Chapter 130 Arrival
  The abyss of purgatory.

"Your Highness, the sacred mountain that suppresses the No. 1 Purgatory Abyss Passage is called Yaoyang Divine Mountain. The person who sits here is Lord Yaoyang of our virtual universe."

"It is said that when Venerable Yaoyang punches out, eighteen red-gold blazing suns will appear from behind him. Each red-gold blazing sun can kill the existence of a Venerable Universe."

In the rattan spaceship, the silver-haired woman showed admiration in her eyes.

A blazing sun can kill the Universe Venerable. Even if the person killed is just an ordinary Universe Venerable, that would be a big deal.

And, eighteen more?
  After hearing this, Chen Zong was a little surprised.

This kind of strength is at least at the level of a universe overlord, and it should be a powerful existence among the universe overlords.

A higher overlord of the universe?

That’s probably it!
  after all.

There are only three top cosmic overlords among the human race, and Lord Yaoyang is not among them.


The rattan spaceship arrived at Yaoyang Mountain. More than two hundred deacons in silver-white uniforms from the mountain came to the door of the spacecraft.

"After many years, His Highness has finally accepted the training mission of 'Purgatory Abyss'."

"Probably tens of thousands of years!"

"More than that, I think it should be hundreds of thousands of years."

"Anyway, it's been a long time since His Highness came."

"It is said that His Highness, who came to the original secret realm this time, took on a training mission for the first time."

"Really or not, you dare to take on the 'Purgatory Abyss', which has the highest mortality rate, for the first time?"

"Of course, you have been in seclusion for too long. When you come out, you naturally don't know how powerful His Highness is coming."

"How powerful?"

"The Universe Sky Bridge, Your Highness, he passed through the 14th floor!"

"Hi~, my God, you have broken through the 14th floor, and it is still at the cosmic level? I feel like I have lived hundreds of thousands of years in vain."

At this time.

"Hmph, please stop discussing His Highness's affairs." Suddenly, a cold snort sounded, and everyone looked to see a Realm Lord wearing a fiery red robe who was recognized by the original law.

Next to this World Lord, there are two World Lords who are also recognized by the Origin Law.

These three people are all at the pinnacle of realm masters.

"I've seen the three guardians!" Two hundred deacons in silver-white uniforms saluted the three guardians.

"Yes. Everyone lines up, His Highness is about to come out." The red-robed guardian captain said seriously.


  The rattan spaceship gradually lowered its altitude and landed on the flat ground in front of everyone.

  The hatch opens.

"Your Highness, I can only send you here." The silver-haired woman said calmly.

"Well, thank you." Chen Zong nodded, then flew out of the hatch and landed in front of the welcoming team.

"Your Highness Chen Zong!" The guardians and deacons all bowed slightly.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly, "I'm going to the Purgatory Abyss, please help me make arrangements."

"Your Highness, we are ready, please follow me." The red-robed guardian captain stood on one side of his body and extended his right hand to guide.

Chen Zong followed.

Along the way, Chen Zong looked at Yaoyang Mountain.

"Your Highness, the palaces at the foot of the mountain are where we, the world lords and domain lords, live, while the immortal gods live in the palaces on the mountainside." Seeing Chen Zong's curiosity, the red-robed guardian captain introduced.

"And the huge palace on the top of the mountain is the residence of Lord Yaoyang."

"Also, Your Highness, please look over there."

Chen Zong followed the finger of the red-robed guardian captain and saw a huge sky-reaching pillar with a diameter of nearly a kilometer and a height of 10,000 meters on the mountainside. The fiery red flames were like a giant dragon wrapping around the giant pillar. Faintly, It was as if I could hear the roar of dragons.

"What is that?" Chen Zong asked doubtfully.

"Your Highness, that is the Flame Dragon Jade Pillar. Staying next to the Flame Dragon Jade Pillar is conducive to understanding the law of the origin of fire. The materials used in its construction were obtained from the abyss of purgatory." The red-robed guardian captain explained.

"There are many precious and special resources in the Purgatory Abyss that are not available in the outside world."

"These resources, taken out at will, are worth the wealth of an ordinary immortal god."


"If you want to obtain these resources, even if the Immortal God personally takes action, it is difficult to obtain them and the risk is extremely high."

Hearing this, Chen Zong understood somewhat.

It turns out that the red-robed guardian captain was reminding himself that although there were many treasures in the abyss of purgatory, they were extremely dangerous. If you want to obtain the treasures, you must be aware of death.


Before Chen Zong could speak, the red-robed guardian captain continued: "I have been here for millions of years, and during this time I have seen many His Highnesses enter the abyss of purgatory."

"There are people from our Virtual Universe Company, and there are also people from the other four major forces."


"None of them came back, they all died in the abyss of purgatory."

Speaking of this, the red-robed guardian captain was full of sighs.

Each of those highnesses was more talented than me, but they just died in the abyss of purgatory.


"Your Highness, you are the one with the greatest potential among our generation of geniuses. I hope you can return safely." Therefore, he looked at Chen Zong and said hopefully.

