Chapter 221 Battle?
  Chaos City.

In the gray sky, a space crack was closed by the rules of the universe, and in the distance, a new space crack appeared.

The golden thread-like secret pattern shone with an intoxicating light.

There were many ascetics sitting cross-legged on the rooftop. Some lowered their heads and were lost in thought, some raised their heads and frowned, and some looked at the dozens of new little guys on the road leading to the city lord's palace, with the corners of their mouths raised.

"The messenger on the 11th seems to be the little guys from the virtual universe."

"Hey, those eighteen red-haired little guys, why do I feel like I've seen them before somewhere? They look familiar?"

"Does it look familiar to you? It's strange, it looks familiar to me too!"

"Don't you think they look a lot like King Hanhai?"

"King Hanhai?"

"Hiss, it seems to be true!"

"Could it be that they are the same clan as King Hanhai?"

Many cultivators communicated with each other, showing surprise in their eyes, and were quite interested in Chen Gusi and the others.

"Let me tell you the benefits of the Chaos Monument first. You choose the Chaos Monument first, and then I will take you to understand the corresponding Chaos Monument." In the passage of the City Lord's Mansion, the messenger in black said with a smile.

"Yes!" The cosmic-level little guys bowed and responded.

  Everyone dispersed, looking for a Chaos Monument that suited them.

"Brother, which Chaos Monument did you choose?" Chen Guya, who was wearing a black suit and carrying two daggers on his back, asked.

"Giant Ax Chaos Monument, what about you?" Chen Gusi looked at Chen Guya.

"Heart-scarred Chaos Monument!" Chen Guya smiled, "I like knives, and this Heart-scarred Chaos Monument is just right for me."

"Let's go and pick up the envoy." Chen Gusi nodded, leading the brothers who had already selected the Chaos Monument, and walked towards the envoy in black.

Before they chose the Chaos Monument, Chen Zong gave some suggestions based on their characteristics.

But it's just a suggestion.

Which Chaos Monument they will ultimately choose is up to them.

after all.

They are no longer three-year-old children and have the ability to choose a future for themselves.


Everyone selected the Chaos Monument and was led to the secret room of the Chaos Monument in batches by the envoy.

"It seems familiar." In front of the secret room of the Giant Ax Chaos Monument, Candli looked at Chen Gusi and thought of Chen Zong, so he separated his consciousness and logged into the virtual universe to check.

Chen Gusi, ninth level cosmic level, core member of the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth, is the son of King Hanhai!

"Turns out to be Chen Zong's son!" Candli was a little surprised, "Well, 18, these 18 blood-haired ones are all Chen Zong's sons!"

When did Chen Zong have a child?
  18 more?
  Candli looked confused. He had never heard Chen Zong talk about it.

He immediately sent an email to Chen Zong to inquire about the situation.


He received a reply.

"It's really true." Candli sighed in his heart. Then, with a few taps of his fingers, several emails were sent out. "I hope they are quick, otherwise, the opportunity will slip away."

Seven days later.

Chen Gusi and the others walked out of the secret room with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go to Father God."


At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, they flew towards the Ancient Shrine according to the route map given by Chen Zong.

When they arrived near the Ancient Shrine, they each found a place to stay.

The depiction on the rooftop of their residence is still very useful to them. It can at least open up some more ideas, so naturally they cannot miss it.

After gathering again, everyone arrived at the entrance of the Ancient Shrine.

The gate of the ancient shrine is open, and looking in from the outside, you can see a stone-carved screen wall.

Stepping directly in, the hidden detection signal from the main entrance of the mansion swept across them, confirming that they had the right to enter, so there was no obstruction.

Ancient shrine, in the courtyard.

"Well, they are here." On the futon, Chen Zong looked towards Shiqiao.

Not a moment.



The children's shouts had reached Chen Zong's ears.

"Here we come." On the futons, Chen Zong waved his hand, and eighteen futons appeared on the high platform. He smiled and waved, "Everyone, please sit down."

"Yes, Father God."

Chen Zong glanced around and found that they had indeed grown a lot compared to before they left him. He nodded and was very satisfied.

Over the years, he has been busy practicing, and even in the virtual universe, he rarely sees children.

In reality, not even once.

