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Chapter 149 Forced Killing

Chapter 149 Forced Killing
  Excalibur Villa.

The reception banquet officially begins.

Tens of thousands of immortal gods and subordinates from Qianwu Universe Kingdom gathered in the banquet hall to greet the newly arrived supervisory envoy Chen Zong.

The three giants of the Qianwu branch walked to the high platform at the front of the banquet hall.

"Everyone!" Zidian Hou smiled and looked at the many immortal gods below.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked up at Zidianhou and the others, ready to listen to the speeches of the three giants.

"The three of us are holding this banquet today to welcome the new supervisory envoy of our Qianwu branch - Chen Zong." Zidian Hou said with a smile.

"Although Chen Zong is only at the domain lord level, his understanding of the original laws of time and space is already at the feudal level. He is more advanced than everyone here. He is a peerless genius in the original secret realm of our Virtual Universe Company."

"He is also the best partner of me, Jin Yuhou, and Hei Yanhou!"

"Yes, he will be our best partner. Virtual Universe Company is doing many things in the Wizard Universe Kingdom, and Chen Zong needs to be supervised and responsible for it." Jin Yuhou next to him also said.

"We are extremely happy that the headquarters can send Chen Zong to join our Qianwu branch, giving us the opportunity to work with a peerless genius like Mr. Chen Zong." The girl in black gauze said with a smile, "Let us welcome Mr. Chen Zong to come up. "


"Welcome Chen Zong to come up."

Zidian Hou and Jin Yuhou both shouted enthusiastically.

Seeing that the three giants are all so enthusiastic, how could the group of great immortals from Ganwu Universe Country below not give them face? They all looked very enthusiastic.

Chen Zong stepped onto the high platform amidst the welcome of everyone.

In a corner, several immortal gods were transmitting messages to each other.

"Let me go. The three giants of the Qianwu branch are usually very arrogant. It is difficult for many princes to ask them to do something. But today they are so enthusiastic towards a domain lord."

"Didn't Marquis Zidian just say that Chen Zong's understanding of the original laws of time and space is already at the level of a feudal lord."

"Is it true or false, that the understanding of the original laws of time and space is comparable to that of a feudal lord?"

"Regardless of whether he is real or not, we just need to know that this Chen Zong must not be provoked. Provoking him is equivalent to provoking the three giants of the Ganwu branch. If we provoke the three giants, it will be difficult for us to gain a foothold in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom."



Many immortal gods thought that this banquet was just a show of strength to the new supervisory envoy.

Unexpectedly, he would be standing in the background for Chen Zong!


This group of immortal gods clearly understand the importance of Chen Zong from the perspective of family development.

"According to the master's order, we must kill Chen Zong no matter the cost. After this banquet, it is the perfect time." Looking at Chen Zong on the high platform, Tian Xuehou had a smile on his face, but he was thinking in his heart. How to kill Chen Zong.

As for taking action now, Tianxuehou has never thought about it.

after all.

There were more than 300 powerful men at the feudal level present, many of whom were stronger than her. Maybe she would be surrounded and die before she could kill Chen Zong.

This is definitely not what Tian Xuehou wants to see.

The four giants of the Qianwu branch stepped down from the high platform, and many immortal gods began to enjoy the banquet.

Many service staff make delicious food from the ingredients transported by the Big Three from all over the universe and serve them continuously.


There was a lively scene in the entire banquet hall.

The protagonist of this reception banquet was Chen Zong. During the banquet, Chen Zong held a wine glass and chatted happily with the immortal gods.

Not to mention establishing a deep friendship, at least they can be considered acquaintances.

During this period.

Chen Zong did meet an immortal military leader named Di Wanbing.

This last name seemed familiar, so Weiss asked him to check it out. Sure enough, he was from the same family as his friend Di Yun.

Di Wanbing is Di Yun’s immortal ancestor!

of course.

He also met Yinxuehou and Ji Tianzang.

This reminded Chen Zong that in the original work, Yin Xuehou still had some entanglements with Hong.

just now.

