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Chapter 158 Compensation

Chapter 158 Compensation
  Wulong Star Territory.

The various remains of corpses, weapon remains, technological weapon remains, etc. caused by ethnic wars are classified in detail and placed in an orderly manner in the starry sky.

Only the area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers around Chen Zong has experienced the self-destruction of the Immortal God of Fire. It is now in a mess, with the remains of many World Lord Peak Zerg floating around.


Within hundreds of kilometers of the final center of the explosion, there was nothing but a few people standing in the void.

One of them, about ten meters tall, wore a strange purple-black armor covered with mysterious secret patterns. He faintly exuded an aura that made the universe tremble. The pair of high-top combat boots attracted the most attention.

Looking at this pair of combat boots, I have a suffocating feeling as I look at the endless mountains.

"Reply to Your Majesty." Chen Zong said respectfully to the man in purple and black armor, "I came to buy the Zerg corpses, but when I was selecting the Zerg corpses for the last unit, I happened to meet another Zerg corpse in the Wulong Star Territory. An internal member, he also wears a white robe, named Kosl."

“Both of my leaders knew him.”


"This Kosl, when he came in front of us, he released a flame immortal god from the inner world and wanted to assassinate me."

Chen Zong turned his head and looked at the two leaders in white robes who had woken up beside him. The eyes of the Universe Master also looked at these two people.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed the case." The two leaders in white robes said respectfully.

"At that time, we were preparing to ask for help from the alert system, but we were attacked by mental power and fell into a coma." The short white-robed man continued.

"As for what happened next, the two of us don't know."

The two men in white robes looked at Chen Zong, feeling as if huge waves were rising in their hearts, extremely shocked.

They already knew that the person who saved them and others was not the Universe Venerable, but Chen Zong, who only had Domain Lord level in front of them.

This is crazy!
  That is an immortal god, even the two realm masters at their peak cannot compete with them.

I really don’t know how Chen Zong survived and even caused the immortal god to self-destruct.

Could this be a peerless genius?
  But a peerless genius can't cross the realm of World Lord and directly kill the immortal god, right?
  Even the flame immortal god is just the most ordinary immortal god!

"What happened after that?" The Master of the Universe explored the soul of the man in white robe and found that what they said was true, and then looked at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong is a core member of the original secret realm of Virtual Universe Company, and he is also a super genius who emerged in tens of millions of years.

It is also said that Chen Zong is the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City.

and so.

Even though he is the Lord of the Universe, he cannot explore Chen Zong's soul without permission.

"At that time, when I saw that the leader and my guards were unconscious, I quickly put them into the world ring." Chen Zong said respectfully, "At the same time, I sent ten messages to King Longjue asking for support."


"I didn't see any strong people coming to support me, so I could only use secret weapons to block the attack of the immortal god."

"It's just that I didn't expect that when this immortal god saw that he couldn't break through my defense in a short time, he went crazy and blew himself up."

"To be so decisive."

"This is definitely an immortal god enslaved by a foreign soul!"

After saying that, Chen Zong stood there, respectfully waiting for the Venerable Universe to speak.

The secret weapon?

The white-robed man showed understanding in his eyes.

  Chen Zong must have a secret weapon or something, otherwise how could he resist the assassination of the immortal god.

But, what is this secret weapon?

They were very curious, but they also knew that this was not what they should explore.

high places.

"Yes." The Universe Venerable finally nodded, "I will record everything you said and send it to the alert management system of the Wulong Star Territory. Regarding your matter... there will be five other king-level immortal gods to discuss it. Then make a decision."

Now that there are insiders testifying, this matter can be said to have come to light.

As for Chen Zong’s secret weapon.
  This kind of thing that allows the domain lord level to withstand the assassination of the immortal gods, in the view of the Universe Venerable, is definitely prepared by the Chaos City Lord for his young disciple.

That being the case.

Then there was no need for him to continue asking.

at this time……

There were ripples in the distant space, and in a moment, a spaceship appeared out of thin air.

It was King Longjue's spaceship.

  The cabin door opened, and King Longjue and Marquis Xingjian arrived instantly in the form of a stream of light.

