Chapter 159 Ambush
  Ancient God Space.

The life core returned to the World Tree clone.

In the inner world.

In the edge area of ​​the inner continent, the Zerg mother nest is located on the prairie with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. It is surrounded by nearly 700 units of the peak Zerg corpses piled up in mountains.

"Irina, how fast are you cultivating the world lord's peak golden moth Zerg race?" the demon dragon clone asked.

"50 Golden Moth Zerg can be cultivated in one day." Mother Queen Irina said, "The Golden Moth Zerg is smaller in size, less than five meters, and does not have so many carapace. It is much easier to cultivate than the Tiger Beetle Zerg."

"50 a day, that's more than 18000 Golden Moth Zerg in that year." The demon dragon clone thought for a while.

"First of all, you will cultivate 10 Golden Moth Zerg every day, and use the rest of your time to create star-level Zerg to cultivate the 'King' of the Shadow Zerg."

"The corpses of the world lord's peak Zerg here are enough for you to use."

"Yes, Master!" Mother Queen Irina looked very excited when she saw so many Zerg corpses around her.

She never expected
  His master was able to obtain so many Zerg corpses of such good quality.

If she could turn all these Zerg corpses into nutrients and cultivate Zerg warriors, her strength would skyrocket.

  Mother Queen Irina flew into the Zerg nest.


The ball with a diameter of more than 800 meters flew directly into the air, smashed into the mountain of corpses of the world lord Zerg, and penetrated directly into the corpse mountain.

Chen Zong’s Zerg army begins to breed!
  The demon dragon clone left the inner world and returned to the ancient god space.

"It's time to continue on our way." The Demon Dragon clone flashed and appeared in the Demon Dragon.

In the void, the Demonic Dragon was activated and continued to fly towards the territory of the demon clan.

Wulong Star Territory.

After Chen Zong returned to the palace complex, he went to the rest room to rest.

in the lounge.

Chen Zong showed a trace of expectation on his face, because after the system task was completed, the rewards had been distributed.

at this time.

The ancient god armor floats in the ancient god space.

  Chen Zong's mind moved, and the ancient divine armor appeared directly in front of him.

The Ancient God Armor is a pair of bronze battle armor with extremely complex and mysterious secret patterns on it. It seems to be in the same vein as the secret patterns of the Sky-Stepping Boots.


The Ancient God Armor spread out directly and then was put on Chen Zong.


Chen Zong felt that the ancient divine armor and the sky boots seemed to echo each other.

"This is..." Chen Zong's eyes showed joy.

He clearly felt that he could mobilize more secret patterns on the sky-stepping boots.


Only one bird flapped its wings slightly, but now, the bird seemed completely alive.

In this way, his speed increased several times again, far exceeding the speed of sublight, but still far behind the speed of light.

  After being promoted to World Master, his speed can reach the speed of light.

Think of this.

Chen Zong's face was filled with joy.

Chen Zong has not yet tested the defense of the Ancient God Armor, but judging from the Sky-Stepping Boots, it is definitely not bad.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient divine armor turned into a thin bronze battle suit, which was worn as the innermost layer by Chen Zong.

The outer layer is a purple-red battle robe transformed into a fifth-level force battle suit.

In the lounge, Chen Zong rested for a few days.

Within these few days.

The Virtual Universe Company also discovered some clues based on all of Kosl's activities in the virtual universe, including emails, phone calls, etc., and prepared to control an important target person.


During the capture, a big explosion occurred on the planet where the target person was located, killing all 220 billion people on the planet.

This ruthless method can basically be determined to be the work of the Zerg latent organization.

at this time.

In the palace of King Longjue.

"Chen Zong, these are 100 units of the world lord's peak Zerg corpses that I carefully selected." King Longjue waved his hand, and 100 metal plaques appeared on the table.

"Thank you King Longjue." Chen Zong put away the metal plate, "Well, I have also rested and am ready to enter the Wulong Star Territory again."

"Chen Zong, this time, I will personally accompany you in and act as your leader." King Longjue said with a smile.

"Ha, with King Longjue as your leader, I'll feel relieved." Chen Zong smiled slightly, half teasingly.

"Yes!" Next to him, Xingjianhou also nodded.

"It was our mistake last time. With me here this time, there will definitely be no problem." King Longjue promised.


Chen Zong, King Longjue, Marquis Xingjian and others left the palace, entered the spaceship, and flew towards the area where the Zerg corpses were stored in the Wulong Star Region.

