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Chapter 163 The Secret Realm of Flow

Chapter 163 Qianliu Secret Realm
  The territory of the demon clan.

In the vast divine kingdom, a beam of light broke through the sky and landed in front of the magnificent temple in the center of the divine kingdom.

The demon dragon clone followed the wolf demon with a human body and a wolf head, and walked out of the light pillar.

"Greetings to the God Lord!" In front of the palace, more than a dozen demon clan masters saluted respectfully towards the immortal wolf demon.

"Yes." The immortal god wolf demon nodded, then turned to look at the dragon clone, "Sir, they are all participants in this operation."

"Ziscato, when will the action start?" The demon dragon clone glanced at the monsters and asked the question they were most concerned about.

"Sir, according to the news from the Qianliu Secret Realm, No. 8 has entered the Qianliu Domain." The immortal god wolf demon, Ziskato, said, "As long as we determine which river No. 8 has entered, we will immediately Set off."

"Okay!" The demon dragon clone nodded.

The Qianliu Secret Realm is an ordinary secret realm within the territory of the demon clan. Because there are thousands of special rivers in the secret realm, it is called the Qianliu Secret Realm by the demon clan.

As for the geniuses cultivated by the demon clan, when they are at the universe level and domain lord level, in addition to wandering in the original universe, they will also enter various secret realms to complete tasks.

this time.

No. 8, Funakoshi, accepted the mission and went to the Qianliu Secret Realm, but was discovered by human spies hidden in the secret realm.


That's why this assassination plan was planned.

"Sir, please come inside first." Ziskato led the way.

Entering the temple, the demon dragon clone rested in a lounge.

A few days later.

"Sir, the news has been sent, we can set off." Sitting cross-legged in the lounge, the demon dragon clone heard Ziskato's voice.

"Yes." The demon dragon clone walked out of the lounge and followed Ziskato to the temple.

In front of the temple, more than a dozen demon clan masters were ready to go.

"Let's go!" Ziskato directly started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

Qianliu Secret Realm.

A large pale blue river, 30 million kilometers wide.

In the big river, the waves were surging, hitting the stone cliffs, making waves of rumbling sounds.

The splashing water rushed high into the sky and scattered. Most of it returned to the river, while a small part stopped in mid-air and spread over the river. It was like covering the river with a layer of mist, making it hazy. .

There are many islands floating on the river.

Some islands are clearly visible, while others are misty and cannot be seen clearly, and some are completely obscured by water mist.

at this time.

An island completely shrouded in mist, a beam of light flashed, and a dozen figures walked out of the beam of light, it was the demon dragon clone and the others.

"Is this the Qianliu Secret Realm?" The demon dragon clone looked around, but the thick fog could not block his gaze.

Looking through the mist, what I saw was a patch of land, and looking up, I saw the sky full of colorful clouds.

"Sir, the river we are in now is code-named tributary No. 1024. It is still a little far away from the target tributary No. 2356. It will take three days to take the spacecraft." Ziskato said.

There are too many rivers in the Thousand Rivers Secret Realm and the Thousand Rivers Basin, so they only have nicknames and no other names.


The first 1 tributaries come together to form the Qianhai; the 1035-1036 tributaries come together to form the Zhonghai; the tributaries with subsequent code names come together to form the Houhai.


Chen Zong and the others are in the Qianhai Basin.

"Well, go there immediately to avoid a long night and many dreams." said the demon dragon clone.


Ziskato waved his hand, and a biological spacecraft with a diameter of about a hundred meters appeared in the sky, and the spacecraft automatically revealed a hatch.

The demon dragon clones and the others flew into the hatch and entered the control room.

  The biological spaceship escaped into the air and flew towards the Zhonghai River Basin.


There was a sound of entering the water, and the wolf demon with long gray and white fur got under the river surface and swam towards the bottom of the river.

After a long time.

"Hahaha!" The gray and white wolf demon flew out of the water, with a smile on its face, and landed towards the lush island.

"I'm so lucky. I've only been in Qianliu Valley for a few days, and I found a Shark Teardrop."

"Same Teardrops, the goal of this mission is to need one hundred."

"Ninety-nine more to go."

The gray and white wolf demon is No. 8, Funakoshi.

