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Chapter 138 Promoted to Territory Lord?

Chapter 138 Promoted to Territory Lord?

The gate of Forest Prison Imperial City.

Chen Zong shocked all the demons with his sword.


Another demon emperor with a powerful aura appeared in front of Chen Zong. This demon emperor had nine thick tails covered with golden scales trailing behind him, and there were mysterious fiery red secret lines on his forehead.

Obviously, this Demon King is a strong man recognized by the original law.

Chen Zong suddenly became alert.

Once there is a problem, immediately escape into the ancient god space.

"Very good. With your talent, you are qualified to enter the fire space." The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor did not take action against Chen Zong. Instead, he looked at Chen Zong with a smile and said, "Follow me."

The Nine-Tailed Demon King's words were like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing splashes and ripples.

"What, this kid actually got the approval of the temple's special envoy and got the qualification to enter the fire space?"

"Hmph, if you can kill the Demon Emperor as a Demon Commander, you are also qualified."

"I really envy this kind of peerless genius!"

Many Demon Emperors who had not shown up looked at Chen Zong with envy.

"Fire space?" Chen Zong asked doubtfully.

"It seems that you don't know about the fire space, so I will tell you." The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor, the special envoy of the temple, smiled, "This fire space is a special space opened by the three supreme demons co-hosted by the temple. The Alliance is a place specially designed to cultivate strong people.”

"Those who can enter the fire space are those who are very powerful, at least the seventh level of the Demon King, and the other, just like you, are talented people."

"Inside, you can get the best training."

"You will understand the specific situation after entering."

"You come with me first."

A wave of world power emitted from the Nine-tailed Demon King, covering Chen Zong.

Chen Zong, who was surrounded by the power of the world, did not feel any malice and did not directly escape into the ancient god's space.

call out!
  The Nine-Tailed Demon King took Chen Zong and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the center of the imperial city.

The center of the imperial city.

A huge black stone gate with a height of 10,000 meters and a width of more than 3,000 meters stands. There are many golden secret patterns on the surface of the stone gate.

Around the stone gate, in addition to hundreds of ninth-level Demon King guards in red, there are also 80 high-level Demon King warriors and 19 ninth-level Demon King wearing black armor.

"The number of people has reached 100, open the space channel." The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor with Chen Zong said as soon as he landed next to the stone door.

"Yes, sir." These demon guards immediately began to inject force and telekinesis into the stone gate.

  The golden secret pattern on the stone door gradually lit up under the injection of the original force and the power of mind. Then, the huge stone door opened, and a dark space passage appeared.

At this time.

Those high-level Demon Emperors and black-armored Demon Kings flew toward the space passage.

"You can follow me too." The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor took back the power of the world and said to Chen Zong.

"Yes!" Chen Zong nodded and turned into a stream of light, entering the space passage.

inside the channel.

Chen Zong was speechless.

I was obviously here to inquire about the whereabouts of the Purgatory Demonic Crystal, so why did I end up in the Fire Space?

Judging from the situation in the Forest Prison Imperial City just now, there are some discrepancies with what was said on the animal skin obtained from Lan Feng.

In the news obtained from Bafanglou, there is no relevant description of the Tinder Space.

In this abyss of purgatory.

Fake news, or news that is cut off from beginning to end, is so popular!
  The devil’s heart is not ancient!
  Chen Zong felt a little emotional.

At this time.

In front of his eyes, a bright light appeared.


Chen Zong escaped directly from the space passage and appeared in a bluestone square.

In the square, in addition to Chen Zong and others who had just come out of the space passage, there were also some Demon Emperors wearing purple robes.

"High-ranking Demon Emperor, follow me." Suddenly, one of the Demon Emperors in purple robes, after speaking, flew towards the palaces on the distant mountains.

Those high-ranking Demon Emperors quickly followed up.

"Demon king level, follow me." Another demon king in purple robe said, and then flew to another palace group with a dozen demon kings.


"Unexpectedly, among this batch of fire seeds, there is also a demon commander, which is very rare." An eight-armed purple-robed demon emperor smiled and looked at Chen Zong, "Follow me."

The Eight-Armed Demon King took Chen Zong to the third palace complex.

Three levels, three palace complexes.

"We're here." On the mountainside, in front of a small palace, the Eight-Armed Demon King said to Chen Zong, "This is your residence. I hope you can refine the Purgatory Demonic Crystal instead of being swallowed by it."

"Refining the Purgatory Demon Crystal?" Chen Zong said in surprise when he heard the Eight-Armed Demon Emperor's words.