"Tell me about your experiences and feelings of traveling through the universe over the years." Chen Zong said.

"Father God, after we left the earth, we went to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire"

"After becoming a space mercenary, I was hired to explore a small secret place."

The children talked to each other happily, while Chen Zong listened silently.

"It's a pity that Luo Hai failed to pass the assessment. Otherwise, we would still be able to come to Chaos City together now." After telling his experience, Chen Gusi sighed.

Chen Zong also sighed.

Luo Hai's talent is indeed not good enough.

Even if Luo Feng becomes the Lord of Hunyuan in the future, Luo Hai has been practicing for countless years, and he is still in the first stage of Void God, equivalent to the True God of Void here.

"Your experience is very rich and exciting." Chen Zong nodded and smiled, "Come, my father has prepared a banquet for you, so relax properly."


Chen Zong sent a message to Luo Feng.

After the banquet was set, Luo Feng also walked in.

"I have met the teacher, fellow juniors." Luo Feng bowed his hands and saluted.

"I've met Senior Brother Luo Feng!" Chen Gusi and the others stood up and saluted Luo Feng respectfully.

in fact.

Chen Zong did not accept his own children as apprentices. Gu Si and Luo Feng regarded them as senior brothers, they just called each other easy.

"Well, sit down!" Chen Zong said.

The banquet officially begins.

As for Hong and Lei Shen, they are currently on a world training mission, so naturally they cannot come to Chaos City to gather.

After the banquet.

They came to the courtyard and sat on the futon.

Immediately, Chen Zong began to lecture.

The complex and mysterious laws and mysteries were easy to understand under Chen Zong's in-depth and simple explanations. Everyone felt as if they were seeing the bright moon through the clouds, and their doubtful eyes gradually disappeared, with smiles on their faces.

"Well, that's the end of today's lecture. You can go back." Chen Zong stopped teaching.

"Yes, Teacher (Father God)!" Luo Feng, Gu Si and the others stood up, saluted and left.

Chen Zong teleported and appeared at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, walking towards the secret room of the Chaos Monument.


He has been recognized by the seven original laws of metal, water, fire, earth, wind, space, and time, and there are still three more to come: wood, thunder, and light.

This time Chen Zong chose the Grandmother's Chaos Monument, intending to understand the law of the origin of wood.

On the rooftop of a residence.

"Well, let's go to the Tongtian Bridge first." On the rooftop, Chen Gusi sat cross-legged, and then his consciousness landed in the virtual universe and entered the Tongtian Bridge plane.

Tongtianqiao plane.

Eighteen figures appeared one after another within five seconds.

"You are here too." Chen Gusi smiled when he saw his brothers.

"Ha, I have been listening to the legend of Father God since I was a child. Now we have the opportunity to try it out. Of course I can't wait." Chen Guyan, dressed in white, laughed.

"Yes!" Others nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." Chen Gusi said.

Oncoming was the guardian Baffin, who introduced Tongtian Bridge to Gusi and others.

"The Giant Ax Tongtian Bridge, the Heart Trace Tongtian Bridge, the Longxing Tongtian Bridge, and the Bingfeng Tongtian Bridge... there is no one inside these Tongtian Bridges, so you can go and break through them." Baffin said.

"Yes." Chen Gusi and the others nodded, and all of a sudden, twelve of the eighteen people flew towards the Tongtian Bridge they wanted to cross.

After a while.

"Huh? They even got through the first floor!" Baffin said in surprise.

Just now, all twelve people who entered Tongtian Bridge passed the first floor.

How can this be?

Baffin looked shocked.

Even among the top 1,000 geniuses in the Genius War, when they first broke through the overpass, except for a few who were able to pass the first level, all others failed.

Could it be that these people are more geniuses than those geniuses?
  He immediately looked at Gusi's information.

"They are all Chen Zong's children!" After seeing the information, Baffin was shocked at first, and then a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "No wonder they can get through the first floor."

Chen Zong's impression on everyone was really profound.

Anyone or anything related to him is not difficult to understand if it is special.

"Shengyan Tongtian Bridge, Grandma Tongtian Bridge... you can also enter these Tongtian Bridges." After receiving the message, Baffin looked at Chen Guya and others and said.


The six people who stayed in the square also flew to their respective Tongtian Bridge.

