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Chapter 223 Treasure Tianyuan

Chapter 223 Treasure Tianyuan
  Virtual universe, the highest place on Thunder Island.

Temple of Chaos.

Countless chaotic air currents floated in the palace, covering everything around it as usual.

Only in the center of the hall, where the air flow was thin, could two figures be clearly seen.

"Senior brother, you came to me so urgently, but what happened?" Chen Zong asked doubtfully.

As the most powerful person in the Virtual Universe Company, Brother Chaos is very busy with many things to do.

Now not only do I have time to see myself, but I also seem to be very anxious.

This surprised Chen Zong.

Is there something wrong with the earth?
  Or maybe there is a special opportunity somewhere that requires a super genius like me to take action?

"Junior brother." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong with surprised eyes, "As a Realm Lord, when I go to Bauhinia Island, I can receive thousands of invitations to fight. This is normal."


"What I didn't expect is that out of more than 8000 battles, you only lost 2."

"very good!"

"It's shocking!"

"But it's a big deal!"

"This makes the three tribes, the Zerg, Machine and Monster, go crazy."

"According to intelligence, they have made arrangements for those Universe Venerables who have accepted the inheritance on Bauhinia Island to kill you no matter the cost."

"As soon as you leave the mansion, they will take action."

"And killers are most likely good at soul control."


"Your demon dragon clone needs a soul defense treasure."


"After discussion, the tribe plans to give you a high-level soul treasure. Come to the City Lord's Mansion later and I will hand over the 'Tian Yuan' to you."

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong and sighed slightly in his heart.


He thought that it was a very safe strategy for the junior brother to use the magic dragon clone to go to Bauhinia Island.

But I never expected
  It still caused a commotion!

Genius, no matter where he goes, will become the center of attention!
  "Higher Soul Treasure? Or 'Tian Yuan'?" Now, it was Chen Zong's turn to be surprised.

High-level soul treasures are more valuable than ordinary top-level treasure weapons.

Top-level treasure swords, etc., can usually be obtained with 80 treasure points, while high-level soul-type treasures require at least two to three hundred treasure points.

And Tianyuan is the best of the best among high-level soul treasures, requiring 700 treasure points.

of course.

If it is a "top soul type treasure", its value will be high, completely comparable to the treasures in the fields such as "Thousand Treasure River" and "Jianhe Luo", which generally require thousands of treasure points.

He remembers.

In the original work.

After Luo Feng was assassinated by the most powerful person in the universe, the "Void True Demon", the tribe gave Luo Feng a high-level soul treasure.

And myself.
  You haven't been assassinated yet, no, you are about to be assassinated by the Lord of the Universe, and you have received the gift from the clan?

It’s normal to think about it.

In the human race, if you want to obtain more and better resources, you must show the potential that makes the race willing to pay for it.

And the potential he is showing now has already reached this standard.

He is the seed of the Lord of the Universe!

It is not impossible to protect a future Lord of the Universe, let alone a high-level soul treasure, even a pinnacle treasure.

And this kind of training mechanism is also a spur for geniuses.

in the universe.

Hundreds of millions of people basically cultivate a new generation in this way.

just now.

The ancient god himself possesses the soul treasure "Bronze Mask", but the "Tiantian Suit" is very special and can only be used by the ancient god himself. Therefore, the demon dragon clone lacks a soul treasure.

The clan gave one, which just filled the gap.


Seeing Chen Zong's surprise, the Lord of Chaos City smiled and nodded.

"Thank you clan." Chen Zong bowed and saluted.


He is confident and has a will comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe. Coupled with the "Golden Magical Mountain" in the sea of ​​consciousness, he is not afraid of soul attacks at the level of the Lord of the Universe.


If you add a soul defense treasure, it will be more secure.

By the time.

Even if he really encounters the Demon God of Xu Zhen, he is not afraid.

He was completely able to react before the soul of the Void True Demon God controlled him, escape into the ancient god's space, and escape.

Chaos City.

Chen Zong, who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room of the Primordial Chaos Monument, stood up and then left the secret room.

After chatting with Candli for a few words, he went directly to the inner palace of the city lord.

Inner Mansion, Chaos Ruins.

"Junior brother, you have won more than 90 glory points this time, which can be redeemed for a total of inheritance opportunities. This is enough for you to go very far on the 'Way of the Beast God'."

The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"It's a pity that such an opportunity only comes once." Chen Zong smiled and shook his head. "The next time I advance to the 'Triple Inheritance', this situation should not happen."


"Once is enough!"

