Start doing tasks from Devour

Chapter 144 The second ancient god?

Chapter 144 The second ancient god?
  In the study.

On the laptop screen, there is a list of training tasks.

"Hey, it's a pity. After you advance to the Domain Lord level, you will be released and will no longer be able to take on training tasks!" Chen Zong sighed slightly and closed his laptop.

Without the ability to accept cultivation tasks, there are fewer channels for obtaining treasures and opportunities.


This is a serious matter for others, but for me, it is not a big problem.

after all.

I am a cheater, and I seem to have been lucky!
  By the way, rewards!
  In the ancient god space.

A majestic and tall ancient palace is suspended in the void. The palace has nine floors, each floor is one light-year high.

In the square in front of the palace on the first floor, there are two rows of 0.5 light-year-high nine-star ancient god statues, guarding the ancient temple like guards.

Whether it is the ancient god himself that is thousands of kilometers long, the demon dragon clone that is 10,000 kilometers long, or the World Tree clone that is tens of millions of kilometers high, they all look very small in front of this ancient temple.

  The ancient god himself stepped onto the square on the first floor of the ancient temple.

  An extremely ancient and vast aura erupted from the ancient temple.


Chen Zong felt as if he had traveled through endless time and space and saw the ancient temple from long ago.

On the endless vast continent, the ancient temple is suspended very high above the continent. Higher up, there is a chaotic scene.

And this time.

An ancient god with extremely powerful aura flew up from the vast continent below and passed by him.

The powerful aura caused cold sweat to break out on Chen Zong's forehead.

This feels so real!
  "Nine-star ancient gods?" Chen Zong looked at the eyebrows of one of the ancient gods and said in surprise. There were nine ancient gods in total.

Looking at the other ancient gods, there are nine ancient gods between their eyebrows.

They are all nine-star ancient gods!
  "What place is this?" Chen Zong was extremely confused.


With a bang, the surrounding illusions collapsed and disappeared.

In front of Chen Zong, there were only eighteen statues of the Nine-Star Ancient God on the left and right with solemn faces. The vast land, the chaotic void, and the countless Nine-Star Ancient God all disappeared.

"Well, is this... recognizing the master?" When Chen Zong came back to his senses, he found that he had become the master of the ancient temple.

A message appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

Now, the only place where Chen Zong can come and go freely is this square, and he can't even enter the first floor.

If you want to enter the first level, you have to defeat the gatekeeper!
  "There is nothing in this square except statues." Chen Zong shook his head, and then he looked at the first floor of the ancient temple.

This distance is too far. If we fly there, we don't know how long it will take to reach it.


Chen Zong was already the controller of the square, and he suddenly realized.

  Chen Zong appeared directly in front of the first floor of the ancient temple.

"Defeat the gatekeeper?" Chen Zong looked at the two huge bronze-like palace doors and reached out to touch them lightly.

Scene changes.

Surrounded by a vast starry sky.

"Little guy, defeat me and you can enter the first level." An ancient god sitting cross-legged in the starry sky opened his eyes and looked at Chen Zong with a smile.

Four-star ancient god!

Chen Zong frowned when he saw four ancient gods between the eyebrows of this ancient god.

"What's on the first floor?" Chen Zong asked.

"You will know after entering. If you can't get in, it will be useless if you know." The gatekeeper stood up, tens of thousands of kilometers high, and his aura was powerful.

"Then are you a living ancient god?" After hesitating, Chen Zong asked the doubt in his heart.

On entering here.

Chen Zong could sense a very cordial feeling from the four-star ancient god in front of him.

If the four-star ancient god in front of him is illusory, it should be impossible for him to feel this way.


The reward is an ancient temple. There’s no reason to give it an ancient god, right?

"If you want to know, defeat me!" The red robe on the four-star ancient god instantly transformed into a set of red armor. There were no weapons in his hands.

"Okay!" Chen Zong thought, and a set of red armor appeared on his body.

This armor is the equipment given by this space. The equipment of both sides of the duel is the same. There is only a red armor and no weapons.


The battle begins.

I saw.

The Four-Star Ancient God clenched his right hand into a fist, and a vortex appeared on his fist, swallowing up the surrounding cosmic energy. The momentum became stronger and stronger, directly suppressing Chen Zong.

What method is this?
  Feeling that the surrounding space and time were frozen, Chen Zong felt a chill in his heart and directly used Distortion Realm to gain the ability to move.


Directly use the Ancient Divine Finger!
  In the void, a huge illusory finger fell from the sky and crushed the four-star ancient god.

"Ha!" The four-star ancient god chuckled, and intense golden light erupted from his fist.

  The ancient god's finger was directly fucked and exploded by the fist!

Immediately afterwards, this huge fist hit Chen Zong directly. Chen Zong was like a ball and was blown away. At the same time, his body was covered with wounds and blood.

"This punch is so heavy!" Chen Zong was shocked.

His strongest method, the Ancient Divine Finger, was actually fucked and exploded. How could he fight like this!
  At this time.

The second punch of the four-star ancient god comes again!

  Chen Zong was blown away again.

Time after time, punch after punch, Chen Zong was always at a disadvantage. In the end, he was punched by the Four-Star Ancient God and withdrew from the vast starry sky.

The first floor of the ancient temple, in front of the bronze gate.

"It was such a complete defeat!" Chen Zong sighed.

in the past.

He was the one who abused others, and now, it was his turn to be abused!
  After gathering his mood, Chen Zong exited the Ancient God Space.

Wuchen continent, palace complex, study.

  Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

"I have to learn the secrets of boxing!" Chen Zong thought for a while and felt that the only way to defeat the gatekeeper was to fight with fists.

At this time.

