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Chapter 200 The trump card!

Chapter 200 The trump card!

Extraterritorial battlefield.

In a remote void, three figures exuding the aura of powerful laws stood on one side.

"Oh, King of Golden Thunder, I didn't expect that we would have a chance to cooperate." The demon royal "Time and Space Nightmare Beast" with two ferocious heads had a displeased look on his face.

"King of Killers, if you weren't on a mission, I would have killed you first." The mechanical clansman whose body seemed to be made of metal had golden stripes on his face. At this time, his eyes flashed red, revealing a trace of murderous intent.

"Just you? You have fought with me more than a dozen times, and I was slightly better that time?" The Killer King gave him a cold look with great disdain.

"Seeking death!" King Jin Lei roared angrily, and with a wave of his hand, nine golden pyramids appeared out of thin air.

"You two, your grievances will not be resolved until King Hanhai is resolved." A sweet voice sounded, which suddenly calmed down the tense situation between the two parties.

The owner of the voice is a stunning woman with a pair of butterfly wings on her back. She is none other than the Queen of the Zerg, Liu Meng.

The King of Killers put away his sword, and the King of Golden Thunder put away his pyramid.


They discussed some things and left.

Barracks base.

On Chen Zong's island, three figures came.

"Hello, I'm from Virtual Universe Company." The three-eyed man wearing a golden robe looked very elegant and said humbly.

prior to.

He got an order from the department boss that there were customers here and they needed to be taken seriously.


The department boss did not say who the customer was, and he was forbidden from asking questions.

This made the three-eyed man whose strength was already at the king level unable to help but curse.

To know.
  His boss, who is a powerful person at the level of Universe Venerable and a real high-level person in the company, forbids him from asking random questions. It seems that the matter involves the highest level of Virtual Universe Company.

"I know." Under the black mask, Chen Zong's eyes showed anticipation and asked, "Where are the things I bought?"

Wearing a black mask and black battle armor, Chen Zong controlled the ancient god armor and other colors to change colors before entering the 026 Good Barracks base.

As a treasure at the treasure level, changing the color and armor style is a piece of cake.

The reason for this is because he doesn't want to expose his whereabouts yet.

"Well, here it is." A world ring appeared in the three-eyed man's hand and handed it to Chen Zong.

"Thank you!" Chen Zong said thank you after taking the world ring.


"This is what I want to sell." Chen Zong also took out a large world ring and handed the world ring to the three-eyed man.

After receiving the world ring, the three-eyed man penetrated the immortal power and began to investigate. At the same time, he also recognized the owner of the unidentified world ring.


A detector was thrown in, and manual detection and instrument detection were carried out simultaneously.


As soon as the divine power penetrated, he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge wave in my heart, which could not be calmed down for a while.

"This, this" the three-eyed man looked at Chen Zong, who was wrapped in black armor, and stammered, unable to speak for a while.


The world ring in his hand is almost filled with all kinds of treasures.

This is a large world ring. It is almost full. How many treasures are there and how much is it worth?
  After a while.

He calmed down, looked at Chen Zong, and said respectfully: "Because there are too many goods involved and the volume is too large, I verify that the investigation may take a little longer."

"No hurry." Chen Zong stood there, and at the same time, he also began to check the treasures he purchased.

He didn't buy much, so he found out all at once.


The three-eyed man was still probing.

About half an hour passed.

The instrument detection has long been completed, and the three-eyed man wiped the sweat from his forehead with slightly trembling hands. At this time, he finally completed the detection.


So shocking!

These goods, even at the normal purchase price, are worth about 17 trillion yuan.     17 trillion mixed yuan!
  What is this concept?
  He is a powerful person at the peak of the title of king, and he still occupies a rich position, with a net worth of only more than 30 billion yuan.

at this time.

"The goods are complete." The three-eyed man suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Chen Zong with a smile. "The goods have been delivered and the money has been received, so I won't disturb you."

This business was the largest amount of money he had ever done.

It is even said that the total amount of his previous business was not even one-fifth of what it was this time!

With excitement, the three-eyed man and the others left the island.

On the island, Chen Zong entered the villa, and then entered the world ring where the goods were stored.

This is a small world ring, with no mountains, rivers, etc., just endless prairie.

In the middle of the prairie.

There are 2 nutrition cabins customized according to the size of the sleeping soul slave.

  Chen Zong released the soul slave from the ring in another world, and then the hatch of the nutrition cabin opened.

The power of the invisible world extended out, directly holding the two soul slaves, placing them into the nutrition cabin, and then slowly falling into the nutrition cabin.

"Bit!" Chen Zong pressed the button gently.


The transparent hatch on the surface of the nutrition cabin automatically closed, and at the same time, a large amount of liquid strange substances began to be automatically placed inside, many of which were ground and melted into some liquid.

Among them, the most expensive one is the "Three Forbidden Boluo Ye", which is worth more than 500 billion Hunyuan units.

"Chichichi~~" The liquid enveloped them, and the mysterious power began to merge into their bodies. Then the liquid began to roll faintly, and bubbles appeared one by one.

It will take some time for them to wake up.

Chen Zong then looked at another treasure, which was contained in a special alloy box of one cubic decimeter.

Open the box.

Only grains of silver-white metal particles as fine as sand were seen, which did not completely fill the box.

"Ha, what a treasure!" Chen Zong smiled.

This silver-white metal particle is a Kasuo weapon, made of a strange metal called Kasuo.

Kaso metal is a strange metal named after its discoverer.

This kind of metal has a strong destructive effect on the immortal divine body. If a "Kasuo dagger" made entirely of Kasuo metal is pierced into the body of an extremely powerful person, the body of the extremely powerful person will instantly collapse and die.

Just this less than one cubic decimeter of Kasuo metal particles cost Chen Zong 1 trillion points.


When Chen Zong killed those foreign kings, he turned on the synchronous transmission. Only in this way could he obtain a large number of military merits, which were converted into points of the Virtual Universe Company, a total of 3 trillion points.

at this time!

  The weak water gushes out and engulfs the metal box, drawing the Kasuo metal particles into the weak water and scattering them.

The space-time vortex paired with Kasuo weapons is a perfect match!
  "The trump card is finally here!" Chen Zong said happily.

And the other side.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The color of the liquid in the cabin was gradually fading. After about three days, Chen Zong clearly felt that his two soul slaves had a slight fluctuation in consciousness.

Once there is a fluctuation in consciousness, it will be quick.

Only an hour later, the consciousness of the two soul slaves was completely restored.

The liquid in the nutrition cabin instantly became completely clear, and the strange substances were completely swallowed up.

"I've met the master!" They exited the nutrition cabin and saluted Chen Zong respectfully.

"Well, what are your names?" Chen Zong asked.

"Master, I am King Burning Heart." The soul slave with a light blue crystal divine body and a dark blue rhombus crystal between his eyebrows said respectfully.

"Master, I am the Dark Scale King." The soul slave, who was covered in black scales and had black horns with golden lines on both sides of his forehead, said respectfully.

"Yes!" Chen Zong nodded, and then he released the Withered Blood King, "You three, recover from your injuries here first."

"Yes, Master!" King Burning Heart, Dark Scale King, and Withered Blood King bowed and responded.

Chen Zong came out of the world ring.

"It's time to complete the system mission!" Looking into the distance, Chen Zong's eyes showed fighting intent.

(End of this chapter)

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