At this time.

King Jianhuang of the Jiuyu School appeared in the square.

"King Jianhuang!" Baffin saluted respectfully.

"Baffin, it seems that a little guy has chosen our Jiuyu School this time. Show me the video of him breaking through." King Jianhuang looked at Baffin.

Not long ago.

King Jianhuang went to King Zhenyan for a drink, and heard from King Zhenyan that Chen Zong's children had also come to Chaos City, and one of them chose the Jiuyu Chaos Monument.

This made King Jian Huang feel happy.

King Zhenyan took in a talented disciple "Luo Feng" and often showed off in front of them, which made him really envious.

Over the years, he also wanted to recruit a talented disciple. but.

But no one caught his eye!
  But now, with such an opportunity, he immediately rushed to the Tongtianqiao plane to see if Chen Zong's child was also a super genius.

"Yeah." Baffin stretched out his hand a little, and on the virtual screen, Chen Guyan's figure was walking on the Tongtian Bridge, heading towards the second floor.

"Passed the first level!" King Jianhuang said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Baffin nodded, and they all passed the first level. Baffin waved his hand, and 17 more virtual screens appeared.

"This is... he has passed the second level." King Jianhuang looked at Chen Gusi on the Giant Ax Tongtian Bridge, and was very surprised.

Shortly after.

The Tongtianqiao plane welcomed several immortal kings.

"Eighteen, a total of eighteen made it past the third level and were defeated on the fourth level."

"What! Are they the children of King Hanhai?"

"real or fake?"

These immortal kings were shocked.

Chaos City.

"Hey, I only made it past the third floor." On the rooftop, Chen Gusi sighed, "Father God made it through the 12th floor the first time. Compared with Father God, I'm really far behind!"

After contacting the brothers, I also found out that, like myself, they also failed on the fourth floor.

No one has made it past the fourth floor!
  "Practice!" Chen Gusi recovered his mind and started practicing.

Chen Guyan and the others also started practicing.


As soon as they started practicing, they received many emails, many of which expressed their willingness to accept them as disciples.

"King Jianhuang?" Chen Guyan looked at the email he received, "Xiao Yan, check who King Jianhuang is."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Yan, the intelligent assistant, nodded, "I found out that King Jianhuang belongs to the Virtual Universe Company."

"Not bad!" After reading the information from King Jianhuang, Chen Guyan was quite satisfied, "But I'd better ask Father God first."


He received a reply.

"Since God Father thinks it's okay, then it's up to him." Chen Guyan immediately wrote back to King Jianhuang, expressing his agreement to become King Jianhuang's disciple.

Prince Jianhuang's residence.

"I don't know if it can be done!" After sending an email to Chen Guyan, King Jianhuang stood in the courtyard and looked at the sky.


"Master, there is new mail."

"Open it quickly."

"Hahaha." After seeing the content of the email, King Jianhuang laughed, "I have to thank Zhen Yan. If it weren't for his news, where would I have found such an outstanding disciple."

King Zhenyan found Luo Feng, who was enviable for a long time.

Now, King Jianhuang also has a disciple who has the potential to become a king.

If he could only become an immortal lord, this would only be a continuation of the inheritance for King Jianhuang.

Only the disciples of the king are qualified to enter the secret realm with him.

We can help each other!

after all.

The master-disciple relationship is extremely reliable, and one can trust the other person with life and death.

at this time.

In the silent city of Chaos, the arrival of Chen Gusi and the others made it more lively.

Each of them also worships a master of their respective sect as their teacher.

Those sect leaders who were slow to receive the message, or who sent the email late, felt a little regretful.


The matter has been decided, and they have no choice but to watch.

Bauhinia Island.

In the golden palace.

On the lawn, Chen Zong opened his eyes, and two black flames shot out from his pupils, burning through the space and bombarding the ground. The high temperature caused holes in the ground, and many small crystal clear crystals formed in the holes. piece.


The power of the world swept across, the potholes disappeared, and the ground returned to its original state.

"It's done!" Chen Zong was delighted.

Now, he has almost understood the second level and can break through at any time.


There’s no rush yet.

He stood up, walked outside the palace, and then flew to the square in front of the island owner's palace.