"Yeah." Chaos City Lord nodded.


"'Tian Yuan' is inside." He waved his hand, and a special silver-white suitcase was suspended in mid-air.

Chen Zong took the suitcase and put in the world ring.

"Senior brother, junior brother has resigned." Chen Zong cupped his hands and said.

"Go ahead, I'll have someone arrange a spaceship for you." The Lord of Chaos City said.

The Lord of Chaos City didn't know that Chen Zong had the "Ancient God Space".

and so.

In his opinion, Chen Zong could only go to Bauhinia Island and hand over "Tian Yuan" to the demon dragon clone.

Or, the demon dragon can come and get it.

As for the Ancient God Space, Chen Zong didn't want people to know about it yet, so he didn't refuse Senior Brother Chaos's arrangement.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Chen Zong left Chaos Ruins and came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. Then he teleported and appeared above the gate of Chaos City.

There is already a dark war sword spaceship waiting here.

In other words, it was the arrangement of the Lord of Chaos City that allowed the spaceship to be waiting so quickly.


In most cases, people entering and exiting the "initial universe" need to wait.

"King of Hanhai!"

"King of Hanhai!"

The immortals piloting the spaceship saluted Chen Zong respectfully.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you." Chen Zong nodded with a smile and walked in.

Shortly after.

The Zhanjian spaceship arrived at the Virtual Universe Company's universal base camp. Chen Zong flew out of the hatch and then released his Ancient God spacecraft with a wave of his hand.

"Let's go." Chen Zong ordered in the control room.

  The Ancient God spacecraft accelerated and soon entered the dark universe.

after an hour.

There was silence in the vast starry sky, like a dead place.

At this time.

The Ancient God spacecraft pierced the space and suspended in the starry sky. Chen Zong teleported out and took the Ancient God away.

Followed by.

The purple-red nebula emerged from the ancient god's space and directly started the teleportation to the Kingdom of God.

Chen Zong stepped into the transmission channel and disappeared.

Bauhinia Island, in Chen Zong's mansion.

A misty light lit up, and the ancient god himself and Nebula appeared one after another.

The ancient god himself took out the suitcase, placed it on the stone table in the courtyard, and placed his hand on the switch.


With intelligent recognition, the suitcase opens instantly.


A faint ancient smell came from the suitcase.

The ancient god himself looked inside and saw a dark golden disc with a strange monster with six pairs of wings engraved on the surface. The monster's body was covered with countless complex and mysterious treasures, lying quietly inside.

"Is this 'Tian Yuan'?"

He gently stroked the strange monster on the disk with his fingers, tracing the lines and feeling a chill on his fingertips.


The demon dragon clone turned his hand, and a spherical soul-like heavy treasure appeared in his hand.

This is the treasure obtained when killing the alien genius, called "Soul Soul".

The ancient god himself has a "bronze mask", and the "soul-soothing" is naturally used by the demon dragon clone.

Since you want "Tian Yuan", you can only take out "Soul Soul".

after all.

Two soul-type treasures cannot be integrated into the soul.

call out!
  Tianyuan turned into a stream of light and merged into the soul of the demon dragon clone. Suddenly, the soul felt cool and comfortable.

"Now it's time to accept the inheritance!" Both the original and the clone had smiles on their faces.

Bauhinia Island.

Venerable Jueguang of the Kong Wan Clan walked towards Chen Zong's palace with a serious look on his face. Other inheritors stayed far away and showed some respect to Venerable Universe, which is very common.

Normally, he would have enjoyed this common scene.


Now, he couldn't enjoy it anymore.

"Venerable, I am a powerful Universe Venerable. But if I assassinate the human realm lord on Bauhinia Island, I will be annihilated by the Colorful Aurora Lake. Replacing a Universe Venerable with the human realm lord, it can be seen that in the eyes of the ethnic group, in the Zerg Alliance In the eyes, my value is far inferior to that human realm master 'Zhu Rong'."

"The most terrifying thing is that even after the assassination is successful, I still have to act in secret or stay in the Zerg territory. Otherwise, once discovered by the human race, the super beings of the human race will probably kill me to avenge their peerless genius."

"That's ridiculous."

Venerable Jueguang felt a sense of sadness, but facing the Zerg, let alone his powerlessness to resist.

Even his home tribe could not resist the orders of the Zerg.


The Zerg promised that the Zerg Alliance would make up for all his losses.


Just the loss of this clone of the Lord of the Universe and the huge amount of divine power required to restore it again are very costly.

This is not something he can afford.

As for the identity of the inheritor, the opportunity to accept the inheritance is lost.

