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Chapter 226: Fishing for the moon in the well

Chapter 226: Fishing for the moon in the well

Above the giant mountain range, a thunderous gong sounded, which had been sounded since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Under the influence of the gong, the lake below set off huge waves, surrounded by colorful vortexes.

And in the center of the colorful vortex, the colorful ball shook violently, and the speed of absorbing the power of the five elements' origin suddenly increased greatly.

all of a sudden.

The colorful ball, which was about to be successfully conceived, was perfectly round at this moment.


The five colors in the colorful ball disappeared in an instant.

The colorful ball turned into a crystal ball like a transparent crystal.

And above the vortex.

Lord Shituo burned his divine body and used the "Heaven-Breaking Claw" to bombard the Yuanchu gong. Hundreds of gongs sounded in succession, almost at the same time, and spread in all directions.


The Yuanchu gong flew backwards under the "Heaven Breaking Claw" and directly pressed against Chen Zong on the back of the Yuanchu gong.

And this moment.

Chen Zong's face turned pale, and the rich and vast aura on his body suddenly dropped.

The blow just now had caused him to collapse.


He was completely powerless, and faced with the Yuanchu Luo that was flying backwards and pressing hard towards him, he had no choice but to avoid it.

At this time.

  A figure wearing a golden imperial robe and covering more than 90,000 kilometers appeared next to Chen Zong, with his right hand stretched out, and an illusory golden palm larger than a golden gong suddenly appeared in the void.

This golden illusory palm pressed on the Yuanchu gong and blocked the flying Yuanchu gong.


With a gentle squeeze of the golden illusory palm, the Yuanchu Gong disappeared out of thin air and appeared in the ancient god's space.

The illusory giant palm also disappeared!
  at this time.

I saw the bright eyes of the man in golden imperial robes standing next to Chen Zong, seeming to reflect the vastness of the galaxy. The stars were swirling around, as if just one glance could make people sink into it.

This figure is Chen Zong’s Immortal Emperor clone!

The clone of the Immortal Emperor is a life at the perfect genetic level. Its strength is not inferior to that of the ancient god himself, but it lacks treasures like the "Tiantian Suit".

  The ancient god stretched out his hand, and the blue ribbon on his arm floated out, and then wrapped around the arm of the Immortal Emperor's clone.


The ancient god himself, who had no fighting power for the time being, escaped directly into the ancient god's space and planned to cultivate for a while.


A stream of light escaped from the space of the ancient gods, flew into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Immortal Emperor's clone, and settled in the soul. This stream of light was the soul-like treasure - Tianyuan.

at this time.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor looked at the body of Venerable Lion Camel that fell from the sky, teleported directly to the body of Venerable Lion Camel, and received it into the space of the ancient gods.

Then he flew towards the colorful vortex, entered the colorful space, and put away the transparent crystal ball.

After the crystal ball was taken away, the entire colorful space shook slightly and was about to close.

Chen Zong escaped from the colorful space and appeared on the lake, looking down at the colorful space.

I saw.

The colorful space gradually blurred, and after a while, it disappeared without a trace.

Chen Zong did not stop and teleported away from here.

After a while.

Several figures with powerful auras appeared above the lake.

"Hey, it's still too late."

"It seems that Venerable Lion Camel is really dead."

"Those who can kill Lord Shitu are no weaker than us. Even if he is still here, we may not be able to take him down."

"What a pity for Venerable Shituo, what a pity for the original treasure!"

"Now that that's the case, I'll leave first."

Before his death, Venerable Shituo sent a message to his friends in the alliance, informing him that there was an origin treasure here. These Venerables from the Monster Alliance rushed over non-stop, but they were still a step too late.

  They left here one after another.

In the vast mountains and snow-capped mountains, a figure nearly two meters high, wearing a golden imperial robe, appeared out of thin air. Standing on the top of the mountain, it was Chen Zong.

At this time.

Another stream of light escaped from the ancient god space and floated in front of Chen Zong. It was a piece of armor with a strange shape. The shoulders of this armor were bulging and covered with secret patterns similar to the legendary unicorn-like monster.

"Golden Lin Divine Emperor Armor." Looking at the battle armor, Chen Zong smiled and said, "Although it is an ordinary treasure, it is better than nothing."


"The name is a bit long, so let's call it 'God Emperor Armor'."


Chen Zong directly put on the God Emperor's armor, and the armor transformed into a golden robe embroidered with unicorn beasts.

"Fortunately, before coming to the 'Secret Land', I collected information about all the foreign sages." Chen Zong sighed in his heart.

After being assassinated.

He then carefully collected information about the foreign sages. Although he could not know their hidden methods, even some public information was better than nothing.

This battle fully demonstrated the importance of information.