As soon as Chen Zong came out, in a black palace opposite his golden palace, a foreigner stood up excitedly and immediately ran towards the mansion.

"Master, master, the master of the human world has gone to the teleportation fountain." Seeing the inheritor of the stele tower clan, the alien said respectfully.

"After hundreds of years, he finally gave up." The inheritor of the Stele Tower Clan smiled, and then he flew out of the palace and flew through the teleportation channel.

en route.

The inheritor of the Beita Clan saw hundreds of inheritors like him, all looking at Chen Zong from a distance.

"Where will he go?"

"It's impossible to go to the treasure land. He can't go to the secret land, right?"

"It would be great if it was a secret place."

"I think he should go to the place of inheritance. He has received the first level of inheritance. Over the past few hundred years, he should have fully understood the first level. Now he is going to accept the second level of inheritance."

As soon as the alien finished speaking, Chen Zong stepped into the fountain heading towards the inheritance place.

"You see, he really went to the place of inheritance."

"The place of inheritance. In other words, he is about to become a second-level inheritor, so can I not invite him to fight?"

"He may not accept your invitation. After all, he has just become a second-level inheritor. If he accepts your invitation, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving away glory points for free?"

"I don't care. Anyway, after he gets promoted, I'll invite him first and then wait until he agrees. After all, such opportunities are really rare."

"Go to Glory World first and see if the list changes."


Aliens have landed in the world of glory.

They took out the black book and turned to the glory ranking list.

"Huh? The human realm master is still on the first level ranking list."

"No, it's not fast. Wait a moment."

"It's changed, it's changed. The human realm master has been promoted to the second level of the rankings, at the very bottom."

"Hahaha, I invited you first!"

Soon, many foreign races directly challenged Chen Zong to fight.

A place of inheritance.

After accepting the second inheritance, Chen Zong left the place of inheritance and returned to the square in front of the island owner's palace.

Seeing hundreds of aliens in the distance, Chen Zong chuckled lightly, flew up, and flew past the eyes of the aliens.

He already knew that the demon race, machine race, and insect race were offering treasures to reward him.

and so.

Needless to say, these aliens who paid attention to him definitely wanted to kill him.


He is not the Luo Feng in the original work. The three clans did not give death orders to their strong men at all.

and so.

These aliens didn't dare to assassinate him on Bauhinia Island, so he dared to fly past the eyes of the aliens so blatantly.

The aliens looked excited, but they did not stop Chen Zong.


Chen Zong returned to the palace, and then he landed in the Glory World.

"Zhu Rong." As soon as he logged in, Chen Zong saw King Chaman and King Lishuo.

"King Chaman, King Lishuo." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to the second level of inheritance." King Chaman congratulated, and then his face darkened and he said, "I just heard that many foreign races were preparing to invite you to fight."

"You must not accept it."

"Once accepted, unless you lose all your glory points, the battle must continue."

"Huh? Is there a foreign race that invites me to fight?" Chen Zong was delighted. He opened the black book and took a look, "Hey, there aren't many!"

"Not many?" King Lishuo was stunned for a moment, "No way. What I heard just now is that more than a thousand aliens have invited you to fight. Are they just joking and not really inviting you to fight?"

"Even if there are not a thousand games, a few hundred games is still a lot."

To know.

They have been on Bauhinia Island for an extremely long time, and the total number of battles they have fought is less than a thousand.

Zhu Rong, on the other hand, received hundreds of invitations when he first came here.

This is rare, but also dangerous.

after all.

As a second-level inheritor who has just been promoted, the probability of losing a battle is very high.

"That's not that few." Chen Zong smiled and shook his head, "Now, the invitation letters I have received have increased by more than a dozen, to more than 5,000."

"Five thousand!" King Chaman and King Lishuo said in shock.

Chen Zong also felt that their shock was normal.

after all.

As humans, those alien races are jealous of humans and don't want to give humans a chance to become stronger, so they rarely challenge humans.

This resulted in King Chaman, King Lishuo and others not receiving many letters of invitation to fight.

But Chen Zong used the invitation letter Luo Feng received in the original work as a standard, which was more than 600,000 yuan, more than a hundred times his own.

Looking towards the black book.

  Or not to fight?


Chen Zong did not hesitate and accepted them all directly!
  (End of this chapter)

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