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Chapter 132 Mandala Jade Spirit Flower

Chapter 132 Mandala Jade Spirit Flower

In the dim sky, two figures streaked across like shooting stars.

"My benefactor, this primitive mountain range that stretches for hundreds of thousands of kilometers is called the Brown Scott Mountains, which means the dead land containing treasures." From high in the sky, Kalmos introduced to Chen Zong.

"The Tanzanian tribe I belong to is on the edge of the Brown Scott Mountains."

"At the current speed, it will probably take another hour and a half before we reach the tribe."

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly, and then said doubtfully, "By the way, there are many demon king (region lord level) hell beasts deep in this mountain range. With your strength, how dare you go so deep into the mountain range?"

It has been less than a day since Chen Zong descended into the abyss of purgatory.

And in just one day, he encountered six Demon Kings (Domain Lord level) and one Demon King (World Lord level) prison beast.

If he hadn't been so powerful, he would have become the prey of the Hell Monster.

"Um" Suddenly, Kalmos scratched his head in embarrassment, with a hint of blush on his gray face, "My dear benefactor, there is a royal city named Nalando in our area."

"The Lord of the Royal City has a beautiful only daughter."

"Some time ago, the Lord of the City issued an edict that a marriage ceremony would be held for his daughter."

"And the content of the ceremony is to enter the Brown Scott Mountains and search for treasures."

"Whoever finds the better treasure will have a higher chance of becoming the city lord's son-in-law."


"So, you risk your life and break into the depths of this mountain range?" Chen Zong looked at Kalmos, a simple and honest purgatory demon who was five meters tall and had eight thick arms. He found it quite interesting.

"Well, that's pretty much it." Kalmos said sheepishly.

"Then what treasures have you found?" Chen Zong asked.

"Only one cold jade gold crystal was found." Kalmos said helplessly, "However, I obtained a map in the early years, and the location of the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower was marked on the map."

"This time, for the sake of the city lord's beautiful daughter, I made up my mind to go deep into the mountains to find the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower."

"However, before even a single Mandala Jade Spirit Flower could be found, it was discovered by the previous Iron-Armored Earth Dragon Beast."

"If I hadn't met my benefactor, I might have died tragically under the iron hooves of the Iron-Armored Dragon Beast."

Cold jade gold crystal? Mandala jade spirit flower?
  What is this for?
  Chen Zong did not ask, but directly asked Weiss to search in the virtual universe system.


Weiss searched for relevant information.

Cold Jade Gold Crystal is an earth attribute treasure and a very good weapon refining material. It can be used to make fifth-level earth attribute force weapons.

As for the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower, it is a specialty product in the Purgatory Abyss. It can be used to refine potions that enhance the Force or telekinesis. From this point of view, it is somewhat similar to the nutrition cabin.

One Datura jade flower, supplemented by other precious herbs, can produce three potions.

Each potion can elevate a person from the first level of Territory Lord to the third level of Territory Lord.

Although these two things did not meet Chen Zong's expectations, they were not too different.

You can collect some!
  "Do you still want the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower?" Chen Zong said casually, "If you do, go back now and look for it. Maybe you can find it."

"Is it okay?" Kalmos felt a sudden excitement in his heart.

"Of course." Chen Zong nodded.


According to the map, the two returned to the area where they had killed the armored dragon beast.

A cliff, on a protruding platform.

"My dear friend, look, that's where it's marked on the map." Kalmos took out a brown animal skin map and compared it with the surrounding rocks and a crystal clear stream below. They were all accurate. .

"But the place pointed on the map is a rock wall. It's bare and there's nothing there." Kalmos said in confusion.

Chen Zong walked to the stone wall.

  Not right.

Why do I feel like there is a weak space force on the rock wall?

"Give me the map." Chen Zong stretched out his right hand, and Kalmos directly handed the map to Chen Zong without hesitation.

Take the map.

As the map got closer to the rock wall, Chen Zong felt that the space force gradually became stronger, but it was still a little weak.

There is a play!

But something is still missing.

"Follow me." After Chen Zong said that, he turned into a stream of light and appeared five kilometers away.

"My benefactor, have you found anything?" Kalmos also followed.

"It's hard to say for now." Chen Zong spread out the map, looked at the marks on the map, and then looked at the rock wall five kilometers away.

