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Chapter 150 Big Earthquake!

Chapter 150 Big Earthquake!
  The vast starry sky.

The power of immortality permeates the space, and the space is like a surging wave, rippling one after another, making the starry sky blurry and unclear.

"Suhachi, Granger, you and I hold back Xingjianhou while the others use all their strength to kill Chen Zong." Tianxuehou is the strongest, and his hidden strength is that of a high-level feudal lord. He is the main force in this assassination. To fight against the strongest Xingjianhou, it was natural for him to do his part.

Before Suhachi and Granger became the soul slaves of the demon clan Snow Wolf, one was an ordinary immortal military lord, and the other was a reluctant lord.


In order to enable them to play a greater role, Snow Wolf provided them with training resources, secret techniques, etc.


Now, Suhaci has the true strength of the junior level lord, and Granger has the true strength of the high level lord.

In Tianxuehou's plan, although the three of them could not defeat Xingjianhou, they could delay it for some time.

This amount of time is enough for other immortals to completely kill Chen Zong.

In the Starlight.

"Your Highness, that fish outside is a bit big!" Facing the killing moves of Tianxuehou and others, Xingjianhou smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart.

"No matter how big it is, it is still under my control." Chen Zong said with a smile in his eyes, "Today, I will let the foreigners know what it means to strategize and win a thousand miles."

"Everyone, the rest is up to you!" Chen Zong sent his consciousness into a small golden world ring.


Including the three giants of the Qianwu branch, more than fifty immortals escaped from the golden world ring.

"Don't worry, let alone one Tianxuehou, we can easily win even three Tianxuehou." The girl in black gauze smiled slightly.

"Not bad!" Zidianhou nodded.

Followed by.

The hatch of the Starlight spacecraft opened, and the three giants rushed out with their men.

  Powerful aura erupted from the bodies of Hei Nihou, Zidian Hou, Jin Yuhou and others. Black mist, purple thunder and lightning, golden light feathers, etc. swept out in an instant, facing the decisive move of Tianxue Hou and others.

  The immortal moves collided, causing the starry sky to tremble.

"What!" Tianxue Hou was shocked when he saw the girl in black gauze and others, "Hei Yanhou, didn't you leave long ago? Why are you here."

prior to.

She saw with her own eyes that Jin Yuhou, Zidianhou, and Black Yanhou left Qiongyu Star, so she dared to attack Chen Zong here.

And now.

Why did Jin Yuhou and others fly out of Xingjianhou's spaceship, and brought more than fifty immortal subordinates with them.

What exactly is going on?

Mad, you were fooled!

He was being calculated to death!
  Tian Xuehou suddenly woke up and his face turned pale.

in the past.

She is the only one who sets traps for others, and no one can ever backtrack on her.

But now, things are reversed.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!" Zidianhou turned into a purple lightning and killed Tianxuehou directly.

Jin Yuhou and Hei Yanhou killed the immortals with the strength of the other two feudal lords.

Those Immortal's subordinates are the disciples, servants and others who are facing Tianxuehou.

The immortal war breaks out instantly!

The colorful colors contain attacks of laws, like beautiful flowers blooming in the starry sky.

Either exuding cold air, or exuding scorching heat, or as thick as the earth.
  The beauty is beyond compare.

But it's also terrifyingly beautiful.

Weak ones can feel dizzy and even their eyes sting when looking at these secret attacks, as if if they look at them for a little longer, they will be unable to bear it and their vitality will dissipate.

far away.

The man in golden armor who rushed towards him was stunned for a moment when he saw the three giants of Qianwu. However, he quickly came back to his senses and started to kill Immortal, the beast-eared woman in Tianxuehou's camp.

We've all come over to help, so we can't just watch.

In the Starlight.

"Your Highness, I guessed it right. Someone really dares to do something here." Star Sword Marquis looked at Chen Zong, a little surprised.

"Ha, with the talent I showed in Chaos City, the alien race will definitely rank me as No. 1 on the assassination list, and they will kill me no matter the cost." Chen Zong said with a smile, "In the past hundred years, in Qianwu Universe Country, There must have been many means deployed."

