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Chapter 131 Powerful Ascetic Cultivation

Chapter 131 Powerful Ascetic Cultivation
  A figure with three slender black scales on its back and six-meter-long black wings spread out, fell from the sky and landed in an extremely vast primeval forest.

This figure is Chen Zong.

"The gravity of this Purgatory Abyss is too strong. Apart from those who are born to fly, only cosmic-level experts can fly for a longer period of time." Chen Zong sighed.

"The stellar class can fly hundreds of kilometers and it won't be able to fly anymore."

"As for the planetary level, the magnetic field gravity generated in the body cannot offset such a strong gravity, and it is not even qualified to fly."

"Also, the air here is produced by the power of the universe. The air has an amazing effect of strengthening the body."

Call ~
  In the palm of Chen Zong's hand, a vortex was generated, and the surrounding cosmic energy was quickly sucked into the vortex.

It didn't take long.

A cosmic crystal appeared in Chen Zong's hand.

"The intensity of the cosmic energy here is not as strong as that of Wuchen Continent, but it is still very rich." Looking at the cosmic crystal in his hand, Chen Zong sighed slightly.


"This cosmic crystal is mixed with an evil spirit unique to the Purgatory Abyss. If a person with a willpower lower than the World Lord level comes into contact with these evil spirits, they will be eroded by this evil spirit and either go crazy or die directly."

"Even a person with a World Lord-level will can only absorb up to 10,000 of these cosmic crystals. If more than 10,000, they will go crazy."

  Chen Zong directly crushed the cosmic crystal containing evil energy in his hand.


He looked around and saw a dark green virgin forest.

In the forest, ancient trees thousands of meters high or even 10,000 meters high can be seen everywhere.

Thick vines are wrapped around the ancient trees, and the hanging parts are thousands of meters long.


Chen Zong jumped down from the tree crown and landed on the ground.

The ground covered with dead leaves was very soft.


An ape-like Hell Beast that was more than ten meters tall and had three heads jumped out from behind the ancient tree. It held its hands together, raised it above its head, and smashed towards Chen Zong.


Call ~
  The fist wind was mixed with the strange screams of the ape-like hell monsters, and around them, more ape-like hell monsters followed the strange screams.

Although Chen Zong didn't understand, he knew that this was definitely not to welcome him.

"Xingyun, I will leave this prison beast to you." Chen Zong used his consciousness to communicate with Xingyun.

"Okay, Master." Nebula responded.

I saw.

Of the three slender tails on Chen Zong's back, the one on the left suddenly extended, like a whip, and struck at the ape-like Hell Monster at extremely fast speeds.

Before the ape-like prison monster could react, it was split into two halves and hit both sides of Chen Zong, causing the ground to shake.

The surrounding ape-like hell monsters roared angrily when they saw their companions dying, and glared at Chen Zong.

  all of a sudden.

Hundreds of ape-like hell monsters jumped down from the tree trunks and surrounded Chen Zong.

One of them had three golden hairs on its head, and a powerful aura came from it.

"The Demon King's first-level strength is also the Domain Lord's first-level strength." Weiss's voice sounded in Chen Zong's mind.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

In Purgatory Continent, the levels of strength are divided from low to high: Demon Soldier, Demon General, Demon Commander, Demon King, Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor, which respectively correspond to planet level, star level, universe level, and domain lord level. , world lord level, immortal god...

Because the energy of the universe is rich.

Most of the creatures here are demon soldiers (planetary level) when they are born. When they reach adulthood, the weakest are demon generals of the first level (stellar level).

With a little effort, becoming the ninth level Demon General (ninth level star level) is not a problem at all.


The leader of the golden-headed ape-like hell monster roared angrily, then bent his feet and stepped hard. With a bang, the dead branches and leaves under his feet were lifted into the air. Like lightning, its body instantly reached the top of Chen Zong's head. Clap it with one palm.

The momentum of the first-level demon king (first-level domain lord level) was really powerful. Before the attack came, dozens of ancient trees around could not withstand the pressure and broke directly, flying towards the periphery.

This area suddenly became much wider.

At this time.

On Chen Zong, the tail that had previously killed the ape-like Hell Beast was swung again, and with a whoosh, the sword-like tail quickly cut through the void.


The same scene appeared again.

The leader of the Ape Hell Monster was split in half like the previous one, with its original core broken into pieces.

Nebula, who is at the ninth level of the Demon King (ninth level of the Domain Lord level), is too easy to deal with the Hell Beast, which is only the first level of the Demon King (the first level of the Domain Lord level). It is a complete instant kill.

"Ho ho ho~"

The surrounding ape-like hell monsters were extremely shocked, screaming strangely, taking a few steps back, then turning around and running away.

Chen Zong was not interested in these weak chickens and let them escape.


He took the body of the leader of the ape hell monster into the world ring.

This thing has its uses.

In the Purgatory Abyss, there is also space to store equipment, so even if he uses the world ring, Chen Zong does not have to worry about exposing his identity.

"The landing place is too remote. The surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers are all virgin forests." Chen Zong shook his head, "I don't know which direction is the direction to the Purgatory Demon City."

In the Purgatory Abyss training mission, the third mission is to obtain the Purgatory Magic Crystal.


In the mission information, there is only a description of what the purgatory magic crystal looks like.

It wasn't until Chen Zong used his authority that he found some useful information in the virtual universe system.

That is, there may be purgatory magic crystals in some dangerous places, and the purgatory demons may also have purgatory magic crystals in their hands.

Chen Zong did not dare to venture into dangerous places.

after all.

That is a place where even the immortal gods dare not trespass.

and so.

