Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 96 Night Attack on Shadow Realm Base

Chapter 96 Night Attack on Shadow Realm Base
  The name "Easy Muscles and Forged Bones" is really misleading. Xizhao thought that Zhongjie was going to teach him some special skills, but he didn't expect that it was just a set of breathing techniques.

Soon, Xizhao, with the help of Nakajima, mastered this breathing method, and was able to maintain this breathing rate when his mood swings were not too great.

After all, under the rough training of the King of Kai, Xizhao was stronger than a few people from ERP who could accept the teachings of the old man from Shenshan. This undoubtedly proved Xizhao's genius.

Soon, night fell, and the three people who had been practicing the "Yi Jin Yi Jin Bone" for a whole day opened their eyes at the same time.

Zhong Yan and Xin Nan were fine, but Xizhao, the first cultivator, had improved a lot. The moment he opened his eyes, a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. Although it only passed away briefly, Xin Nan still felt it. Secretly sighing, this Xizhao is indeed the summoner that Zhongjie wants to recruit into the team despite all objections.

The three of them didn't communicate too much, so Nakashima said: "It's almost time, let's take action."

Then the three of them got into Nakajima's car, planning to drive to the Liger Mountains first.

It was already late at night, and there were very few cars outside. When we arrived outside the city, there were no cars at all.

Now that Nakajima has truly entered the stage where great power belongs to himself, all parts of his body have begun to show miraculous qualities. Naturally, he has already had the ability to see at night, so in order to keep his actions concealed, Nakajima simply Just turned off the car lights.

When the lights are turned off, Nakajima's car makes almost no sound when driving, so from a distance, the car looks like a ghost car, driving in the night.

Soon, under the guidance of Xizhao, the group of people came to a peak deep in the Liger Mountains. The mountain was steep and the road was dangerous, so the car could not get up. The three of them got out of the car and planned to walk to the shadow. The home of the world.

Nakaji looked up after getting off the car and saw this mountain peak with thousands of ravines competing for the flow and thousands of cliffs competing for beauty. The birds are no longer heard, but the flowers are still fragrant after falling on the trees. After the rain, the green walls are moist, and the wind blows and the pines and green trees spread. The mountains are covered with grass, wild flowers are blooming, and the cliffs are steep. The trees are growing, the trees are beautiful, and the mountains are high and the hills are flat. Two cranes drink by the stream, and wild apes go wild on the rocks. The towering piles of conch steaks are dark in color and surrounded by greenery and misty light.

Nakajiro secretly thought that it was a pity that the scene of this immortal family's blessed land actually concealed the base of the Shadow Realm.

The group of people walked straight towards the mountain along the path up the mountain, but halfway through, Xizhao stopped Zhongshan and Xinnan.

It turns out that this mountain has been hollowed out by the Shadow Realm a long time ago, but the gate into the base is not on the top of the mountain or at the foot of the mountain, but it is built halfway up the mountain, and the path up the mountain has also been built. When we reached the top of the mountain, we continued to maintain it for a long time, so that the road from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain looked as if people were always walking on it.

In this way, people who know about the Shadow Realm Base are naturally either on the mountainside or at the top of the mountain, but there are very few people who will wander off the path halfway up the mountain. If they want to find the gate of the Shadow Realm Base, unless Someone leads the way, otherwise, the only way to go is Sou Shan.

Soon, the scene in the mountains changed. The mountains became more uneven and more rugged. It is as steep as Shuling Mountains and as high as Luyan.

Nakaji took a look and realized that this fit the characteristics of the villain's place of residence.

At that moment, the three of them held their breath and concentrated, followed Xizhao into the shadow base with a light step.

Entering the Shadow Realm Base, Nakajima is very familiar. Although it is the first time for Nakajima to come here, he has seen the Shadow Realm Base countless times when he was watching dramas in his previous life.

But when the three people came in, no one was seen. Only the electric light flashed inside the supernatural beast incubator.

Taking a closer look, it was Kaiomon inside. It turns out that the protector of the Shadow Realm knew that he could not stop the attack of the armored warriors, so he simply did not do anything, and directly withdrew all the forces of the Shadow Realm, including Chou General Zai, from here.

Then he hypnotized the Kaio, causing him to become insane and took the initiative to use his own body as a carrier to summon Kaiomon.

On the surface, the Kaio is just a puppet of the Shadow World. He was absorbed and accepted by the Shadow World because of his skills. But in fact, the Kaio is the backup tire of the Black Emperor. If something goes wrong with the Black Emperor, the Kaio will The king will become the carrier of the black monster.

However, the Dark Protector obviously overestimated the conscience of the Black Emperor. The Black Emperor fell very quickly, and his soul had already been completely eroded by the darkness. On the contrary, the King of the Realm had obviously been unfairly treated, but his soul was still lingering. Regarding falling into darkness, Ken can only say that human thoughts are really too complicated.

The moment Kaiomon saw the three of them, he stuck out his tongue, and with a move of snake dance, his tongue attacked the three of them at the same time.

At this moment, Xizhao felt a huge danger. If he was hit by Kaiomon's tongue without armor, he would probably suffer broken muscles and bones, and his life would be in danger.

Fortunately, the Snow Mastiff Armor sensed Xizhao's crisis and automatically merged with Xizhao. Therefore, although Xizhao was knocked out, he was not injured under the protection of the Snow Mastiff Armor.

But Xinnan on the side was completely helpless. Just when Snake Xin was about to attack Xinnan, he was blocked by an earthy yellow light curtain. Although there were ripples on the light curtain, Xinnan But he was safe and sound.

It was Nakajima who used his ability to control elements to help himself and Xinnan block the blow. They could have blocked the blow together with the Snow Mastiff, but the moment the Snow Mastiff armor came together, the metallic elements exploded with huge energy. The earth element shield that Nakaji had placed around Xizhao was washed away.

Seeing that the three of them had blocked the attack, Kaiomon slowly walked out of the incubator. As Kaiomon left, the current in the incubator disappeared without a trace.

That attack from Go Kaiomon let Nakajiro know that this Kaiomon was not easy to mess with and could not be solved by his half-hearted ability to control elements, so he and Shinan summoned the armor.

Earth Tiger Armor, Flame Dragon Armor, and Snow Mastiff Armor, the three of them stood in a row, ready to respond to Kaiomon's attack at any time.

Kaiomon was not polite and shot out yellow rays from his eyes, knocking both Shinan and Xizhao away. Only Nakajima, who was wearing Earth Tiger armor, took the blow forcefully.

Zhongjie saw that both Xinnan and Xizhao could not withstand Kaiomon's attack at all. He knew that if he had to take the initiative to attack, otherwise, it would not be long before Xinan and Xizhao were knocked out of their combined state.

Nakajiro twisted the knob on the right side, summoned the Earth Breaker, and then rushed forward with the Earth Breaker in hand.

However, Nakago's Earth-Breaking Sword slashed Kaiomon's body, but it only spattered a few sparks on Kaiomon's scales, and Kaiomon was obviously not harmed.

Instead, Kaiomon seized the opportunity and directly pressed the earth-shattering knife on his body with his claws. Nakajima tried hard, but found that he could not even pull out the earth-shattering knife.

Fortunately, Xinnan and Xizhao also rushed forward, and the flaming sword and thunder ax struck Kaiomon at the same time. Kaiomon was in pain, and then all three of them were thrown away.

(End of this chapter)

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