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Chapter 222 Can’t stay!

Chapter 222 Can’t stay!
  Glory World, in the open square.

In a corner.

"Will the human world master accept our challenge?" A strong man who looks like a barrel and has a circle of green leafy vines around his head said.

He is a relatively rare plant life in the universe, the Naling tribe.

The life forms of the Naling Tribe are not auxiliary plant life like Moyun Vine, which can become stronger through cultivation, but like humans, if they want to become stronger, they must understand the original law.

"Maybe you will be hot-headed and foolishly fight once or twice, but after losing, you will understand the strength of many strong aliens." A strong man with dozens of tentacles on his back said.

"There will definitely be a lot of people asking him to fight this time."

"Although we invite him to fight, he only has three glory points and will lose them all soon. It probably won't be our turn."

"Huh? Hahaha, I won the prize, and the human realm master accepted my invitation to fight!" A strong lizard-like man covered in dark green scales said in surprise.


"You can get at least 1 glory point."

The Naling Tribe strongman and the tentacled strongman looked at him with envy.

They have lost all their glory points several times. Now, if they want to get one, other than inviting a battle, they have to wait 10000 epochs before they can get some again.

In the Glory World, newcomers have 3 glory points.

If you lose all your glory points, you will have to wait for 1 epoch before a new glory point will be born.

If the newly born glory points are lost again, 1 new glory point will be obtained after 1 era.

And if you lose all three times.

The fourth time, it will take 10000 epochs to get 1 more glory point.

Lose all three more times.

Then the seventh time, it will take 1 million epochs to gain 1 more glory point.

Soared in turn.

and so.

Glory points are precious!

Being able to obtain one glory point so easily is simply a blessing that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years!
  "Haha." The strong lizard smiled and accepted the congratulations from his two friends.

The three of them raised their glasses and clinked them.

Just when I was about to drink.

"Hey, the human realm master also accepted my invitation to fight!" The powerful Naling Tribe said happily.

"Mine too!" The tentacle strongman laughed.

"Hahaha, the human realm master only has three glory points, and he just accepted the invitation from the three of us to fight. It seems that our luck is about to turn around!" The lizard powerhouse took a big sip of red wine, and his face was very excited. .

The three of them are members of the Thorn Ring Alliance.

all the time.

Their luck doesn't seem to be very good.

On the entire Bauhinia Island, the three of them were the worst losers!
  Brothers in trouble!

Because of this, and because they belong to the same alliance, the three of them have become extremely good friends.

Just as they were toasting and cheering.

"Ha ha……"

"The human realm master has agreed to fight me."

"You're so lucky. He probably picked the weakest ones, haha. Agreeing to fight you means that you are the weakest in his eyes. Ah - he also challenged me."

"I also received a reply, and he accepted the battle."

In the Glory World, in the open-air square, a large number of strong foreigners were looking through their black books, and they all received replies one by one.


"He's engaged."

"The battle has begun."

"The human realm master has entered the battle."

Surprised sounds came from all over the open square.


The Naling Tribe strongman, the tentacle strongman, and the lizard strongman were stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?
  Not just the three of us?

So how many invitations from inheritors have the human realm masters accepted?
  He only has 3 glory points, is it necessary for him to accept so many invitations to fight?
  Come to have fun?

Not to mention foreigners, even King Chaman and King Lishuo next to Chen Zong looked confused!
  "Zhu Rong, how many invitations have you accepted? Why are there voices everywhere in the square saying that you accepted the invitation?" King Chaman looked at Chen Zong with surprise in his eyes.

He just took a look and saw that there were at least a dozen foreign races in the second level of inheritance, the kind that could rank among the top 100 in the second level ranking list.

Although there are not many inheritors on the second level ranking list.

But there are also more than a million!
  No one who can be ranked in the top 100 is weak.

And Zhu Rong, who had just become a second-level inheritor, how could he be the opponent of those foreign races.

Isn't accepting the invitation to fight from these alien races equivalent to giving away glory points in vain?

"I accepted them all, a total of 6228 games!" A smile appeared on Chen Zong's lips.

"." King Chaman and King Lishuo looked at each other and saw speechlessness in each other's eyes.

"You dare to do this, but because you are sure?" Then, King Li Shuo asked seriously.

Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

"That's good!" The two of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Rong is the only one among the human race who comes here as a realm lord.

He is a super genius among the human race.

They also don't want Zhu Rong to suffer a big fall.

The world of glory, the world of battle.

In the endless desert.

