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Chapter 227 Killing Wu Yuyi

Chapter 227 Killing Wu Yuyi
  The secret place, the five-color fire domain.


The weak water wrapped around Chen Zong's arms resonated with the blue mountain peaks.


Chen Zong let go of his hand, and the blue mountain peak suddenly turned into a stream of light and escaped into the weak water.



At this time.

Within the ribbon-like weak water is an ocean with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers. When the blue mountain peak is located in the center of the ocean, the ocean suddenly surges and expands outward.

Deep in the ocean, the whale prison shook its tail, rushed out of the sea, and let out a series of excited shouts.

Shortly after.

Wang Yang stopped expanding. At this time, the diameter of Wang Yang exceeded 10 billion kilometers.

And the color of this vast ocean changed again, from transparent to sea blue.

Looking at the blue mountain peak again, it has grown from the size of a palm to a giant continent with a diameter of more than 10 million kilometers.

On the mainland, there are mountains and rivers.


On the originally bare continent, green plants have grown, including grasslands, primitive jungles, and shrubs.

Seeing this scene, Chen Zong was slightly startled.

Followed by.

A look of joy.

He discovered that Weak Shui transformed from an ordinary treasure into a high-level treasure!

Even the Whale Prison has also evolved and seems to be alive, extremely mysterious.

As soon as he became conscious, the ribbon-like weak water on his arm spread suddenly, suppressing the tens of thousands of kilometers of flames around him, and Chen Zong suddenly felt much cooler.

"Now, the purpose of coming to the secret land has been achieved, and it is time to go back."


"Before that, we can explore the five-color fire domain."

  The weak water contracted, forming a light blue water ball with a diameter of one kilometer, wrapping Chen Zong inside.

The water ball broke through the sea of ​​fire and flew towards the place marked on the map.

Flying and teleportation are equally important.

Shortly after.

Chen Zong put away his weak water.

It consumes so much energy!
  "Well, there is an 'oasis' ahead. Let's go there and have a look." After looking at a green mark on the map, Chen Zong rushed directly towards the green mark.


A small island without flames and full of life appeared in front of Chen Zong.

The longest point of this island is 100 million kilometers, and the width is about 30 million kilometers.

Pass through an invisible membrane and enter the island.

Small islands like this are dotted throughout the Five-Colored Fire Territory. Almost all the inheritors, after arriving in the Five-Colored Fire Territory, place their base camps on these small islands for rest and recuperation.

Chen Zong randomly chose a mountain peak and sat cross-legged.

"Catch the moon in the well!"

He used his innate secret technique here, and what appeared on the water curtain in the well was a dark green sea of ​​fire a hundred billion kilometers away.

This is the farthest distance Chen Zong can detect at present.

of course.

As strength improves, this distance will increase.

On the water curtain, the scenery changed, and Chen Zong searched step by step.


"Not even this!"

"Huh? The alien venerable is the 'Venerable Tuo Ta' of the Monster Alliance!" On the water screen, a bald alien with red horns and blood-red skin was displayed. Chen Zong recognized this His Holiness.

Chen Zong was not worried that he would be discovered.


His "fishing for the moon in the well" will not be at risk of being discovered as long as he does not encounter the Lord of the Universe who controls a certain area of ​​time and space.

After observing for a while, he saw the figure of Venerable Tuo Tat disappearing instantly. It seemed that he teleported away from the green sea of ​​fire.

for the next three months.

Chen Zong traveled through the five-color fire realm, exploring dangerous places.

Apart from picking up a sword that was not even a valuable treasure, there was nothing else to gain.

This sword was left behind by the deceased inheritor.


The previous blue mountain peak should have fallen out after the inheritor died and the world ring was broken.

"It's better to go back. Looking for treasures like this, no matter what year or month it takes to find one, it's not worth it." In a sea of ​​pale golden fire, Chen Zong shook his head.


The demon dragon clone took Nebula and escaped from the ancient god's space.

