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Chapter 151 Mission: It’s not rude to come back but not to reciprocate

Chapter 151 Mission: It’s not rude to come back but not to reciprocate

The vast divine kingdom covered in ice and snow.

A roar came from the snow-white temple and resounded throughout the Kingdom of God.

"Damn it, Marquis Tianxue, a high-ranking feudal lord, can't kill a mere domain lord, what a waste."

"Also, Suhachi and Granger, these two are also useless!"

"It's all rubbish!"

In the Kingdom of God, the goose-feather-like snow was stagnant in the sky at this moment, while the wolf-like monsters lying on the ground outside the temple lowered their heads and trembled, not daring to make a sound.

Inside the temple.

"Damn it, all my informants in Qianwu Universe are gone now." The tall Snow Wolf cursed in a low voice.

"It's all Chen Zong's fault!"

"Who would have thought that this Chen Zong, the district leader, would dare to use his body as bait, and even be able to ask Zidianhou and the others to be a helping hand."

"It won't work. This assassination failed. My evaluation within the clan will definitely plummet. I have to find a way to remedy it. Otherwise, I will never be able to hold my head high."

"The best remedy is to kill Chen Zong."

"It's just that this Chen Zong is insidious and cunning, and he is in the human realm."

"If there is another assassination, there is no guarantee that this situation will not happen again."

"It seems that only on the battlefield outside the territory can we be absolutely sure to kill Chen Zong."

Thinking of this, Xue Lang's anger subsided a little.

As an immortal king with an eternal lifespan, apart from becoming a high and mighty person, the most important thing Snow Wolf cares about is face.

This time, face was lost.

He must find it!

Northland galaxy, Tianpeng star system.

From a gray asteroid, a dazzling beam of light rose into the sky. The Starlight rushed out of the beam and hovered in the starry sky.

At this time.

  A foreign race covered in dark red scales and with six-legged hands appeared in front of the Starlight hatch.

  The hatch opened and the alien entered the Starlight.

"I've met the master!" This six-legged alien saluted respectfully towards Star Sword Marquis, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Yes." Xingjianhou nodded and said, "Please tell me in detail what happened here."

before leaving.

Xingjianhou called out his soul slaves and paid attention to the situation in the Tianpeng star system while they were away.

This soul slave is a race affiliated with the demon clan, the Telena clan, and is born with extremely strong concealment capabilities.

"Master, the situation is like this," the six-legged alien said.

"That alien spy went to Tianpeng Planet and then ran to Pengyu Star and stopped making any moves?" Star Sword Marquis asked again.

"Yes, I have been hiding there." The six-legged alien nodded.

Pengyu Star is the ninth planet in Tianpeng star system, not far nor close to Tianpeng star.

"Besides him, are there no other foreign spies?" Chen Zong asked next to him.

"Yes!" The six-legged alien assured.

"Your Highness, this alien spy has been to Tianpeng Planet, and there is no guarantee that he will not leave any tricks behind. Therefore, we will kill the alien spies first, and then return to Tianpeng Planet." Star Sword Marquis looked at Chen Zong.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

  The Starlight swooshed and flew directly towards Pengyu Star.

On Pengyu Star.

"What, outside the Jade Star, Tianxuehou failed to assassinate Chen Zong?" the dark red-skinned bald immortal exclaimed.


He and Tian Xuehou did not belong to the same camp, but they wanted to do the same thing, which was to kill Chen Zong.


Tian Xuehou's assassination was easily resolved by Chen Zong, which shocked the bald Immortal.

Wouldn't his actions on his side also fall into Chen Zong's trap?

Think of this.
  The bald immortal stood up suddenly, wanting to retrieve the Vulcan Source Crystal, and then leave here.


A ray of starlight pierced the sky and appeared above the bald immortal.

"No, I was fooled!" The bald immortal was startled, his face full of astonishment, " were you discovered?"

What he is best at is concealment, and he has used this method to assassinate many human geniuses without being discovered.


This time, the hiding place was discovered before he succeeded.

This is unreasonable!
  It makes no sense at all!

However, before he had time to think about it, he slashed directly at the Starlight. The sword was so sharp that ripples like fish scales appeared in the space wherever it passed.

As the ripples become more and more dense, the power of the sword light becomes more and more powerful.

The Starlight seemed to be docked on the sea, rising and falling.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!" Xingjian Hou snorted coldly, and escaped from the Starlight. A sword with starlight suddenly appeared in his hand, and then slashed towards the light of the sword.

An almost solid sword light struck the sword light.

  The sword light exploded, and the sword light only had a few more cracks, but its power was not reduced, and it stabbed towards the bald immortal below.

At this time.

The bald immortal's whole body erupted with a powerful aura of law, the secret pattern on the sword lit up, and the golden light was dazzling. The golden light turned into a strange monster, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the sword light.

The bald Immortal took this opportunity to step on the knife blade.

On the knife disk, countless golden blades began to rotate, of which only 666 blades were real, and the rest were condensed with immortal power.

"Psychic Master!" In the air, Star Sword Marquis looked slightly surprised on his cold face.

Judging from Bald Immortal's sword skills just now, his strength has reached the level of a feudal lord, which made Xingjian Hou think that Bald Immortal was a warrior.


Now, the bald immortal has shown a telepathic attack that is not weaker than the strength of the feudal lord, and is even a little stronger than the sword technique.