  Chen Zong, who was more than ten meters tall, wearing black armor and dragging the tail of a black flame dragon, appeared out of thin air.

His current virtual body is a divine body with 10 times the power of the Realm Lord.

at this time.

As far as his eyes could see.

A black alien race with a humanoid upper body and a scorpion on the lower body emerged from the desert, swinging its scorpion tail. The dark and sharp tail hook, with the black light shining, was the Hesla tribe in the universe and a member of the Nine Realms Alliance. .


A golden light flashed, and the dark scorpion tail seemed to be dyed with a layer of gold, becoming golden.

"Human Realm Master, how many glory points do you have? Do you dare to make a big bet with me?" The sharp voice of the successor of the Hesla clan stirred up endless sand.

Chen Zong stepped on his right foot, and the sand suddenly stopped in the air, and then returned to the desert.

"Three glory points." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"A big bet?"

"Do you want to bet three points at once?"

"3 points? Haha, not bad, just bet 3 points. What, don't you dare?" The Hesla clan inheritor was in a very happy mood, as if he had obtained 3 points of glory.

"Since you said so, fine, I agree." Chen Zong said.

The successor of Hesla in front of me is ranked extremely low on the second level list.

And although I am ranked last, my true understanding is already infinitely close to the second level of perfection.


Over the years, he has simulated countless opponents in the virtual universe.

He is already extremely familiar with fighting using the fusion laws of fire and air.

The true combat power in the battle world is definitely among the top ten in the dual rankings!
  just now.

The successor of the Hesla tribe wanted to give him 3 glory points, so what reason did he have to refuse?



The number of foreigners who invited him to fight was only a few thousand, which was much less than Luo Feng's hundreds of thousands.

If you want to get more glory points, you can only bet bigger.

"Since you don't agree, then forget it." The successor of the Hesla clan shook his head, then his eyes widened with surprise on his face, "Huh? You agree?"

It was just a casual comment at first, without much hope.

But the human realm master actually agreed.

What a blessing!

Good luck is coming and nothing can stop it!

"Haha, human being, for the sake of giving me 3 glory points, I, 'King Papulos', will give you a piece of advice." The Hesla inheritor smiled, "That is, young people should not be too arrogant!"

"must remember."

"Who can stand out from hundreds of millions of people and come to this Bauhinia Island, who is not a genius?"

"Which one is not a special one?"

"How dare you, a human realm lord, be so trusting? You are really looking for death!"


"Go to hell!"

call out!
  King Papulos was lying on the sand, a terrifying aura suddenly rose into the sky, and a golden beast tail emerged from the golden scorpion tail.

The golden scorpion tail suddenly lengthened, piercing the space and causing the space to tremble.


The wild sand filled the air again, covering the sky!     In the wild sand.

Chen Zong also burned his divine body crazily, and a shadow of the beast god suddenly appeared on his body!
  "hold head high!"

The roar of the dragon shook the wilderness and scattered the wild sand.

The clear blue sky appears again.

Chen Zong stretched out his dragon claw, and poof, a ball of black flames burst out from the dragon claw, and then he grasped it forward, and unexpectedly firmly grasped the golden scorpion tail golden hook that escaped from the void.

Give it a firm grip.

The golden tail hook made a clicking sound, and tiny cracks spread from the grip of the dragon's claws to the surroundings.

King Paplos was shocked!
  He twisted the scorpion's tail crazily, trying to get rid of it.


The whole body also flew towards Chen Zong, and two mountain axes appeared on his hands, and they struck at Chen Zong.


Before his ax hit Chen Zong, Chen Zong's dragon claw used another force and directly crushed the tail hook.

The black flames burned along the scorpion's tail towards King Papulos.


King Papulos screamed.

He made a prompt decision and cut off his own tail.


At this time, Chen Zong's dragon claws had already grabbed King Paplos's hands, then pulled hard and tore King Paplos directly.

Just seconds.

King Paplos was tortured unilaterally, and his divine body was completely annihilated!

"Do not."

King Paplos' eyes were filled with disbelief and anger.

Under the same divine body conditions, he actually lost to a realm master, and he was a realm master who had just become a second-level inheritor.


No matter how unwilling and angry it is, it will not help.

Because, his figure was blurred, disappeared immediately, and was kicked out of the fighting world.

And Chen Zong also started the second battle.

"6 glory points." Chen Zong took advantage of the interval between the two battles to read the black book, and found that the glory points had indeed increased by 3 points.


Still in this desert.

