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Chapter 137 Imperial City PK

Chapter 137 Imperial City PK
  The Dark Night Imperial City.

"Huh? This imperial city is really different from the royal city." Walking on the street, Chen Zong discovered that commerce was developed here, and there were many shops on both sides of the main street.

There are countless people selling weapons, collecting treasures, and opening restaurants.

After walking around for a while.

Chen Zong found a shop selling information, Bafanglou.

Bafang Building has eight walls, and there is a door in the middle of each wall.

Bafang and Bafang represent ears listening to all directions and wide channels of information.

When Chen Zong entered it, what he saw was not a wide hall, but corridors. At the end of each corridor was a secret room.

Some secret room doors are wide open, and some secret room doors are closed.

The door is open, which means that the guest can enter it, and after paying the price, he can get the information he wants to know.

If it is closed, there are already guests inside.

Chen Zong chose a corridor and walked into the secret room. The door of the secret room closed automatically after he entered.

in the secret room.

There are eight crystal stones on the eight walls, emitting a soft yellowish light, illuminating the dark secret room.

"Sir, what do you want to know?" At this time, a voice sounded in the secret room.

Chen Zong looked and saw that the sound came from a square black box with golden patterns on the stone table in the secret room.


Unexpectedly, in this abyss of purgatory, something similar to a trumpet can be seen.

"Sir, what do you want to know?" the voice sounded again.

"I want to know the news about the Mad Demon Forbidden Land and the Forest Prison Imperial City." Chen Zong said.

"Okay, these two pieces of information are not top secret. You only need 10 million magic coins." The voice in the box guided Chen Zong, "Put the magic coins on the stone platform in front of the stone wall on the right."

Ten million magic coins.

Previously, in the world of Yaotian, the six monsters of Ganshan that Chen Zong killed did not possess more than one million magic coins in total.


City Lord Nalando was relatively wealthy, with more than nine million magic coins. Adding in the magic coins of Lan Feng and the city lord's daughter, he could collect ten million magic coins.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded, then took out the magic coin and placed it on the stone platform.

  On the stone platform, a white light flashed, and the magic coin disappeared, replaced by two animal skins.

  Space teleportation!
  It seems that the background of this Bafang Building is unusual, Chen Zong thought to himself.

Immediately, he picked up the animal skin and opened it. One page contained information about the Crazy Demon Forbidden Land, and the other page contained information about the Forest Prison Imperial City.

The information is quite detailed.

Chen Zong nodded slightly, then put away the two animal skins.

"Sir, do you still need to trade?" At this time, the voice came from the box again.

"No need." Chen Zong said.

"The transaction is over, welcome again." A voice came from the box, and then the door to the secret room reopened.

After leaving Bafang Tower, Chen Zong no longer stayed, but left the city and flew towards the Crazy Demon Forbidden Land.

In the sky.

Chen Zong took out the two animal skins again and looked at them carefully.

The most dangerous thing in the Crazy Demon Forbidden Land is not the crazy demons, nor the demons who enter the forbidden land, but the evil vortex that will suddenly appear.

Once caught in the whirlpool of evil spirits, even the powerful Demon King will be overwhelmed by the will to kill in the vortex and fall directly.

and so.

If you want to survive in the Mad Forbidden Land, in addition to being strong enough, luck is also very important.

Then, Chen Zong looked at the animal skin that recorded the information about the Forest Prison Imperial City.

Millions of epochs ago, a powerful Demon Emperor went deep into the Mad Demon Forbidden Land and founded an imperial city tens of thousands of kilometers away from the center of the Forbidden Land.


Later, this powerful Demon Emperor disappeared. As time passed, the Imperial City was occupied by the Demon Emperor and became an imperial city, which is now the Forest Prison Imperial City.

"I didn't expect that this prison imperial city was built by the powerful Demon Emperor, the immortal god." Chen Zong was a little surprised.


How could this immortal god disappear?
  Could it be that he was killed by the strong man guarding Abyss Purgatory in Virtual Universe Company?
  never mind!

This is not something you need to think about.

just now.

His goal is the Purgatory Demonic Crystal.

According to the route in the animal skin map, Chen Zong arrived outside the Crazy Demon Forbidden Area.

At a glance.

What comes into view is a tall, slightly reddish "city wall".

