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Chapter 199 Recognition of the original law of space and time

Chapter 199 Recognition of the original law of space and time
  The original universe, the territory of the Ancient Spirit Clan.

In the void of the Ancient Spirit Secret Realm, a pillar of light suddenly appeared in the sky. A woman from the Ancient Spirit Tribe wearing a blue-purple battle armor walked out of the pillar of light, then teleported towards the endless palace complex in the distance.


She arrived at the palace complex and entered one of the palaces that was tens of millions of kilometers high.

"I've seen Lord Yanling!" The woman in purple armor saluted respectfully towards the towering figure on the throne.

"Well, Tamir, you rushed back from the battlefield outside the territory, but what's important?" Lord Yanling raised his eyelids and asked.

"Your Majesty, the murderer of Rudolph has been found out, and he is the King of the Vast Sea of ​​mankind." The woman in purple armor told all the news sent by the man with four arms and scale armor, as well as what Chen Zong did on the battlefield outside the territory. out.


She suddenly felt that the space around her was on fire, the temperature suddenly rose, and then she heard the roar of Lord Yan Ling.

"Damn King Hanhai, the invincible king, not only went to the battlefield outside the territory, but also attacked my child who was the first class prince." On the divine throne, Lord Yanling opened his eyes, and the angry flames burned directly through the universe. .

"It's really damned!"

The angry flames burned more and more fiercely with the curses.

After a long time.

The space gradually calmed down.

"I really want to go directly to the battlefield outside the territory and crush him to death, but it's a pity that I can't enter."

"However, he dared to kill hundreds of kings in the battlefield outside the territory. Then the monster race, insect race, and machine race will never let him go. They will definitely send the invincible kings to surround King Hanhai."

"By the time."

"King Hanhai will definitely die!"

Thinking of this, Venerable Yanling showed a trace of joy on his face, and then he looked at the purple fighter woman: "Tamil, please return to the battlefield outside the territory first, pay attention to the situation of King Hanhai, and come back immediately to report if things change."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The purple armored woman exited the palace.

Extraterritorial battlefield.

In the mezzanine of space, a vast aura suddenly appeared above Chen Zong's head.

"This is..." Chen Zong looked up and his face suddenly showed joy.

"The original laws of space are recognized!"

The Law of Origin is recognized not once or twice, and Chen Zong is naturally familiar with it.


A drop of transparent water appeared, dripping on the life core and the origin bead.

Chen Zong's eyebrows suddenly became filled with stars, containing the mysterious power of space.

"This is teleportation!" A message appeared in Chen Zong's mind.


He also wanted to experience "teleportation" in the future.

A powerful aura appeared in the sky again, this time it was the recognition of the law of the origin of time.

After a while.

"Now, I have been recognized by the original laws of space and time at the same time, and I can also perform 'teleport' and 'time stop'." A smile appeared on Chen Zong's face.


Although he can perform moves similar to "teleportation" through the Ancient God Space, this relies on coordinate points and cannot appear outside the coordinate points.

just now.

Finally, you can truly have "teleportation". As long as the space is not blocked, you can go wherever you want.

And "time stop" is a trump card that can turn defeat into victory.

In the void.

The powerful aura disappeared, Chen Zong also put away his smile, stretched out his hand, and a hole opened in front of him, stepped forward, and then appeared directly on the Yanji Continent.

  Directly perform teleportation.

Outside Yanji Continent, in a remote place, Chen Zong's figure suddenly appeared.

Followed by.

Nebula came out of the ancient god's space, started teleportation from the Kingdom of God, took Chen Zong with him, disappeared into the void, and appeared in a remote place outside the "Broken Star Belt".

Before Chen Zong went to Yanji Continent, he asked Nebula to hide an immortal crystal here, so that he could reach here quickly and then return to the barracks base like now.


He roughly classified all the trophies and selectively kept some weapons, armor, rare metals and other treasures. Others were of little use and prepared to sell them.

Moreover, he also exchanged military merit for many items.

This time I went back to sell things and receive purchased treasures.

  After releasing the Ancient God, the hatch opened and Chen Zong entered, came to the control room, and sat on the sofa.

"Wes, let's go."

"Yes, Master!"

  The Ancient God began to accelerate, and soon entered the dark universe, traveling at a speed of 50 times the speed of light.

on the sofa.

Chen Zong’s consciousness landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, the highest point of Thunder Island.

The palace shrouded in chaotic air currents is where the Lord of Chaos City resides.

  Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air outside the palace gate, and then strode inside, walking in the endless and deep hall, the end of which could not be seen with the naked eye, and stopped after a moment.

"Senior Brother Chaos." Chen Zong said respectfully.

The Chaos City Lord in golden robes walked out of the chaotic airflow, carrying a faint powerful aura.

"Invincible King, King of the Vast Sea." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong with a smile on his face, "Junior Brother, you shocked me this time."

"Before, only the teacher could achieve the level of invincibility as a world lord."

teacher? Chen Zong was a little surprised.