Chen Zong ushered in his second opponent.

win! win! win! win!
  The battle continues.

Chen Zong always wins!

In less than a cup of tea, Chen Zong has already won more than fifty victories.

56 wins and 0 losses!
  at this time.

Chen Zong's battle is still going on.

But there was an explosion in the open square of Glory World.

There are at least nearly 100 million inheritors from all over the universe. At this time, their consciousness is connected to the Glory World, because they have received the news. The human world master has begun to continue to challenge.

"What, you actually lost to the human realm lord?"

"You are a second-level inheritor, but you are at the upper-middle level. How could you lose to the human realm master?"

"A bunch of trash."

"Heh, it's interesting. I'll invite you to fight too."

"Since you have invited me to fight, I can't fall behind."

Those inheritors of alien races who lost were also ridiculed by other inheritors in their respective circles of influence.

Even though he was laughing.

But other inheritors also became wary, because they knew the strength of their partners.

of course.

There are also several people in the top ten who can't sit still when they see Chen Zong's winning streak.

They all sent letters of invitation to Chen Zong one after another!

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, about 11 hours have passed since Chen Zong's first battle.

And he also fought 1000 times in a row!
  999 wins and 1 loss.

In the defeat, Chen Zong faced off against a foreign race ranked third in the dual rankings, and lost 3 glory point.

in fact.

During the first hundred games, the average bet was 3 points.

And after his reputation is established, the aliens who will fight later will basically choose 1 point of glory.

just now.

Chen Zong's glory points have reached 1260.

The number of foreigners who invited him to fight increased in the few hours after the battle began.

In addition to the 1000 games he has already fought, he still needs to fight 7688 more games.


After fighting 1000 games, Chen Zong did not continue to fight, but withdrew from the world of glory and began to summarize and reflect.

Especially the one that failed.

Chen Zong reviewed it carefully, wanting to understand it thoroughly.

The next day, Chen Zong continued to fight.

The next few days.

1000 battles every day, rest after the battle and continue the next day!

Chen Zong accepted the battle while reflecting and summarizing.

at last.

The battle is over!

His glory points also continued to soar at a very rapid rate, reaching 9046 points.

This left countless alien inheritors dumbfounded.

Especially the super high winning rate.

8686 wins and 2 loss.

It even made the hearts of billions of ethnic groups in the universe tremble. The three major ethnic groups, Zerg, Mechanical, and Monster, even increased their bounty rewards.

The territory of the demon clan.

A vast starry sky.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Human Zhu Rong cannot stay!"

The roar that made the entire starry sky tremble vibrated in the space filled with flames as big as stars. In front of the majestic Sirius Palace, the green eyes of the Lord of Sirius were full of crazy killing intent.
  In the void in front of the Tianlang Palace, the huge creeping snake shadow was a little timid in the face of this terrifying murderous intention.

"The threat of human Zhu Rong is no worse than King Hanhai. While he is still the world lord and still on Bauhinia Island, hurry up and make a plan and report it to me. We must seize the time to kill this human being." Lord Tianlang ordered,
  "Yes." The huge snake shadow said respectfully while crawling.

"Go." Two rays of green light suddenly shot out from Lord Tianlang's emerald eyes, falling on the huge snake shadow.


The huge snake shadow was directly moved out of this side of time and space, outside the time and space controlled by Tianlang Palace, and then the huge snake shadow teleported away and disappeared.

Glory World, in the open square.

The inheritors who could not be seen at a glance were divided into many small groups. Each small group seemed to be separated by an intangible but extremely strong barrier, making it difficult for them to integrate together.

But at the moment.

All the small groups are talking about the same person - the human realm master 'Zhurong realm master'.

"Didn't he just get promoted? How can he be so strong?"

"In just a few hundred years, the Zhurong Realm Master has jumped from a first-level inheritor to the top of the second-level inheritors. It is really terrifying!"

"I feel that Zhu Rong Realm Master is not inferior in any way to the human 'King of Hanhai'."

"There is still a gap!"

"You may not know the power of King Hanhai, but I have seen it with my own eyes. It is really terrifying! This Zhurong Realm Master is still far behind!"

Bauhinia Island.

Bauhinia Island, inside Chen Zong's mansion.

It has been a month since I accepted the challenge.

on the lawn.

"Well, it's done!" Chen Zong opened his eyes with joy.

His second level of inheritance has been fully understood.


He is ready to leave the mansion and go to the place of inheritance, ready to accept the third level of inheritance!

At this time.

He suddenly stopped and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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