Chapter 162 Bai Yehou

Inside the Ancient God spacecraft.

"Ha, double happiness is upon us." Chen Zong sat in the rest cabin with a hint of joy on his face.

This side harvested more than 60 billion Hunyuan, and the other side also killed the assassination target.


"The next few targets will be difficult to deal with. Not only are they far away, but they are also located in the center of the demon clan's territory."

"I don't know how long it will take to complete the system's tasks just by relying on the magic dragon clone and Irina."

"It seems we need to find more help."

"Well, it will take some time to get to the imperial capital star 'Cui Lang Star' in the Cui Lang Star Territory."

"Go to the virtual universe first!"

Virtual universe, Amethyst Island.

Chen Zong came to the most dazzling Amethyst Palace on Amethyst Island and pushed the door open.

"Chen Zong, long time no see." On the throne, the girl in black gauze smiled and walked in front of Chen Zong.

"Black Marquis." Chen Zong smiled and nodded. Then, he looked at another throne, where a strong ape-man was sitting.

This strong ape-man has two arms that are so long that they can touch the floor when hung down normally. He is a member of the Maradiaga tribe among the apes.

"Well, let me introduce you. This is Hou Baiye, who is in charge of intelligence." The girl in black gauze turned around and walked to the round table, "Hou Baiye, Chen Zong should be familiar to you."

"Chen Zong, I've heard about his name for a long time." The strong ape-man smiled and stood up.

"Hou Baiye." Chen Zong walked over and showed a friendly smile.

"Well, you guys talk first. I have something to do, so I will leave first." The girl in black gauze said.

"Thank you so much, Marquis Heiyan." Chen Zongdao thanked him.

"You're welcome!" The girl in black gauze nodded slightly and exited the virtual universe.

The girl in black gauze knew that Chen Zong must have something important to discuss with Baiyehou, who was in charge of intelligence, and it might involve some secrets. Of course, she couldn't continue to listen, so she proposed to leave.


In this hall, only Chen Zong and the strong ape-man Baiyehou were left.

"Marquis Baiye, let me toast you first." Chen Zong waved his hand, and two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine appeared on the table. He poured a glass of wine for both of them, and then picked up the wine glasses.

"You're welcome." Baiyehou also picked up the wine glass.

There was a hint of coolness in the wine glass.

They clinked their glasses and both took a sip.

"Hey, good wine." Baiye Hou praised, "This is Hongye Qingshuang Bar."

"Not bad!" Chen Zong nodded.

"A small bottle of Hongye Qingshuang wine costs tens of thousands of Hunyuan, but this cup costs thousands of Hunyuan." Baiyehou looked at Chen Zong and sighed.

Although he is an immortal prince and has assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he rarely drinks such expensive wine.

This Chen Zong has been so heroic since he arrived. It seems that today's affairs may be a little difficult to handle.

Bai Yehou secretly sighed in his heart.

He wanted to have a good relationship with Chen Zong, but he was worried that Chen Zong's request would be too difficult to realize.

"It's just a small amount of money." Chen Zong smiled and said, "If Marquis Baiye likes this wine, I have a few bottles here."


On the round table, five bottles of Hongye Qingshuang wine appeared again.

After obtaining more than 60 billion mixed yuan, Chen Zongke directly became a super rich man. This mixed yuan is naturally considered to be small money.

"By the way, you are looking for me this time, but what's the important matter?" Baiyehou did not accept it, but looked at Chen Zong and said with a smile.

"Well, there is something important." Chen Zong nodded.

Bai Yehou listened silently.

"You also know that I was assassinated by the demon clan last time. Fortunately, I was prepared and survived." Chen Zong said with emotion, "And this matter was naturally known to one of my friends."


"This friend of mine went directly to the territory of the demon clan, wanting to hunt down the demon clan geniuses and vent his anger on me."

"It's just that the Monster Clan's territory is too big, and he has no spies there."

"Although I can provide information about the geniuses of the demon clan, it will take time to travel, and he cannot enter some areas of the demon clan."

"So, I'm here to ask for your help."

"Give my friend a little help."

"Hiss~" Hearing Chen Zong's words, Baiyehou was shocked, "Chen Zong, it's not that I don't want to help, it's that the information about the assassination of foreign geniuses is confidential."

"I'm sorry I can't help."

"Secret?" Chen Zong smiled slightly, "This is considered a secret to other people, but to you and me, it is not a secret."

After speaking, Chen Zong waved his hand, and a virtual screen appeared in front of the two of them.

The information on the screen is the assassination list and the specific news about the alien genius.

