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Chapter 143 Realm Lord Level

Chapter 143 Realm Lord Level

Yaoyang Mountain.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"His Royal Highness Chen Zong!"

When Chen Zong returned to Yaoyang Mountain, three guardians in red robes and a group of deacons in silver uniforms saluted Chen Zong respectfully, and at the same time, looked at Chen Zong curiously.

To know.

In the past five years or so, changes have occurred in the Abyss of Purgatory, and the evil spirit has become dozens of times stronger than usual. Even the demons in Purgatory have been affected, and killings have continued.

In this case.

Not to mention His Highness the Universe level, even if His Highness the World Lord level enters it, the possibility of survival is very low.

In addition, His Highness Chen Zong has not logged into the virtual universe for more than a year.

and so.

They thought that His Highness Chen Zong died in the abyss of purgatory like other His Highnesses.

But now.

His Highness Chen Zong not only returned safely, but also advanced to the ninth level of Territory Lord. This is simply shocking!
  I really don’t know how His Highness Chen Zong survived.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong responded with a slight nod.

"Your Highness, please come with us." The leader of the red-robed protector did not dare to neglect at all. After all, as a core member of the original secret realm, Chen Zong's status was comparable to immortality.


Chen Zong followed these protectors and deacons and flew up from a platform at the bottom to the palace complex at the foot of the mountain.

At this time.

A stream of light appeared in front of Chen Zong and others. The light dispersed, revealing an immortal wearing golden armor and exuding a strong aura of law.

"Greetings to King Annan!" The protectors and deacons bowed to the golden-armored immortal.

This sound surprised Chen Zong.

The golden-armored immortal in front of him turned out to be a powerful man who was crowned king!
  However, this King Annan blocked his way, I don’t know why.

"Greetings to King Annan!" Although Chen Zong was confused, he bowed and saluted first.

"Chen Zong, Lord Yaoyang wants to see you, come with me." King Annan's gentle voice sounded, with a smile on his face, very friendly.

Your Majesty wants to see Chen Zong?
  The guardians and deacons were shocked in their hearts.

This is Lord Yaoyang!

Some of these people have worked here for tens of thousands of years, and some have worked for hundreds of thousands of years. However, at most they have been to the mountainside to do something to help the immortal strong man.

Not to mention the invitation from His Holiness, there was not even a chance to take a look at His Holiness from a distance.


They looked at Chen Zong with envy.

"Yeah." Chen Zong, on the other hand, was calm and collected.


An invisible force invisible to the naked eye, like a huge palm, lifted Chen Zong up and followed King Annan to fly towards the palace on the top of the sacred mountain.

Beyond the clouds and mist, Chen Zong saw an extremely tall golden palace sitting on the top of the mountain. This was the Yaoyang Palace.

"Chen Zong, I will send you here, you can go in by yourself." The immortal power released by King Annan sent Chen Zong to the Yaoyang Palace.

"Thank you, King Annan!" Chen Zong bowed and saluted.


Chen Zong flew towards Yaoyang Palace. However, as soon as he reached the door, the scene in front of him changed instantly. The door of the palace disappeared, replaced by a divine throne with a figure sitting on the divine throne.

This man was tall and tall, with long black hair hanging loosely on a golden robe. His eyes seemed to contain stars, and he could see the sun rising, the moon setting, and the stars moving around.

Sitting there, it seemed like an illusion.

However, Chen Zong felt that it was more majestic than the entire Yaoyang Mountain.

He is Lord Yaoyang.


All this, in Chen Zong's eyes, disappeared like an illusion.

As for the person on the throne, he could already clearly see that he was a person who looked very similar to the Chinese on Earth except that he had two golden horns on both sides of his forehead and was ten meters tall.

At this time.

"I've met my junior uncle." Lord Yaoyang stood up on the throne and saluted Chen Zong.

"Yes, Yaoyang." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

these years.

In the abyss of purgatory, Chen Zong learned about the identity of Lord Yaoyang.

Lord Yaoyang is one of the direct disciples of his senior brother, the Lord of Chaos, and has the power to dominate the universe.

After becoming famous, he retired and came here to take over the Holy Mountain and suppress the Purgatory Abyss.

"Uncle Master, please sit down." With a wave of his hand, Lord Yaoyang made stone tables and benches appear in the hall.

After the two sat down.

Venerable Yaoyang poured two glasses of wine to wash away the dust for Chen Zong.

This abyss of purgatory is much more dangerous than before, but Chen Zong can return safely, which is rare and worthy of celebration.


The two chatted for a while, and Chen Zong also took the opportunity to ask about some cultivation matters.

Although Venerable Yaoyang is not cultivating the Cosmic Chaos Monument, he still has the vision and ability as a Venerable.

Time passed little by little.

"Thank you, Yaoyang!" Chen Zong said with cupped hands.

"You're welcome, junior uncle." Lord Yaoyang nodded slightly.

"It's getting late, so I'll go back first." Feeling that nothing happened, Chen Zong stood up and prepared to leave.

"Well, I'll ask someone to give me a lift." Lord Yaoyang also stood up, and the stone table and bench disappeared.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.


Chen Zong appeared at the entrance of Yaoyang Palace, but King Annan was still standing here.

"Chen Zong, Your Majesty asked me to send you down." King Annan once again released his immortal power and took Chen Zong back to the foot of the mountain.

"Thank you, King Annan!" Chen Zong saluted and thanked him.

At this time. A shuttle-shaped F-class spaceship descended from the sky and floated not far in front of Chen Zong. The hatch opened and Chen Zong flew in.


The spaceship takes off again.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, the spaceship is about to enter the dark universe." In the spaceship hall, the ape-man immortal smiled.

"Trouble Kawei Immortal." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

The original secret realm, outside Wuchen space.