Outside the palace complex, personnel from the Virtual Universe Company stationed in Wuchen Continent rushed to Chen Zong. Chen Zong also received the message, so he went out to greet him.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, the Virtual Universe Network discovered through your network connection device that you have stepped into the Domain Lord level. According to company regulations, we need to confirm it in reality." Three black-clothed deacons saluted Chen Zonggong.

Whether it is a consciousness-sensing helmet or a smart optical brain, most of them are equipped with network-connected devices to "check the body."

Weiss is naturally equipped.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Your Highness, please release the force and telekinesis." The leading deacon in black said respectfully.

When the black-clothed deacon said this, he was not asking Chen Zong to have domain lord-level telepathy, but that the original force and telepathy only needed to meet the standard.


Chen Zong smiled, released a powerful force, swept across the surrounding area, and then put it away.




The instruments in the hands of the three black-clothed deacons rang with sound. The black-clothed deacons looked down and were shocked.

Territory Lord Level 9?
  It has only been more than five years since His Highness Chen Zong came to the primitive secret realm.

And now, His Highness, not only has he broken through from the Universe level to the Territory Lord level, but he has also been promoted to the ninth level of the Territory Lord level without using the nutrition cabin?

It’s too shocking!

The three of them looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes!
  "Your Highness, Your Highness's force power has reached the standard." The leader of the black-clothed deacon said respectfully, "However, according to the rules, first of all, Your Highness has the opportunity to strengthen his body again."

"It's just that His Highness is now at the ninth level of Territory Lord level. Do you still need a nutritional cabin?"

This nutrition cabin was a gift from Virtual Universe Company. Although Chen Zong was already the ninth level Territory Lord, there was still a quota for this nutrition cabin as long as Chen Zong didn't say no.


If Chen Zong does not need it, then according to the rules, the nutrition cabin does not need to be provided.

"No need!" Chen Zong shook his head.

His current Ancient God self and World Tree clone are already at the peak of the ninth level of Domain Lord level, and the Demonic Dragon clone is even at the first level of Realm Lord level.

not to mention.

This nutritional cabin cannot be sold.

Therefore, this domain master level nutrition cabin is of little use to Chen Zong.

"Yes, Your Highness, it has been recorded." The leading deacon in black nodded, and then continued, "Your Highness, please give us a drop of blood so that we can test and confirm whether the body's genes have jumped."

Checking telekinesis, force, and blood is a very accurate way to confirm strength.

The power of thought can determine the level of a person's soul.

The Force can determine the level of a person's physical body.

And blood can determine the level of genetic transition in the body.

Hearing this, Chen Zong smiled slightly, and then sent a message to the three black-clothed deacons through his authority.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

A voice sounded from each of the three people's consciousness.

"Huh? Is this... no need to test His Highness Chen Zong's blood?" The three of them were stunned. This was the first time that this happened.

Although surprised, they could only comply.

"Your Highness, you don't need to provide blood." The leader of the black-clothed deacon smiled and said, "Your Highness, the detection message just now has been synchronized to the virtual universe network. Congratulations to Your Highness for entering the domain master level."

"Congratulations, Your Highness!" The other two deacons in black also congratulated.

"By the way, Your Highness, since you have reached the Territory Lord level, you must be released!" The leader of the black-clothed deacons looked at Chen Zong, "According to the rules, you are usually released to your hometown."

"His Royal Highness's hometown is in the 'Qianwu Universe Country'."

"I wonder if His Highness is willing to return to Qianwu Universe Country and take up an important position in the Qianwu branch of our Virtual Universe Company?"

"If you don't want to, Your Highness can choose any universe country."

"Let's do Wu Universe Kingdom!" Chen Zong nodded.

It must be the Witch Universe Kingdom.

Those aliens who ranked themselves No. 1 on the assassination list must have arranged some means in Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

As for his system mission, he has to survive three assassinations.

The earlier assassinations at the Domain Lord level were definitely the easiest to survive.

If the three assassinations were all at the Domain Lord level, then this task would be much simpler.

If you go to other universe countries and the aliens' arrangements fail, waiting to be deployed later may be more threatening. This is too dangerous.

and so.

It must be the Ganwu Universe Country!

"Well, Your Highness, since you are a member of the original secret realm, your position will be very high and involve a lot of work. This needs to be decided by a high-level meeting before issuing an order."

"Under normal circumstances, it takes at least one month to complete the entire process, and it may take up to half a year."

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

"Well, Your Highness, now that the matter is done, we won't disturb you any further." The three black-clothed deacons left directly.

In the palace.

"Owen, get ready, we are going to attack the Wu Universe Kingdom soon." Chen Zong said to Owen.

"Your Highness, news just came that I am no longer the leader of the guard." Owen said awkwardly.

"Huh? What's going on?" Chen Zong was a little confused.

"It's the master. The master thinks that it would be better for me to serve as the leader of the escort." Next to him, Xingjianhou smiled and said, "So, I will follow your highness to the Qianwu Universe Kingdom."

"." Chen Zong blinked.

Tian Dao is so filial!

its not right.

Owen was also arranged by Tiandao, how could he change at this time?

Could it be that Tiandao discovered the actions of the aliens in Qianwu Universe Kingdom and felt that Owen was not enough to protect my life?

Chen Zong contacted the Heavenly Sword King, but there was no response.

"Well, in that case, I will leave it to you to arrange and prepare the Xingjian later." Chen Zong looked at Xingjianhou.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Xingjian nodded.

 I'm really sorry. I had something to do yesterday and didn't have time to type. So I got up early this morning to type and posted it a little late.

  I will have my hair done at 9 o'clock as usual.

  (End of this chapter)

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