"Your Majesty." King Longjue saluted respectfully.

Xingjianhou also followed suit and saluted.

"The matters here will be left to the five of you." Lord Universe said indifferently, "I have submitted everything Chen Zong said, the testimony of insiders, and my judgment to the intelligence of the Wulong Star System .”

Immediately, the Master of the Universe disappeared out of thin air and teleported directly out of sight.

Only Chen Zong and others were left in the starry sky.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Xingjianhou said quickly, with a trace of remorse in his eyes, "Master asked me to protect you, but..."

"Xingjian, you can't come in here, how can I blame you." Chen Zong shook his head. "Hey! It's my fault that there was a problem within the Wuyong Star Territory and foreign spies got mixed in." King Longjue sighed.

Generally speaking, when encountering the assassination of super geniuses among humans, most people will say that it was done by alien spies. In fact, sometimes some geniuses died due to some grudges within the human race.

But as long as they are not found out, they will be blamed on alien spies.

"Who did it?" King Longjue looked at the two white-robed men.

"It's our internal member Kosil." said the short man in white robe.

"Yes." King Longjue nodded.


He looked around at the starry sky, and the invisible immortal power spread directly around, passing by some broken Zerg corpses in the distance, and examined them for a long time.

"The loss this time is not small." King Longjue frowned, "We actually lost thousands of World Lord Zerg Corpse Units. Well, if this battle had taken place in the 'Domain Lord Zerg Corpse Area', the loss would have been much smaller."


"They're coming!"

At this time.

Ripples rippled in the starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers away, and spaceships appeared one after another, with an error of less than half a minute.

There are four ships in total.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
  The hatches opened at the same time, and a large number of figures flew out from the hatches of the four spaceships. There were hundreds of people, most of whom were immortal gods.

The area where items are stored in the Wulong Star Territory is indeed prohibited for immortal gods to enter.

But in some special circumstances, it is still possible.

For example, this is the current situation.

"what happened?"

"Look at this, it's such a mess."

In the spaceship, the immortals who came out, some of whom were unclear about what happened before and after, looked at everything around them and were very surprised.

"Come with me!" King Longjue said in a message.

Chen Zong and the others followed.

The large group led by the four leaders also stopped in the starry sky, and a group of people gathered together in the silent starry sky.


King Longjue introduced the other four leaders to Chen Zong.

King Dachu of the First Bank of the Universe, King Liuyu of the Galaxy Bank of the Universe, King Yin Ge of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, and King Nightmare Candle of the Giant Ax Battle Arena.

Together with King Long Jue, who belongs to the Virtual Universe Company, and the five king giants responsible for transactions in the Wulong Star Territory, they are all here.

"Guys, you must have heard about this incident from the system intelligence." King Longjue said, "This time it was the poor internal management of our Wulong Star Territory that put Chen Zong in danger."

"Fortunately, Chen Zongji has his own destiny and can turn bad luck into good luck."


"This also caused Chen Zong to lose a life-saving item."

"So, we have to say something, otherwise it's hard to justify."

Hearing King Longjue's words, Chen Zong's eyes flashed with light.

The other four leaders looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, what King Longjue said is right." King Dachu of the First Bank of the Universe said, "Since Chen Zong is here to buy 100 units of World Lord Peak Zerg corpses, then give Chen Zong another 100 units as compensation. "

"Okay!" King Luyu of Universe Galaxy Bank nodded slightly, "I suggest giving Chen Zong three more opportunities to 'Taobao'."



In this incident, there were insiders as witnesses.

In addition, Chen Zong's background was stronger than those present. No one wanted to offend Chen Zong in terms of compensation, so they all nodded in agreement.

"Chen Zong, are you satisfied with our decision?" King Longjue turned to look at Chen Zong.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

He really didn’t know that there would be compensation!


Come to think of it.

After all, this is an internal management problem in the Wulong Star Territory. If there is no compensation, it cannot be justified.

"Okay, then it's settled." King Longjue smiled and said, "Chen Zong, do you want to go back with us first, or stay here?"

"Let's go back with you first."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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