Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 79 8 Super Beasts

Chapter 79 Eighteen supernatural beasts
  Before Xizhao and Bing'er could open their mouths to defend themselves, Shadow Tyrant Shi Shiran walked out.

Ying Ba said with a smile on his face: "Xizhao, Bing'er, well done, I knew you two wouldn't let me down."

After speaking, he clapped his hands, and eighteen supernatural beasts appeared in the shadows, surrounding the four of them.

Beimiao didn't expect that they would send so many supernatural beasts at once. Now that he was in such a situation, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Xizhao and Bing'er looked at each other and knew that it was useless to say anything now, they could only express themselves through actions.

A dazzling light flashed, and the night became like day in an instant. When the light dissipated, Xizhao and Bing'er had summoned the Snow Mastiff Armor and the Black Rhinoceros Armor respectively.

With just two pairs of armor, how could they be the opponent of eighteen supernatural beasts? Fortunately, Xizhao had received a lot of combat training from Kaiou. Although the training effect was not as good as the virtual battle room in the ERP laboratory, because of Kaiou Wang Na's brutal training was reckless, so Xizhao's current strength is pretty good.

But it was only good. At first, the Demon Sheepmon was fighting back and forth with the Taotie, which seemed to be related to the four ancient beasts. However, after the Demon Deermon also got involved, he could only hold on. .

Bing'er on the side was even worse. She was constantly being teased by the fly beast, which could teleport like the magic wolf beast.

Beimiao, who had no armor to summon, wanted to run back to the laboratory for help, but was directly tied up with spider silk by the spider beast. At first, Bing'er wanted to rescue Xizhao, but he couldn't even break through the fly beast's offensive. Can only defend passively.

Because when the laboratory was being built, we were afraid that the loud noises made by the armored warriors in the laboratory during training would affect the outside world, so the sound insulation effect was very good. Therefore, although the war was already in full swing outside, those who slept in the dormitory below the laboratory Everyone didn't hear it.

On the other hand, Xinnan next door was awakened by the loud noise. When he came out, he saw the snow mastiff armor and black rhinoceros armor fighting with the supernatural beast. Beimiao was directly caught in the hand of the supernatural beast and immediately summoned Yan. Long Jiajia wanted to rescue Beimiao, but maybe it was too dark, or maybe the rescuers in Xinnan did not observe the surrounding environment.

As soon as Xinnan rushed forward, the evil mosquito beast and the poisonous scorpion beast came out of the shadows on the side and stopped Xinnan. Xinnan's strength was still very powerful. Even if the two supernatural beasts worked together, they could not What kind of advantage did he get from Yan Longxia, but he was beaten back by Yan Longxia.

However, as soon as Xinnan gained an upper hand, Butterfly Beast also joined in. The supernatural beasts sent out by the King of Kai now are not comparable to the low-level supernatural beasts sent by Shadow Ba. He just barely managed to get the upper score. If he really had to fight slowly, Xinnan would not be confident that he could win the victory unscathed, let alone one against three. Soon, Xinnan would also fall into a hard battle, even worse than before. Xizhao's situation was even worse.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xizhao became anxious and shouted to Xinnan: "Yanlongxia, use the flaming bow to blow up the laboratory."

Xinnan is also a smart man. After hearing what Xizhao said, he understood what Xizhao meant. Xinnan first took a knife from the poisonous scorpion beast, took advantage of the situation and took a few steps back, then twisted the knob on the right to summon the fierce flames. bow.

Xinnan picked up the flaming bow and fired an energy cannon at the door of the cafe. Unfortunately, because Xinnan was afraid of blowing up the laboratory, he didn't put much energy into the flaming bow. In addition, the cafe's The construction standards were too high, and the energy bullets of the flame bow can only exert its true power against creatures such as supernatural beasts. Taken together, it only shattered the glass door of the cafe, and the sound did not reach the laboratory at all. Go to the dormitory below.

Xinnan was a little embarrassed when he saw that he only shattered two pieces of glass with one energy bomb. He held the flaming bow across his chest and shouted softly: "Energy upgrade." The flaming bow gathered a lot of energy from the Flame Dragon Armor. , an energy bullet went down and directly smashed the cafe to pieces, almost flying out. No matter how good the sound insulation effect is, such a huge movement cannot be isolated. Meizhen stayed in the laboratory without fighting power, while Nakasaki and Tosugi, relying on their armors to protect their bodies, came out and wanted to see. Look at what's happening outside. This is not a free country, so why are there explosions at night?

Zhongjie and Dongshan who came out were also stunned by the scene in front of them. At a glance, in addition to the supernatural beasts that were fighting against Xinan, Xizhao and Bing'er, there were actually more than ten supernatural beasts waiting. he.

Seeing so many supernatural beasts, Nakajiro swallowed his saliva and was a little scared.

Now there are more than a dozen supernatural beasts with free combat power on the opposite side. On their side, there are only him and Dongshan. Dongshan can barely hold down three supernatural beasts. It is estimated that he will not be able to hold on for long. Nakajima counted them. , unless he can defeat nine supernatural beasts by himself, the current predicament can be alleviated.

This is the Kaio who has sent out all the supernatural beasts under his command. The sharp-eyed Nakajima even discovered that the Demon Eight, who was seconded to the Kaio when the Shadow Guardian attacked the orphanage, was also sent out this time.

The strength of these supernatural beasts is relatively strong. Even if it is a relatively weak supernatural beast, his limit is one against six, and he will not fall behind. Now let him fight one against nine, and he will die miserably. .

Nakajima couldn't help but be a little confused. It turns out that the Shadow Realm can send out all the supernatural beasts at once. The current has not fluctuated recently. He thought that the King of Kai had not summoned the supernatural beasts for the time being. Unexpectedly, he directly prepared a very special beast for him. The famous ninjutsu 'Saples'.

Nakajiro was a little hesitant whether to join the battle without hesitation or to escape with the light and shadow stone and try to make a comeback.

At this time, Shadow Ba, who had been watching the battle, felt something was wrong. Something strange was disturbing him, causing his energy to fluctuate. This reminded him of a very unpleasant memory, but this time the armor The warriors have just gathered together, and that ghost thing is still far away from appearing.

The supernatural beasts that were fighting were also affected. Their speed became slow and they could not even control their bodies flexibly. Soon, Xinnan and others had the upper hand on their respective battlefields. Shadow Ba looked around, but there was nothing. It was discovered, but the impact was real. In this case, it was impossible to carry out high-intensity combat.

Nakajima also discovered the strange behavior of the supernatural beast. Shadow Ba did not notice it, but Nakajima saw Xiangyang who was watching the battle at the window of the dumpling restaurant. Zhongjiang adopted Xiangyang originally because he wanted to protect Xiangyang, but he thought that he would have to rely on him today. Xiang Yang comes to the rescue, but fortunately Shadow Ba hasn't discovered Xiang Yang yet.

Nakajiro summoned the earth-shattering knife and rushed forward. Although there were many supernatural beasts, they could not display their strength at all and could only be beaten passively.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Ying Ba had no choice but to walk behind Bei Miao, who was tied up, and then put the chip on the back of Bei Miao's head. Bei Miao only felt a pain in the back of his head, but then it didn't seem to be there, and it was over.

Then Shadow Ba shouted: "Let's go." Shadow Ba and the eighteen supernatural beasts all disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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