Hong has entered the secret realm of Qianwu, and he doesn't know if he will have a relationship with Ji Qing, Yinxuehou's descendant.

However, this matter has not happened yet, so Chen Zong will ignore it for the time being.

After a long time.

"Chen Zong, if you are here this time, please stay at Qiongyuxing for a while." Jin Yuhou held the wine glass, clinked the glasses with Chen Zong, and said with a smile.

"No, I'd better go back to my Tianpeng star, which is more suitable for cultivation." Chen Zong shook his head slightly.

"Well, cultivation is more important!" Next to him, Zidian Hou nodded.

far away.

Many people have been paying attention to Chen Zong, and they clearly remember every word Chen Zong said at this banquet.


This is where?

Those who are curious about this, start to inquire.

as time flows.

The party is over!

The senior officials of Ganwu Universe Kingdom have already left in spaceships one by one.

A starry sky without any light.

A flat silver-white spaceship suspended in the void.

Inside the spaceship.

"Is Chen Zong going to return to Tianpeng Star?" A bald immortal with dark red skin and a few white lines on his body showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, "I wonder if this is the mist released by Chen Zong."

"Go check it out." A voice sounded in the bald immortal's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Yes, Master!"

The bald immortal bowed to the air, and then used the immortal crystal hidden earlier to start the teleportation from the Kingdom of God to the Northland galaxy.

Beyond the Jade Star.

"Master, we found it. The Tianpeng star is in Chen Zong's hometown, the Northland galaxy." A beautiful immortal woman with red fluffy animal ears on her head said respectfully to Tian Xuehou.

She stretched out her hand and a virtual screen appeared in the lobby of the spacecraft.

"It's too far!" Tianxuehou shook his head, "Moreover, Chen Zong may not necessarily go directly to Tianpeng Star, but he will definitely leave Qiongyu Star, so we can just stay outside Qiongyu Star. .”

Chen Zong's talent is really amazing.


Her master gave a death order - Chen Zong must be killed at all costs!
  As a soul slave, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to his master. Even if his master asks the soul slave to commit suicide, the soul slave will commit suicide without hesitation.

and so.

In the heart of Tian Xuehou.

This task must be completed!
  Even if her identity is exposed, even if it means death, she will not hesitate!


Excalibur Villa.

In the third-floor hall of the main palace. "Your Highness, everything has been arranged. Are you leaving now?" Xingjianhou said.

"Well, it's time to close the net!" Chen Zong nodded, and then said to a Realm Lord guard beside him, "Gather the guards and set off immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

At the front entrance.

  A sword-shaped spaceship, 600 meters long, 80 meters wide and 50 meters high, glowing with starlight and braving the cold air, appeared out of thin air and suspended in mid-air in front of the main entrance.

"Xingjian, this is your F-class spaceship, the Starlight." Chen Zong looked at the Starlight, "It's twinkling, it looks very good!"

"The Starlight is made entirely of F-grade metal Star Cold Iron." Star Sword Marquis smiled.

"Not only does it have strong physical defense, but its soul defense is also good. An ordinary feudal lord immortal cannot break through the Starlight's defense at all."

Xingjianhou was very satisfied with the Starlight.

In the extraterrestrial battlefield, the Starlight spacecraft is his right-hand assistant.


At the speed in the dark universe, the Starlight spacecraft can reach 60 times the speed of light.

"It's really good!" Chen Zong praised again.

"Let's go back to Tianpeng Star." Chen Zong ordered.

  The hatch of the Starlight spaceship opened, and Chen Zong entered the spacecraft first, followed closely by Xingjianhou and the others.


The Starlight was activated, and then rushed into the sky and out of the Qiongyu Star.

Outside Shenjian Villa, someone was paying attention here. When they saw Chen Zong leaving, they quickly sent a message.

Beyond the Jade Star.

In a snowflake-shaped white spaceship.

"Master, Chen Zong and the others are here." The beast-eared woman said respectfully.

"Okay, prepare to intercept!" Tian Xuehou's eyes flashed.

