

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