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Chapter 198 1 Battle to Become the King

Chapter 198: Become the King in One Battle (Two in One)

Yanji Continent, space mezzanine.

The weak water was so vast that it submerged hundreds of kings and extreme alien races.

"Sure enough, the binding force is so strong!" Xuan Tomb King, who was covered with a layer of blood-colored scales and had a head similar to a unicorn wolf and nine scales tail, exclaimed, then pulled out the blood-colored sword behind his back and pointed towards Chen Zong, just chop it out with one knife.


The majestic bloody sword light broke through the blue chains in the weak water and headed straight towards Chen Zong.

The Mechanical Clan's Fateful King waved his hand, and nine giant silver-white pyramids appeared around him.

The tops of the nine pyramids opened at the same time, revealing a muzzle glowing with blue light. Huge energy gathered in the muzzle, forming a dazzling blue light.


The bottom of each pyramid emits blue thunder and lightning. These blue thunder and lightning are intertwined with each other like a circuit, filling the energy of the muzzle at the top of the tower instantly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
  Nine blue beams of light blasted out simultaneously, and blue thunder and lightning connected them with each other to form a formation, breaking through the blockade of the blue time and space chain, and approaching Chen Zong.

and also.

The mother queen of the Zerg, Nan Chu, also escaped from the world ring, controlling thousands of immortal Zerg with golden carapace, and launched a soul attack on Chen Zong.

Thousands of invisible waves quickly converged to form an extremely powerful invisible soul attack.

Normally, if a King's Limit suffers a soul attack of this intensity, his soul will definitely collapse instantly.

Except for these super powerful people.

Hundreds of other kings were not idle either, and they also attacked Chen Zong.

Looking beyond Ruoshui, the human camp, as well as the strong men from the three tribes camps who did not participate in the war, were watching from a distance.


An extremely powerful aura rose from the blue ocean. Even though it was blocked by the weak water, it still made the strong men watching feel a little suffocated!
  "What a terrifying smell!"

"What exactly is going on?"

"It's him, the human king!"

In the distance, the strong men watching the battle looked shocked.

"He is the invincible king?" The Seven Swords King looked at Chen Zong and said in shock.

An unknown invincible king?

What a joke!
  Among human beings, there are countless strong men who have been crowned kings and invincible. Each of them is famous and famous in the universe.

Why did an invincible king suddenly appear that no one knew about?

The King of Seven Swords was confused!
  Blue weak water.

King Xuan Tomb, King Ming Yun, and Nan Pun, who were suppressed by Chen Zong's aura, were even more shocked.

"Damn it, he is the invincible king!" Xuan Tomb King cursed angrily, turned around quickly, and wanted to escape.

"The insidious and despicable human being, the majestic and invincible king, actually hid his strength and lured us into taking the bait!" Nan Zun, the mother queen of the Zerg clan, entered the world ring again and asked her soul slave Skeleton Needle King to take her with her to escape from the weak water.

"Damn it!" King Mingyun quickly controlled the nine pyramids again, intending to open a passage and leave the blue ocean.

They knew very well that under the control of Feng Wang Wudi, the domain-type heavy treasures were absolutely powerful and incomparable.

With their strength, they are definitely no match.

  If you don't want to die.

All we can do is escape!
  Not only them, but other extreme foreign races who were crowned kings also wanted to kill Chen Zong, but they were thinking of how to escape.

"The king is invincible!"

"It turns out to be the invincible king!"

"If he had shown such strength earlier, who would have dared to snatch his valuable treasure."

Everyone was dumbfounded by the limit of being a king in weak water!
  In the universe, the strong are respected, and only the strong deserve to possess valuable treasures.

Even if a weak person is lucky enough to get a valuable treasure, he must use it carefully, lest other strong people know about it, because once exposed, he will be besieged!

such as.

King Zhenyan, King Jianhuang, etc.

There are also the Seven Swords King, the Black Shaved King, and the Fateful King. Which one of them does not have many valuable treasures?

The strong men in the battlefield outside the territory also know that they have important treasures.


But I haven’t heard of anyone trying to rob them of their valuable treasure!
  This is strength!
  And like before
  Chen Zong only showed the ultimate strength of a general king, but he possessed three important treasures, and two of them were extremely rare soul-type defensive treasures and domain-type heavy treasures.

This means that he is weak and unworthy of possessing such a valuable treasure.

and so.

That would attract so many foreign kings to come, trying to snatch the valuable treasure.

But now
  Chen Zong no longer hides his strength and shows his invincible strength as a king. How can these aliens dare to snatch the precious treasure even if they are at their limit?

It’s too late to run!

The fact is, they really can’t even run away in time!
  At this time.

After using the Ancient God's Broken Star, Chen Zong's strength not only skyrocketed, but he also became more able to control weak water and was able to do things he couldn't do before.

I saw.