  That is
  Chen Zong discovered that there were five peaks around the rock wall. These five peaks seemed to form a faint formation.

He looked down at the map again.

There are no these five peaks on the map.

However, the places where the five peaks are located are all on the map.


"Ha, that's it!" Chen Zong smiled with a hint of understanding on his face.

immediately. Chen Zong flew into the air, and Mo Yuan Sword appeared in his hand.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!
  Five sword lights containing the power of space laws flew out from Mo Yuan's sword and stabbed towards the five mountain peaks respectively.


"What is my benefactor doing? Could it be that he can't find the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower and wants to take it out on the mountain?" Kalmos looked confused.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
  Five mountain peaks were hit by five sword rays and collapsed instantly. However, the collapsed earth and rocks were suspended in the air and did not fall.


These pieces of earth and stone flew towards the rock wall in the middle automatically without any wind, and in a blink of an eye, a stone door was built on the rock wall.


The stone door opened automatically, and a space passage appeared in front of Chen Zong and Kalmos.

"My benefactor, what is that?" Kalmos flew to Chen Zong's side and looked at the wide open stone door with a look of shock on his face.

He had never seen this kind of scene.

Don't know what's going on.

"Let's go in." Chen Zong shouted to Kalmos beside him.

  Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the space channel. Kalmos hesitated and followed.

within the space channel.

"I didn't expect that this turned out to be a medicinal field." A smile appeared on Chen Zong's face. His understanding of the original laws of space had reached the level of a feudal lord. He was able to see through this simple space passage and look directly at the scene inside.

  In the world of medicine fields.

The figures of Chen Zong and Kalmos emerged from the space passage and were suspended above the medicine field.

"Oh my God, that's the Mandala Spirit Flower." Kalmos was extremely shocked. He flew over the elixir and counted it with his hands. "One, two, three or four, dozens of medicinal fields, with seeds planted on them." All are Mandala jade flowers."


"Then there are also Green Grass Flowers and Wei Ling Grass. These are the raw materials used to refine the level-breaking potion."

"Oh my god, this is simply a spiritual medicine plantation dedicated to growing level-breaking potions." Kalmos was already dancing excitedly.

In Kalmos' impression, the elixir plantation could only exist in an imperial city with a demon emperor (world lord level) sitting there.


He never expected that there would be a spiritual medicine plantation in the Brown Scott Mountains.

"My dear benefactor, we've sent it." Kalmos suppressed the excitement in his heart and returned to Chen Zong's side.

"Yes." Chen Zong looked at Kalmos and nodded slightly, "You can take as much as you want."

"Thank you so much!" Hearing Chen Zong's words, Kalmos's eyes lit up, and then he immediately fell into the medicine field and started picking the elixir.


This Kalmos is very measured.

He only took five of the one hundred and thirty-five Datura jade spiritual flowers. For other large quantities of elixirs, such as green miso flower, Wei Lingcao, etc., he took the corresponding 40 or 50 plants of each type.


And he returned.

"Why, is this enough?" Chen Zong looked at Kalmos curiously.

The level-breaking potion is a very precious treasure in this remote place.

"My dear benefactor, when I entered the depths of the mountains, I originally just wanted to find a Mandala jade spirit flower. But now, I not only have five Mandala jade spirit flowers, but also the corresponding elixir for refining the level-breaking potion." Karl Moss said seriously.

"This is beyond my imagination."

"I don't need any more!"

After saying that, Kalmos stood quietly in the air.

"Well, okay then." Chen Zong looked at Kalmos and nodded.


Chen Zong pressed down with his right hand, and the huge energy quickly gathered, forming a huge energy palm.

In the palm of your hand.

The power of space laws is faintly diffused.

This is a secret technique in the fifth volume of "Chaotic Time and Space", the Heaven-Covering Palm!

Chen Zong shook his right hand and grabbed the medicine field below with his huge energy palm. With a snap, the medicine field escaped directly into the world ring.

The giant palms of energy grabbed Yaotian one after another and sent Yaotian into the world ring.


In the space passage, six more figures emerged.

"Is this the Mandala Jade Spirit Flower?" Six shocked voices sounded.

"Stop, these elixirs all belong to us, the Six Monsters of Ganshan." One of them shouted at Chen Zong.

 Thanks to book friend Zizhu-Chen for the 1500 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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