He has almost given up on the way of the beast god now. If he loses it, he loses it. It’s no big deal.


He arrived at an ancient mansion that looked like a dead tree. It was the mansion of a king inheritor of the Zerg Alliance.

This mansion is only a few thousand kilometers away from Chen Zong's mansion. The door of the palace of the inheritor of the title of king opened, and Venerable Jueguang walked in and walked to the top floor of the mansion.

"The alliance has an order. I will stay with you for the time being, and the news must not be leaked." Looking at the inheritor of the king next to him, Venerable Jueguang said in a message.

"Yes." The inheritor said respectfully, "Sir, I am in the quiet room. If you need anything, please give me instructions directly."

"Well, you go ahead." Venerable Jueguang nodded.

The inheritor left, but only Venerable Jueguang remained on the top floor of the mansion.

He sat cross-legged and looked over the railing at the open space in front of Chen Zong's mansion in the distance.

"I don't know when the human realm master will come out." Venerable Jueguang said secretly.


He perked up.


He saw that the door of the human realm lord's mansion was open, and the human realm lord shrouded in black armor stepped out of the threshold and appeared in the open space.

"Zhu Rong Realm Lord!"

Venerable Jueguang's eyes flashed fiercely, and his murderous intent reached its peak in an instant.

did not expect.

As soon as it came, the opportunity came!
  "You should be proud of sacrificing me, the majestic Venerable of the Universe, just for you as a Realm Master." Venerable Jueguang disappeared in an instant.

The demon dragon clone walked out of the mansion gate.


In front of him, a huge figure carrying a majestic aura appeared out of thin air. It was none other than Lord Jueguang.


The aura on Venerable Jueguang instantly increased a thousand times, causing the surrounding world to tremble.

The divine body is already burning!

The murderous intention soared into the sky!

However, an imaginary divine power instantly penetrated into the mind of the demon dragon clone. With the divine power burning, this imaginary divine power wanted to forcibly control the demon dragon clone.


This virtual power has just entered the mind of the demon dragon clone.

The secret pattern of "Tian Yuan" sitting in the soul lit up, and the shadow of a strange beast with six pairs of wings rushed out of "Tian Yuan" to protect the soul of the demon dragon clone.

Blocked the invasion of virtual divine power.

"Huh?" Venerable Jueguang was surprised, "You actually blocked it?"


He came back to his senses in an instant, and with a thought, a golden wheel-shaped mental weapon appeared out of thin air, and with a swish, turned into twelve scimitars.

The scimitar quickly cut through the space and rushed towards the demon dragon clone.

See this.

The demon dragon clone immediately put away the heavy armor and allowed the scimitar to cut through his body.

There was a bang.

The demonic dragon's clone's physical body turned directly into nothingness.

A dark golden disk, a black armor, and a world ring fell to the open ground with a few clangs.

Seeing the death of the human world lord.

Venerable Jueguang was not happy, but his expression changed.


He felt as if this human realm lord was here specifically to die!

The human realm lord has just gained so many glory points, why is he seeking death?

There is no reason at all!

Since he is not seeking death, there is only one possibility, that is, the human realm master is not dead at all.


The scene before me clearly proves that I have killed the human realm master.

not good!

This human realm master also has the art of clones!
  Venerable Jueguang himself possesses the art of clones, so it is natural to think that human realm masters also have clones.

and so.

The human world master can be so unafraid of death only when he knows that he will not be killed by his soul!

And he actively seeks death!

be cheated!
  Thinking of this, Venerable Jueguang was furious.

This assassination was not considered a failure, but it was not considered a success either.

The compensation provided by the alliance will definitely not be the same as what was previously negotiated, it will definitely be much less.

Definitely not enough to make up for the loss!
  Losing big!
  at this time.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

The colorful aurora fell quickly.

It was like a stream of arrows, even the surrounding space was completely locked, making it too late for the Reverend Jueguang to teleport and escape.

Everything here is within the control of Colorful Aurora Lake.


Many auroras penetrated the divine body of the Reverend Jueguang, like thousands of arrows piercing the body.

Venerable Jueguang's divine body was like a bubble, disappearing most of it in an instant, and then in the blink of an eye, even the little remaining divine body was completely annihilated.

But the colorful aurora flew high into the sky again and merged into the countless auroras.

Everything returned to calm.

far away.

The foreigners who were staring at Chen Zong's mansion were shocked when they saw this scene.


"The human realm master is dead!"

"The Lord Zhurong has been killed!"