If Chen Zong didn't know that Venerable Shituo had the most precious armor, then his last move would definitely be to use the "Endless Sea of ​​Swords".

after all.

This is the only ultimate secret he has created so far.

And through the amplitude of the "Yuanchu Gong", even if the power of the endless sword sea is increased a hundred times, it is difficult to guarantee that it can kill the lion camel master who possesses the most precious armor.

and so.

You can only use the "Heart Sword" that attacks the soul!
  Moreover, the "Heart Sword" is not weak either. After all, it is also a peak secret skill that is close to the ultimate secret skill.

As for the gong in the early Yuan Dynasty.

This is a very special treasure that can amplitude attack power.

According to the information, those below the Master of the Universe can use the Yuanchu Gong to attack, which can increase the attack power by 100 times.

As for the Universe Venerable, the amplitude is only 50 times, and the Universe Overlord is even less, with only 20 times the amplitude.

As for the Lord of the Universe, it is only 5 times the amplitude, or even less!

On the top of the mountain.

Chen Zong recovered his mind and continued to rush towards the weak water parts.

In the ancient god space.

A crystal clear ball was suspended in Chen Zong's palm.

The surrounding space was slightly distorted by the influence of the crystal ball.

"As expected of the 'Space Origin Bead'." Looking at the crystal ball, Chen Zong said happily.

Just now.

He logged into the virtual universe and searched for information about the crystal ball, and found it within a short time.

Although this "Space Origin Bead" was also born in a colorful environment, it is not the "Heart of Space", but another space treasure.

According to the information found, as long as you swallow the "Space Origin Bead", you can increase the origin, enhance the familiarity of the Space Origin Law, and increase the speed of perception.

"What a good thing." Chen Zong smiled and nodded, "Well, let the World Tree clone use it."

The World Tree clone is already good at understanding the original laws of space.

If you swallow the "Space Origin Bead" again, you will be better at it.

The strong are stronger!
  After making a decision, Chen Zong gently held the space origin bead and flew towards the World Tree clone. After contacting the trunk, a small space vortex appeared out of thin air and swallowed the space origin bead.

In the vortex space.

The space origin bead trembled slightly, and then, like a dilapidated house that had gone through countless time, it collapsed and disintegrated, turned into countless dust, merged into the vortex space, and merged into the World Tree clone.


The emerald-like leaves of the World Tree clone automatically rustled in the absence of wind.

A force of space spread over him.

Followed by.

Micro vortices appeared in the surrounding space. A small pebble floating in the void entered one of the micro vortices and escaped from another micro vortex tens of millions of kilometers away.

The ability to control the surrounding time and space is even more powerful!

The World Tree clone also felt that the speed at which he understood the original laws of space was hundreds of times faster than before.


In the Ancient God Space, Chen Zong laughed loudly. The result was simply beyond his expectation.

too strong!
  So cool!
  "It seems that the World Tree clone can first focus all its attention on understanding the original laws of space, and first understand the original laws of space."

"The law of time can be postponed temporarily."

The territory of the demon clan.

Groups of flames of various colors were burning in the void, and in the middle of the flames was the Heavenly Wolf Palace.

"Huh? The Lion Camel is actually dead?" The Lord of Heavenly Wolf frowned when he received the news.

Not long ago.

He sent Venerable Lion Camel to the secret land to hunt down the human realm lord. Before he heard the news of the death of the human realm lord, he received the news of Venerable Lion Camel's death.


Lord Shitu came to his Heavenly Wolf Palace and left traces in this starry sky, which can directly reverse time and space and resurrect him.

If an ordinary powerful king wants to be resurrected, he will basically have to wait for a large-scale resurrection before he can be resurrected.


A powerful person at the Universe Venerable level will basically be resurrected soon after his death.

at this time.

"Hu~hu~hu~huhu~~" Waves of faint roars came from the mouth of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

I saw.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf's huge claws waved forward.


The space, time and space within a certain range around Tianlang Temple began to rewind rapidly, as if a movie was being played in reverse, and it was playing in reverse at an extremely fast speed.

Time quickly goes backwards.

Everything is like an illusion.

  Time that was originally going backwards suddenly stopped, and the surrounding time and space, which was constantly changing backwards and changing, also stopped suddenly.

I saw that in this stopped time and space, Venerable Lion Camel, Venerable Elephant Trunk and many other cosmic venerables were bowing and respectfully listening to the words of Lord Sirius above the high platform.

All this seems very real.

But it is actually false.

Only the Lord of Sirius, who can reverse time and space, is real.

"Lion Camel." The Lord of Heavenly Wolf's eyes fell on Venerable Lion Camel.

"Return to time and space."

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf shouted softly, and an invisible force quickly protected Lord Shitu.


The surrounding space and time that had originally regressed to this moment quickly began to return.

