Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 98 Black Rhino Armor Reborn

Chapter 98 Black Rhino Armor Reborn
  Holding an umbrella-shaped long sword, Mo Hachi's strength cannot be compared to the group of rotten fish and shrimps under Shadow Ba and Kaio.

In Moba Yuan's time and space, it can suppress the Earth Tiger Armor summoned by Kunzhong. The Earth Tiger Armor that is hitting Jian now will definitely not be able to defeat it, but it is still not a problem to defeat a half-disabled Wind Eagle Man.

Dongshan was beaten and retreated, and he quickly retreated to the door of the ward where Bing'er and Beimiao were. Now Dongshan had no way to retreat. However, last time Dongshan could remove the armor and sacrifice himself, but this time Once, there were Beimiao and Binger behind him, which really put Dongshan into a dilemma.

Because he was already at the door of the ward, Dongshan could no longer retreat. The speed advantage of the Wind Eagle Armor could not be used. Dongshan could only use the Wind Eagle Sword to fight Mo Ba head-on.

But Dongshan's arm was already broken. After being integrated with the armor, he barely regained his ability to move. Now that he has been fighting for so long, Dongshan's arm can no longer hold up.

Finally, due to a mistake, Dongshan failed to block Moba's sword and was picked on the chest by Moba's sword. Dongshan flew out and hit the door of the ward. He directly knocked open the door of the ward and flew in.

Dongshan quickly used the Wind Eagle Sword to support himself to stand up and stood in front of Bing'er and Beimiao. Then he faced Moba and said to Beimiao without looking back: "Quick, take Bing'er and leave quickly." , I block them.”

When Beimiao saw Mo Ba, he was stunned. Over the years, Mo Ba was simply his nightmare. How many times in the middle of the night, Beimiao would be frightened awake by Mo Ba in his dreams. Until later, Beimiao could Summoning the Black Rhino Armor, he gradually got rid of this nightmare, but now that the Black Rhino Armor was broken, he encountered Mo Ba again.

Beimiao mechanically followed Dongshan's suggestion and planned to take Bing'er away.

But when Beimiao tried to pick up Bing'er, Bing'er was holding a necklace, but it fell to the ground. Beimiao lowered his head and saw that it was the necklace he had given to his sister Xiaoxue.

At this moment, Beimiao understood everything. He understood why the last time the Shadow Realm Base was attacked, he would have a chance to touch the Water Shadow Stone. Last time, it seemed that the Black Rhino Armor was fighting independently. Now it seems that it was all Xiaoxue. Give him some water.

Beimiao looked at the various tubes on Bing'er's body. Bing'er had just finished such a major operation and she hadn't woken up yet. Even if he could carry Bing'er away, Bing'er would probably die. And Dongshan, who was struggling to hold on, should also be killed.

Beimiao slowly took out the summoner of the Black Rhino Armor from his arms. I already left my companions and ran away once last time. This time, I don't plan to run away again.

Beimiao grabbed the summoning chip from his necklace, put it into the summoner, and then put the summoner on his wrist, silently thinking in his heart, Black Rhino Armor, please help me again.

Beimiao roared: "Black rhinoceros armor, combined."

Meizhen, who was anxiously waiting for the results in the laboratory, was attracted by the bright light in the light and shadow energy room. The four light and shadow stones in the light and shadow energy room, except the water shadow stone, all emitted strong light, and then the four Dao energy was injected into the water shadow stone at the same time, and then the water shadow stone also lit up.

ERP's satellite was activated again, and a beam of aqua blue energy cut through the night sky, passed through the hospital building, and shone on Bei Miao's body.

The black rhinoceros armor covered Beimiao's body inch by inch.

Beimiao moved his shoulders, rushed forward, and helped Dongshan block Mo Ba's next attack.

Dongshan was also overjoyed when he saw the Black Rhinoceros standing in front of him: "Beimiao, you finally repaired the Black Rhinoceros armor."

Beimiao nodded: "Well, leave the rest to me."

Beimiao twisted the knob on the right side, summoned the water armor shield, and then installed the water armor shield on his left hand.

Mo Ba looked at the black rhinoceros armor that appeared in front of him, a little surprised, and stabbed tentatively with his sword.