"Although I have your protection, I won't be afraid."

"But it's easy to dodge open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows."

"Therefore, I asked Zidianhou and the others to arrange this grand reception banquet, so that I could stand in the open and become a bait to lure these alien spies into action."

"Lead the snake out of its hole!"

"Catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"The best time for them to take action is when I leave Qiongyu Star."

"Because, at this time, my whereabouts are completely exposed to their surveillance."

"Otherwise, once I disappear, it will be very difficult for them to find me, and the assassination mission will be difficult to complete."

"And in order to completely kill the foreign spies, I naturally asked Zidianhou and the others for help."

"Zidianhou and the others hope that I will turn a blind eye to them during my tenure as the supervisory envoy. Naturally, they are willing to accept my invitation and increase the friendship between us."

"On the contrary, we also thought that there are immortal gods on Qiongyu Star who will come to help."

Speaking of this, Chen Zong focused his attention on the five-meter-tall man wearing golden armor in the distance.

"Di Wanbing, the pinnacle of the Immortal Military Lord." Xingjianhou was also a little surprised.

after all.

The immortal gods who are still on the Qiongyu Planet today are not from the Virtual Universe Company.


Under normal circumstances, the Immortal War Lord would avoid a feudal-level immortal battle if he could, and would only participate if it was unavoidable.

Just like Tian Xuehou's immortal army master's servants, there is no way to avoid them.

But this Di Wanbing was chivalrous, unhesitating, and rushed to the front.

Although it was just to help deal with the Immortal Army Lord-level alien spies, it was enough.

"Di Wanbing is a very good person!" Chen Zong praised.

"Xingjian, you don't have to guard me, go out and kill the alien spies."

"Delay will lead to change!"

"Okay!" Xingjianhou looked around and found no killer hiding in the dark, so he nodded and flew out from the cabin door to kill Tianxuehou.

With the addition of Xingjianhou.


Even if Marquis Tianxue possesses immortality, he will still be like a worm shaking a tree and buried in the starry sky!
  Her soul slaves and disciples also lost their vitality after her death.

Soul slave, as long as the master dies, the soul slave will also die.

"Huh? All of Tianxuehou's disciples were soul-enslaved by her!" Xingjianhou sighed. Right.

As an alien spy, all Tian Xuehou's actions are for the sake of his master. It is inevitable that some actions are not in the interests of the human race in the eyes of his disciples.

and so.

Enslaving the disciples is indeed the best solution.

This both increases strength and reduces risk of exposure.

"Hahaha!" A hearty laugh came into the Starlight, and then a smiling Zidian Hou came in from the cabin door, "Chen Zong, your trick of 'lubing the snake out of the hole' really works. "

"The three major alien spies were wiped out in one fell swoop."

"I didn't expect that Tian Xuehou turned out to be a foreign spy." A clear and sweet voice sounded, and Hei Yanhou also walked in.

"Hmph, in my opinion, all the three hundred princes of Qianwu Universe Kingdom need to be thoroughly investigated." Jin Yuhou snorted coldly.

"Yes! We really need to investigate thoroughly." Xingjianhou also returned.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise, my life will not be saved this time." Chen Zong greeted everyone and thanked them.

"Hey, aren't you being polite?" Zidian Hou said with a smile, "We are all members of the Qianwu branch, so we should help each other. What's more, you are still our best partner."



The black gauze girl, Jin Yuhou said with the same smile, and the other immortals from the Qianwu branch also nodded.

Shortly after.

"Chen Zong, since the matter has been resolved, we won't bother you any more." The girl in black gauze smiled and said, "If you have anything in the future, just come to us and we will do our best to solve it. If we can't, we will find a way for you. Done."

"Thank you!" Chen Zong nodded.


The girl in black gauze and the others all left the Starlight and left in all directions.

Among the crowd, Di Wanbing also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Chen Zong.

"Mr. Di, thank you for your help." Chen Zong handed over.