"It's the Reverend Awakening of the Zerg Alliance."

"Just die like that?"

"Complete annihilation into nothingness, the dead can no longer die."

The inheritors who watched this scene from a distance were all a little dazed, and each of them immediately began to pass the news to their own forces.

"Hey~, is that a treasure left by humans?"

A foreign race with quick eyes and quick hands appeared in the open space all of a sudden.

On Bauhinia Island, if a certain inheritor is dead, then his treasure is ownerless and can naturally be taken away.


Those aliens who reacted slowly suddenly looked regretful, regretting that they couldn't even pick up treasures.

They knew that Venerable Jueguang was good at soul control.

Since the "golden light wheel" is used to kill the human realm master with force, it means that the soul control has failed. It also means that the human realm master must have a treasure to resist the soul control.

That is
  Among the treasures lying unmoving and within reach, there is probably a soul-like treasure, or even a soul-like treasure!
  And such a treasure actually slipped away from his eyes due to his own negligence.

  I wish I could give myself a mouthful!
  At this time.

The alien who appeared in the clearing had already stretched out his hand to grab the dark golden disk.

"Hahaha, this breath is definitely a treasure."

"Could it be that this treasure is the treasure that Lord Zhurong obtained in the 'Treasure Land'?"

"Ha, what if I let you lure the treasure?"

"Aren't you going to die to enjoy it?"


"It's mine!"


The moment his hand touched the dark golden disk, an invisible force caused the surrounding space to fluctuate and solidify.


"How could this be?"

The foreign race sensed that the space fluctuation was locked, and suddenly let out a shrill scream.

He quickly stopped his hand and flew through the air, trying to escape.


"call out!"

Just a ray of aurora quickly fell from the sky and penetrated his divine body in an instant. Then, his divine body was directly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

The aurora that killed the alien race flew high into the sky again and returned to the endless colorful aurora.


The entire Bauhinia Island was silent!

Seeing this scene, the inheritors instantly understood that the human realm master was still alive.


There is no way that the aliens who touch his treasure will die!

At this time.

Another figure more than ten meters tall walked out of Chen Zong's mansion, it was the demon dragon clone.

I saw the demon dragon clone making a move, and a ray of world power flew out, holding the "Tian Yuan", the heavy treasure armor, and the world ring in the open space in front of him.

Tianyuan merged into his soul again, and the armor wrapped around him again.

Putting on the world ring, the demon dragon clone's scarlet eyes looked coldly at the surrounding aliens.


"The human realm master is actually not dead."

"Clone, he definitely has a clone."

The foreigners who were watching looked shocked. At the same time, they once again sent the latest news back to their respective ethnic groups and forces.

There were also many foreigners, who were secretly happy.

Fortunately, I was a step slow, otherwise, I would have died!

After living for countless years, they have never been as grateful as at this moment that they have a long "reflex arc"!

And in the open space.

Chen Zong looked at the "golden light wheel" in front of him, as well as the mask and armor, and wanted to put them away.


He knew that Venerable Awakening Light also had a clone.

He can't take these things either!

  at this time.

A powerful pressure suddenly came.

I saw a dragon-like body covering tens of thousands of kilometers, with huge wings spread out, and the dragon's head protruding, overlooking the bottom. Immediately, tens of millions of inheritors landed one after another, and they all saluted respectfully: "Island Master."

The visitor is none other than the owner of Bauhinia Island, the guardian beast god!

"Hmph, there was actually a Venerable Universe who assassinated 'Human Zhu Rong' in the important place of our Ancestral God Religion. He was so courageous. He blatantly disobeyed the orders of our Ancestral God Religion and should have fallen forever!" The voice of the Guardian Beast God boomed, "Venerable Jueguang's The other clone will be hunted down by our Ancestral God Sect!"


"After the death of Venerable Jueguang, he was resurrected by reversing time and space, and the pursuit will start again!"

"Till death!"

The endless pressure has turned tens of millions of inheritors into disgrace.

Too cruel!

This is to completely cut off the hope of Venerable Jueguang’s life!

"Zhu Rong." In the sky, the dragon head opened his mouth again, "Come to my palace, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Island Master." The demon dragon clone bowed.

The faces of the aliens became even more exciting when they heard the island owner's words.

What's happening here?
  Is it
  Just like the Insect Chaser King, the human realm master will also receive special treatment from the Ancestral God Religion?

But the Insect King is a unique and special life in the universe, with 5000 times the level of life genes!
  Could this human realm master be as good as the Insect Chaser King?
  Is this possible?
  (End of this chapter)

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