If you want to obtain the Purgatory Demon Crystal, you can only get it from the Purgatory Demon Clan.

"Since you don't know the direction, just choose one." Chen Zong took out a dark fifth-level force sword, Mo Yuan Sword, from the world ring.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the Mo Yuan Sword into the air. The sword rotated in the air without any order, and then was inserted into the ground at an angle.

"Well, the hilt of the sword is facing this direction, so let's go in this direction." Chen Zong put away the Mo Yuan Sword, flapped his wings behind his back, and his whole body turned into a black stream of light and shuttled through the forest.

along the way.

While Chen Zong was on his way, he was hunting the Demon King (Domain Lord level) Hell Beast. During the period.

In a deep pool, he also encountered an ink-colored one-horned dragon that was thousands of meters long.

After a fight.

The black one-horned dragon was killed by Chen Zong's sword.


at this time.

On the trunk of an ancient tree surrounded by thirty or forty people, there was a tree hole dug by man. In the tree hole, Chen Zong was sitting cross-legged, recovering his original strength.


He bought many treasures that could instantly restore his original power and put them in the world ring he carried with him.


There is no danger now, so there is no need to use those treasures and just absorb the power of the universe by yourself.


  Outside the tree hole, there was a sound of fighting, mixed with some strange language.

"Purgatory Demon Clan?" Chen Zong's eyes lit up when he heard the strange language.

Chen Zong had already learned the language of the Purgatory Demon Clan on the way to the Purgatory Abyss.


I have carefully understood and studied the customs, habits, speech and behavior of the Purgatory Demon Clan.

Chen Zong immediately flew out of the tree hole and flew towards the place where the battle took place.

"No, this armored earth dragon broke through unexpectedly." A tall, eight-armed purgatory demon wearing dark heavy armor changed his face. "Damn it, I can't fight now, and I can't escape."

"I didn't expect that before I found the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower, I would die at the feet of this evil beast."

The eight-armed purgatory demons were avoiding the attacks of the armored earth dragon while looking for a way to escape.

On the tree trunk in the distance, Chen Zong was paying attention to the situation of the eight-armed demon clan.

The seventh level of the Demon Commander (the seventh level of the universe level).

The secret method of combat is very crude, inferior to even the secret methods at the lower level in the universe.

The armored earth dragon beast with thick silver-gray scales, the ninth-level Demon Commander (ninth-level cosmic level), has a level advantage and is at the upper hand.

"Since you let me meet you, your life should not be cut off." Chen Zong smiled slightly, took a step forward, and appeared on top of the armored earth dragon.

call out!
  The sword-like tail on the back stabbed downwards, directly piercing the armored earth dragon's head. The blood dripped down the end of the tail onto the scarlet soil, making the ground even brighter red.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, the Eight-Armed Purgatory Demon Clan was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, "Karmos, thank you so much for saving your life!"

They are both Demon Commanders (cosmic level), but the person in front of him is really too strong. Compared to him, he is a weakling, Kalmos sighed in his heart.

due to.

Nebula of the Demon King (Domain Lord level) has a special life form. When he uses his innate secret method to transform into other items, both the style and the breath will be the same as the changed item.

Just like now, if Nebula becomes a battle armor, then he is a battle armor. Without the breath of life, there is no breath of the devil (territory lord level).

and so.

Only Kalmos could tell at a glance that Chen Zong and himself belonged to the same level.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded slightly and then fell to the ground.

"Are you from the royal city, the imperial city, or the imperial city?" Chen Zong asked, looking at the respectful eight-armed purgatory demon clan.

On the continent of Purgatory.

Those who are qualified to build a city must be the strongest demon king (domain lord level) even the weakest.

What is built or guarded by the demon king (domain lord level) is the royal city.

What is built or guarded by the Demon Emperor (realm lord level) is the imperial city.

And what was built or guarded by the Demon Emperor (immortal god) was the Imperial City.

I go!

What kind of character is this?

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was from the royal city, the imperial city, and the imperial city.

It seems that these cities are nothing more than mediocrity.

Kalmos was shocked inside.

"Well" at this moment, Kalmos looked a little embarrassed, "To reply to my benefactor, I come from the Tanzanian tribe, not from any major city."


Chen Zong also knew what a tribe was.

Although the so-called tribe is generally a city, since the strongest person is not a demon king (region lord level), it is not qualified to be called a royal city.


Although it is not a royal city, it is at least a gathering place for the Purgatory Demon Clan, so you can visit it first.

"Your name is Kalmos?" Chen Zong said calmly.

"Yes, my benefactor." Kalmos nodded respectfully.

"I have been practicing hard in this wilderness for tens of thousands of years, and it's getting a bit boring." Chen Zong put his right hand behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said with emotion, "Well, take me to your tribe to see it."

"Yes, my benefactor." Kalmos nodded excitedly.

Practice asceticism.

It turned out to be an ascetic practice.

Ascetic cultivators are an extremely powerful group in Purgatory Continent.

Because the weak will already die in the process of penance.

They spend most of their lives wandering around in the wilderness, wilderness, vast sea and other sparsely populated places filled with hell monsters.

Being able to practice asceticism for tens of thousands of years in these extremely dangerous places is also a powerful existence among the asceticism community.

It turns out that my benefactor practiced asceticism, so no wonder he was much stronger than me.

just now.

It is an honor for the tribe that a strong man like Bengong is willing to go to his tribe.


The chance for the tribe to advance to the royal city lies with the benefactor.

Think of this.

"My benefactor, please come with me." Kalmos was so excited that he even forgot about the mandala spirit flower he was looking for.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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