This person who was not in the plan could appear on the battlefield for himself, which really made Chen Zong look at him differently.

"Mr. Chen Zong is too polite. Even without me, your husband will be fine." Di Wanbing returned the greeting, "Besides, your husband is familiar with my Di Yun. If you see your husband in trouble, you should take action."

At the reception banquet, Chen Zong and Di Wanbing chatted about Di Yun. Therefore, Di Wanbing naturally knew about the good relationship between Di Yun and Chen Zong.

"Mr. Di is so righteous!" Chen Zong said with a smile.


The two chatted for a while longer, and Di Wanbing also left, flying to Qiongyu Star.

Di Wanbing currently lives on Qiongyu Star.

"Your Highness, there is news from Tianpengxing that we can set off." Xingjianhou's eyes revealed.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Zong nodded.


The Starlight started up again and entered the dark universe. After flying for a short time, it returned to the original universe.

In a remote area, Xingjianhou started teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

call out!
  The Starlight rushed into the transmission channel.

Tianpeng star.

"Except for the immortal, the defense here is really difficult for people below the immortal to enter." A flat silver-white spaceship was hidden in the void. Inside, the bald immortal with dark red skin murmured.

"Besides, the specifications of that palace, well, are indeed consistent with Chen Zong's identity."

"It seems to be correct!"

"This is indeed Chen Zong's residence."

The bald immortal flew out of the spaceship, and the surrounding light was distorted. A fiery red bird that looked like a phoenix flew by beside it, as if it did not see the bald immortal, and passed by leisurely.

"Let's complete the task assigned by the master first." The bald immortal flew above the palace, then landed at the bottom of the Hanging Mountain, and took out ten fiery red crystal stones from the world ring.

"Hmph, I don't believe it. These ten V-1129 model Vulcan Source Crystals can't kill a domain lord, even if there is an immortal feudal lord beside him."

The V-1129 Vulcan Source Crystal is a type of technological weapon of the mechanical family and is a disposable item.

The Vulcan Source Crystal compresses a large amount of the immortal flame power into a crystal ball, and then detonates it instantly, causing countless flame immortal powers to explode directly, achieving an effect similar to the self-destruction of the flame immortal god.

Although the principle is simple, the technological content is extremely high.

after all.

This is compressing the immortal divine power of the flame into an immortal crystal, and then compressing it into a "source crystal" that is tens of millions of times more powerful.

The power of a V-1129 Vulcan Source Crystal is comparable to the immortal self-destruction of ordinary flames, and its price ranges from 100 million to 150 million Hunyuan units.

After hiding the Vulcan Source Crystal and applying concealment methods, it would be difficult to find it if you don't search carefully.

"It's time to withdraw." The bald Immortal withdrew from Tianpeng Star and hid in the distant starry sky.

after all.

The explosion of one Vulcan Source Crystal can instantly blow the Tianpeng Star to pieces, let alone ten of them.

And this moment.

There was a storm among the top leaders of Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

The fourth giant of the Qianwu branch was actually assassinated next to the most prosperous first-level administrative star of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and the assassin was Tian Xuehou, one of the three hundred princes of Qianwu Universe Kingdom.


This was directed by Chen Zong to lure the assassins into taking the bait.


How dare the foreigners be so crazy? After all, they are beating the face of the Witch Universe Country and the Witch Branch.


A large-scale investigation was launched among the top officials of Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

The top officials of Ganwu Universe Kingdom are experiencing a major earthquake!

The three hundred princes were in panic.

"Damn Tian Xuehou, don't get involved with us even if you want to die!" A man with blond hair and golden eyes yelled angrily.


He knew very well that he was not a spy from a foreign race.


Once a thorough investigation is carried out, some of his violations will still be discovered, and he will be fined at least.

These are all his hard-earned assets. It would be heartbreaking if he was punished like this.

"Marquis Tianxue, I've long disliked her, well die!" A smile appeared on the immortal face of a female in the divine kingdom of the blue ocean, "Chen Zong, you did a good job, my sister likes it."

 Thanks to book friend 20210627195541340 for the reward of 200 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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