"Thank you." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

We walked along the mountain path for more than half an hour.

They came to a platform at the bottom of Yaoyang Mountain. Standing here, Chen Zong looked down and could see the spiral passage.

The dark vortex channel seemed to have a suction force, as if it wanted Chen Zong to suck it in.

"Your Highness, this passage to the Purgatory Abyss looks dangerous, but it's actually very safe." The red-robed guardian captain said, "As long as you have cosmic-level strength, you can enter it safely."    "However."

"It should be noted that sometimes, certain areas in the channel are very unstable, causing some space-time distortions."

"Your Highness needs to avoid these places, otherwise he may be teleported to some dangerous places."

Dangerous place.

The entire abyss of purgatory is a dangerous place.

However, the dangerous place emphasized by the red-robed guardian captain was a place where even the immortal gods could be defeated.

"Yes, I understand." Chen Zong nodded slightly.


A pitch-black War Sword spaceship appeared out of thin air. Then, the hatch opened and Chen Zong flew into the War Sword spacecraft.

  The war sword spaceship shook slightly, and the tip of the sword pointed towards the Purgatory Abyss passage. With a swish, it plunged into the passage and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Captain, do you think that His Highness Chen Zong can come back alive?" asked another white-haired and red-robed protector.

"It feels impossible." The red-robed guardian captain

"Why?" the white-haired protector asked in confusion.

"I can see from His Highness Chen Zong's eyes that he doesn't have much fear of the Purgatory Abyss." The red-robed guardian captain shook his head, "That's why I deliberately reminded him before that although treasures are good, life is more important. .”

"However, judging from His Highness's reaction, my reminder has no effect."

“Like those His Highnesses who died inside, I always felt that I would be special and would return alive to complete the mission.

"However, the ultimate outcome is death."

"Hey, what a pity!" The white-haired protector sighed.

In the passage of the Purgatory Abyss.

"Exterior scene simulation 100%." ​​In the Zhanjian spaceship, Chen Zong was sitting on the sofa in the hall, lying back.



The scene in the passage appeared in Chen Zong's eyes.

"Huh?" Chen Zong was surprised, "Looking from the outside, the passage is dark, but after entering, you can actually see a colorful scene, which is a bit interesting."


The colorful lights disappeared in the blink of an eye, and a boulder larger than the War Sword spaceship blocked the front of the spacecraft.

call out!
  The war sword spaceship drew an elegant arc and avoided the boulder.

"Master, according to the current speed, it will take another 5 hours for the Tianjian to reach the Purgatory Abyss." Weiss's voice sounded.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

Since the Zhanjian spaceship was a gift from King Tiandao, Chen Zong named it Tianjian.

The abyss of purgatory.

In the dim sky, suddenly, a dark long sword appeared out of thin air. This was Chen Zong's Heavenly Sword.

The Heavenly Sword is in.

Chen Zong looked up and did not see the passage to the Purgatory Abyss.

After accepting the mission, Chen Zong saw a lot of information that could only be seen after accepting the mission.

among them.

There is one, that is, the purgatory abyss passage seen outside is actually a space transmission passage.

The place it comes out is random, but generally it will not exceed the corresponding range of the space channel.


The three Purgatory Abyss passages respectively correspond to the three areas of the Purgatory Abyss.

Passage No. 1 corresponds to the Purgatory Continent, Passage No. 2 corresponds to the Void of Purgatory, and Passage No. 3 corresponds to the Black Sea of ​​Purgatory.

These three areas are equally dangerous.

"If you survive for 3 months, you can complete the training mission and get 10 points. However," Chen Zong smiled slightly, "my goal is the 'Purgatory Magic Crystal'."

call out!
  Chen Zong flew out of the spacecraft hatch and then put the Tianjian into the world ring.

"Nebula, transform into the battle armor of the Infernal Demon Clan." Chen Zong said softly.

"Yes, Master."

I saw.

The purple-red shirt on Chen Zong's body decomposed directly and turned into a purple-red cloud again, with little stars twinkling in the purple-red cloud.


The purple-red cloud solidified again, turning into a set of pitch-black armor with a pair of wings on the back and three slender tails with sword-like tails.

In the abyss of purgatory.

In addition to the Hell Monsters, other races also exist, among which the Purgatory Demons are the majority.

The Purgatory Demon Race is also the only civilized race in the Purgatory Abyss.


This civilization is still in the wilderness era, but relying on the wilderness civilization, the Purgatory Demon Tribe has become the master of the Purgatory Abyss.

And black is the color worshiped by the demons in purgatory.

Every purgatory demon clan, whether it is weapons, armor, etc., is black.

at this time.

This dark battle armor was put on Chen Zong, revealing only a pair of eyes.

In the dim abyss of purgatory, after tens of thousands of years, an outsider once again welcomed.

 Thank you to the book friend Yunwu descending from the mountain for the reward of 100 starting coins.

  (End of this chapter)

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