He had a system and received many rewards before he could reach this level.

As for the teacher, there shouldn’t be a system, right?


With the teacher's talent, coupled with being in the early stage of the original universe, he may have many special opportunities, and it is not impossible to be able to rival the King of Invincibles as a world lord.

"If it weren't for the 'weak water' given by senior brother, junior brother, I wouldn't be able to kill hundreds of kings." Chen Zong shook his head slightly.

"Junior brother, being humble is a good thing, but you don't have to be too humble." The master of Chaos City made a move, and a virtual screen appeared in front of the two of them.

On the screen, Chen Zong was sitting on the throne of weak water, showing a pair of scornful eyes, and also said the words to ask the alien king to reserve a time for resurrection.

"Look, this is very good!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"." Chen Zong looked at the Lord of Chaos City and felt as if he had gotten to know him again.


The serious Brother Chaos can also make fun of people!
  "Senior brother is right." Chen Zong nodded.


The Chaos City Lord's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Chen Zong carefully, which made Chen Zong a little confused.

"Junior brother, you have been recognized by the original laws of time and space!" The Lord of Chaos City exclaimed, "And it is still highly recognized."

After being recognized by the original laws of time and space, his eyebrows were marked, and when connecting to the virtual universe, the connection system automatically scanned.

Changes like the mark between the eyebrows can be scanned.

It's normal to be able to see it.

"Well, yes." Chen Zong nodded and said, "It's 'teleportation' and 'time stop'."

"Both of these abilities are very good." The Lord of Chaos City smiled, and then his smile faded a little, "Well, there is something I need to remind you."

"Do you know that you have killed hundreds of kings in the outer battlefield this time, and you have angered some super powerful people."


"The three major ethnic groups, the Demon Tribe, the Mechanical Tribe, and the Zerg Tribe, have all sent a King named Wudi to surround and kill you."

"What are your plans?"

Chen Zong used his identity as King Feng Wudi to kill many powerful aliens. Therefore, humans were in the wrong and were embarrassed to send King Feng Wudi to support them.

after all.

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule!

The invincible king of a foreign race can also enter the battlefield outside the territory and kill all the powerful human kings?
  This goes against the original intention of opening up extraterritorial battlefields!

And Chen Zong, when he heard that the foreign race really sent King Wudi to the battlefield outside the territory, he felt happy and said immediately: "Senior brother, since I said that I am willing to fight against the alien King Wudi in the battlefield outside the territory, then I must say To do it.”

The Lord of Chaos City took a serious look at Chen Zong.

He didn't know why his junior brother was so confident, but his performance had exceeded his expectations time and time again, and he might even be able to create another miracle.

After a while.

"Well, in that case, then do what you want to do." The Lord of Chaos City said, "By the way, this is the information about the three invincible kings. You can go back and take a look. It should be helpful."

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded and left the palace.

Barracks Base No. 026.

The Ancient God spacecraft is like a grain of sand, and the barracks base is like a huge planet.


"Soldier Chen Zong, please accept the control of your spaceship from the barracks base from now on. Resistance is prohibited. If you resist, you will be attacked by the base and you will bear the consequences."

When the spacecraft approached the base of the gods, it was forcibly deprived of control.

  The Ancient God was controlled and entered along one of the entrances of the barracks base, and then flew along the circular corridor for a long time before entering a hall.

Walked out of the hatch and put the Ancient God away.

At this time.

"Welcome, soldier." The human waiter in silver uniform came over with a smile, "Do you choose to retire or rest in the base?"

"Rest." Chen Zong said.

"Please follow me." The waiter stretched out his hand and led the way.

Chen Zong took steps to follow.

The two of them turned into two streams of light and flew, quickly reaching an area tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"At the end of the passage on the left is the entertainment area, where restaurants, parties and other entertainment venues are located. And directly in front is the residence of you free soldiers. Free soldiers are treated much better than serving soldiers." The waiter said with a smile.

"You should be assigned a random residence number. You should receive a number and just move in according to the number."

"As for entertainment... you can go to the left. If you want to go out to fight, just follow the way in."

Chen Zong nodded.

"Then I won't disturb you." The waiter looked very polite and left immediately.

Chen Zong looked at the tens of thousands of kilometers in front of him, including mountains, rivers, woods, snow, deserts, etc.

This is a first-class accommodation in the barracks base, just like living on the planet for vacation.

"Soldier Chen Zong, this island is your private island. During your stay, no one else is allowed to enter the island." Chen Zong entered an island in the middle of a lake, and an electronic voice sounded in Chen Zong's ears.

"Master, the things you purchased have arrived." At this time, Weiss's voice sounded.

"Ask them to send the things here." Chen Zong said.

"Yes!" Weiss nodded.

 Thanks to book friend 20211206234416729 for the reward of 100 starting coins

  Thanks to the book friend Yunwu descending from the mountain for the reward of 100 starting coins.

  (End of this chapter)

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