This is the ability of the universe to generate itself and restore itself.

When the Lord of the Universe "reverses time and space", the universe itself will begin to return!

And every time point in "reversing time and space" is everything in the past and should no longer exist in the present. If it is forcibly protected and pulled to the current time and space, it will naturally be counterattacked by the universe.

after all!

Reversing time and space and resurrecting is a violation of the laws of the universe, and will be punished.

But the Lord of the Universe takes the initiative to bear this punishment!

The return of time and space finally stopped, everything returned to normal, and finally returned to the original time and space node.

"Huh? This is the Tianlang Palace?" Venerable Shituo stood in the square in front of the palace, his eyes were confused, his mind was not calm for the moment, and he didn't know the situation in front of him.

"Lion Camel." The voice of Lord Sirius seemed a little weaker than before.

Hearing the voice of the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf, Venerable Shituo was excited and immediately saluted respectfully: "I have seen the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf."

suddenly. Memories from before quickly flooded in, and everything was restored to my mind.

"Ah! I'm actually dead!" There was madness and unwillingness in Venerable Shituo's eyes.


Deep in his eyes, there was still a hint of fear.

He knew that he would die simply.

Unless he can obtain a soul-like treasure, if he meets that opponent again, the result should be the same.

"Lion Tuo, what's going on?" Seeing the Venerable Shi Tuo regaining his memory before his death, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf asked.

Venerable Shituo told what happened.

"So, you didn't find the human realm lord, you didn't kill the human realm lord, and you died in the process of robbing the treasure?" The voice of Lord Sirius contained anger.


The Lord of Sirius cursed angrily.

Venerable Lion Camel lay on the ground, shivering, and none of his nine heads dared to lift up.

"If you kill the human world lord, then I will not only resurrect you for free, but also give you a treasure." Lord Tianlang looked at Lord Shitu coldly, "But now, for the cost of resurrection, you will slowly Give it back to the clan.”

"Yes, Lord of Heavenly Wolf." Venerable Shituo responded respectfully.

"Now, you simulate that opponent." Lord Sirius said.

Venerable Shituo nodded respectfully, and then used his consciousness to simulate the ancient god Chen Zong and the "Gong of the First Yuan Dynasty".

"It's actually a top-notch treasure?" Lord Tianlang was a little surprised and guessed based on the power of the treasure.

"It's still the top treasure I've never seen before!"

Lord Tianlang's vision could not be compared to that of Venerable Shituo. He recognized the quality of Yuanchu Gong at a glance.



"His eyes seem a little familiar to me."

"I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Lord Tianlang looked at the simulated Chen Zong with confusion on his face.

But he just couldn't remember.


Unable to remember, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf stopped thinking about it for the time being. Instead, he snorted coldly, and the lion camel venerable was directly transferred out of this time and space.

After the lion camel Venerable disappeared.

"Mangdang, send his message to the venerables in the 'Secret Land'." The illusory voice of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf echoed in this space and time.

"Yes." Another voice sounded.


The information about the ancient god Chen Zong was known to the venerables of the Monster Alliance in the secret land.

The ancestral mysterious realm, the secret place.

A giant continent with a diameter of more than 6000 light-years is suspended in the void. From a distance, more than % of the continent is burning with blazing fire.

These flames have five colors in total, namely black, gold, green, red, and blue.

If further subdivided, it can also be divided into light blue, light green, etc.
  Looking down from above the Flame Continent, you can see that the flames in some areas are single-color, and there are also multi-color mixtures.

This is the five-color fire domain.

At this time.

After several days of traveling, Chen Zong finally crossed the majestic mountain range and appeared in the void outside the five-color fire domain.

"This five-color fire domain is no less dangerous than the Nine Nether Space and Time."

"According to the information collected, there are at least five top universe overlords living in this fire domain, and each of them has the combat power of the Lord of the Universe."


"As long as you don't disturb them, they won't take the initiative to kill the inheritors who enter the five-color fire domain."


"In this five-color fire domain, apart from these cosmic overlords, the most dangerous thing is actually the environment here."

"Most of the inheritors who died here did not die from fighting each other, but were killed by the weird and unpredictable natural traps."


"Many treasures will be born in the five-color fire domain, so this is also a place that inheritors prefer to come to."

Looking at the five-color fire domain in front of him, Chen Zong went through the information about the five-color fire domain in his mind.

"The components of weak water are in this five-color fire domain."

That feeling is now extremely clear.

"Well, the flames here are lighter in color and safer." Chen Zong teleported directly, entered the five-color fire domain, and landed on a charred rock mountain. His combat boots made a sizzling sound when they touched the rock, as if his combat boots were about to melt. Similar.

In the five-color fire realm.

The darker the flame, the more dangerous it is.

Where the flame color is lighter, the risk is relatively lower.

of course.