The master's mission will be completed soon!
  At this time.

I saw a sword-shaped spaceship glowing with starlight, breaking through the atmosphere of the Qiongyu Star. After flying for tens of seconds, it began to accelerate.


A faint blue beam of light struck from a distance.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

Inside the Starlight, an alarm sounded.

"Discover F-class laser cannon attack, launch F-class laser cannon attack first"

"Slowing down and avoiding!"

There is no need for Marquis Xingjian to command, the spacecraft's intelligent system will respond to the situation on its own.

call out!
  The spacecraft turned to the right, and the faint blue beam of light rubbed the spacecraft and shot towards the Qiongyu Star.

A light blue protective shield lit up on the surface of the Qiong Jade Star. The faint blue beam of light bombarded the protective shield, and a huge shock wave was transmitted.

"not good!"

"Someone is attacking Qiongyu Star!"

"Who is so bold as to ignore the ban of Qianwu Universe Country?"

On the Qiongyu Planet, many people had a look of shock on their faces after seeing the planet's protective shield raised and being hit by a laser cannon.

how many years.

Ever since the battle between the immortal gods took place in Baodian City, turning tens of thousands of kilometers in radius into ruins, the Ganwu Universe Kingdom has explicitly banned any battle between the immortal gods on Qiongyu Planet.

just now.

I don’t know who dares to attack Qiong Yuxing directly without risking his life?

There are even many immortal gods living in Qiongyu Star who fly high into the sky and look at the stars.


They couldn't see much because of the distance.

"Would you like to go out and take a look?" an immortal wearing turquoise armor suggested.

"No, I can't afford to offend anyone who dares to attack Qiong Yuxing." Someone shook his head.

"Let's go, I'll go with you." There are also people who are skilled in art and bold. There is no fear in their eyes, but curiosity.

For a while.

Five or six immortals flew out of the Jade Star and flew towards the starry sky.

at this time.

in the starry sky.

In front of the Starlight, a snowflake-shaped white spacecraft collided directly.

"The flying snow ship is Tianxuehou!" Xingjianhou was a little surprised.

One of the three hundred princes of Ganwu Universe Kingdom turned out to be a spy from a foreign race.


An assassination like this without even hiding his identity was definitely trying to kill Chen Zong at all costs.

  From the hatch of the Feixue, sixteen immortals exuding a strong aura of law suddenly flew out, and at the same time they were heading towards the Starlight.

Among them, in addition to Tian Xuehou, her disciples, and slaves, there were also several immortals who came to attend the banquet this time.

In an instant.

This starry sky is filled with invisible soul attacks, blazing fire palms, pale sword light, and cold sword light.
  All blast towards the Starlight!
  The space and time around the Starlight trembled, and the powerful attack seemed to crush the Starlight into pieces.

in the distance.

The immortals who had just flown out from the Jade Star were all shocked when they saw this grand scene.

"This is."

"Does Marquis Tianxue have any grudge against Marquis Xingjian?"

"No, it's Chen Zong. Xuehou is here for Chen Zong today!"

"No way, is it because Chen Zong rejected Tianxue Hou today?"

"Go away, why are you rejecting Marquis Tianxue? You must be out of your mind. This is obviously an assassination!"


"Crazy, just crazy."

"Unexpectedly, Marquis Xue turned out to be a spy planted by a foreign race on us humans today."

"Would you like to go over and help?"

Facing the surging and deadly attack, everyone's expressions froze.

On or off?
  "Let's take a look at the situation first. If Xingjianhou and the others can survive this wave of attacks, then we will go up."

"That makes sense!"

"Hmph, you cowards, I'm ashamed to be with you." A man who was quite similar to the Chinese on Earth, about five meters tall, and wearing a golden armor, turned his hand, and a golden sword appeared in front of him. In his hands, fighting spirit surged into the sky, killing Tian Xuehou and the others.

Several other people looked at each other, but still did not follow.

"The genius belongs to Virtual Universe Company, but life is their own!" they thought in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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