Nebula started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God, and the Demonic Dragon clone and the Immortal Emperor clone stepped into the teleportation channel together and returned to the mansion on Bauhinia Island.

Bauhinia Island.

As usual, not much has changed.

In the mansion, the Demon Dragon clone, the Immortal Emperor clone, and Nebula stepped out of the Kingdom of God's teleportation channel.

The ancient god himself also escaped from the ancient god's space.

Followed by.

Nebula started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God again, and the ancient god himself entered the teleportation channel and disappeared instantly.

The Demonic Dragon clone and the Immortal Emperor clone were sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, continuing to understand the law of fusion.

Human territory.

Chen Zong appeared in the starry sky and waved his hand.

  The Ancient God spacecraft appeared out of thin air.

Chen Zong teleported into the spaceship.

"Wes, go to Chaos City."

"Yes, Master."

This starry sky is very close to the base camp of Virtual Universe Company. The Ancient God spacecraft is speeding in the dark universe at 91 times the speed of light. It only takes about an hour to arrive.

In the spaceship leisure hall.

Make a pot of hot tea, and the light aroma spreads, making you feel relaxed and happy.

"This time I went to the Ancestral Mystic Realm and gained a lot." Chen Zong said happily.

"In addition to transforming 'Weak Water' into a high-level treasure, more importantly, he also obtained an 'Immortal Emperor Clone', which is the big one."


"The innate secret method of the Immortal Emperor's clone, 'catching the moon from the well', is the 'fusion of water and air'."

“By studying ‘catching the moon from the well’, we can better understand the ‘law of fusion of water and space’.”

"This saves me a lot of trouble!"

Chen Zong smiled and picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and tasted it carefully.

after an hour.

The Ancient God arrived at the base camp of the Virtual Universe Company. Chen Zong took the company's spaceship, entered the initial universe, and arrived at Chaos City.

Time flies.

After Chen Zong returned to Chaos City, ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Virtual universe, ancient god world.

"Thank you, teacher." Luo Feng saluted respectfully in the ancient temple.

"Yeah. Go ahead." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

Luo Feng turned around, walked out of the ancient temple, and then disappeared instantly.

At this time.

The figures of Hong and Lei Shen appeared in the square in front of the ancient temple.

"I've met the teacher!" The two of them greeted Chen Zong respectfully.

"How is it? How many blood crystals have been integrated?" Chen Zong looked at Hong and Lei Shen and asked with a smile.

More than a hundred years ago.

Hong and Lei Shen, on Chen Zong's suggestion, went to the world of Xueluo.

just now.

It's time to report the results.

"Five," Hong said.

"Three." Thor said awkwardly.

"Well, yes, at least they are all blood warriors." Chen Zong nodded with satisfaction, "However, it would be better if we could fuse ten of them and become black warriors."

Although Hong and Lei Shen have high spirits and strong wills, their physical fitness is poor.

At the current stage, being able to become a blood warrior is already considered very good.


Hong and Lei Shen had a flash of light in their eyes.

After learning about the Dark Warrior from their teacher, their goal is to become the Dark Warrior.


In order to be able to fuse more Blood Crystals, they stayed in the ruins of the ancient gods in the Blood Continent for a full hundred years to improve their bodies' adaptability to the Blood Crystals.

But a pity.

It’s still far from ten!


Chen Zong guided the two of them in their cultivation, and then they left the Ancient God Realm.

More than ten years have passed.

Chaos City, Ancient Shrine.

"My father is very satisfied with your performance." Chen Zong looked at the children in front of him with a satisfied smile on his face. Children, we have made great progress in the 30 years in Chaos City.

They had at least passed through the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge.


The eldest, Chen Gusi, and the second, Chen Guyan, made it past the 6th floor.

Each of them, if in a normal genius battle, would be a super genius who could win first place.

And all of a sudden, there were 18.

This shocked countless people.

Hearing Chen Zong's praise, Chen Gusi and others showed smiles on their faces.