The sword in Xingjianhou's hand was a masterpiece of starlight, and the sword energy soared into the sky. The majestic sword energy blocked the blade that was attacking the Starlight.

Bang bang bang!
  The explosions continued.

In the Starlight, Chen Zong and others did not panic. After all, the Xingguang's physical and soul defenses were strong enough to block these attacks.

At most, it only vibrates slightly!

After sending Xingjianhou here, the Starlight was ready to leave.

  The Starlight flew toward the distance while avoiding the blade.

And this time.

The figure of Xingjianhou flashed and appeared in front of the bald immortal. He slashed out with a sword. The power of the sword was so vast that Peng Yuxing seemed unable to bear it. The ground shook, cracks appeared on the earth, and the volcano erupted instantly.

Even though the Bald Immortal is a spiritual master and still steps on the knife blade, his strength is far inferior to that of Xingjian Hou, and his speed is not as good as Xingjian Hou.

You can't escape, you can't fight.

This mission was a failure!

"Be buried with me!" The bald immortal looked ferocious, and the white lines on his dark red skin instantly glowed with dazzling white light. He roared, his eyes full of madness, "Explode! Explode! Explode!"


The surrounding universe collapsed, and the bald immortal instantly turned into an extremely terrifying white ball of light, as if a star had exploded as a supernova!
  Bald immortal, self-destruct!
  This is the last resort of the immortal gods.

In a certain death situation, in order to be able to pull a few backers, he used the last trick!
  Accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, the energy truly contained in Bald Immortality is not inferior to that of a real star.

at this moment.

Everything explodes instantly!


The surrounding space debris instantly melted into a flow of particles at this moment, and the bald immortal's unreserved blow was incredibly powerful.

"Not good!" Right next to Bald Immortal, Xingjianhou quickly retreated and fled towards the starry sky.

Although this explosion cannot kill him, who wants to get hurt if he can run away!
  "Xingguang, retreat quickly." While Xingjianhou retreated, he also sent an order to the Starlight.

And this time.

A special wave emitted from Peng Yu Star and spread towards Tian Peng Star. The speed was so fast that it even penetrated the space and soon arrived at Tian Peng Star.

Tianpeng Star, at the bottom of the Hanging Mountain, ten Vulcan Source Crystals were stimulated by the fluctuations, and instantly glowed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

An even bigger explosion occurred on Tianpeng Star, and a powerful shock wave swept out.

The Tianpeng star system suddenly fell into endless space turbulence.

Far away.

The Starlight has left the Tianpeng star system.

Xingjianhou was standing next to the Starlight.

Inside the Starlight.

Chen Zong and others were shocked when they saw the Tianpeng star system shining with endless colors and space turbulence raging through virtual outdoor scenes.


The hatch opened and Star Sword Lord flew in.

"Your Highness, it's a good thing we didn't go to Tianpeng Star." Xingjianhou was a little scared, "This damn alien spy actually placed the Vulcan Source Crystal on Tianpeng Star."

The fire in the explosion of Tianpeng Star contains the endless power of the law of fire.

The well-informed Xingjian Hou could immediately determine that the explosion was caused by the Vulcan Source Crystal.

However, it’s hard to tell how many exactly there are, but there are at least eight!
  in case.

They entered Tianpeng Star without any knowledge.

And this alien spy directly detonated the Vulcan Source Crystal after they entered Tianpeng Star and exited the spacecraft.

Then Chen Zong may really have to explain it here.

"Your Highness, you can't use your body as bait like this time again." Star Sword Marquis looked at Chen Zong with a serious face, "Although this can lure the foreign spies out, the risk is too high. "

"Well, okay!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Yes!" Xingjianhou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Chen Zong agreed.

This His Highness is really different. Others are worried that it will be too late to assassinate him, but he seems to be eager to be assassinated.

It would have been very safe.

An appearance at the Jie Feng Banquet caused two fatal assassinations.

If this happens a few more times, there will be no sound of wind and cranes, and the grass and trees will be at war!

"Xingjian, since Tianpeng Star has been destroyed, let's go to Cangyu Star." Chen Zong said.

Cangyu Star is another foothold of Chen Zong in the Northland Galaxy. It is far away from Tianpeng Star, almost spanning half of the galaxy.

"Okay!" Xingjianhou nodded.


After speaking to everyone, Chen Zong returned to the lounge.

in the lounge.

A smile appeared on Chen Zong's face.

Open the panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Territory Lord Level 9 (Illusion Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (top), Phantom Xiaoyao (top), Spiritual Phantom (top)

[Special Secret Technique] Ancient God Technique (Third level, body amplitude 60 times)
  [Secret Talent] Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone (9th Level Domain Lord), Demonic Dragon Clone (1st Level Domain Lord)
  [Gene level] 103 times.

[Original Law] The original law of earth recognizes that the original law of wind is ordinary, the original law of space is ordinary, and the original law of time is ordinary.

[Task 1] Survive the alien assassination (2/3) (Unfinished)
  [Reward] Ancient God Armor (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

[Mission 2] It is indecent to come back without reciprocating. During the field trip, hunt down three alien geniuses in the top ten assassination lists (0/3) (Unfinished)
  [Reward] Bronze Mask (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

The first one has completed two-thirds of its mission.

Moreover, this second task feels very interesting!

Chen Zong smiled slightly.

 Thanks to book friend Quaternary Glacier for the 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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