A shuttle-shaped spaceship flew from a distance, and then stopped. In the void, a golden spaceship flew out from the Wuchen space with a rumble.

"Thank you Kawei Immortal!" Chen Zong thanked him, then flew out of the hatch and flew towards the golden spaceship thousands of miles away.

The shuttle spacecraft left here immediately.

The golden spaceship also took Chen Zong back to Wuchen Continent.

In the palace.

"Congratulations to Your Highness for completing the training mission in the Purgatory Abyss." Xingjianhou and Irving showed joy on their faces.

"Well!" Chen Zong smiled slightly, "By the way, I am now promoted to Territory Lord. It won't be long before I will be sent out to serve as a feudal official."

"Owen, when the time comes, I will continue to trouble you."

"Your Highness, you are welcome." Owen responded.

"Your Highness, you haven't submitted your mission yet, so we won't disturb you for now." Star Sword Marquis pulled Owen and left the hall.

Chen Zong also flew directly to the study.

Sitting in front of his desk, Chen Zong opened the laptop screen, clicked on the "Backstage Management" file, selected the "Cultivation" option, and soon entered the cultivation task interface.

Gently click "Application to confirm completion of training task".

"Hello, His Highness Chen Zong." A soft voice came from the screen, "Are you here to apply for confirmation of the completion of your mission?"

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded.

"Excuse me, how many of the three tasks in the Purgatory Abyss have been completed by His Highness Chen Zong?" the soft voice continued to ask.

"All three have been completed!" Chen Zong replied.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, please wait a moment. A spaceship will soon arrive at the palace complex where His Highness lives for verification." The soft voice continued, "If the verification is passed, Your Highness will receive points as a reward."

About 6 hours later.

A black sword-shaped spaceship that was only a hundred meters long fell from the sky and docked on the flat ground next to the palace complex.

Chen Zong took Owen and others to greet him.

"Hello, His Highness Chen Zong." Three men and women in black uniforms walked out of the cabin door. The leader of the man said: "Please enter the spacecraft. However, you Immortal Lords and other guards are not allowed to enter."

This is the rule of Virtual Universe Company, and Chen Zong naturally agrees.

He stepped directly into the spacecraft and entered a special inspection cabin under the guidance of a man in black uniform.

In the cabin.

"Chen Zong, please take out a purgatory magic crystal and place it on the table in front of you." An electronic voice sounded.

Chen Zong did as he was told.

This purgatory magic crystal was one he had saved a long time ago in order to complete the mission.

In addition, Chen Zong no longer has the Purgatory Magic Crystals, because they have all been used by him.

"The third mission is to obtain a purgatory magic crystal, completed. Earn 60 points." said the electronic voice.

due to.

The first mission and the second mission are survival missions, and they have already been recorded in the virtual universe system, so no special testing is required.

just now.

For this task, Chen Zong received a total of 100 million points.

"Chen Zong." A cold female voice suddenly sounded, "The information I will share with you through the Virtual Universe network system will involve the secrets of my Virtual Universe company. Please do not spread it outside."

"Yeah!" Chen Zong had high authority and had known about it for a long time, so he wasn't shocked.

Confidential, what else can be secret!
  "Chen Zong, this Purgatory Magic Crystal is unique to the Purgatory Abyss. It is an extremely mysterious crystal in our vast universe. It is extremely important. It is designated as a 'forbidden object' and is prohibited from being sold privately." The cold female voice came again.

"Once you are found to be selling privately, you will be severely punished!"

"However, if you want to sell it, our Virtual Universe Company will be responsible for the acquisition. One purgatory magic crystal costs 3000 points."

"Chen Zong, since you were able to obtain a Purgatory Demonic Crystal, you should still have the Purgatory Demonic Crystal with you."

"No!" Chen Zong answered simply.

"." The cold woman was silent for a while, "You don't need to worry. Even if you still have some, you are not willing to sell them to our Virtual Universe Company, and we will not rob them."

"It's really gone!" Chen Zong said helplessly.

This is the truth!

Chen Zong was only lucky enough to get one of the Purgatory Demonic Crystals in the Purgatory Continent.

Those obtained later were all in the Fire Space and the Fire Battlefield, but the number was not large, and they were devoured by the demon dragon clones.

Where can I find another purgatory magic crystal and sell it to Virtual Universe Company?
  "Okay, our conversation ends here. Today's words are confidential and must not be leaked." The cold voice stopped talking about this matter.

"Well, okay!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Chen Zong, the test is over, you can leave." The electronic voice belonging to the test cabin sounded, and the door opened automatically.

Chen Zong left the sword-shaped spaceship and returned to the palace.

In the study room.

Chen Zong looked at the panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Territory Lord Level 9 (Illusion Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (top), Phantom Xiaoyao (top), Spiritual Phantom (top)

[Special Secret Technique] Ancient God Technique (Third level, body amplitude 60 times)
  [Secret Talent] Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone (9th Level Domain Lord), Demonic Dragon Clone (1st Level Domain Lord)
  [Gene level] 103 times.

[Original Law] The original law of earth is ordinary, the original law of wind is ordinary, the original law of space is ordinary, and the original law of time is ordinary.

[Task] Survive alien assassination (0/3) (Unfinished)
  [Reward] Ancient God Armor (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

[Task 2] Select the desperate level training mission, Purgatory Abyss, as the first training mission target, and complete it. (completed)
  [Reward] Ancient Temple
  On the panel, there is an additional "Talent Clone" column.

"Is it because the previous World Tree clone is not worthy?" Chen Zong was speechless.

As for the demon dragon clone, since the life gene level is 1000 times higher and it is not rewarded by the system, it will directly reach the realm lord level after successful conception.

This is very good!

Chen Zong likes it very much!
  (End of this chapter)

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