"Huh? I didn't expect that Chen Zong's authority would be so high!" Bai Yehou was secretly surprised when he saw this information.

"Ha, then that's no problem." Baiyehou laughed, "What do you need me to do?"

"Arrange my friend into the plan to assassinate 'No. 8 Funakoshi'." Chen Zong said. "Is your friend an Immortal Marquis?" Baiyehou asked, "Only by understanding the strength can we make better arrangements."

"The realm lord is at his peak, but he has immortal combat power." Chen Zong said.

"Is it Realm Lord War General level strength?" Baiyehou frowned. He originally thought he was an immortal god.

Realm Lord War General, this title was established on the battlefield outside the territory.

Some powerful realm masters and generals are completely comparable to ordinary immortal gods, and can even kill immortal gods.

"Yes, yes." Baiye Hou thought for a while and nodded, "I will arrange this matter, but there are some things that are not convenient to talk about here."

"Sorry to trouble you." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

The territory of the demon clan.

On a green planet, a stream of light passed by and fell in the jungle.

"I've met you, sir." An immortal monster with a human body and a wolf head saluted the demon dragon clone, "The master asked me to pick you up."

"Yeah." The demon dragon clone nodded.

This Immortal Wolf Demon is one of Baiyehou's soul slaves, specifically responsible for the assassination plan of "No. 8".


The Immortal Wolf Demon started teleportation from the Kingdom of God and brought the demon dragon clone to the Kingdom of God, and then headed to the central area of ​​the demon clan's territory.

Qianwu Universe Country, Cuilang Star Territory.

Cui Langxing.

"Master, we have arrived at Cui Langxing." Weiss's voice sounded in the control room.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.


He flew out of the hatch with Xingjianhou, stood in the starry sky, and put away the Ancient God with his hand.

Ahead is an ocean-blue planet, with an ocean that is roughly half the size of the continent.

There were many spaceships coming and going around, which was a bit lively.

As expected of the Imperial Capital Star!

"Master, there are 103 people in Kafen and his escort group. They are all in a castle in Whitecaps City now." Weiss said.

Kafen, one of the eighteen directors of the Fire Phoenix Organization, is one of Chen Zong's targets.

"Well, let's go!" Chen Zong and the others flew directly towards Cui Langxing and Bailang City.

Bailang City is not an imperial city. As long as the strength reaches the domain lord level, you can fly freely.


Two streams of light streaked across the sky above Bailang City, and then stopped on a castle.

In the castle, dozens of streams of light flew out.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" The leader, a man wearing silver-white armor, shouted, his eyes full of vigilance, "Don't you know this is the place where our Fire Phoenix organization belongs?"

Judging from the auras of the two of them, he and the others were definitely no match.

and so.

The man in silver-white armor did not take action immediately, but wanted to ask about the situation before making plans.

At this time.

Kafen, a ninth-level Domain Lord, also flew into the air with other guards.

"Your Fire Phoenix organization is rotten and degenerate, and you are full of evil. I declare that you are guilty and deserve to die!" When he arrived here, Chen Zong had already started the virtual universe transmission.

Guilty, deserve to die

This made Kafen and others first shocked and then angry.

In the surrounding castle, some people cast their eyes over with curious expressions on their faces.

"Who on earth dares to speak like this to someone from the Fire Phoenix Organization? Will he risk his life?"

"Oh, the Fire Phoenix Organization is indeed full of evil, but after so many years, it is still good. Can these two people still fight against the entire Fire Phoenix Organization?"

"Well done, kill these moths!"

"He's here to seek revenge!"

Thoughts abounded in everyone's minds.

"Seeking death!" After hearing Chen Zong's words, the people from the Fire Phoenix Organization became furious and killed Chen Zong.

"On behalf of Virtual Universe Company, I sentence you to death!" Facing the attack, Chen Zong looked indifferent, and then stepped into the void.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!
  Hundreds of sword lights burst out from under Chen Zong's feet, instantly piercing into the bodies of the members of the Fire Phoenix Organization who were charging towards them, wreaking havoc.

Followed by.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
  Including the ninth-level Territory Lord Kafen, all members of the Fire Phoenix Organization exploded to death. Even their life cores were turned into ashes, and they could no longer die.

"Let's go!" Chen Zong looked at them coldly, and left without even taking away the space rings from Kafen and others, and took Marquis Xingjian away.

"Hiss~" The people watching the battle around looked shocked.

As expected of someone from Virtual Universe Company.

He was also a ninth-level Territory Lord. He just stepped on the void and killed all the members of the Fire Phoenix Organization, including Kafen, who was also a ninth-level Territory Lord.

too strong!
  (End of this chapter)

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