"The will to kill is so strong that it can influence the domain lord level experts." Standing outside the Mad Demon Forbidden Area, Chen Zong could feel the boundless killing atmosphere from the scarlet gas.

"No wonder those below the Domain Lord level have a narrow escape from death." "Xingyun, remember to tell me when you can't hold on." Chen Zong used his consciousness to communicate with Nebula.

"Okay, Master." Nebula responded.

Although Nebula is a ninth-level realm lord, his will is indeed that of a seventh-level realm lord. He should be able to survive in this crazy forbidden land for a long time.

  Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and rushed into the Mad Demon Forbidden Land.

Following the route given on the animal skin, Chen Zong rushed towards the depths of the forbidden area.


A figure full of murderous intent appeared in front of him.

"Crazy devil!" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed, and he finally met the crazy devil.

These crazy demons are actually strong men who entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the crazy demons. They could not withstand the will to kill in the forbidden area, and their consciousness collapsed, leaving only a few consciousnesses soaked in evil spirits remaining in the body.

and so.

Mad demons will attack no matter who they see, even if they are also mad demons.

"Kill!" A metal-like sound of murder came from the mouth of the humanoid madman, and then, his sharp claws swung towards Chen Zong.

Chen Zong ignored it and continued flying forward.

When the humanoid madman approached, the three sword-like tails transformed by Nebula directly tore the madman into pieces.

A proto-nucleus floats in the air.

  The moment the sword tail was retracted, the original core was shattered.

along the way.

Chen Zong encountered dozens of crazy demons, but all of them were quickly eliminated by Nebula.

"Ha, we're finally here." In the sky, Chen Zong looked through the red mist and saw a majestic city, which was the Forest Prison Imperial City.

  He landed directly at the city gate.

Unlike the Dark Night Imperial City, there are no guards at the gate of this city and you can enter at will.

As soon as you enter the Forest Prison Imperial City.

Chen Zong felt that dozens of eyes were watching him.

"It turns out to be a devil-level little guy." A voice suddenly sounded, and his words were mixed with excitement. "Being able to come here, there must be treasures on him."

"Ha, I want this treasure." Another voice sounded, and after speaking, the figure jumped out.

There was a bang.

A mouse less than one meter long, looking like a mouse covered in black scales, landed a hundred meters in front of Chen Zong.

Demon King Level 1!
  The aura on the rat demon clan is that of the first level Demon King.

"Boy, hand over the treasure, and I can spare your life." The rat demon clan said so, but its right paw was already grabbing at Chen Zong.

The thin right claw exudes a very powerful aura. Golden air currents wrap around the claw, making it sharper.

To be able to become the Demon King, the Rat Demon Clan is not a fool.

He knew very well that although the boy in front of him was only at the Demon Commander level, to be able to come here, he must have killed a madman who had defeated the ninth level Demon King.

and so.

He didn't dare to be careless, and it was his killing move!
  "Damn it, Simic took the lead." There were angry curses from other places in the city.

"If Simic really grabs a good treasure, we will take action and rob Simic." A disdainful voice was heard.


And the city gate.

In Chen Zong's hand, Mo Yuan's sword suddenly appeared, and immediately, his sword pointed directly at the paw of the rat demon Simic.

The secret lines on Mo Yuan's sword shimmered slightly, exuding a shocking aura.

"The top Demon Emperor weapon!" Simic was overjoyed when he saw Mo Yuan Sword.

As a powerful Demon King, he naturally refined the Demon King's weapon that suited him, a pair of claw gloves.

But who thinks the Demon King has few weapons?
  The other demons who were watching were also very interested in Mo Yuan Sword.

At this time.

  On Mo Yuan's sword, dozens of sword lights shot up into the sky, directly breaking the attack of the rat demon Simic. Moreover, the sword lights formed a formation in the air, and a wave of time and space was transmitted.

Followed by.

The formation fell, heading straight towards Simic.

"Damn it, I can't move!" Simic wanted to take action again, but found that he couldn't move at all. He was horrified and quickly activated the secret defense method.

at this time.

Boom boom boom!
  Dozens of sword rays came down one after another, all stabbing Simic's body, making loud noises.

  The aperture formed by Simic's secret defense method exploded instantly.

The remaining sword light directly beheaded Simic.

A demon commander actually killed the demon emperor. For a moment, there was an unusual silence at the city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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