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Chapter 225 The Immortal Emperor’s Clone

Chapter 225 The Immortal Emperor’s Clone
  The mysterious realm of ancestors is vast and endless.

In one of the voids, there is a beautiful fountain out of thin air, sprinkling water in the void, and it starts again and again.


A figure walked out of the spring, it was the demon dragon's clone.

The inheritors are directly transported to the deepest part of the ancestral mysterious realm, which is considered an area with very little danger.

after all.

This is the Ancestral God Sect's special purpose to hone its inheritors.

Of course, wherever there are some cosmic treasures, there are usually dangers.

Beside the spring, the demon dragon clone looked around. Except for the fountain suspended in the void, no guardians or other inheritors were found around it.


The demon dragon clone turns on the micro and large detectors.

The most fundamental purpose of the detector's original design was to penetrate into the secret realm of the universe, not for battlefields outside the territory.

Large detectors are used when rushing in the secret realm of the universe. If you find some distant celestial objects through large detectors, avoid them early.

Regardless of whether there is danger or not, it is the safest way to move forward directly in the void.

The micro detector is used when venturing into certain dangerous places and exploring with caution.


The demon dragon clone turned into a stream of light, flew through the air, and flew in the direction of the faint summons.

In some safe areas, the demon dragon clone directly teleported and accelerated forward.

After staying away from the transmission channel.

The demon dragon clone stopped and immediately escaped into the ancient god's space, and the ancient god himself on Bauhinia Island also escaped into the ancient god's space.

Followed by.

The ancient god himself escaped from the coordinate point of the demon dragon's clone and appeared in the secret realm.

The demon dragon clone did not return to the mansion on Bauhinia Island, but stayed in the ancient god's space.


Chen Zong raised his right hand, and the weak water turned into a blue ribbon, wrapped around his arm.

"The feeling of calling is clearer!" Chen Zong's eyes revealed joy.

"over there."

"Well, this direction is not to the Nine Nether Sea, but to the Five Color Fire Domain." Looking to the upper right and looking at the three-dimensional map projected on his wrist, Chen Zong compared it and determined the direction.

"Weiss, turn on the detector." Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes, Master." Weiss responded.

According to the routes explored by successive generations of inheritors and the detectors, Chen Zong easily avoided every danger along the way.

Bauhinia Island.

In a purple semicircular palace.

Golden light suddenly appeared, and a foreign venerable, five meters tall and with an elephant trunk, wearing gray armor, stepped out of the light.

Just now.

He and several cosmic sages from the demon clan alliance were summoned by the Lord of Heavenly Wolf to go to the Heavenly Wolf Palace.

The purpose is to let them kill the human world lord in the secret place.

The secret land is different from Bauhinia Island. In the secret land, the inheritors can fight each other.

of course.

You can also kill them on Bauhinia Island.

The premise is that you can ignore the pursuit of the Ancestral God Sect!

Powerful men such as Lord Elephant Trunk naturally cannot ignore the Ancestral God Religion, especially with the example of the Zerg Alliance's "Venerable Awakening Light".

"Kill a human realm master's clone once, and the alliance will reward you with an ordinary treasure." A smile appeared on Lord Elephant Trunk's face.

As a venerable person, he only has one treasure on his body, which is still an ordinary treasure.

and so.

He is in great need of a treasure!
  "Well, the human realm master also has a treasure on his body."

"Kill him and you can get his treasure again."

Thinking of this, Lord Xiangbi no longer hesitated and left the mansion directly to go to the teleportation fountain.

When he arrived at the teleportation fountain, he saw a vague figure who had already stepped into the teleportation fountain heading to the "Secret Land".

"It's Lord Shitu."

Venerable Elephant Trunk recognized the figure, it was Venerable Lion Camel with nine lion heads.

"His movements are quite fast." Lord Elephant Trunk smiled.

This Venerable Lion Camel, like him, was also a Venerable who was summoned to the Heavenly Wolf Hall.


Lord Elephant Trunk also stepped into the teleportation fountain.

A secret place.

Lord Elephant Trunk stepped out of the teleportation fountain and looked around. There was no trace of Lord Lion Camel.

"Which direction should we go?" Lord Xiangbi hesitated for a moment, and finally flew towards the Nine Nether Sea.

A secret place.

Chen Zong flew carefully. In front of him was a dangerous quicksand area with a diameter of more than 8000 light-years.

at this time.