In addition to the soul attacks that were neutralized by Chen Zong, the attacks from hundreds of Feng Wangs were all attacked by sword light, sword energy, energy, etc., before they hit Chen Zong, they were swallowed up by space-time vortices.


In front of these hundreds of extreme foreign races, time and space vortexes appeared one after another.

Those attacks that were swallowed up by the time and space vortex were not annihilated by the time and space vortex. Instead, they traveled through the space tunnel and escaped from the newly emerged time and space vortex.

"Ah! It's the 'God-Slaying Sword' of King Xuan Tomb." An alien king saw a blood-red sword light striking him in the vortex of space and time. He recognized the move and was shocked and horrified.

Xuan Tomb King's attack on humans was actually diverted to him by humans!

Is this the function of Blue Ocean Treasure?

"Block it!" This King-Extreme Alien wanted to dodge.


He found that a binding force that was stronger than before was restraining him and he could not avoid it. Therefore, he quickly slashed out with his sword, trying to block the "God-Slaying Sword".


The Xuan Tomb King is powerful and can kill the ordinary king's limit.

The difference in strength, coupled with the attack of weak water, the sword moves of this alien king were unable to withstand one of Xuan Tomb King's famous special moves, the "God-Slaying Sword".

The sword attack was broken, and the bloody sword light split open the divine body of the alien king. Immediately afterwards, the sword light completely annihilated the alien king's divine body.

next to.

The waiting space-time vortex was of no use.

Another spot in weak water.

The man with four arms and scales who was sent to the battlefield outside the territory by Lord Yan Ling had a look of reluctance!
  Previously, he had been partially annihilated by the millions of Zerg kings controlled by Irina, and later, he saw the target he wanted to kill being surrounded and killed again.

He also joined in, making up the numbers and preparing to strike the target.

Once the target dies!
  He can then take advantage of the chaos to smash the target's world ring, exposing the contents inside, and obtain the "Heavenly Flame Token" he wants.

in this way.

It's better to go back and do business!

However, he never expected that this human being would be invincible and could deflect all their attacks.


In the space-time vortex in front of the man with four arms and scales, a formation of nine beams of light flashed brightly and rushed out of the space-time vortex. The speed was so fast that he could not react at all and was hit directly.

The man with four arms and scales, "King of Fate," widened his eyes.

Know that you will die.

Therefore, he spread the news of Rudolph's murderer to the camp network, and asked other Ancient Spirit tribesmen on the battlefield outside the territory to pass the news to his master, the Venerable Yanling.

Followed by.

The divine body of the man in four-armed scale armor was completely annihilated, leaving behind a suit of armor, a spear, and a world ring.

at this time.

Except for the Mingyun King and the other super strong men, every one of the other extreme alien races was controlled by Weak Shui and hit by attacks that escaped from the vortex of time and space.

The stronger ones withstood the attack.

The weak ones, like the man with four arms and scales, died completely.

"Since you want to steal my precious treasure, then go ahead. Why are you running?" Chen Zong's voice rang in the ears of many foreign kings.

Followed by.

  Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and shuttled between the alien kings.

"The Heavenly Sword is the only one!"     "Heart Sword!"

"The One and Only Heavenly Sword!"

A sword slashed out, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of alien kings were directly annihilated by Chen Zong.

of course.

There were also some foreign kings who reacted quickly and launched an attack when Chen Zong appeared in front of them.


Chen Zong did not deflect the attack, but dodged the alien king's attack at an extremely fast speed, and then slashed down with his sword, killing the alien.

"Ah, human being, go to hell." An energy being burning with pale flames exploded directly when Chen Zong appeared.

Chen Zong immediately transferred the self-destruction to another place.


The self-destruction of King Feng's limit directly took away two King Feng aliens, and hundreds of others were affected, causing a lot of damage to their divine bodies.

On the contrary, some of the alien tribesmen who were on the edge of Weak Water were hit by this energy wave and escaped from Weak Water.

"Damn King Cangyan!" The alien king, who had lost his divine body and was still in a weak state, cursed angrily.

"Hahaha, King Cangyan, thank you very much!" The one who escaped from Weak Shui laughed heartily.

After a while.

Chen Zong was the only one left in the weak water.

As for the more than 600 alien kings, except for the two who were killed and fell asleep, more than 300 successfully escaped, and more than 200 alien kings died.

at this time.

Chen Zong once again sat on the throne of weak water and appeared above the powerful men, overlooking the foreign kings who escaped from weak water.

"If you snatch my precious treasure and are still alive, you will be lucky." Chen Zong glanced coldly and said indifferently, "This time I will teach you a lesson."

"Senior, as an invincible king, you actually came to bully us who are the kings of the limit. Isn't this justified?" A foreigner who had a lucky escape shouted loudly.

His words made the surrounding foreign warriors nod their heads and voice their support.

"Oh, did I do it first?" Chen Zong sneered, "But if you think it's not possible, then let your invincible king come and fight me."

"I'll be waiting here on the seventh battlefield."