"Unfortunately, I can only complete this mission personally. Followers and guards cannot take action. Otherwise, let alone 100 Shark Teardrops, even Shark Teardrops will not be a problem." Funakoshi shook his head.

"Your Highness." As soon as Funakoshi landed on the beach, a dog demon immortal god with three heads came to greet him.

Behind the three-headed dog demon, there were hundreds of demon clansmen, including more than a dozen realm lords, hundreds of domain lords, and the rest were all cosmic-level.

"Let's go to the next island." Funakoshi ordered.


  They flew directly into the air and flew towards the next island.

Fly to midway.     Suddenly.

A biological spaceship blocks their way.

"Who is it? How dare you stop His Highness Funakoshi!" The three-headed dog demon's eyes narrowed and he took a fighting stance at the same time.


Prepare to send a message for help.

"Funakoshi?" A voice came from the biological spacecraft, "The one we are looking for is Funakoshi!"

  The door of the biological spacecraft opened, and a dozen figures flew out. Compared with Funakoshi Yu and the other hundreds of monsters, their numbers were not superior.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of Zerg Realm Lord peak warriors appeared in the sky.

"Your Highness, run!" The three-headed dog demon stood in front of Funakoshi and simultaneously sent out a message for help.

"Tributary No. 2356, location 4584-5849-45, encountered Zerg assassination, please support, please support!"

There is a palace complex above Qianliu Valley, where many immortal gods of the demon clan sit.

In one of the large palaces, there are many precision instruments and many large screens.

At this time.

One of the screens was flashing red light, and the picture on the screen was exactly what the three-headed dog demon had transmitted.

"What?" Many demon clans were shocked.

This is a secret realm controlled by their demon clan. The Zerg clan is so bold that they dare to come and assassinate the genius of the demon clan.


They contacted the strong men stationed here and went to support them.

Tributary No. 2356, location 4584-5849-45.

"Kill!" Ziskato ordered, and he immediately killed the three-headed dog demon.

The other realm lords and demon clans directly attacked Funakoshi.

The golden moth Zerg in the sky once again released a spiritual attack.

This time, because Funakoshi's immortal strongman was guarding him, he was blocked by Ziskato and could not protect Funakoshi.

and so.

This mental attack rushed directly into Funakoshi's sea of ​​consciousness.

  Funakoshi's sea of ​​consciousness instantly collapsed, and his soul was shattered.

"Ah, damn it." The three-headed dog demon's eyes were split, and its attack became more violent, directly repelling Ziskato.

"Self-destruct!" Seeing that Funakoshi was dead, the demon dragon clone directly gave the order to Ziskato.

During this operation, Baiye Hou left everything to the Demon Dragon Clone to handle, so the orders of the Demon Dragon Clone were the orders of Baiye Hou.

Get orders.

Ziskato's eyes showed madness, and without any hesitation, he turned into a huge ball of light.


Directly self-destruct!

Violent energy swept across all directions.

Fortunately, the demon dragon clone ordered Mother Queen Irina to take back the Zerg warriors in advance.

This violent energy enveloped the world lord brought by Ziskato, as well as many of Funakoshi's guards and followers, and they all died instantly.

And this energy is also coming towards the biological spacecraft.

The biological spaceship, like those world masters, gradually turned into ashes.


An extremely powerful pressure descended from the sky, and the chaotic space at the center of the explosion solidified.

"Space confinement!" In the biological spaceship, the demon dragon clone noticed the change in space and immediately escaped into the ancient god's space.

The moment he left.

The biological spacecraft in the center of the explosion was completely reduced to ashes.

"What a ruthless method!" A cosmic lord with six pairs of purple flesh wings on his back said coldly, "As expected of the Zerg!"

next to.

"Damn Zerg!" The seriously injured three-headed dog demon roared angrily and immediately passed out.

In the ancient god space.

"It's so dangerous. This Universe Venerable came so fast. Without the Ancient God Space, he would never have been able to escape." The demon dragon clone took a deep breath.


"Now that there is no teleportation from the Kingdom of God, it's a bit difficult."

"First move the coordinate point to another place."

The demon dragon clone directly controls the coordinate point and moves outside the Qianliu Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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