Chen Zong could see that a quicksand river with a width of hundreds of millions of kilometers and an unknown starting point swooped down from an altitude of hundreds of millions of miles and hit the dangerous quicksand ground below, making a roaring sound.

"The distance that I can teleport cannot cross the dangerous quicksand area in one go, and I can't take a detour either."

"Because the area next to it is more dangerous than this quicksand."

Chen Zong shook his head. In this dangerous place of quicksand, he could only advance, not retreat.

If it was another secret realm, he could also escape into the ancient god's space, then move the coordinate points and rush on his way.


In this ancestral mysterious realm, it won't work.

after all.

The natural forms in this mysterious ancestral realm are all kinds of strange. Irregular celestial bodies may appear, or a huge landmass may appear, or a huge lake may appear suspended in the void out of thin air.

There may be some islands on the lake, and occasionally some rolling mountains floating in the void, with waterfalls on the mountains.

It looks beautiful and magical, but in fact, danger lurks.

In addition, some void areas are very strange. They seem safe, but are actually extremely dangerous.


In some places, the level of risk changes over time.

If the coordinate points are accidentally moved to these areas, then when Chen Zong comes out, a body will directly die.

Come out once, die once.

Then, the treasure dropped in a dangerous place cannot be retrieved smoothly.

Only after his strength increases to the point where he can ignore the dangers of dangerous places can he be able to retrieve the treasure.

of course.

This is what Chen Zong doesn't want to see.

at this time.

  Chen Zong turned his hand, and the bronze sword appeared in his hand.

According to the information he collected, in addition to natural dangerous areas, there are also countless golden sand beasts living in this dangerous quicksand area.

Every golden sand ferocious beast is no less powerful than King Feng.

There are also dozens of golden sand ferocious beasts with the strength of the Universe Lord.


In the center of the quicksand dangerous area, there is a golden sand beast with the power of the overlord of the universe.


These golden sand beasts have no intelligence, only instinct.


Inheritors, it is difficult to get in, but even harder to get out!

"Weiss, plan a route with the lowest risk based on the information collected." Chen Zong enlarged the three-dimensional map on his wrist and ordered.

"Yes." Weiss began to calculate immediately.

As an intelligent being, Weiss's analytical ability is naturally not weak.


The routes given by the inheritors of the past generations are not complete. Many of them return halfway through the journey.

There are only five routes that completely run through the dangerous quicksand terrain.

But these five routes were all opened by the Universe Venerable, and some of the dangers involved are also very great for the inheritors of the King.

after an hour.

"Master, I have calculated the route, and the degree of danger should be minimal." Weiss's voice sounded.


A red line appeared on the enlarged three-dimensional map on my wrist.

Then zoom in on the red line, which is made up of red dots.

Each red dot represents the teleportation position.

"Weiss, you did a good job." Chen Zong praised.

In the virtual space, hearing Chen Zong's praise, Weiss showed a happy smile on his face.


Chen Zong teleported several times in succession and arrived at the starting point.

Looking at the dangerous quicksand, Chen Zong no longer hesitated and teleported in according to the route planned by Weiss.

  At the edge of the dangerous quicksand, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.


The moment he appeared, he attracted the attention of a giant python with a golden body and a length of hundreds of kilometers that was coiled on the sand dunes.

There was a bang.

The golden python jumped up, its huge mouth opened like a bottomless abyss.


A strong suction force was generated from the snake's mouth, causing Chen Zong's body to be covered in blood-colored battle robes, making hunting noises.

"Hmph!" Chen Zong snorted coldly and slashed out with the sky sword.

A golden solid sword energy instantly sank into the mouth of the golden python. Then, the sword energy penetrated the golden python and bombarded the sand dunes, causing the sand dunes to collapse.

And in mid-air, the golden python that was killing Chen Zong turned into countless fine sand and landed on the sandy ground when the sand dune collapsed.

This golden giant python possesses the peak strength of the King.

But a pity.

It met Chen Zong and was instantly killed.

at this time.

The body of the golden python has completely turned into fine sand, and only the snake's head is still intact.

Immediately, a breeze blew by, and the snake head could no longer hold up and turned into fine sand.


In the middle of the snake head's eyebrows, a golden ball with a diameter of only one meter and covered with golden secret patterns emitted several golden air currents, which caused it to float in the air. Chen Zong opened his right hand, and the power of space wrapped around his palm, grabbing the golden ball.

seal up!
  The golden ball seemed to shrink and fell into Chen Zong's palm.