Bei Miao directly blocked the sword with the water armor shield, and then took the opportunity to punch Mo Ba hard in the abdomen with his right hand, and directly punched Mo Ba out of the door of the ward.

Mo Ba was sitting on the ground, struggling to get up. Shadow Ba, who was watching the battle, did not bother to hide his identity, showed his true form of Bad Earth, stood in front of Mo Ba, and blocked Beimiao's pursuit.      “Huh, here comes another one who wants to die.”

If Zhongjie were here, he would still be able to recognize Badu and know that he is the Dark Protector, so he would be more vigilant. However, Beimiao didn't know who Badu was, so he punched him directly in front of Badu.

Badu blocked the punch with one hand, and then struck down with the knife in his other hand. Beimiao's eyes lit up, he blocked the punch with a water armor shield, and said, "It's interesting."

Then he pushed hard with his arms to push away the bad soil, took two steps back, and retracted the water armor shield.

Beimiao grabbed the wrist of his left hand with his right hand, moved his left hand, and then turned the knob on the right side to summon the meteor gun.

Although it has been a long time since he summoned the Black Rhinoceros Armor to fight, Beimiao has never given up on his marksmanship, and has even mastered the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear".

In such a narrow place as the corridor of the hospital, it should have been very disadvantageous for a big gun like Beimiao, but in Beimiao's hands, the meteor gun seemed to come alive, blocking, holding, stabbing, stretching, and slashing, like a flying dragon exploring. Grab it, it’s grand and grand.

Bad Earth is also very embarrassed now. It originally thought that it should be able to easily take down the Black Rhino Armor, but it did not expect that the newly repaired Black Rhino Armor accidentally formed a A feeling of the five elements uniting into one, knocking him out of breath.

Bad Tu originally wanted to ask Bad Water for help, but Bad Water was now hiding in Bing'er's body. If he attacked from behind, there was a high probability that he could turn defeat into victory.

But Bad Water told it that due to the sudden repair of the Black Rhino Armor, it had been suppressed by the Black Rhino Armor again. In addition, repairing Bing'er's body consumed too much energy. If it takes action now, I'm afraid it is still weak. Not as good as Mo Ba.

After hearing what Wei Shui said, Wei Shui wanted to vomit blood. He had no choice but to see if they could negotiate.

After holding the meteor gun with his knife, Badu said to Beimiao in a deep voice: "How about we admit defeat today and let us go? Otherwise, everything will be dead and the net will be broken. Even if you can seal me, the summoner of the Wind Eagle Armor and that little girl, I’m afraid I have to leave this beautiful world today.”

Beimiao didn't expect that this supernatural beast could actually talk. He glanced at Dongshan and Bing'er in the ward, thought for a moment, and then said, "I didn't expect that some supernatural beasts could also talk."

After forcing Badu back with one shot, Beimiao did not continue to pursue. Instead, he stood still and said, "It's not impossible to let you go today."

Beimiao pointed the meteor gun at Mo Ba and said in a sudden change: "You can leave, but it must be shed today, otherwise, you will know that you will die, but the net will not be broken."

Badland knew that it would be impossible to escape without leaving something behind today, so he squeezed out the word "good" from between his teeth, then spit out black mist and disappeared on the spot.

Mo Ba was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the situation would change like this, and he was abandoned by his boss.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to resist or not, and then he was directly hit by Beimiao's Kuang Waterfall. Finally, he was knocked back to the magic post state by Kuang Waterfall Ding, completing the seal.

 Yesterday's first order, 200, didn't arrive, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

  Thanks to the friends who supported me yesterday, as well as Qing Huan, Billions of Salted Fishes, King Yulan of the Song Dynasty who is more beautiful than Pan An, The Heavenly Banana Dragon Goes to the Sea, The White Horse Shakes Jin Ke, The Fake Feathered God, and several book friends 20200623201710937 A reward from a boss.

  Finally, I originally planned to add more updates if the first order is over 200. Although the first order is not over 200, several big guys have given me rewards and support. Let’s see if I can write another chapter tonight. If I can, Just ask for another monthly pass.

  (End of this chapter)

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