This is not absolute.

Because, sometimes, something happens where the flame color is light, and then the color of the flame will change to a darker color, and the danger will suddenly increase.

Some inheritors died because they had no time to escape from the place where the accident occurred.

After entering the five-color fire domain.

Along the way, Chen Zong tried his best to avoid entering places with dark flames and hurried towards his destination.



A roar resounded through the sky, and a strange beast burning with blue flames flapped its wings of blue flames and chased after Chen Zong.

Just now.

Chen Zong flew quickly across its territory, arousing the dissatisfaction of the blue flame beast.

"Huh? They flew past the edge of the territory, and this flame beast actually came after them." Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The color of the flames in the area he is currently in is close to dark flames, which is considered a relatively dangerous area.

In such an area, if there is no route, you must not teleport at will.


You may teleport to extremely dangerous places.

Therefore, you can only rely on flying and wait until you are close to the route before teleporting safely and boldly.

"Phantom Xiaoyao!"

Chen Zong directly used his movement skills. This "Phantom Xiaoyao" had been deduced to the peak level of his secret skill after he made a breakthrough in understanding the laws of space.

Once it is launched, the speed increases instantly.

call out!
  I saw.

Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky in an instant. The blue flame beast could no longer be seen even the taillights of the car.

His primary goal now is to find weak water components, not to fight the blue flame beast.


He could easily kill the blue flame beast, but it wasn't necessary.


This blue flame beast was not worth his effort.


Seeing the target disappearing, the silly blue flame beast roared crazily, then turned around and returned to its lair.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it has been ten days since Chen Zong entered the five-color fire realm.

"We're here, right in front." Chen Zong stopped, but his expression was a little solemn.

In front.

It was a sea of ​​deep blue fire.

"The deep blue sea of ​​fire is a place where even the Lord of the Universe could be defeated. I can't enter this kind of place!"

"Could it be."

"Is this trip in vain?"


Chen Zong shook his head. After spending so much time, he definitely couldn't let it go to waste!

"Try it first to see if you can fish it out."

"Catch the moon from the well!" Chen Zong stretched out his right hand, and a strange force was generated in his palm.

As soon as this strange power appeared, countless golden secret pattern threads suddenly appeared out of thin air. The golden secret pattern threads were intertwined and soon formed a golden well.

The diameter of this golden water well is ten meters, and the well is one meter deep.

The diameter of the wellhead is ten times the depth of the well.

At this time.

Chen Zong looked down at the well. The water at the bottom of the well was also golden.

This "catching the moon from the well" is the only innate secret method of the Immortal Emperor's clone.

I saw.

Chen Zong waved his hand, and the golden well water began to ripple. Then, just like watching a video, the well water turned into a water curtain, and on the water curtain, blazing blue fireworks appeared.

Under the flickering blue fireworks.

He saw a strange piece of broken armor floating in the blue fireworks, a sword broken into several pieces, and next to the sword tip was a blue mountain peak the size of a palm.

"That's it!" Chen Zong was overjoyed when he saw the blue mountain peak.

On the golden water well, Chen Zong reached out directly and grabbed the blue mountain peak in the water curtain.


In the depths of the dark sea of ​​fire, something unexpected happened, the blue flames suddenly shot up, the temperature of the fireworks suddenly increased, the space around the blue mountain peak suddenly distorted, and the space suddenly folded together.

In the dark blue sea of ​​fire, the water curtain in front of Chen Zong suddenly blurred.

The blue mountain peak can no longer be seen clearly!

The outstretched hand increased speed and instantly penetrated the water curtain. Immediately, Chen Zong felt a sense of obstruction.


Chen Zong snorted coldly, the golden secret lines shining in his palms.

Directly break through layers of obstacles.

In the deep blue sea of ​​fire, above the blue mountain peak, suddenly, a giant golden energy palm covered with golden secret patterns protruded from the void, fell from the sky, and shattered the layers of space around the blue mountain peak.

The rising dark blue flames burned the giant golden palm, making the secret patterns on the giant palm tremble, as if it was about to collapse completely.

At this time.

I saw.

A burst of golden light suddenly erupted from the giant golden palm.

The golden light dispersed the dark blue flames.

The golden giant palm took advantage of this opportunity and grabbed the blue mountain peak. Then, the golden giant palm retracted into the void and disappeared.

The blue mountain peak also followed the golden giant palm and disappeared into the deep blue sea of ​​fire.

Dark blue fire overseas.

Chen Zong took back his right hand, which was holding a blue mountain peak.


The golden water well collapsed.

"Hahaha, it worked!" Chen Zong laughed loudly.

I thought.

This time is an experiment and may end in failure.

but now.

Chen Zong discovered that he had underestimated the power of "fishing for the moon in the well".

(End of this chapter)

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