"Is this the 'Golden Bead'?" Chen Zong looked at the golden ball in his hand, curious.

According to the collected information, after killing the Sands Beast, the Sands Beast will condense into a "golden bead".

This "golden bead" is a special kind of metal. Its texture far exceeds that of G9-level metal. It is a rare metal material.

Keep the "golden beads".

At this time.

The sand trembled, and hundreds of powerful auras came from beneath the sand.

Chen Zong no longer hesitated, used teleportation again, and left here.

After he left, more than a hundred golden pythons rose into the sky, and the surrounding space was directly blocked.

Deep in the dangerous quicksand, Chen Zong's figure appeared, and then disappeared again.

Perform teleportation dozens of times.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise, it would have been dangerous to be entangled by those ferocious golden sand beasts." Chen Zong breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter if there are ten or twenty golden sand ferocious beasts.

But after the number of the Sands ferocious beasts reached hundreds, they seemed to have formed a special formation that could block the space. At this time, the surrounded inheritors could not use teleportation.

Unless you have extremely fast speed, if you want to escape from here, you can only reduce the number of golden sand beasts to less than a hundred.

But the stakes are high.

If the number of ferocious beasts in the Sands increases, there is a high probability that the inheritor will die.

Perform teleportation continuously.

Chen Zong has already crossed most of the dangerous quicksand terrain.

"No, it's a flying golden sand beast." In a dead forest, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then he saw the golden flying eagles hundreds of kilometers high on the dead trees.


From the sky, dozens more golden flying eagles descended.

The number of golden flying eagles here has exceeded one hundred, and more golden flying eagles are coming.

The space has been blocked!

Chen Zong's expression changed, and he quickly adjusted the secret patterns on the "Heaven-Stepping Boots". Suddenly, three birds flapped their wings on the shoes.

  Chen Zong directly turned into a bloody stream of light. The speed was so fast that before hundreds of golden flying eagles could react, they had already passed through the group of flying eagles and disappeared into the sky.


In the dead wood forest, the eagles rise and fall violently, making the golden sand beasts lurking under the gravel outside the dead wood forest tremble.

After escaping from the deadwood forest.

Chen Zong immediately used teleportation and disappeared into the void.


After every teleportation, Chen Zong would encounter dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds of golden sand ferocious beasts. Fortunately, Chen Zong had "Heaven-Stepping Boots" and was extremely fast. He was able to get rid of the golden sand ferocious beasts and successfully cast Teleported away.


He also teleported directly into the sandstorm. This sandstorm was extremely dangerous. In the deep violent place, even the Lord of the Universe was in danger of falling into it.


Chen Zong was not trapped deeply, and he still had the "Ancient Divine Armor" to block the sandstorm.

"We're going out soon." Looking at the three-dimensional image on the wristband, he was already at the other edge of the dangerous quicksand.

  After teleporting twice in a row, Chen Zong finally came out of the dangerous quicksand.

Looking back, I saw that the dangerous quicksand land was filled with dust.

Looking ahead, there is a 3000 light-year-long mountain range. On the mountain range, there are lush virgin jungles, snow-capped mountains, and waterfalls hanging on the cliffs.

The scenery looks picturesque, but there are hundreds of extremely dangerous places recorded inside.

Even if the Universe Venerable falls into these dangerous places, it will be difficult to escape in a short time.


Some cosmic lords have been buried in dangerous places!
  "The components of 'Weak Water' are right behind this mountain range!"

By now, Chen Zong could clearly sense the approximate location of the components.


Chen Zong used both flight and teleportation to head towards the mountains.

After carefully avoiding many dangerous places and spending more than thirty days, Chen Zong finally arrived at the mountain range.

  On a towering mountain peak, a stream of light descended, it was Chen Zong.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Zong looked down, and what he saw was the lake that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"I haven't slacked off in the past three months. Let's take a rest first." Chen Zong found a flat stone platform, sat down cross-legged, looked at the distant waterfall shrouded in the glow, and listened to the rumbling sound of the water. , the whole person relaxed a lot.

three days later.


A pillar of colorful light rushed out from the lake below and shot straight into the sky!

A huge vortex appeared on the surface of the lake. Deep in the vortex, the colors were even more intense.

Chen Zong looked at the five-colored light pillar with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He knew this situation.

"Original treasure!"

"The original treasure was born here!"

"I must be so lucky!"