"However, if you don't dare to come, or if you delay for too long, then I won't accompany you."

After Chen Zong finished speaking, he put away the weak water, and then escaped directly into the ancient god's space.

"Huh? Teleport?" Xuan Tomb King frowned, "He can't feel the fluctuations in space. It seems that he has a deep understanding of the original laws of space."

"Damn it, a human killed my senior brother and is still so rampant. I must invite the teacher to teach him a lesson." A demon clan king peak said angrily.


Discussions arose.

"Unexpectedly, there is no news about a new king named Wudi from mankind. Moreover, even the strong men in the human camp don't know him. It's really strange."

"Do you think it's possible that the famous human king Feng Wang Wudi plays the role?"


"Absolutely not possible!"

"As a strong and invincible king, he has his own dignity and will not do this."

"Then this means that this title of King Invincible does not have his own title yet?"

"Well, there seems to be no record of him in the Human Alliance."

"Just now, under his control, the blue ocean was extremely powerful. More than 600 kings entered the limit, and almost all of them were defeated. Why not, let's call him the King of the Vast Sea."

"King Hanhai?"

"His swordsmanship is also extremely exquisite. In my opinion, Sword Sea King is better."

"Hey, although the swordsmanship is wonderful, the reason why it can completely crush the limits of all the kings is because of the domain-like ocean treasure. Therefore, I also think that the Hanhai King is better."

"That's right!"

For a while.

Chen Zonghan's title as King of the Sea began to spread through the mouths of powerful people from various ethnic groups in the vast universe on the battlefield outside the territory.

The invincible King Hanhai suddenly became the focus of discussion among all the major ethnic groups in the universe!

The King of the Vast Sea of ​​mankind, famous in the universe!


King Hanhai killed too many powerful people, which also aroused public anger.

in the universe.

There are some hidden rules that are not stated clearly, such as making a king and a lord immortal. If you dare to anger the Lord of the Universe, then the Lord of the Universe can kill the king and make the lord immortal.

after all.

The dignity of the Lord of the Universe cannot be offended, and he will naturally be punished and killed!
  But the Universe Venerable cannot slaughter the immortal gods wantonly. If he kills them like crazy, it will arouse public anger, and other Universe Venerables will show up and work together to deal with him!

The same is true.

The invincible and powerful kings among the major ethnic groups simply do not go to battlefields outside the territory.

Even the Seven Swords King, Xuan Tomb King, Lifefall King, etc., if they use their trump cards, they can easily kill the peak lords and even the ultimate king.

But if you kill him several times, it's fine.

Killing ten times in a row is not a big problem.


The peak kings and the ultimate kings are already the elites of each race. If they are slaughtered too many, they will even anger the masters of the universe of those races!
  after all.

If the dead elites want to be resurrected, the Lord of the Universe needs to take action.

Resurrecting the dead violates the laws of the universe, and the price of resurrection must be borne by the Lord of the universe.

If the resurrected king-conferring master possesses important treasures, treasures and other treasures, the difficulty of resurrection is comparable to the difficulty of resurrecting the Lord of the Universe.

Sometimes, the Master of the Universe is seriously injured as a result!


Now, the demon clan, machine clan and other ethnic groups have dispatched the invincible kings to prepare to enter the battlefield outside the seventh domain, intending to kill the King of the Sea!

And in the ancient god space.

Chen Zong was sorting the trophies.

However, the wealth of hundreds of feudal kings is too much to be sorted out at once.


He stopped looking for the time being, instead focusing on the two alien kings who were sleeping.

These two aliens both look exactly like humans.

One of them is a soul master. Under the armor is a divine body that looks like a light blue crystal. There is a dark blue rhombus crystal between his eyebrows.

The other one is a pure warrior, covered with black scales, more than thirty meters tall, with black corners on both sides of his forehead, and complex and mysterious golden lines on the corners.

The two of them were carefully selected by Chen Zong from hundreds of foreigners.

The strength is also at the elite level.

In fact, during the battle, he originally selected dozens of them.


Since more alien kings had to be killed, it was difficult to control the strength when taking action. Only two slaves out of dozens of candidates fell asleep successfully.

The rest were killed.

"Ha, we can also harvest 2 soul slaves, not bad." Chen Zong walked directly to the sleeping alien race and began to use the "Extreme Heart Seal".


Two "Extreme Heart Holy Seals" entered the bodies of two aliens respectively.

Because the injuries were so serious that they lost consciousness, they were just fish on the chopping board and had no ability to resist at all, so the slavery went smoothly.

"Sleeping soul slaves are of no use. Well, let's help them wake up and recover first." Chen Zong thought, "It is not necessary to recover to 100% of the divine body. It only needs to be recovered to 70%. It is enough to have % of the strength!"


Chen Zong logged into the virtual universe and purchased a treasure to restore his divine body.

after one day.

Chen Zong escaped from the Ancient God Space and appeared in the space mezzanine where he fought previously.


A powerful aura fell from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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