After a while.

They left the Ancient Palace, Chaos City, the Initial Universe, and embarked on a spaceship heading to the secret realm of the end of the world.

Time is like running water.

It has been about 800 years since Chen Zong returned to Chaos City (more than 2000 years have passed in the original universe)

these years.

Chen Zong has been recognized by the ten original laws.


In "Seven Kills of the Beast God", Chen Zong also completely mastered the first three chapters, and the demon dragon clone on Bauhinia Island also understood the third level of inheritance, and also took a big step in the fourth level of inheritance. .

The clone of the Immortal Emperor has actually reached the level of 'triple inheritance' in the fusion of water and air.

Although I have just arrived, this is an exaggeration.

after all.

The beast god inheritance order obtained by Chen Zong is the fire and sky beast god inheritance order. He can only accept the corresponding beast god inheritance, but cannot accept the inheritance of water, air, gold and sky.


This may have something to do with the secret talent method of "catching the moon from the well"!
  If it weren't for this innate secret method, it might be at most a 'second-level inheritance'.

And Luo Feng.

In these years, he finally successfully cultivated the first "Scale Armor Chapter" of "Seven Kills of the Beast God".


He also successfully broke through the Domain Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, which attracted countless strong people to marvel.


After breaking through the original Tongtian Mountain, he was immediately promoted to the realm master and became a core member of the original secret realm realm master.

And Hong, Thunder God.

They are already domain lord-level core members of the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth. They have now been dispatched to the Savage Universe Country and the Ancient Lun Universe Country and have become high-ranking members.

And Chen Zong’s children.

Their performance was also very outstanding, and they all advanced to the Domain Lord level.

among them.

Chen Gusi and Chen Guyan have become the core members of the original secret realm, and the other sixteen people are all core members of the Taichu secret realm.

Naturally, they were also dispatched to various cosmic countries to serve as frontier officials.

For a while.

This has also become a beautiful story that countless people talk about.

Chaos City, Ancient Shrine.

In the main hall.

"Disciple, you have been promoted to the realm master now. Life and death training is indispensable." Chen Zong sat on the throne and looked at Luo Feng, "Do you choose to go to the 'outside battlefield' or the 'cosmic secret realm'?"

"Teacher, I plan to go to the 'outside battlefield'." Luo Feng said.

The teacher has created such a great reputation on the battlefield outside the territory. As a disciple of the teacher, how can he fall behind?

and so.

Naturally, he also chose to go to the battlefield outside the territory.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded, "However, after you are promoted to Realm Master, you can stay in Chaos City for another 300 years, so you are not in a hurry to go to the battlefield outside the territory."

"Yes, teacher." Luo Feng responded.

"Well, you are also a World Lord now, and under normal circumstances, World Lords will create their own secret methods. Because other people's secret methods are no longer suitable for them."

"But, you are following the path of the beast god, so you don't need to think about creating secret techniques for the time being."

"The "Seven Kills of the Beast God" created by Herodo is enough for you to use for the time being."


"Over the years, you have only practiced the 'Scale Armor Chapter' and have not practiced the secret combat techniques in 'Seven Kills of the Beast God'."


"What you need to do now is to concentrate on learning Herodo's secret method of fighting, and then rely on this secret method to fight again and again!"

"After you have gone through countless battles, you will gradually feel that Herodo's secret method cannot fully exert your combat effectiveness. Then, at that time, you can start to gradually create your own secret method."


"At that time, based on the "Seven Kills of the Beast God", gradually create a set of secret methods of your own."

"Yes, teacher." Luo Feng responded.

Luo Feng also knew that the path he took was different from that of other world leaders.

What he practices is the "Way of the Beast God" which is many times more difficult than what ordinary people practice. It is ridiculously difficult to create secret techniques, and it is also ridiculously powerful.

and so.

It’s only right to create again when it’s time to create, and everything will fall into place.

No need to deliberately seek first!