I thought I needed to search hard, but I didn’t expect that this purgatory magic crystal was delivered directly to my door?
  Is such a good thing possible?

"Well, although the purgatory magic crystal is difficult to refine, with the help of the secret patterns in the palace, the success rate will be much higher." The Eight-Armed Demon King said with a smile.

"Later, the purgatory magic crystal will be delivered to you."

After the Eight-Armed Demon King finished speaking, he left directly.

Chen Zong looked at the palace and hesitated for a moment, but finally walked into the palace.

Inside the palace.

It was empty, with only one floor and one hall. Mysterious golden secret patterns are all over the walls around the hall, and they are connected with the secret patterns on the floor of the hall to form a complex formation of secret patterns.

In the middle of the hall is a circle outlined by golden secret patterns, with a book inside the circle.

Chen Zong walked to the circle, picked up the book, and looked through it.

"It turns out that this is the method to activate the secret pattern." Chen Zong followed what the book said and quickly activated the secret pattern.

  All the secret patterns in the palace light up.

Followed by.

Chen Zong felt much more awake and relaxed.

At this time.

Outside the palace, a demon king wearing red robes held a wooden box in his hand.

"This is the purgatory magic crystal!" The red-robed devil handed the wooden box to Chen Zong.

"Well, thank you!" Chen Zong nodded slightly and took the wooden box.

The red-robed devil nodded and then left the palace.

  The wooden box was opened, and there was a dark golden crystal inside, about thirty centimeters in length, with one end thick and the other end slender and sharp, very similar to a three-sided thorn.

It’s easy to get used to it!

After an experience, Chen Zong directly grabbed the Purgatory Demonic Crystal and stabbed it into his heart.

With a pop, the purgatory magic crystal turned into flowing water and entered Chen Zong's heart.

In Chen Zong's sea of ​​consciousness, the black divine dragon appeared again, roaring wantonly.

this time.

Perhaps due to the refining of the second purgatory magic crystal, the evil spirit contained in the black divine dragon is stronger and the will to kill is stronger.


Like before, Chen Zongzhi directly crushed the black dragon, and then, the energy also entered the heart, and the black dragon patterns on the surface of the heart became more complete.


Chen Zong mobilized the black dragon pattern, and his right hand turned into a dragon claw again, and his aura was more powerful than before.

The gene multiple changed again, from 105 times to 106 times.

The effect is reduced a bit.


"Master, the evil spirit here is stronger than that of the Mad Demon Forbidden Land. I can't hold it any longer." Xingyun's voice sounded in Chen Zong's mind.

"Well, I understand!" Chen Zong nodded slightly.


His whole person began to change. Two dragon horns grew out of his head, and his hands turned into dragon claws. After a while, Chen Zong turned into a black-scaled dragon man.


The battle armor that Nebula turned into was taken into the Ancient God Space by Chen Zong.

Outside the palace.

Feeling the change in Chen Zong's aura in the hall, the red-robed devil king who had previously sent the purgatory crystal came in.

"Congratulations, you successfully refined the Purgatory Demonic Crystal." The Red-robed Demon King smiled, "Now, you are qualified to be called the Fire Seed and enter the Fire Seed Battlefield."

it's here.

If the refining fails, the red-robed devil will take action and kill the body occupied by the consciousness of the purgatory crystal, causing the purgatory crystal to return to its original state.

"Fire battlefield?" Chen Zong asked.

"Well, the fire battlefield is a place where all fire types like you hunt each other." The red-robed devil explained.

"You have only refined one purgatory magic crystal now, but it is very difficult to refine more."


"If other fire types are hunted, the refined purgatory magic crystals on the dead fire types will condense into purgatory magic crystals again."

"As a killer, the Purgatory Demonic Crystal is tainted with your aura, which will make it easier for you to refine it."

After listening to the red-robed devil's explanation, Chen Zong was shocked.

This is simply raising gu!

and many more.

All fires hunting each other?

Doesn't this mean that he may encounter the Demon Emperor who is recognized by the law?

Chen Zong was shocked.

His current strength is no match for these Demon Emperors.

However, we still have to ask whether this is the case.

"I want to know, are there hunting areas divided according to strength levels in the Fire Battlefield?" Chen Zong looked at the red-robed demon king and asked.

"No!" The Red-robed Demon King shook his head and said, "This fire battlefield is not divided into regions. In other words, you will be hunted by the Demon King's fire in it."

"." Chen Zong was speechless.

He is just a demon commander, but he has to face the demon king's hunt.

It seems...

It’s impossible not to advance!
  Otherwise, it will be difficult to obtain more purgatory magic crystals!

(End of this chapter)

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