Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 97 Two-front battle

Chapter 97 Two-front battle
  Seeing Kaiomon's strength, Nakajiro couldn't help but regret a little. He originally thought that Kaio still had so many magic stickers in his hand, so he wouldn't take the risk to merge with Kaiomon, but he didn't expect that Kaio would be like this. decisive.

But now, the arrow is on the string, and there is no way out, so we can only fight with our backs against the wall.

Nakaji held his breath in a deep voice, holding the earth-shattering knife with both hands, mobilizing his own mental energy to inject it into the earth-shattering knife, and then mobilized the surrounding free earth elements to attach to the earth-shattering knife.

The current Earth-shattering knife seemed to have launched an Earth-shattering split, with a dazzling light shining on the blade.

Nakajima felt that the continued power on the Earth Breaker had reached the limit that he could control now. He stepped on the ground suddenly and activated the Earth Thunder. With a flash of his body, Nakajima rushed in front of Kaiomon. The beast didn't even react, and was directly struck by Nakajima's sword.

But to Nakajiro's disappointment, this blow still failed to break through Kaiomon's defense. Kaiomon itself did not react, but the scales on Kaiomon's body dispersed the power of the sword. , Kaiomon roared in pain, and with a wave of its claws, the Earth Tiger Man flew away again.

Kaiomon was in pain, and this claw was so powerful that Nakashima was thrown to the wall, his back was hit hard on the wall, and then he rolled to the ground.

Xinnan and Xizhao quickly went over and helped Zhongbo up.

Although he was protected by the Earth Tiger armor, Nakajiro still felt sore all over from being hit. He could only use the earth-shattering knife to support himself before he could barely stand up straight.

At this time, Kaiomon went berserk because of Nakajima's sword.

Originally, it took five people to work together to defeat this Kaiomon. Now, naturally, Xinnan and Xizhao could not withstand the pressure of Kaiomon.

Zhongji took advantage of Xinnan and Xizhao to temporarily hold Kaiomon back, and took the opportunity to regain his condition.

Zhongji glanced at Xizhao, who was wearing snow mastiff armor, and couldn't help but sigh. Although his mental level was much higher than Xizhao's, his earth attribute was inherently more suitable for defense.

In the past, when dealing with those weaker supernatural beasts, he could crush them with his strength despite his heavy sword without an edge, but this time around Kaiomon, his shortcomings of insufficient attack power were somewhat exposed.

He still has the most powerful move "Mountain Training Sword", but after the previous slash, the Earth Tiger Armor only has the energy left for the last slash. If it is slashed with one slash, it will not be able to kill Kaiomon. Instead, he disarmed the armor due to lack of energy, so the three of them would probably be left here.

Nakajiro gave up the idea of ​​​​fighting, and rushed forward again with the earth-shattering knife.

After Nakajiro joined, the situation was finally stabilized, and the two sides began to fight back and forth, but now they can't break through Kaiomon's defense and can't cause effective damage to Kaiomon at all, although the situation now looks 50-50. It seems that as time goes by, it will only be a matter of time before they lose.

Zhongji said to Xizhao: "Xizhao, my Earth Tiger Armor has more than enough defense, but not enough attack power. Only your Snow Mastiff Armor, which is the most powerful armor, combined with the metal's defense-breaking properties, can It’s possible to break Kaiomon’s defense, so I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on you for this operation.”

In the original time and space, Xizhao's snow mastiff armor could successfully seal Kaiomon. Now that Xizhao has been practicing the "Easy Muscles and Bones" for a day, his strength should be even stronger, and he should be able to break through Kaiomon's defense. Yes, Zhongji feels that he can trust Xizhao.

Xizhao suddenly felt that the pressure on his shoulders increased greatly. Today, the three of them, the hope of victory was actually pressed on it, but Xizhao was not like Beimiao, because he wanted to regain the summoning right of the Black Rhino Armor, and it was painful. Practice "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" to sense the characteristics of the water element.

He has always received the simple and crude electrotherapy education from the King of Kai. Although his strength is not weak now, he really has no understanding of the characteristics of the gold element. But in the battle room with Kaiomon, Nakajima and his team were engaged in another operation in the bad land of Shadow Ba.

Wutu brought his henchman Mo Ba to the hospital where Bing'er and Dongshan were.

He planned to pull out all the stops and give the Armored Warriors a wave of extreme family-changing tactics.

In the hospital, Bad Shui was still pretending to be unconscious, but secretly he was a little excited. If he could get rid of the two armor summoners at once, it would be a great success for Bad Shui who had been fighting against the armored warriors for thousands of years. Huge gain.

Bei Miao and Dong Shan were both practicing "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones" with their eyes closed.

As soon as Wutu and Moba entered the building of the inpatient department of the hospital, Beimiao and Dongshan both sensed it and opened their eyes at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other and knew that they were going to fight.

Dongshan's fractures in both arms have not yet recovered, so he can only ask Beimiao to help him put the summoning chip into the summoner, and then put it on his wrist. An eagle cry sounded, and the Wind Eagle Man went to fight again.

After Dongshan merged with the Wind Eagle Armor, he temporarily regained his ability to move.

Wind Eagle Man walked out of the ward and gently closed the door of the ward. Dongshan must now hold on to the door.

Because everyone believed that Bing'er had a bug on her body, they did not notify the three people in the ward of the actions of the three people in Zhongjie tonight. Now Beimiao is anxiously dialing Meizhen's phone number, intending to ask Meizhen to send support as soon as possible. .

Because the Shadow Realm's base blocked the prying eyes of the ERP satellite, Meizhen, who could not see the actions of Nakashima and the others, was worried about the three of them in the base. She received a call from Beimiao that a supernatural beast had attacked the hospital.

Meizhen panicked instantly when she heard the news. She didn't know if Dongshan, who was still injured, could block this wave of attacks from the shadow world, but now she couldn't contact Nakajima and the others.

Beimiao was also confused when she heard that Meizhen said that Zhongji and the others were going to attack the Shadow Realm tonight. Now we can only hope that Dongshan can block the attack of the supernatural beast.

Meizhen has one more guess she hasn't mentioned yet. The Shadow Realm sent out supernatural beasts to attack the hospital tonight. If it weren't for the fact that Nakajima and the others had leaked the news tonight, or the Shadow Realm still had enough power in their hands, and These two possibilities, no matter which one they are, are not good news for the three people from Nakajima who are going to sneak attack the Shadow Realm base tonight.

But now Meizhen has no choice but to pray that everything will go well for Dongshan, Beimiao, and Bing'er at the hospital, as well as Zhongshan, Xinan, and Xizhao who went to attack the shadow base.

After Dongshan left the ward, he soon met Mo Ba and Ying Ba in the corridor of the hospital.

Dongshan, who didn't know that there would be no support tonight, originally planned to delay the time with words, but Shadow Ba didn't give Dongshan a chance at all. With a slight wave of his hand, Moba rushed forward.
   This chapter should be Chapter 97. I made a mistake and it’s troublesome to change it. It doesn’t affect reading. Let’s just read it.
  (End of this chapter)

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