Chen Zong was delighted, and then turned into a stream of light and flew above the vortex. Looking into the depth of the vortex, he could see five space passages.

A colorful ball exudes, struggling to absorb the original power of the five elements from the origin of the universe flowing out from the space channel.


Chen Zong was slightly startled!
  In my mind, a new task appeared on the panel.

[Mission 3] Defeat the Lord of the Universe who comes to snatch the original treasure.

[Reward] Immortal Emperor Clone

"Is there a Universe Venerable around here?" Chen Zong immediately glanced around but didn't see any.


On the mountain peak where he was originally standing, a figure appeared out of thin air. It was the "Venerable Lion Camel" who came to hunt down the demon dragon's clone.

"Hahaha, although I didn't find the human realm master, I actually met the origin treasure here." Venerable Shituo said excitedly.

Although he is a venerable demon clan, he only owns an ordinary treasured armor.

Everything else is a treasure!

just now.

He is about to have the second treasure!

Venerable Shituo looked at Chen Zong above the colorful vortex, snorted coldly, and moved his claws directly.

"seal up!"



In order to deal with the alien race in front of him as quickly as possible, Venerable Shituo directly used three major tricks at the same time.

Chen Zong, on the other hand, felt that the surrounding space was almost solidified and transformed directly into the true form of the ancient god.

He was already a life at the perfect genetic level, but now the ancient god's true form is more than 90,000 kilometers high.


Feeling "killed", the ancient star between the eyebrows has recovered after more than a hundred years of recovery.


The ancient star collapsed again.

Ancient God Broken Star!

A powerful and unrivaled pressure rose from Chen Zong, directly breaking the "sealing". Under the weakening of the ancient god armor, the "killing" effect on the ancient god Zhen, who was already at the level of a heavy treasure, did not cause much damage. harm.

At this time.

The lion camel venerable had already teleported to Chen Zong, but when he saw that Chen Zong had suddenly risen to a height of more than 90,000 kilometers, and at the same time cracked his "sealing" and "killing", his expression changed drastically!


"Sky Claw!"

Venerable Shituo directly used the pinnacle skill he created.

In an instant, hundreds of sky-covering giant claws pierced the sky and grabbed Chen Zong.

"Endless Sword Sea!"

Chen Zong did not dare to be careless and responded with his strongest move.

The giant claws that covered the sky tore through the endless sword sea, but the power was greatly weakened. The remaining power bombarded Chen Zong, causing some cracks in his ancient god's true body and blood flowing out.

Although bleeding, the injury was not serious.

It's like breaking a capillary.

"Impossible!" Venerable Shituo looked shocked.

His most powerful skill, the Sky-Breaking Claw, was unexpectedly blocked.

  Venerable Shituo directly burned his divine body, and his aura instantly increased a thousand times. His power was so powerful that the surrounding world trembled.

As for Chen Zong, the secret pattern on the boots under his feet flashed, and he escaped tens of millions of kilometers.


He turned around and waved his hand.

Suddenly, a huge golden shelf stood in the void. On the shelf hung a circular golden gong with a diameter of one million kilometers. Next to the golden gong, there was a matching "drum hammer" inserted on the shelf.

The majestic momentum of the golden gong caused the surrounding space to shatter and twist.

"What level of treasure is this?" Venerable Shituo's pupils shrank, his heart skipped a beat, and he panicked.

"Come on!" Chen Zong's voice echoed throughout the world.

On the shelf, the drum hammer turned into a stream of light and flew into Chen Zong's hand.

Chen Zong held the drum hammer, stood in the center of the golden gong, and struck the golden gong hard.

"Heart Sword!"

Chen Zong knew Venerable Shituo and knew that Venerable Shituo possessed the most precious armor, so he could only take action from the soul.

A golden divine dragon flew out of the drum hammer and penetrated into the golden gong.


The back of the golden gong is the side facing the lion camel.

A golden dragon that was hundreds of times larger than the previous golden dragon emerged from the golden gong.

"hold head high!"

The roar of the dragon shook the heaven and the earth!
  Followed by.

The huge golden divine dragon swooped down and rushed towards the lion camel venerable.

Venerable Shituo struggled to burn his divine power and used his Sky-breaking Claw again.


This golden divine dragon was unaffected and penetrated directly into the body of the lion camel master.

  The soul of Venerable Shituo collapsed and was annihilated directly under the golden dragon.

"This is impossible?" The incredible voice of Lord Shitu echoed in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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