On the one hand, immortal gods are prohibited from entering the Wulong Star Territory. but.

This time King Longjue led the team, and King Longjue and the other five people still had privileges, so Xingjianhou could also follow.

Less than a day.

"King Longjue, I have selected the 100 Zerg units to be purchased." Chen Zong turned over his hand and took out the 200 metal cards originally given to him by King Longjue.

"That's it." Handing 100 of them out, he also took out the 100 metal plaques he had just compensated.

"Okay." King Longjue threw 200 metal cards to his two subordinates, "Both of you, get 100 Zerg units each."


a few days later.

The two people responsible for collecting the Zerg corpses finally returned.

Outside the spaceship's hatch.

"Sir." Two men in white robes stood in the void and saluted King Longjue respectfully.


They took out all the collected Zerg corpses, and suddenly two small corpse mountains appeared in the empty area next to them, both tens of kilometers high.

Looking at the two small mountains of Zerg corpses suspended in the void, Chen Zong nodded slightly and took them into the ancient god space, and then into the inner world.

In the inner world, the already piled up piles of Zerg corpses have once again increased in height.

Now that the matter has been done.

Chen Zong decided to start "treasure hunting" in the garbage mountain, and this would take a long time. Naturally, King Longjue would not follow him, and Marquis Xingjian could only follow King Longjue back.


Now only Chen Zong and two white-robed leaders are left.

"Lord Chen Zong, there are mountains of garbage everywhere in the Wulong Star Territory. I don't know where to start looking for treasures?" said one of the men in white robes.

"There is nothing good here anymore. You can go anywhere else." Chen Zong said with a smile.

Taking a standard spaceship, Chen Zong would occasionally designate a place. After traveling through the universe, he would randomly look for one or two garbage mountains to "hunt for treasure".

If you don't do it, you won't know. If you do it, you will be shocked.

These garbage mountains can indeed be said to be almost all "garbage", and they are all scraps and remains that are not valuable at all.

A world ring that stores the entire "0.1 kilometers long, wide and high" might not necessarily be worth Hunyuan units.

It is indeed a garbage mountain!

one year later.

"The time has come, let's go back." Chen Zong put the things he found into the medium-sized world ring given by King Longjue.

He was "Taobaoing" in the garbage mountain, but he didn't find anything good.

The total value of all the items in this medium-sized world ring is only 10,000 Hunyuan, which is not much for Chen Zong.

"Yes, sir!" The two leaders in white robes breathed a sigh of relief and could finally go back.

in case.

It’s them who are “Taobaoing”, let alone one year, even ten or a hundred years, they don’t feel tired.


Now I am watching others "Taobao", and my mood is naturally different.

Return to the palace complex.

After bidding farewell to King Longjue, Chen Zong, Xingjianhou and others took the Ancient God spaceship, left the Wulong Star Territory, returned to Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and returned to Cangyu Star.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed!
  these ten years.

Chen Zong has been staying at Cangyu Star and immersed himself in cultivation.

During this period, he was recognized by the law of the origin of wind, and with the efforts of the demon dragon clone, he was also recognized by the law of the origin of fire.

The territory of the demon clan.

The demon dragon clone is with the mother queen Irina in the territory of the demon clan, in a place called the Sklan galaxy.

Now, the demon dragon clone has reached the pinnacle of the realm lord and possesses the power of a feudal lord.

And Queen Mother Irina also has hundreds of thousands of Zerg troops.

"Well, according to the news, No. 10, Theod of the Firefox clan, is coming here." The dragon clone looked at the virtual screen in front of him, which showed the assassination list.

There is a small screen next to it, which shows Theod's current whereabouts.

"I have been in the demon territory for several years, and I finally have the opportunity to kill the alien genius." The demon dragon clone's eyes flashed with light, and then he turned to look at the Zerg Mother Queen beside him, "Irina, everything has been arranged. No?"

"Master, everything has been arranged, just waiting for the prey to enter the ambush circle." Mother Queen Irina said with a smile.

"That's good!" The demon dragon clone nodded.

The first floor of the ancient temple.

Chen Zong sat cross-legged on the vast land.

At this time.

"Master, the 'Region Lord Level High Points Mission' has begun!" Weiss's voice sounded in Chen Zong's mind.

"Have we started?" Chen Zong opened his eyes, then left the Ancient God Space and returned to Cangyu Star.

 Thanks to book friend Zizhu-Chen for the 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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