No need to seek speed!

At this time.

"This is a standard beast god weapon. It is a psychic weapon suitable for performing the "Seven Kills of the Beast God". It was created by Herodo and is considered to commemorate the 'Beast God'." Chen Zong turned his hands and suddenly said A huge, thick shield appeared in mid-air.

This is a simple shield that is entirely golden, but has some faint bloody secret patterns.

The entire shield is about two meters high and one meter wide. There are some small sculptures of beast gods on the edge of the shield, which are very exquisite.

"You can use it from now on!" Chen Zong controlled the shield and flew in front of Luo Feng.

"Thank you, teacher." Luo Feng said gratefully, stretching out his hands to take the shield.

With this beast god weapon, he can practice the "Seven Kills of the Beast God" more smoothly!
  "Well, you should go back first, practice well, and come to me again before going to the 'outside battlefield'." Chen Zong said.


Luo Feng resigned and left the ancient palace.

After watching Luo Feng leave.

Chen Zong's figure flashed, teleported directly, appeared at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, and headed towards the inner palace of the City Lord's Mansion.

The inner palace of the city lord, Chaos Ruins.

Countless alien corpses piled up into a mountain. Chen Zong crossed the endless distance in a few steps and appeared in front of the Lord of Chaos City.

"I've met senior brother." Chen Zong saluted respectfully.

"Junior brother." The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said, "Well, according to what you said, I do have a treasure suitable for those who practice the 'space and gold' fusion law."


When the Chaos City Lord flipped his hand, the surrounding space shook, and a huge treasure floated in the sky.

This is a very exquisite set of "silver wings". The huge wings, which are about 80 meters high, have caused slight vibrations in the space in mid-air, and every feather on the wings is clearly visible.


Those feathers are made of strange metals, etc., and they are all very sharp.

"Kill Wu Yuyi!" Chen Zong shouted in his heart when he saw this treasure.

The treasure he possesses must be used by himself and cannot be given to Luo Feng.

and so.

He could only come to the Lord of Chaos City and let the Lord of Chaos City think of a solution.


Just like the original work, the Chaos City Lord took out the Wu-Killing Wings.

"It's called the 'Wu-Killing Wing'." Chaos City Lord said, "You can rely on it to fly and escape, and it can also be used to fight. It's flexible and versatile. It's very good. It's very suitable for your disciple 'Luo Feng'."


"I also have a book that uses the 'Killing Wu Wings'. I will give it to you through the virtual universe later."

"Thank you, senior brother." Chen Zong said respectfully.

"You're welcome." The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand, looked at Chen Zong, and said with a smile, "As long as you make up for it in the future. If you can give me a pinnacle treasure in return, senior brother, I will be even happier."

"Hahaha, no problem." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

Chen Zong took the Wu Yuyi and put it away.

As for giving back the pinnacle treasure in the future, it's simple. If you really don't have it, just let Luo Feng come up with it himself.


Chen Zong left Chaos Ruins in a happy mood and returned to the Ancient Palace.

"Now that the ten original laws have been recognized and other things have been basically arranged, it is time to continue to deduce the secret knowledge." Chen Zong was thinking on the futon in the courtyard.

The system task is to break through the 21st floor of Tongtian Bridge during the World Lord Period.

He can only comprehend as much as possible regarding the original laws of space and time.


After the World Tree clone was integrated into the "Space Origin Bead", it has made great progress in understanding the origin laws of space.

He has understood the three great secrets of the original laws of space.


There has also been some progress in integrating the three major secret arts.

This actually gave him hope of success!

In addition to the laws, if you want to pass the 21st floor of the Tongtian Bridge, if you cannot reach the venerable level in terms of law understanding, you can also make up for it through unique skills and amplitude.

and so.

Over the years, Chen Zong has also been thinking about how to make the "Endless Sword Sea" stronger.

And he also thought of a solution to this problem.

just now.

It’s time to start solving this problem!

(End of this chapter)

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